90 research outputs found

    The gravity dual of supersymmetric gauge theories on a squashed S1Ă—S3S^1 \times S^3

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    We present a new one-parameter family of supersymmetric solutions deforming AdS_5. This is constructed as an asymptotically locally anti de Sitter (AlAdS) solution of five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity, with topology R x R^4 and a non-trivial graviphoton field, and can be uplifted to ten or eleven dimensional supergravities. An analytic continuation of this solution yields the gravity dual to a class of four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories on a curved manifold with topology S^1 x S^3, comprising an SU(2) x U(1)-symmetric squashed three-sphere, with a non-trivial background gauge field coupling to the R-symmetry current. We compute the holographically renormalised on-shell action and interpret it in terms of the Casimir energy of the dual field theory. We also determine the holographic conserved charges of the solution and discuss relations between them.Comment: 57 pages, 5 figures. v4: version published in JHE

    Tri-Sasakian consistent reduction

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    We establish a universal consistent Kaluza-Klein truncation of M-theory based on seven-dimensional tri-Sasakian structure. The four-dimensional truncated theory is an N=4 gauged supergravity with three vector multiplets and a non-abelian gauge group, containing the compact factor SO(3). Consistency follows from the fact that our truncation takes exactly the same form as a left-invariant reduction on a specific coset manifold, and we show that the same holds for the various universal consistent truncations recently put forward in the literature. We describe how the global symmetry group SL(2,R) x SO(6,3) is embedded in the symmetry group E7(7) of maximally supersymmetric reductions, and make the connection with the approach of Exceptional Generalized Geometry. Vacuum AdS4 solutions spontaneously break the amount of supersymmetry from N=4 to N=3,1 or 0, and the spectrum contains massive modes. We find a subtruncation to minimal N=3 gauged supergravity as well as an N=1 subtruncation to the SO(3)-invariant sector. We also show that a reduction on the homogeneous space N^{010} enhances the universal tri-Sasakian truncation with a Betti vector multiplet.Comment: 40 pages main text, 9 pages appendix, 1 figure, 6 tables, v2: JHEP version, added references, minor corrections, changed notation fluctuations in tables 2-

    BPS domain walls in N=4 supergravity and dual flows

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    We establish the conditions for supersymmetric domain wall solutions to N=4 gauged supergravity in five dimensions. These read as BPS first-order equations for the warp factor and the scalar fields, driven by a superpotential and supplemented by a set of constraints that we specify in detail. Then we apply our results to certain consistent truncations of IIB supergravity, thus exploring their dual field theory renormalization group flows. We find a universal flow deforming superconformal theories on D3-branes at Calabi-Yau cones. Moreover, we obtain a superpotential for the solution corresponding to the baryonic branch of the Klebanov-Strassler theory, as well as the superpotential for the flow describing D3 and wrapped D5-branes on the resolved conifold.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure. v2: minor changes, matches published versio

    Localization on Hopf surfaces

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    We discuss localization of the path integral for supersymmetric gauge theories with an R-symmetry on Hermitian four-manifolds. After presenting the localization locus equations for the general case, we focus on backgrounds with S^1 x S^3 topology, admitting two supercharges of opposite R-charge. These are Hopf surfaces, with two complex structure moduli p,q. We compute the localized partition function on such Hopf surfaces, allowing for a very large class of Hermitian metrics, and prove that this is proportional to the supersymmetric index with fugacities p,q. Using zeta function regularisation, we determine the exact proportionality factor, finding that it depends only on p,q, and on the anomaly coefficients a, c of the field theory. This may be interpreted as a supersymmetric Casimir energy, and provides the leading order contribution to the partition function in a large N expansion.Comment: v2: discussion of background reality conditions modified and other minor changes, references added; v3: further minor corrections, version accepted for publication in JHE

    The BPS limit of rotating AdS black hole thermodynamics

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    We consider rotating, electrically charged, supersymmetric AdS black holes in four, five, six and seven dimensions, and provide a derivation of the respective extremization principles stating that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy is the Legendre transform of a homogeneous function of chemical potentials, subject to a complex constraint. Extending a recently proposed BPS limit, we start from finite temperature and reach extremality following a supersymmetric trajectory in the space of complexified solutions. We show that the entropy function is the supergravity on-shell action in this limit. Chemical potentials satisfying the extremization equations also emerge from the complexified solution.Comment: 51 pages; v3: new appendix on Legendre transform of the general entropy function (6.1), matches published versio

    Microscopic origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of supersymmetric AdS5_{\bf 5} black holes

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    We present a holographic derivation of the entropy of supersymmetric asymptotically AdS5_5 black holes. We define a BPS limit of black hole thermodynamics by first focussing on a supersymmetric family of complexified solutions and then reaching extremality. We show that in this limit the black hole entropy is the Legendre transform of the on-shell gravitational action with respect to three chemical potentials subject to a constraint. This constraint follows from supersymmetry and regularity in the Euclidean bulk geometry. Further, we calculate, using localization, the exact partition function of the dual N=1\mathcal{N}=1 SCFT on a twisted S1Ă—S3S^1\times S^3 with complexified chemical potentials obeying this constraint. This defines a generalization of the supersymmetric Casimir energy, whose Legendre transform at large NN exactly reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black hole.Comment: v4: minor changes, version published in JHE

    The large-NN limit of the 4d N=1\mathcal{N}=1 superconformal index

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    We systematically analyze the large-NN limit of the superconformal index of N=1\mathcal{N}=1 superconformal theories having a quiver description. The index of these theories is known in terms of unitary matrix integrals, which we calculate using the recently-developed technique of elliptic extension. This technique allows us to easily evaluate the integral as a sum over saddle points of an effective action in the limit where the rank of the gauge group is infinite. For a generic quiver theory under consideration, we find a special family of saddles whose effective action takes a universal form controlled by the anomaly coefficients of the theory. This family includes the known supersymmetric black hole solution in the holographically dual AdS5_5 theories. We then analyze the index refined by turning on flavor chemical potentials. We show that, for a certain range of chemical potentials, the effective action again takes a universal cubic form that is controlled by the anomaly coefficients of the theory. Finally, we present a large class of solutions to the saddle-point equations which are labelled by group homomorphisms of finite abelian groups of order NN into the torus.Comment: 58 pages; v2: minor changes, published versio
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