274 research outputs found

    Retrobant el sentit humà del paisatge natural

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    En el present article, m'agradaria proposar caminar per un recorregut imaginari de la nostra evolució individual i col·lectiva, per la nostra evolució paisatgística natural i humana. Com a éssers vius, hem observat el paisatge al llarg del temps i sembla que ens hem convençut plenament que hi és per observar-lo des de fora, com a accessori per admirar-lo o transformar-lo sense sentir-nos veritablement com a part integrant. Si no fos així, no s'explicaria la transformació que per l'acció humana s'ha produït i que, a hores d'ara, ens mostra el perill de viure en una espècie d'amnèsia de consciència i de sensibilitat. Sembla que la cosmovisió que altres cultures diferents a la nostra han pogut preservar hagi esdevingut en l'anomenat món desenvolupat una mena d'exotisme espiritual que produeix estranyesa, però al qual es recorre quan la resposta al desequilibri no es troba en la superficialitat i la pressa. Aquesta premissa ja fa molt de temps que, com a éssers humans, la coneixem i ha estat present durant l'evolució de la humanitat en una dimensió indestriable a la naturalesa. L'harmonia dels elements que composen la natura, i consegüentment l'home i la dona, confereix l'equilibri necessari per a la vida i la mort.In this article I would like to propose a trip along an imaginary route of our individual and collective evolution, through our natural landscape and human evolution. As living beings we have observed the landscape over time and we seem to be fully convinced that it is there to be observed from outside, as an accessory to admire or transform it without really feeling part of it. If this were not so it would not be possible to explain the transformation caused by the action of man and which now shows us how dangerous it is to live in a kind of amnesia of consciousness and sensitivity. It seems that the cosmo vision that cultures other than our own have managed to preserve has become, in the socalled developed world, a kind of spiritual exoticism that strikes us as strange but which we resort to when the answer to the disequilibrium cannot be found in hurried superficiality. This premise which we as humans have known for a long time and has been present throughout the evolution of mankind in a dimension that cannot be separated from nature. The harmony of the elements of nature, and consequently man and woman, afford the necessary equilibrium for life and death

    Legislació de cetacis en captivitat

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    The pollutant diethylhexyl phthalate regulates hepatic energy metabolism via species-specific PPARalpha-dependent mechanisms.

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    Background: The modulation of energetic homeostasis by pollutants has recently emerged as a potential contributor to the onset of metabolic disorders. Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is a widely used industrial plasticizer to which humans are widely exposed. Phthalates can activate the three peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor (PPAR) isotypes on cellular models and induce peroxisome proliferation in rodents.Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the systemic and metabolic consequences of DEHP exposure that have remained so far unexplored and to characterize the underlying molecular mechanisms of action.Methods: As a proof of concept and mechanism, genetically engineered mouse models of PPARs were exposed to high doses of DEHP, followed by metabolic and molecular analyses.Results: DEHP-treated mice were protected from diet-induced obesity via PPARalpha-dependent activation of hepatic fatty acid catabolism, whereas the activity of neither PPARbeta nor PPARgamma was affected. However, the lean phenotype observed in response to DEHP in wild-type mice was surprisingly abolished in PPARalpha-humanized mice. These species differences are associated with a different pattern of coregulator recruitment.Conclusion: These results demonstrate that DEHP exerts species-specific metabolic actions that rely to a large extent on PPARalpha signaling and highlight the metabolic importance of the species-specific activation of PPARalpha by xenobiotic compounds. Editor's SummaryDiethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is an industrial plasticizer used in cosmetics, medical devices, food packaging, and other applications. Evidence that DEHP metabolites can activate peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors (PPARs) involved in fatty acid oxidation (PPARalpha and PPARbeta) and adiposite function and insulin resistance (PPARgamma) has raised concerns about potential effects of DEHP on metabolic homeostasis. In rodents, PPARalpha activation also induces hepatic peroxisome proliferation, but this response to PPARalpha activation is not observed in humans. Feige et al. (p. 234) evaluated systemic and metabolic consequences of high-dose oral DEHP in combination with a high-fat diet in wild-type mice and genetically engineered mouse PPAR models. The authors report that mice exposed to DEHP gained less weight than controls, without modifying their feeding behavior; they also exhibited lower triglyceride levels, smaller adipocytes, and improved glucose tolerance compared with controls. These effects, which were observed in mice fed both high-fat and standard diets, appeared to be mediated by PPARalpha-dependent activation of hepatic fatty acid catabolism without apparent involvement of PPARbeta or PPARgamma. However, mouse models that expressed human (versus mouse) PPARalpha tended to gain more weight on a high-fat diet than their DHEP-unexposed counterparts. The authors conclude that findings support species-specific metabolic effects of DEHP mediated by PPARalpha activation

    Hypothalamic endocannabinoids inversely correlate with the development of diet-induced obesity in male and female mice

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    The endocannabinoid (eCB) system regulates energy homeostasis and is linked to obesity development. However, the exact dynamic and regulation of eCBs in the hypothalamus during obesity progression remain incompletely described and understood. Our study examined the time course of responses in two hypothalamic eCBs, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA), in male and female mice during diet-induced obesity and explored the association of eCB levels with changes in brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis and body weight. We fed mice a high-fat diet (HFD), which induced a transient increase (substantial at 7 days) in hypothalamic eCBs, followed by a progressive decrease to basal levels with a long-term HFD. This transient rise at early stages of obesity is considered a physiologic compensatory response to BAT thermogenesis, which is activated by diet surplus. The eCB dynamic was sexually dimorphic: hypothalamic eCBs levels were higher in female mice, who became obese at later time points than males. The hypothalamic eCBs time course positively correlated with thermogenesis activation, but negatively matched body weight, leptinemia, and circulating eCB levels. Increased expression of eCB-synthetizing enzymes accompanied the transient hypothalamic eCB elevation. Icv injection of eCB did not promote BAT thermogenesis; however, administration of thermogenic molecules, such as central leptin or a peripheral β3-adrenoreceptor agonist, induced a significant increase in hypothalamic eCBs, suggesting a directional link from BAT thermogenesis to hypothalamic eCBs. This study contributes to the understanding of hypothalamic regulation of obesity. Keywords: hypothalamus, sexual dimorphism, brown adipose tissu

    Medición y evaluación de los valores que se vehiculan en las campañas de la ONG animalista PETA

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    PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) és la major organització animalista a nivell mundial. En un moment en el qual els drets dels animals s'estan tenint cada vegada més en compte, aquest treball pretén mesurar la càrrega de valors transmesa en els seus anuncis mitjançant un protocol basat en tests de recepció.PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) es la mayor organización animalista a nivel mundial. En un momento en el que los derechos de los animales se están teniendo cada vez más en cuenta, este trabajo pretende medir la carga de valores transmitida en sus anuncios mediante un protocolo basado en tests de recepciónPETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is the largest animal organization in the world. At a time when animal rights are being increasingly taken into account, this work aims to measure the load of values transmitted in their advertisements through a protocol based on reception tests

    Br J Pharmacol

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    Background and Purpose : The enzyme α/β-hydrolase domain containing 6 (ABHD6), a new member of the endocannabinoid system, is a promising therapeutic target against neuronal-related diseases. However, how ABHD6 activity is regulated is not known. ABHD6 coexists in protein complexes with the brain-specific carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C (CPT1C). CPT1C is involved in neuro-metabolic functions, depending on brain malonyl–CoA levels. Our aim was to study CPT1C–ABHD6 interaction and determine whether CPT1C is a key regulator of ABHD6 activity depending on nutritional status. Experimental Approach : Co-immunoprecipitation and FRET assays were used to explore ABHD6 interaction with CPT1C or modified malonyl–CoA-insensitive or C-terminal truncated CPT1C forms. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor-mediated signalling was investigated by determining cAMP levels. A novel highly sensitive fluorescent method was optimized to measure ABHD6 activity in non-neuronal and neuronal cells and in brain tissues from wild-type (WT) and CPT1C–KO mice. Key Results : CPT1C interacted with ABHD6 and negatively regulated its hydrolase activity, thereby regulating 2-AG downstream signalling. Accordingly, brain tissues of CPT1C–KO mice showed increased ABHD6 activity. CPT1C malonyl–CoA sensing was key to the regulatory role on ABHD6 activity and CB1 receptor signalling. Fasting, which attenuates brain malonyl–CoA, significantly increased ABHD6 activity in hypothalamus from WT, but not CPT1C–KO, mice. Conclusions and Implications : Our finding that negative regulation of ABHD6 activity, particularly in the hypothalamus, is sensitive to nutritional status throws new light on the characterization and the importance of the proteins involved as potential targets against diseases affecting the CNS

    Setting the basis of best practices and standards for curation and annotation of logical models in biology

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    International audienceThe fast accumulation of biological data calls for their integration, analysis and exploitation through more systematic approaches. The generation of novel, relevant hypotheses from this enormous quantity of data remains challenging. Logical models have long been used to answer a variety of questions regarding the dynamical behaviours of regulatory networks. As the number of published logical models increases, there is a pressing need for systematic model annotation, referencing and curation in community-supported and standardised formats. This article summarises the key topics and future directions of a meeting entitled ‘Annotation and curation of computational models in biology’, organised as part of the 2019 [BC]2 conference. The purpose of the meeting was to develop and drive forward a plan towards the standardised annotation of logical models, review and connect various ongoing projects of experts from different communities involved in the modelling and annotation of molecular biological entities, interactions, pathways and models. This article defines a roadmap towards the annotation and curation of logical models, including milestones for best practices and minimum standard requirements

    Ghrelin causes a decline in GABA release by reducing fatty acid oxidation in cortex

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    Lipid metabolism, specifically fatty acid oxidation (FAO) mediated by carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) 1A, has been described to be an important actor of ghrelin action in hypothalamus. However, it is not known whether CPT1A and FAO mediate the effect of ghrelin on the cortex. Here, we show that ghrelin produces a differential effect on CPT1 activity and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) metabolism in the hypothalamus and cortex of mice. In the hypothalamus, ghrelin enhances CPT1A activity while GABA transaminase (GABAT) activity, a key enzyme in GABA shunt metabolism, is unaltered. However, in cortex CPT1A activity and GABAT activity are reduced after ghrelin treatment. Furthermore, in primary cortical neurons, ghrelin reduces GABA release through a CPT1A reduction. By using CPT1A floxed mice, we have observed that genetic ablation of CPT1A recapitulates the effect of ghrelin on GABA release in cortical neurons, inducing reductions in mitochondrial oxygen consumption, cell content of citrate and α-ketoglutarate, and GABA shunt enzyme activity. Taken together, these observations indicate that ghrelin-induced changes in CPT1A activity modulate mitochondrial function, yielding changes in GABA metabolism. This evidence suggests that the action of ghrelin on GABA release is region specific within the brain, providing a basis for differential effects of ghrelin in the central nervous system. Keywords: Ghrelin, GABA, Fatty acid oxidation, CPT1A, Cortical neuron

    Aplastic anemia associated with interferon alpha 2a in a patient with chronic hepatitis C virus infection: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia is a common syndrome in patients with bone marrow failure. However, hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia is an immune-mediated disease that does not appear to be caused by any of the known hepatitis viruses including hepatitis C virus. In addition, to the best of our knowledge there are no reported cases of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection developing aplastic anemia associated with pegylated interferon alpha 2a treatment.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 46-year-old Greek man who developed severe aplastic anemia during treatment with pegylated interferon alpha 2a for chronic hepatitis C virus infection. He presented with generalized purpura and bruising, as well as pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. His blood tests showed pancytopenia. He underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation after completing two courses of immunosuppressive therapy with antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporin A.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The combination of a specific environmental precipitant represented by the hepatitis C virus infection, an altered metabolic detoxification pathway due to treatment with pegylated interferon alpha 2a and a facilitating genetic background such as polymorphism in metabolic detoxification pathways and specific human leukocyte antigen genes possibly conspired synergistically in the development of aplastic anemia in this patient. Our case clearly shows that the causative role of pegylated interferon alpha 2a in the development of aplastic anemia must not be ignored.</p