8,714 research outputs found

    Solar Flare Measurements with STIX and MiSolFA

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    Solar flares are the most powerful events in the solar system and the brightest sources of X-rays, often associated with emission of particles reaching the Earth and causing geomagnetic storms, giving problems to communication, airplanes and even black-outs. X-rays emitted by accelerated electrons are the most direct probe of solar flare phenomena. The Micro Solar-Flare Apparatus (MiSolFA) is a proposed compact X-ray detector which will address the two biggest issues in solar flare modeling. Dynamic range limitations prevent simultaneous spectroscopy with a single instrument of all X-ray emitting regions of a flare. In addition, most X-ray observations so far are inconsistent with the high anisotropy predicted by the models usually adopted for solar flares. Operated at the same time as the STIX instrument of the ESA Solar Orbiter mission, at the next solar maximum (2020), they will have the unique opportunity to look at the same flare from two different directions: Solar Orbiter gets very close to the Sun with significant orbital inclination; MiSolFA is in a near-Earth orbit. To solve the cross-calibration problems affecting all previous attempts to combine data from different satellites, MiSolFA will adopt the same photon detectors as STIX, precisely quantifying the anisotropy of the X-ray emission for the first time. By selecting flares whose footpoints (the brightest X-ray sources, at the chromosphere) are occulted by the solar limb for one of the two detectors, the other will be able to study the much fainter coronal emission, obtaining for the first time simultaneous observations of all interesting regions. MiSolFA shall operate on board of a very small satellite, with several launch opportunities, and will rely on moir\'e imaging techniques.Comment: Invited talk, N30-8, Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation session, 2014 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 11 Nov 201

    Measuring X-ray anisotropy in solar flares. Prospective stereoscopic capabilities of STIX and MiSolFA

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    During the next solar maximum, two upcoming space-borne X-ray missions, STIX on board Solar Orbiter and MiSolFA, will perform stereoscopic X-ray observations of solar flares at two different locations: STIX at 0.28 AU (at perihelion) and up to inclinations of ∼25∘\sim25^{\circ}, and MiSolFA in a low-Earth orbit. The combined observations from these cross-calibrated detectors will allow us to infer the electron anisotropy of individual flares confidently for the first time. We simulated both instrumental and physical effects for STIX and MiSolFA including thermal shielding, background and X-ray Compton backscattering (albedo effect) in the solar photosphere. We predict the expected number of observable flares available for stereoscopic measurements during the next solar maximum. We also discuss the range of useful spacecraft observation angles for the challenging case of close-to-isotropic flare anisotropy. The simulated results show that STIX and MiSolFA will be capable of detecting low levels of flare anisotropy, for M1-class or stronger flares, even with a relatively small spacecraft angular separation of 20-30{\deg}. Both instruments will directly measure the flare X-ray anisotropy of about 40 M- and X-class solar flares during the next solar maximum. Near-future stereoscopic observations with Solar Orbiter/STIX and MiSolFA will help distinguishing between competing flare-acceleration mechanisms, and provide essential constraints regarding collisional and non-collisional transport processes occurring in the flaring atmosphere for individual solar flares

    Density-functional Theory for f electron Systems: the {\alpha}-{\gamma} Phase Transition in Cerium

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    The isostructural {\alpha}-{\gamma} phase transition in cerium is analyzed using density-functional theory with different exchange-correlation functionals, in particular the PBE0 hybrid functional and the exact- exchange plus correlation in the random-phase approximation [(EX+cRPA)@PBE0] approach. We show that the Hartree-Fock exchange part of the hybrid functional actuates two distinct solutions at zero temperature that can be associated with the {\alpha} and {\gamma} phases of cerium. However, despite the relatively good structural and magnetic properties, PBE0 predicts the {\gamma} phase to be the stable phase at ambient pressure and zero temperature, in contradiction with low temperature experiments. EX+cRPA reverses the energetic ordering, which emphasizes the importance of correlation for rare- earth systems
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