1,906 research outputs found

    Group-wise 3D registration based templates to study the evolution of ant worker neuroanatomy

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    The evolutionary success of ants and other social insects is considered to be intrinsically linked to division of labor and emergent collective intelligence. The role of the brains of individual ants in generating these processes, however, is poorly understood. One genus of ant of special interest is Pheidole, which includes more than a thousand species, most of which are dimorphic, i.e. their colonies contain two subcastes of workers: minors and majors. Using confocal imaging and manual annotations, it has been demonstrated that minor and major workers of different ages of three species of Pheidole have distinct patterns of brain size and subregion scaling. However, these studies require laborious effort to quantify brain region volumes and are subject to potential bias. To address these issues, we propose a group-wise 3D registration approach to build for the first time bias-free brain atlases of intra- and inter-subcaste individuals and automatize the segmentation of new individuals.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, preprint for conference (not reviewed

    Distributed Generation and Resilience in Power Grids

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    We study the effects of the allocation of distributed generation on the resilience of power grids. We find that an unconstrained allocation and growth of the distributed generation can drive a power grid beyond its design parameters. In order to overcome such a problem, we propose a topological algorithm derived from the field of Complex Networks to allocate distributed generation sources in an existing power grid.Comment: proceedings of Critis 2012 http://critis12.hig.no

    Seven years of marine environmental changes monitoring at coastal OOCS stations (Catalan Sea, NW Mediterranean)

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    Since March 2009 up to the present (more than 7 years now), the Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS; http://www2.ceab.csic.es/ oceans/) remains a witness of persistent marine environmental changes. The OOCS has two fixed observation stations at the head of the Blanes Canyon (200 m depth, 41.66°N; 2.91°E) and at the Blanes bay (20 m depth, 41.67°N; 2.80°E) in the Catalan Sea, NW Mediterranean. At the canyon station, a multi-parametric buoy presently installed delivers high frequency (by 30 min) and multi-parametric oceanographic (i.e. salinity, temperature, chlorophyll, turbidity, as well as light intensity in the PAR range for the upper 50 m depth) and atmospheric (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction and PAR) data. Subsurface photos and videos by an IP high resolution fisheye camera attached to the buoy are also delivered at 4-hour basis. Data and multimedia are transmitted in near real time for public access, via combined GSM/GPRS and 3G connections. At both stations, CTD profiles and water samples (collected for nutrients and picoplankton analyses) are carried out on board a research vessel at fortnightly basis. Numerical simulations along with the time series of in-situ observations show inter-annual seasonality anomalies possibly linked to global environmental changes. The lower-atmosphere and upper-sea environmental time series data collected prove the occurrence of shifting patterns of heat and matter fluxes impacting pelagic and benthic organisms.Peer Reviewe

    Fractional generalization of Fick's law: a microscopic approach

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    In the study of transport in inhomogeneous systems it is common to construct transport equations invoking the inhomogeneous Fick law. The validity of this approach requires that at least two ingredients be present in the system. First, finite characteristic length and time scales associated to the dominant transport process must exist. Secondly, the transport mechanism must satisfy a microscopic symmetry: global reversibility. Global reversibility is often satisfied in nature. However, many complex systems exhibit a lack of finite characteristic scales. In this Letter we show how to construct a generalization of the inhomogeneous Fick law that does not require the existence of characteristic scales while still satisfying global reversibility.Comment: 4 pages. Published versio

    Comparison of Standard and Total Keratometry Astigmatism Measured with three Different Technologies

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    Purpose: To compare the keratometric and total corneal astigmatism measures provided by three different technologies as well as to assess the level of interchangeability among them. Methods: A Prospective, comparative study enrolling 94 eyes from 53 patients (age, 29-77 years) was carried out. All participants were patients with the diagnosis of cataract or patients with a transparent crystalline lens but seeking surgical presbyopia correction. A complete eye examination was performed in all eyes, including corneal analysis with three different devices: IOL-Master 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec), Cassini (i-Optics), and Pentacam (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH). Interchangeability of standard and total keratometric readings (equivalent keratometric readings for Pentacam) and astigmatism measures with these three systems were evaluated with the Bland-Altman analysis. Results: Significantly higher standard and total keratometric readings were obtained with the IOL-Master compared to the other two systems (p<0.001). Likewise, a significantly higher magnitude of standard and total keratometric astigmatism was obtained with the Cassini system (p<0.001). Ranges of the agreement for corneal power measurements between devices varied from 0.58 D to 1.53 D, whereas they ranged from 0.46 D to 1.37 D for standard and total astigmatism measurements. Conclusion: Corneal power and astigmatism measures obtained with IOL-Master 700, Cassini, and Pentacam systems cannot be used interchangeably. The impact of these differences on the refractive predictability achieved with different types of intraocular lenses (IOL) should be evaluated in the future in order to define which is the best corneal evaluation approach for optimizing the IOL power calculations.The author, David P Piñero, has been supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness of Spain within the program Ramón y Cajal, RYC-2016-20471

    Kinetic description of avalanching systems

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    Avalanching systems are treated analytically using the renormalization group (in the self-organized-criticality regime) or mean-field approximation, respectively. The latter describes the state in terms of the mean number of active and passive sites, without addressing the inhomogeneity in their distribution. This paper goes one step further by proposing a kinetic description of avalanching systems making use of the distribution function for clusters of active sites. We illustrate application of the kinetic formalism to a model proposed for the description of the avalanching processes in the reconnecting current sheet of the Earth magnetosphere.Comment: 9 page

    Population-specific signatures of intra-individual mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy and their potential evolutionary advantages

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    Heteroplasmy is the existence of more than one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variant within a cell. The evolutionary mechanisms of heteroplasmy are not fully understood, despite being a very common phenomenon. Here we combined heteroplasmy measurements using high throughput sequencing on green turtles (Chelonia mydas) with simulations to understand how heteroplasmy modulates population diversity across generations and under different demographic scenarios. We found heteroplasmy to be widespread in all individuals analysed, with consistent signal in individuals across time and tissue. Significant shifts in haplotype composition were found from mother to offspring, signalling the effect of the cellular bottleneck during oogenesis as included in the model. Our model of mtDNA inheritance indicated that heteroplasmy favoured the increase of population diversity through time and buffered against population bottlenecks, thus indicating the importance of this phenomenon in species with reduced population sizes and frequent population bottlenecks like marine turtles. Individuals with recent haplotypes showed higher levels of heteroplasmy than the individuals with ancient haplotypes, suggesting a potential advantage of maintaining established copies when new mutations arise. We recommend using heteroplasmy through high throughput sequencing in marine turtles, as well as other wildlife populations, for diversity assessment, population genetics, and mixed stock analysis

    Non-diffusive transport in plasma turbulence: a fractional diffusion approach

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    Numerical evidence of non-diffusive transport in three-dimensional, resistive pressure-gradient-driven plasma turbulence is presented. It is shown that the probability density function (pdf) of test particles' radial displacements is strongly non-Gaussian and exhibits algebraic decaying tails. To model these results we propose a macroscopic transport model for the pdf based on the use of fractional derivatives in space and time, that incorporate in a unified way space-time non-locality (non-Fickian transport), non-Gaussianity, and non-diffusive scaling. The fractional diffusion model reproduces the shape, and space-time scaling of the non-Gaussian pdf of turbulent transport calculations. The model also reproduces the observed super-diffusive scaling

    Continuous Time Random Walks in periodic systems: fluid limit and fractional differential equations on the circle

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    In this article, the continuous time random walk on the circle is studied. We derive the corresponding generalized master equation and discuss the effects of topology, especially important when Levy flights are allowed. Then, we work out the fluid limit equation, formulated in terms of the periodic version of the fractional Riemann-Liouville operators, for which we provide explicit expressions. Finally, we compute the propagator in some simple cases. The analysis presented herein should be relevant when investigating anomalous transport phenomena in systems with periodic dimensions.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. References added. Published versio