534 research outputs found

    The K-loop, a general feature of the Pyrococcus C/D guide RNAs, is an RNA structural motif related to the K-turn

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    The C/D guide RNAs predicted from the genomic sequences of three species of Pyrococcus delineate a family of small non-coding archaeal RNAs involved in the methylation of rRNA and tRNA. The C/D guides assemble into ribonucleoprotein (RNP) that contains the methyltransferase. The protein L7Ae, a key structural component of the RNP, binds to a Kink-turn (K-turn) formed by the C/D motif. The K-turn is a structure that consists of two RNA stems separated by a short asymmetric loop with a characteristic sharp bend (kink) between the two stems. The majority of the pyrococcal C/D guides contain a short 3 nt-spacer between the C′/D′ motifs. We show here that conserved terminal stem–loops formed by the C′/D′ motif of the Pyrococcus C/D RNAs are also L7Ae-binding sites. These stem–loops are related to the K-turn by sequence and structure, but they consist of a single stem closed by a terminal loop. We have named this structure the K-loop. We show that conserved non-canonical base pairs in the stem of the K-loop are necessary for L7Ae binding. For the C/D guides with a 3 nt-spacer we show that the sequence and length is also important. The K-loop could improve the stability of the C/D guide RNAs in Pyrococcal species, which are extreme hyperthermophiles

    Developmental expression of non-coding RNAs in Chlamydia trachomatis during normal and persistent growth

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterium that exhibits a unique biphasic developmental cycle that can be disrupted by growth in the presence of IFN-γ and β-lactams, giving rise to an abnormal growth state termed persistence. Here we have examined the expression of a family of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that are differentially expressed during the developmental cycle and the induction of persistence and reactivation. ncRNAs were initially identified using an intergenic tiling microarray and were confirmed by northern blotting. ncRNAs were mapped, characterized and compared with the previously described chlamydial ncRNAs. The 5′- and 3′-ends of the ncRNAs were determined using an RNA circularization procedure. Promoter predictions indicated that all ncRNAs were expressed from σ66 promoters and eight ncRNAs contained non-templated 3′-poly-A or poly-AG additions. Expression of ncRNAs was studied by northern blotting during (i) the normal developmental cycle, (ii) IFN-γ-induced persistence and (iii) carbenicillin-induced persistence. Differential temporal expression during the developmental cycle was seen for all ncRNAs and distinct differences in expression were seen during IFN-γ and carbenicillin-induced persistence and reactivation. A heterologous co-expression system was used to demonstrate that one of the identified ncRNAs regulated the expression of FtsI by inducing degradation of ftsI mRNA

    The first small-molecule inhibitors of members of the ribonuclease E family

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    The Escherichia coli endoribonuclease RNase E is central to the processing and degradation of all types of RNA and as such is a pleotropic regulator of gene expression. It is essential for growth and was one of the first examples of an endonuclease that can recognise the 5′-monophosphorylated ends of RNA thereby increasing the efficiency of many cleavages. Homologues of RNase E can be found in many bacterial families including important pathogens, but no homologues have been identified in humans or animals. RNase E represents a potential target for the development of new antibiotics to combat the growing number of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics in use currently. Potent small molecule inhibitors that bind the active site of essential enzymes are proving to be a source of potential drug leads and tools to dissect function through chemical genetics. Here we report the use of virtual high-throughput screening to obtain small molecules predicted to bind at sites in the N-terminal catalytic half of RNase E. We show that these compounds are able to bind with specificity and inhibit catalysis of Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNase E and also inhibit the activity of RNase G, a paralogue of RNase E

    Three novel components of the human exosome

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    Contains fulltext : 186951.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The yeast exosome is a complex of 3' --> 5' exoribonucleases. Sequence analysis identified putative human homologues for exosome components, although several were found only as expressed sequence tags. Here we report the cloning of full-length cDNAs, which encode putative human homologues of the Rrp40p, Rrp41p, and Rrp46p components of the exosome. Recombinant proteins were expressed and used to raise rabbit antisera. In Western blotting experiments, these decorated HeLa cell proteins of the predicted sizes. All three human proteins were enriched in the HeLa cells nucleus and nucleolus, but were also clearly detected in the cytoplasm. Size exclusion chromatography revealed that hRrp40p, hRrp41p, and hRrp46p were present in a large complex. This cofractionated with the human homologues of other exosome components, hRrp4p and PM/Scl-100. Anti-PM/Scl-positive patient sera coimmunoprecipitated hRrp40p, hRrp41p, and hRrp46p demonstrating their physical association. The immunoprecipitated complex exhibited 3' --> 5' exoribonuclease activity in vitro. hRrp41p was expressed in yeast and shown to suppress the lethality of genetic depletion of yeast Rrp41p. We conclude that hRrp40p, hRrp41p, and hRrp46p represent novel components of the human exosome complex

    Dynamical Analysis on Gene Activity in the Presence of Repressors and an Interfering Promoter

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    Transcription is regulated through interplay between transcription factors, an RNA polymerase(RNAP), and a promoter. Even for a simple repressive transcription factor that disturbs promoter activity at the initial binding of RNAP, its repression level is not determined solely by the dissociation constant of transcription factor but is sensitive to the time scales of processes in RNAP. We first analyse the promoter activity under strong repression by a slow binding repressor, in which case transcriptions occur in a burst, followed by a long quiescent period while a repressor binds to the operator; the number of transcriptions, the bursting and the quiescent times are estimated by reaction rates. We then examine interference effect from an opposing promoter, using the correlation function of transcription initiations for a single promoter. The interference is shown to de-repress the promoter because RNAP's from the opposing promoter most likely encounter the repressor and remove it in case of strong repression. This de-repression mechanism should be especially prominent for the promoters that facilitate fast formation of open complex with the repressor whose binding rate is slower than about 1/sec. Finally, we discuss possibility of this mechanism for high activity of promoter PR in the hyp-mutant of lambda phage.Comment: supplement is attache

    Troubleshooting coupled in vitro transcription–translation system derived from Escherichia coli cells: synthesis of high-yield fully active proteins

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    Cell-free coupled transcription–translation systems with bacterial lysates are widely used to synthesize recombinant proteins in amounts of several mg per ml. By using reporter green fluorescence protein (GFP) we demonstrate that proteins are synthesized with an unsatisfyingly low-active fraction of (50 ± 20)%. One reason is probably the T7 polymerase used, being up to eight times faster than the intrinsic transcriptase and thus breaking the coupling between transcription and translation in bacterial systems. The active fraction of the synthesized protein was improved by using either a slower T7 transcriptase mutant or lowering the incubation temperature to 20°C. A drop of protein synthesis observed after 7 h incubation time was not due to a shortage of nucleotide triphosphates, but rather to a shortage of amino acids. Accordingly, a second addition of amino acids after 10 h during an incubation at 20°C led to synthesis of up to 4 mg/ml of GFP with virtually 100% activity

    Characterization of the role of ribonucleases in Salmonella small RNA decay

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    In pathogenic bacteria, a large number of sRNAs coordinate adaptation to stress and expression of virulence genes. To better understand the turnover of regulatory sRNAs in the model pathogen, Salmonella typhimurium, we have constructed mutants for several ribonucleases (RNase E, RNase G, RNase III, PNPase) and Poly(A) Polymerase I. The expression profiles of four sRNAs conserved among many enterobacteria, CsrB, CsrC, MicA and SraL, were analysed and the processing and stability of these sRNAs was studied in the constructed strains. The degradosome was a common feature involved in the turnover of these four sRNAs. PAPI-mediated polyadenylation was the major factor governing SraL degradation. RNase III was revealed to strongly affect MicA decay. PNPase was shown to be important in the decay of these four sRNAs. The stability of CsrB and CsrC seemed to be independent of the RNA chaperone, Hfq, whereas the decay of SraL and MicA was Hfq-dependent. Taken together, the results of this study provide initial insight into the mechanisms of sRNA decay in Salmonella, and indicate specific contributions of the RNA decay machinery components to the turnover of individual sRNAs

    The PMC2NT domain of the catalytic exosome subunit Rrp6p provides the interface for binding with its cofactor Rrp47p, a nucleic acid-binding protein

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    The exosome complex is a key component of the cellular RNA surveillance machinery and is required for normal 3′ end processing of many stable RNAs. Exosome activity requires additional factors such as the Ski or TRAMP complexes to activate the complex or facilitate substrate binding. Rrp47p promotes the catalytic activity of the exosome component Rrp6p, but its precise function is unknown. Here we show that recombinant Rrp47p is expressed as an apparently hexameric complex that specifically binds structured nucleic acids. Furthermore, pull-down assays demonstrated that Rrp47p interacts directly with the N-terminal region of Rrp6p that contains the functionally uncharacterized PMC2NT domain. Strains expressing a mutant form of Rrp6p lacking the N-terminal region failed to accumulate Rrp47p at normal levels, exhibited a slow growth phenotype characteristic of rrp47-Δ mutants and showed RNA processing defects consistent with loss of Rrp47p function. These findings suggest Rrp47p promotes Rrp6p activity by facilitating binding via the PMC2NT domain to structural elements within RNA. Notably, characterized Rrp6p substrates such as the 5.8S+30 species are predicted to contain helices at their 3′ termini, while others such as intergenic or antisense cryptic unstable transcripts could potentially form extensive double-stranded molecules with overlapping mRNAs

    Heat Stress Enhances the Accumulation of Polyadenylated Mitochondrial Transcripts in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Background: Polyadenylation of RNA has a decisive influence on RNA stability. Depending on the organisms or subcellular compartment, it either enhances transcript stability or targets RNAs for degradation. In plant mitochondria, polyadenylation promotes RNA degradation, and polyadenylated mitochondrial transcripts are therefore widely considered to be rare and unstable. We followed up a surprising observation that a large number of mitochondrial transcripts are detectable in microarray experiments that used poly(A)-specific RNA probes, and that these transcript levels are significantly enhanced after heat treatment. Methodology/Principal Findings: As the Columbia genome contains a complete set of mitochondrial genes, we had to identify polymorphisms to differentiate between nuclear and mitochondrial copies of a mitochondrial transcript. We found that the affected transcripts were uncapped transcripts of mitochondrial origin, which were polyadenylated at multiple sites within their 39region. Heat-induced enhancement of these transcripts was quickly restored during a short recovery period. Conclusions/Significance: Our results show that polyadenylated transcripts of mitochondrial origin are more stable than previously suggested, and that their steady-state levels can even be significantly enhanced under certain conditions. As many microarrays contain mitochondrial probes, due to the frequent transfer of mitochondrial genes into the genome

    Antisense RNA protects mRNA from RNase E degradation by RNA–RNA duplex formation during phage infection

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    The ecologically important cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus possesses the smallest genome among oxyphototrophs, with a reduced suite of protein regulators and a disproportionately high number of regulatory RNAs. Many of these are asRNAs, raising the question whether they modulate gene expression through the protection of mRNA from RNase E degradation. To address this question, we produced recombinant RNase E from Prochlorococcus sp. MED4, which functions optimally at 12 mM Mg2+, pH 9 and 35°C. RNase E cleavage assays were performed with this recombinant protein to assess enzyme activity in the presence of single- or double-stranded RNA substrates. We found that extraordinarily long asRNAs of 3.5 and 7 kb protect a set of mRNAs from RNase E degradation that accumulate during phage infection. These asRNA–mRNA duplex formations mask single-stranded recognition sites of RNase E, leading to increased stability of the mRNAs. Such interactions directly modulate RNA stability and provide an explanation for enhanced transcript abundance of certain mRNAs during phage infection. Protection from RNase E-triggered RNA decay may constitute a hitherto unknown regulatory function of bacterial cis-asRNAs, impacting gene expression