2,885 research outputs found

    Os rostos de Janus: estratégias de povoamento na mudança da Era no concelho de Monforte

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    Apresentam-se os dados disponíveis sobre os sítios da Idade do Ferro e do período romano republicano existentes no concelho de Monforte, tecendo-se considerações sobre as estratégias de povoamento que os mesmos documentam

    The economic, environmental and strategic value of biomass

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    Biomass based power plants are one of the few renewable energy sources (RES) units that may be used as base load technologies, contributing also to the reduction of external energy dependency and of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The availability, heterogeneity and cost of the resource are however important barriers to the effective development and spread of these technologies. This paper aims to make a contribution to the evaluation of biomass power plants based on dedicated energy crops. The particular case of Portugal is analyzed and the strategic, environmental and economic interest of the project is evaluated under the present RES support schemes. The results suggest that the value of the assumed Feed-in Tariff (FIT) may not be enough to attract private investors’ interest for these projects. The need for the creation of a specific FIT for this kind of biomass is highlighted and may be justified both by the perceived project risk and by the expected strategic and environmental value of these investments.This workwas financed by: the QREN e Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors, the European Union e European Regional Development Fund and National Funds- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under Project FCOMP-01- 0124-FEDER-011377 and Project Pest-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

    The evaluation of biomass power projects

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    Biomass is a renewable energy source attracting increasing attention. At the EU level in the last years a set of activities and programs were implemented in order to support and promote the use of this source of energy. This study addresses the issue of biomass costs for electricity production and the importance of incentives schemes such as feed-in tariff for the economic development of the sector. An economic evaluation of the electricity production from biomass is presented, based on a survey of both financial and social costs applied to the Portuguese case. Economic assessment was carried out by taking into account three types of biomass: energy crops (miscanthus), forestry residues and municipal solid waste. Four set of costs were considered and included: cost of capital, cost of maintenance and operation, fuel costs and external costs.This work was financed by: the QREN – Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors, the European Union – European Regional Development Fund and National Funds- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under Project FCOMP-01- 0124-FEDER-011377 and Project Pest-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

    Produção de memórias falsas: aplicação do paradigma DRM

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    O paradigma DRM, designação proposta a partir dos estudos de Deese (1959) e Roediger e McDermott (1995), é caraterizado pela apresentação de listas de palavras relacionadas com uma outra não apresentada (item crítico), apresentação que conduz o participante à produção de memórias falsas. Esta distorção da memória ocorre tanto em tarefas de recordação livre como em tarefas de reconhecimento. Neste artigo é apresentada uma síntese da investigação sobre memórias falsas realizada através do paradigma DRM. Neste sentido são abordados os seguintes temas: apresentação dos estudos originais que deram origem ao paradigma; metodologia habitualmente utilizada pelos investigadores; variações do paradigma; fatores que afetam as memórias falsas; e teorias explicativas do fenómeno DRM.The Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm (Deese, 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995) is characterized by the presentation of lists of associates of a word that is not itself presented (critical item). For example, participants hear words such as bed, rest, awake, tired, and dream, which are all associates of the critical lure sleep. This memory distortion occurs in both free and in recognition tasks (e.g., the participants recall or recognize sleep as a presented word). This paper presents a synthesis of research on false memories conducted with the DRM paradigm and it covers the following topics: presentation of the original studies that led to the paradigm; methodology commonly used by researchers; procedural and material variations of the paradigm; factors affecting false memories; and theories that explain the DRM phenomenon

    Age differences in the rejection of false memories: The effects of giving warning instructions and slowing the presentation rate

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    [EN]Two experiments were conducted to examine whether children of different ages differ in their ability to reject associative false memories with the Deese–Roediger–McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Two different types of manipulations that are thought to facilitate false memory rejection in adults—slowing the presentation rate and issuing explicit warnings—were analyzed in younger and older children. The results showed that older children were more able than younger children to reject associative false memories through warnings and by slowing the presentation rate. We conclude that although older children are, in general, more prone to produce false memories with the DRM paradigm, they are also more able to reject them when certain conditions facilitate the editing process

    Desarrollo y validación de un modelo multidimensional de la producción ajustada

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    In the last 30 years of research of lean manufacturing many different questionnaires was proposed to check the degree of the use of the concept. The set of the items used changed considerably from one investigation to another one. Until now isn’t appreciate a movement that converge towards the use, by the investigators, of a few instruments whose validity and reliability have been compared in different surroundings. In fact, the majority of investigations are based on ad-hoc questionnaires and a few of them present the questionnaire validation checking only the unidimensionality and -Cronbach. Nevertheless it seems to have a consensus in identifying 5 big constructs that compose the lean manufacturing (TQM, JIT, TPM, supply chain management and high-involvement). Our research has consisted of identifying and summarizing the models that have been published previously to add the items in constructs or sub-scales of constructs. Later we developed an integrating questionnaire, starting off of the items that appeared in previous investigations. Finally we realized the sub-scales and models validation through a confirmatory factorial analysis, using date of a sample of Spanish Sheltered Work Centre’s (N=128). Of all proposed models, the best an adjustment takes place with the first order model with 20 sub-scales. Our investigation contributes to an integrating vision of the published models and the lean manufacturing sub-scales validity and reliability verification raised by other investigators. Due to his confirming approach, it can serve as generalization of studies that had been realized in contexts with different samples to which we have used for the replication.En los últimos 30 años de investigación sobre producción ajustada se han propuesto deferentes cuestionarios para diagnosticar el grado de uso de este concepto. El conjunto de ítems empleado ha variado notablemente de una investigación a otra. No se aprecia todavía un movimiento que converja hacia la utilización, por parte de los investigadores, de unos pocos instrumentos cuya validez y fiabilidad se haya contrastado en diferentes entornos. De hecho, la mayoría de las investigaciones se basan en cuestionarios ad-hoc y pocas de ellas presentan una validación del cuestionario más allá de verificar la unidimensionalidad y el de Cronbach. Sin embargo, parece haber consenso en identificar 5 grandes constructos que componen la producción ajustada (gestión de la calidad, flujo interno de producción, mantenimiento, gestión de la cadena de suministro y la implicación de los operarios). Nuestro trabajo ha consistido en identificar y resumir los modelos de producción ajustada, identificando el modo en que agregan los ítems en constructos o sub-escalas de constructos. Posteriormente hemos desarrollado un cuestionario partiendo de los ítems que figuraban en los modelos publicados. Finalmente, hemos realizado la validación de sub-escalas y modelos mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio, usando datos de una muestra de Centros Especiales de Empleo españoles (N=128). De todos los modelosplanteados, el mejor ajuste se produce con el modelo de 20 sub-escalas de primer orden. Nuestro trabajo aporta una visión integradora comparando los modelos publicados previamente y la comprobando la validez y fiabilidad de las sub-escalas de producción ajustada planteadas por otros investigadores. Debido a su enfoque confirmatorio, puede servir de generalización de estudios que se habían realizado en contextos con muestras diferentes a las que nosotros hemos empleado para la replicación.Peer Reviewe

    I’m a mother: what now? Postpartum experiences

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    Our study is part of a broader research on maternity and early childhood care. It aims to investigate how women experience their postpartum period today. Qualitative research was conducted for such purpose, and ten middle-class women from Rio de Janeiro were interviewed. The women were professionally active, aged between 29 and 37 years, married (formally or otherwise), primiparous, heterosexual, and had a child aged between eight months and two years old. The results were analyzed according to the content analysis method and its categorical aspect. To achieve the goals of this study, we discussed the following analysis categories: baby blues; support network; and The story was not quite like that... The results showed that women idealize the postpartum period, actually experiencing distress and emotional instability. We emphasize the importance of the support network for both mothers and their children.O presente estudo é parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre maternidade e cuidados na primeira infância, e tem como objetivo investigar como as mulheres vivenciam o puerpério atualmente. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual foram entrevistadas dez mulheres das camadas médias da população carioca, atuantes profissionalmente, com idades entre 29 e 37 anos, casadas, legalmente ou não, heterossexuais primíparas e com o filho(a) entre 8 meses e 2 anos de idade. Os resultados foram analisados segundo o método de análise de conteúdo na sua vertente categorial. Para atingir os objetivos deste estudo, serão discutidas as seguintes categorias de análise: baby blues; rede de apoio; e a história não foi bem assim… Os resultados apontaram o puerpério como um período idealizado pelas mulheres, mas vivido com sofrimento e instabilidade emocional. Constatamos a importância da rede de apoio para a mãe e o bebê

    Conociendo sobre gestión

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    The aim of this paper is to analyzes the importance of strategic planning in the process of generation of organizational knowledge. As an instrument of development of a complex organization, strategic planning has an impact on the creation of new knowledge and innovations, as we shall try to show.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar las lecturas que sirvieron de base teórica para fundamentar la importancia de la gestión y de la planificación estratégica como instrumento para la innovación. Se discutirá la necesidad de planificar, los grandes precursores en la gestión de empresas, el surgimiento y los desafíos de la planificación estratégica.Fil: Morgado Carneiro, Ana Paula. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Pablo Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Politica de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Politica de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Opposite developmental trends for false recognition of basic and superordinate names

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    This study investigated the development of false memories for basic and superordinate names using the DRM procedure. Two experiments were conducted with younger (3 5 years old) and older (10 12 years old) children. In the first experiment the DRM procedure was used with categorised lists and in the second experiment both types of lists*categorised and associative*were applied. False recognition for basic and superordinate names showed opposite developmental trends, regardless of list type. False recognition increased for critical-basic items and decreased for critical-superordinate items with age. These opposing results are mainly explained by age differences in conceptual knowledge and editing processes

    Democracia y diseños institucionales participativos en las políticas urbanas: estudio de la experiencia brasilera contemporánea

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    El artículo analiza las instituciones participativas creadas en Brasil a nivel local a lo largo de las últimas décadas, específicamente en el ámbito de las políticas urbanas. Al inicio, evocamos los fundamentos normativos asociados a la democracia y a las instituciones participativas y abordamos el papel de los diseños institucionales, sus variaciones y potenciales de radicalización democrática. En un segundo momento, contextualizamos las políticas urbanas, señalando las nuevas referencias legales que requieren la participación y que encuadran el enfoque y el diseño de las instituciones. Finalmente, analizamos elementos clave de los diseños participativos, comparando consejos, conferencias, presupuestos participativos y participación en los planes maestros, problematizando sus alcances y potenciales democratizadores