5,074 research outputs found

    Letter to the Editor

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    Portable flooring protects finished surfaces, is easily moved

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    To protect curved, finished surface and provide support for workmen, portable flooring has been made from rigid plastic foam blocks, faced with aluminum strips. Held together by nylon webbing, the flooring can be rolled up for easy carrying

    Flexible honeycomb structure can bend to fit compound curves

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    For flexibility in forming a curved surface, a honeycomb configuration using multiple pleats has proved superior to the usual core structures. The partial pleats formed in individual cell walls permit movements to and from the central axis without tearing

    Honeycomb panel and method of making same Patent

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    Method for honeycomb panel bonding by thermosetting film adhesive with electrical heat mean

    A New Socio-Economy in Africa? Thintegration and the Mobile Phone Revolution

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    Much has been written about the impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) in Africa and its transformational socio-economic potential. The penetration of mobile phones in particular has been particularly marked in recent years. This paper seeks to interrogate the hypothesis of transformation by examining the ways in which Africa is integrated into global mobile phone value chain, and the uses to which this technology is put on the continent. While mobiles are having significant, and sometimes welfare enhancing impacts, their use is also embedded in existing relations of social support, resource extraction and conflict. Consequently their impacts are dialectical, facilitating change but also reinforcing existing power relations. As Africa is still primarily a user, rather than a producer or creator of ICT, this represents a form of thin integration (“thintegration”) into the global economy, which does not fundamentally alter the continent’s dependent position.

    The Tribble with APL: a new road to therapy

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    The t(15;17) translocation generates a PML-RARα fusion protein causative for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Li et al. now identify the pseudokinase stress protein TRIB3 as an important factor in APL disease progression and therapy resistance. Targeting the interaction of TRIB3 and PML-RARα using peptide technology provides a novel therapeutic approach

    Great Expectations: the Treatment of Expectations in WTO and International Investment Law

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    A continuing issue in many areas of law is the treatment of “reasonable” or “legitimate” expectations. This contribution posits that a doctrine of expectations is vital to both the law’s stability and flexibility, functioning as a kind of ‘shock absorber’ that accommodates divergent pressures within a legal system. Expectations may arise subjectively, but what the law protects in most instances is determined objectively. This contribution goes on to examine the treatment of expectations in WTO and international investment law. Their treatment in WTO law has been to read them out as a matter of pleading in WTO dispute settlement, apart from the rare instance of non-violation. Their treatment in international investment law, where they are prominent, continues to be controversial. Still, expectations are unlikely to be completely effaced as a source of norms. They remain a constitutive element of any legal system. This contribution also examines the consequences of a doctrine of expectations for the revival of embedded liberalism, suggesting that any effort to do so will have to grapple with expectations as a pervasive feature of normativity under conditions of stasis and change

    Flexigemony and Force in China's Economic Strategy in Africa: Sudan and Zambia Compared

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    The Chinese government and its companies have dramatically increased their presence in Africa in the last decade. There has been much media interest and commentary on the impacts of China on governance in Africa, as it is often seen to be strengthening authoritarian states such Sudan and Zimbabwe (Arrighi 2007). However, China is also engaging with more democratic states and spaces, such as Zambia. This paper seeks to explore the impacts of China’s increased engagement with Africa on governance through a comparative case study of two contrasting cases: Sudan and Zambia, using the concept of flexigemony. Contrary to popular perception, China has sometimes been a moderating force in Sudan, while provoking violence in Zambia.
