2,586 research outputs found

    Nuevas perspectivas textuales: modalidades híbridas e hipertexualidad

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    La hibridación, la interferencia y la interrupción significativa del relato son los procedimientos estéticos que dan una respuesta más adecuada a la pluralidad de narrativas de múltiple procedencia, con el resultado de una narrativa hipertextual concebida como conjunción de variadas formas de textualidad y diversas modalidades narrativas. Un exceso de narratividad en todos los ámbitos más que un defecto de narrativas, en opinión Hugues Marchal parecería ser el factor cultural y mediático dominante: «One simply wanted to underline how much the announced ending of a certain conception of the narrative is linked to a remarkable extension of the concept of narrativity» («Narration Dead-Stop. Narrative Follows», en Narrativity: How visual arts, cinema and literature are telling the world today [2007], Dis Voir: Paris, p.124).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Diario de una redactora del Libro Blanco de Derecho. (Una aproximación

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    Money, Crises, and Transition Essays in Honor of Guillermo A. Calvo: An Introduction

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    Most of the chapters in this volume were prepared for a conference in honor of Guillermo Calvo, organized by the International Monetary Fund’s Research Department and held at Fund headquarters in Washington, DC, on April 15–16,2004. At the editors’ request, a couple of chapters were specially prepared after the conference for inclusion in this volume. The Fund was a natural and gracious host since Guillermo had a distinguished affiliation with the Fund’s Research Department from 1987 to 1994. Under his intellectual leadership, the Research Department carried out path-breaking research on, among other issues, capital flows, debt maturity, and inflation stabilization. Guillermo also made important contributions to the internal discussion and formulation of Fund policies, particularly in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Latin America.crises inflation exchange rates debt transition

    En torno a la exposición “Naturalezas Ilustradas. La Colección Van Berkhey del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales” que se celebra en el MNCN.CSIC

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    Sección: La RedLa conocida como colección Van Berkhey, que se custodia en el Archivo del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, fue comprada por la Corona en 1785: un rey a quién le gustaba la Ciencia (https://www.museodelprado.es/coleccion/galeria-on-line/galeria-on-line/obra/carlos-iii-nino/), un Secretario de Estado y del Despacho que deseaba ilustrar a la sociedad española, un Cónsul de España en Ámsterdam polifacético y un Director de uno de los mejores Gabinetes de Historia Natural, se comprometieron en la tarea de adquirir la colección de Historia Natural del médico neerlandés Johannes Le Francq van Berkhey, una de las más famosas de Europa en su época.N

    Análisis y tendencias del turismo en Segovia

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    XII Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010.El presente texto se inserta dentro del proyecto "Dinámicas recientes y estrategias de intervención en destinos patrimoniales" (2006-2010). Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Plan Nacional de I+D+L Referencia: SEJ2006-10898/GEOG. Años 2006-2010

    Evaluation of the Olympus AU-510 analyser

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    The selective multitest Olympus AU-510 analyser was evaluated according to the recommendations of the Comision de Instrumentacion de la Sociedad Española de Quimica Clinica and the European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. The evaluation was carried out in two stages: an examination of the analytical units and then an evaluation in routine work conditions. The operational characteristics of the system were also studied

    An approach to predict Spanish mortgage market activity using Google data

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to use Google data to predict Spanish mortgage market activity during the period from January 2004 to January 2019. Thus, we collect monthly Google data for the keyword hipoteca, the Spanish expression for mortgage, and then, we perform a regression and an out-of-sample analysis. We find evidence that the use of Google data significantly improves prediction accuracy.S

    Bond Yields, Sovereign Risk and Maturity Structure

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to analyze the relation between maturity structure, sovereign bond yields and sovereign risk in the Economic and Monetary Union for the period of 1990–2013. The results confirm the existence of an inverse relationship between sovereign bond yields, sovereign risk and the maturity structure of sovereign debt, regardless of the proxy that is used to measure sovereign risk and the time variance of the variables employed. The results indicate that risk shortens the maturity structure of sovereign debt because it reduces the stock of long-term debt. The relationship between maturity structure and sovereign bond yields differs depending on the risk of the countries analyzed (non-monotonic relationship) and the differences between peripheral and core countries are greater for higher levels of the yields. If we control for the indebtedness level of these countries, the results show that the relationship between the sovereign bond yields and maturity strengthens as the debt level increases.S

    Is Squatting a Good Business for the Security Industry? A Case Analysis from Spain

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    [EN] The aim of this paper is to analyze the relation between the rise of the squatter movement in Spain and the evolution of firms involved into the security and surveillance business. We hypothesize that the upsurge of this phenomenon might benefit the evolution of these companies. Using Google searches to measure the citizens’ attention and concerns to the squatter movement, we analyze their impact on the evolution of the unique security company listed in the Spanish stock market: Prosegur. The empirical analysis points out to a positive and significant relationship, which is robust to the inclusion of other market variables. Moreover, we find out that this relationship disappears or turns negative for other types of firms and for the stock market in general, suggesting that our measure of attention to the squatter movement might actually be a proxy for an impairment of the rule of law in Spain.S