1,426 research outputs found

    The 4Rs framework: analyzing education's contribution to sustainable peacebuilding with social justice in conflict-affected contexts

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    This paper lays out a theoretical and analytical framework for researching and reflecting on the peacebuilding role of education in conflict-affected contexts. The 4Rs framework recognizes that working toward “positive peace” (Galtung 1976, 1990) requires working toward peace with social justice and reconciliation, challenging dominant “security-first” and “liberal peace” models, and gaining a better understanding of how education might support these processes in building sustainable and peaceful postconflict societies. The 4Rs framework combines dimensions of recognition, redistribution, representation, and reconciliation to explore what sustainable peacebuilding might look like through a social justice lens. The paper addresses the cultural translation of these concepts, highlighting the need for locally embedded interpretations. Rather than a fixed theoretical model, the 4Rs approach is designed as a heuristic device that promotes a dialogue among key stakeholders on the dilemmas and challenges in the field of education in emergencies. We highlight the application of a 4Rs framework through a recent case study of Myanmar, which demonstrates both the interrelated connections and the tensions between the different “Rs.” Finally, we reflect on the challenges and limitations of the approach, and the tasks ahead

    Molecular epidemiology of the protective RV144 V2 loop epitope

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    The impact of seismic interpretation methods on the analysis of faults: a case study from the Snøhvit field, Barents Sea

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    Five seismic interpretation experiments were conducted on an area of interest containing a fault relay in the Snøhvit field, Barents Sea, Norway, to understand how the interpretation method impacts the analysis of fault and horizon morphologies, fault lengths, and throw. The resulting horizon and fault interpretations from the least and most successful interpretation methods were further analysed to understand their impact on geological modelling and hydrocarbon volume calculation. Generally, the least dense manual interpretation method of horizons (32 inlines and 32 crosslines; 32 ILs × 32 XLs, 400 m) and faults (32 ILs, 400 m) resulted in inaccurate fault and horizon interpretations and underdeveloped relay morphologies and throw, which are inadequate for any detailed geological analysis. The densest fault interpretations (4 ILs, 50 m) and 3D auto-tracked horizons (all ILs and XLs spaced 12.5 m) provided the most detailed interpretations, most developed relay and fault morphologies, and geologically realistic throw distributions. Sparse interpretation grids generate significant issues in the model itself, which make it geologically inaccurate and lead to misunderstanding of the structural evolution of the relay. Despite significant differences between the two models, the calculated in-place petroleum reserves are broadly similar in the least and most dense experiments. However, when considered at field scale, the differences in volumes that are generated by the contrasting interpretation methodologies clearly demonstrate the importance of applying accurate interpretation strategies.publishedVersio

    Biotecnología y salud

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    La biotecnología ha adquirido una especial relevancia en el campo de la salud con el advenimiento de procesos como la inmunización, marcadores de riesgo de ciertas patologías, la terapia génica, la obtención de biofármacos, la protección y recuperación del medio ambiente o la producción de alimentos en los cuales se utilizan las metodologías propias de la biología molecular y la ingeniería genética, propiciando el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida. Se reseña la contribución y el impacto que ha tenido la biotecnología en el desarrollo y modernización de las ciencias de la salud dentro del concepto moderno e integral de proceso salud enfermedad como un estado continuamente cambiante inmerso en condiciones socioambientales particulares.Biotechnology plays an important role in the Health Sciences. The production of immunoreagents and biological drugs, gene therapy, the food industry and the environmental protection have been using the molecular biology and genetic engineering knowledge to improve the quality of life. This review summarizes the contribution and impact of the Biotechnology to the advance of the Biomedical Sciences. The work is framed within the idea that the healthdisease process changes according to specific social and environmental conditions

    Diet and Anxiety: A Scoping Review.

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    Anxiety disorders are the most common group of mental disorders. There is mounting evidence demonstrating the importance of nutrition in the development and progression of mental disorders such as depression; however, less is known about the role of nutrition in anxiety disorders. This scoping review sought to systematically map the existing literature on anxiety disorders and nutrition in order to identify associations between dietary factors and anxiety symptoms or disorder prevalence as well as identify gaps and opportunities for further research. The review followed established methodological approaches for scoping reviews. Due to the large volume of results, an online program (Abstrackr) with artificial intelligence features was used. Studies reporting an association between a dietary constituent and anxiety symptoms or disorders were counted and presented in figures. A total of 55,914 unique results were identified. After a full-text review, 1541 articles met criteria for inclusion. Analysis revealed an association between less anxiety and more fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, "healthy" dietary patterns, caloric restriction, breakfast consumption, ketogenic diet, broad-spectrum micronutrient supplementation, zinc, magnesium and selenium, probiotics, and a range of phytochemicals. Analysis revealed an association between higher levels of anxiety and high-fat diet, inadequate tryptophan and dietary protein, high intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, and "unhealthy" dietary patterns. Results are limited by a large percentage of animal and observational studies. Only 10% of intervention studies involved participants with anxiety disorders, limiting the applicability of the findings. High quality intervention studies involving participants with anxiety disorders are warranted

    Aeromonas no processamento de queijos tipos Minas Frescal e Colonial.

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    Resumo: Com o objetivo de estabelecer, durante o processamento do queijo Minas Frescal e Colonial os possíveis pontos de contaminação e a forma de disseminação de bactérias do gênero Aeromonas, foram analisados, quanto à presença do micro-organismo, diferentes produtos e pontos do fluxograma de produção. Para o Queijo Minas Frescal, Aeromonas spp. foram isoladas no leite cru, leite pasteurizado, ambiente de produção e nas mãos dos manipuladores. A. caviae foi a espécie mais frequentemente identificada, sendo também isoladas A. sobria e A. schubertii. Durante o processamento do queijo Colonial, as espécies A. hydrophila, A. caviae, A. sobria, A. veronii e A. jandaei foram isoladas a partir da água, mãos dos manipuladores, utensílios, leite cru e após tratamento térmico e de massa coagulada. Os resultados demonstram que o gênero Aeromonas encontra-se disseminado nas diferentes etapas do processamento de queijos, destacando-se o leite cru como principal fonte de contaminação para o processamento industrial e artesanal. [Aeromonas in processing line of Minas Frescal and Colonial cheeses]. Abstract: The aim of this study is to establish possible contamination points and dissemination forms of the bacteria genus Aeromonas during the processing of the Brazilian cheeses Minas Frescal and Colonial. Therefore, different products and production points of the process were analyzed to determine the presence of the microorganism. In Minas Frescal cheese, Aeromonas spp. was isolated in raw and pasteurized milk, in the environment and on the handlers? hands. A. caviae was the most frequently identified species, but A. sobria and A. schubertii were also isolated. During the processing of Colonial cheese, the species A. hydrophila, A. caviae, A. sobria, A. veronii and A. jandaei were isolated in the water, raw milk, after thermal treatment and curd, as well as on the handlers' hands and utensils. The results showed that the genus Aeromonas is disseminated throughout different stages of both cheese processes while the raw milk stands out as the main source of contamination in the industrial and handmade processing

    Liquid metals as a divertor plasma facing material explored using the Pilot-PSI and Magnum-PSI linear devices

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    Abstract For DEMO and beyond liquid metal plasma facing components are considered due to their resilience to erosion through flowed replacement, potential for cooling beyond conduction and inherent immunity to many of the issues of neutron loading compared to solid materials. The development curve of liquid metals is behind that of e.g. tungsten however and tokamak-based research is currently somewhat limited in scope. Therefore investigation in linear plasma devices can provide faster progress under controlled and well-diagnosed conditions in assessing many of the issues surrounding the use of liquid metals. The linear plasma devices Magnum-PSI and Pilot-PSI are capable of producing DEMO relevant plasma fluxes which well replicate expected divertor conditions, and the exploration of physics issues for tin (Sn) and lithium (Li) such as vapour-shielding, erosion under high particle flux loading and overall power handing are reviewed here. A deeper understanding of erosion and deposition through this work indicates that stannane formation may play an important role in enhancing Sn erosion, while on the other hand the strong hydrogen isotope affinity reduces the evaporation rate and sputtering yields for Li. In combination with the strong re-deposition rates which have been observed under this type of high density plasma this implies an increase in the operational temperature range, implying a power handling range of 20-25 MW m -2 for Sn and up to 12.5 MW m -2 for Li could be achieved. Vapour shielding may be expected to act as a self-protection mechanism in reducing the heat load to the substrate for off-normal events in the case of Sn, but may potentially be a continual mode of operation for Li.</p