1,050 research outputs found

    The EMSO-Azores deep sea observatory: 8 years of operation

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    The EMSO-Azores deep sea observatory is a component of the EMSO ERIC. It focuses on two main questions: What are the feedbacks between volcanism, deformation, seismicity, and hydrothermalism at a slow spreading mid-ocean ridge and how does the hydrothermal ecosystem couple with these sub-seabed processes? The infrastructure comprises 2 sea monitoring nodes, autonomous instruments and a set of site studies experiments. It has been deployed in 2010 in the Lucky Strike vent field and acquires multidisciplinary data since then.Peer Reviewe

    Mantle flow and melting underneath oblique and ultraslow mid-ocean ridges

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 34 (2007): L24307, doi:10.1029/2007GL031067.Mid-ocean ridge morphology correlates strongly with spreading rate. As the spreading rate decreases, conductive cooling becomes more important in controlling ridge thermal structure and the axial lithosphere thickens. At ultraslow spreading rates, the ridge axis becomes sufficiently cold that peridotite blocks are emplaced directly at the seafloor and volcanism is limited to localized volcanic centers widely spaced along the ridge axis. Some slow-spreading ridges adopt an ultraslow morphology when their axis is oblique to the spreading direction. We present an analytical solution for mantle flow beneath an oblique ridge and demonstrate that the thermal structure and crustal thickness are controlled by the effective spreading rate (product of the plate separation velocity and the cosine of obliquity). A global compilation of oblique ridges reveals that ultraslow morphology corresponds to effective half rates less than 6.5 mm/yr, resulting in lithosphere that is thicker than ~30 km. We conclude that the transition from slow to ultraslow spreading is not related to a change of melt productivity but rather in the efficiency of vertical melt extraction.This work was supported by NSF grants OCE-0327588, OCE-0548672, and OCE-0623188, OCE-0649103, the J. Lamar Worzel Assistant Scientist fund to LGJM and the Jessie B. Cox Endowed Fund to MDB

    Caractérisation et modélisation d'un propulseur plasma à résonance cyclotronique des électrons

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    The purpose of this work is the characterization and theoretical investigation of an electron cyclotron resonance plasma thruster. The objectives is to study the physics of the thruster (energy transfer by cyclotron resonance, ionization process, coupling microwave/plasma and acceleration process) to improve his performances, efficiency and development dimensioning tools.An experimental prototype of the thruster was characterized around the operating freedoms degrees as frequency, magnetic field, the power, the geometry and the gas flow. The results are used to set the conditions for a nominal operation of the thruster in terms of performances and efficiency. It was shown that the position of the resonance area and the operating pressure are the two keys parameters for the optimization of the thruster.This research helped to increase performance and total efficiency of the thruster. For a power of 30 watts and a flow rate of 0.1 mg/s, the thrust provided 1 mN with a specific impulse of 1000 s for 16 % total efficiency.In parallel, a discharge model is adapted to the configuration of the thruster. He estimates the thruster performance, identifies key points and provides sizing prospects for a new version of the thruster. To complete the model, preliminary simulations of electromagnetic wave propagation and microwave plasma coupling magnetized are carried out. The results obtained make it possible to better understand the microwave power deposition in the plasma source and reproduce the influence of the magnetic field observed experimentally.L'objet de ce travail consiste Ă  la caractĂ©risation et Ă  la modĂ©lisation d'un propulseur Ă©lectrique Ă  rĂ©sonance cyclotronique des Ă©lectrons. L’objectif est d’étudier la physique du propulseur (transfert d’énergie par rĂ©sonance, processus d’ionisation, couplage micro-onde/plasma, processus d’accĂ©lĂ©ration) afin d’amĂ©liorer ses performances, son efficacitĂ© ainsi que le dĂ©veloppement d’outils de dimensionnement. Un prototype expĂ©rimental du propulseur a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ© autour des degrĂ©s de libertĂ©s de fonctionnement tels que la frĂ©quence, le champ magnĂ©tique, la puissance, la gĂ©omĂ©trie et le dĂ©bit de gaz. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent de dĂ©finir les conditions pour un fonctionnement nominal du propulseur en termes de performances et d’efficacitĂ©. Il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que la position de la zone rĂ©sonance ainsi que la pression de fonctionnement sont les deux paramĂštres clĂ©s pour l’optimisation du propulseur. Ces travaux de recherche ont permis d’augmenter les performances et le rendement total du propulseur. Pour une puissance de 30 Watts et un dĂ©bit de 0.1 mg/s, le propulseur fourni une poussĂ©e de 1 mN avec une impulsion spĂ©cifique de 1000 s pour 16 % d’efficacitĂ© totale.En parallĂšle, un modĂšle de dĂ©charge est adaptĂ© au propulseur. Il estime les performances du propulseur, permet d’identifier les points importants et apporte des perspectives de dimensionnement pour une nouvelle version du propulseur. Pour complĂ©ter ce modĂšle, des simulations prĂ©liminaires de propagation d’ondes Ă©lectromagnĂ©tiques et de couplage micro-onde plasma magnĂ©tisĂ© sont rĂ©alisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats obtenues permettent de mieux comprendre la dĂ©position de puissance micro-onde dans le propulseur

    Abyssal hill characterization at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge

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    International audienceThe morphology of the flanks of the Southwest Indian Ridge holds a record of seafloor formationand abyssal hill generation at an ultraslow spreading rate. Statistical analysis of compiled bathymetry andgravity data from the flanks of the Southwest Indian Ridge from 54°E to 67°E provides estimates of abyssalhill morphologic character and inferred crustal thickness. The extent of the compiled data encompasses aspreading rate change from slow to ultraslow at 24 Ma, a significant inferred variation in sub-axis mantletemperature, and a patchwork of volcanic and non-volcanic seafloor, making the Southwest Indian Ridge anideal and unique location to characterize abyssal hills generated by ultraslow spreading and to examine theeffect of dramatic spreading rate change on seafloor morphology. Root mean square abyssal hill height inultraslow spreading seafloor ranges from 280 m to 320 m and is on average 80 m greater than foundfor slow-spreading seafloor. Ultraslow spreading abyssal hill width ranges from 4 km to 12 km, averaging8 km. Abyssal hill height and width increases west-to-east in both slow and ultraslow spreadingseafloor, corresponding to decreasing inferred mantle temperature. Abyssal hills persist in non-volcanic seafloorand extend continuously from volcanic to non-volcanic terrains. We attribute the increase of abyssalhill height and width to strengthening of the mantle portion of the lithosphere as the result of cooler subaxialmantle temperature and conclude that abyssal hill height is primarily controlled by the strength ofthe mantle component of the lithosphere rather than spreading rate

    Gene Therapy for the Heart Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives

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    While clinical gene therapy celebrates its first successes, with several products already approved for clinical use and several hundreds in the final stages of the clinical approval pipeline, there is not a single gene therapy approach that has worked for the heart. Here, we review the past experience gained in the several cardiac gene therapy clinical trials that had the goal of inducing therapeutic angiogenesis in the ischemic heart and in the attempts at modulating cardiac function in heart failure. Critical assessment of the results so far achieved indicates that the efficiency of cardiac gene delivery remains a major hurdle preventing success but also that improvements need to be sought in establishing more reliable large animal models, choosing more effective therapeutic genes, better designing clinical trials, and more deeply understanding cardiac biology. We also emphasize a few areas of cardiac gene therapy development that hold great promise for the future. In particular, the transition from gene addition studies using protein-coding cDNAs to the modulation of gene expression using small RNA therapeutics and the improvement of precise gene editing now pave the way to applications such as cardiac regeneration after myocardial infarction and gene correction for inherited cardiomyopathies that were unapproachable until a decade ago

    Multistage asthenospheric melt/rock reaction in the ultraslow eastern SWIR mantle

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    Very small amounts of melt are produced during mantle upwelling beneath the ultraslow spreading South West Indian Ridge. Sectors of this Oceanic Ridge are characterized by nearly amagmatic spreading with rare limited eruptions of basalts spotting a mantle-derived serpentinitic crust. A large peridotite dataset was recovered during the Smoothseafloor French expedition leaded by D. Sauter and M. Cannat in 2005 (Sauter et al., 2013). Mantle-derived rocks show a significant modal variability from the sample to the dredge scale with frequent occurrences of millimetric to centimetric spinel-bearing pyroxenitic veins. Mantle residua record a multistage reactional history between small amount of transient melts and variably depleted mantle parcels. Incomplete mineral replacements are widespread showing that both pyroxenes are repeatedly dissolved and recrystallized leaving poekilitic pyroxene and spinel textures. Reacting conditions are modelled assuming an incremental open-system melting model under variable critical porosity/F ratios (Seyler et al., 2011; Brunelli et al., 2014). Incoming melts result to be generated by low degrees of melting in the garnet field then reacting with the rock under near-batch conditions, i.e. at low rates of melt extraction with respect to the actual rock porosity. As a consequence Na (and LREE) countertrends with melting indicators as mineral Cr# and concentration of the moderately incompatible elements (HREE, HFSE). This results in rotation of the REE patterns around a pivot element instead of showing progressive depletion as expected after suboceanic mantle decompression. Brunelli D., Paganelli E. & Seyler, M. 2014. Percolation of enriched melts during incremental open-system melting in the spinel field: A REE approach to abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge. Geoch. et Cosmoch. Acta, 127, 190–203. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.11.040. Sauter D., Cannat M., Searle R. 2013. Continuous exhumation of mantle-derived rocks at the Southwest Indian Ridge for 11 million years. Nature Geosci., 6(4), 1–7. doi:10.1038/ngeo1771. Seyler M., Brunelli D., Toplis M. J. & MĂ©vel C. (2011). Multiscale chemical heterogeneities beneath the eastern Southwest Indian Ridge (52°E-68°E): Trace element compositions of along-axis dredged peridotites. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q0AC15. doi:10.1029/2011gc003585

    Mafic tiers and transient mushes: evidence from Iceland.

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    It is well established that magmatism is trans-crustal, with melt storage and processing occurring over a range of depths. Development of this conceptual model was based on observations of the products of magmatism at spreading ridges, including Iceland. Petrological barometry and tracking of the solidification process has been used to show that the Icelandic crust is built by crystallization over a range of depths. The available petrological evidence indicates that most of the active rift zones are not underlain by extensive and pervasive crystal mush. Instead, the microanalytical observations from Iceland are consistent with a model where magmatic processing in the lower crust occurs in sills of decimetric vertical thickness. This stacked sills mode of crustal accretion corresponds to that proposed for the oceanic crust on the basis of ophiolite studies. A key feature of these models is that the country rock for the sills is hot but subsolidus. This condition can be met if the porosity in thin crystal mushes at the margins of the sills is occluded by primitive phases, a contention that is consistent with observations from cumulate nodules in Icelandic basalts. The conditions required for the stabilization of trans-crustal mushes may not be present in magmatic systems at spreading ridges. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Magma reservoir architecture and dynamics'

    Fault rotation and core complex formation : significant processes in seafloor formation at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13°–15°N)

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9 (2008): Q03003, doi:10.1029/2007GC001699.The region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between the Fifteen-Twenty and Marathon fracture zones displays the topographic characteristics of prevalent and vigorous tectonic extension. Normal faults show large amounts of rotation, dome-shaped corrugated detachment surfaces (core complexes) intersect the seafloor at the edge of the inner valley floor, and extinct core complexes cover the seafloor off-axis. We have identified 45 potential core complexes in this region whose locations are scattered everywhere along two segments (13° and 15°N segments). Steep outward-facing slopes suggest that the footwalls of many of the normal faults in these two segments have rotated by more than 30°. The rotation occurs very close to the ridge axis (as much as 20° within 5 km of the volcanic axis) and is complete by ∌1 My, producing distinctive linear ridges with roughly symmetrical slopes. This morphology is very different from linear abyssal hill faults formed at the 14°N magmatic segment, which display a smaller amount of rotation (typically <15°). We suggest that the severe rotation of faults is diagnostic of a region undergoing large amounts of tectonic extension on single faults. If faults are long-lived, a dome-shaped corrugated surface develops in front of the ridges and lower crustal and upper mantle rocks are exposed to form a core complex. A single ridge segment can have several active core complexes, some less than 25 km apart that are separated by swales. We present two models for multiple core complex formation: a continuous model in which a single detachment surface extends along axis to include all of the core complexes and swales, and a discontinuous model in which local detachment faults form the core complexes and magmatic spreading forms the intervening swales. Either model can explain the observed morphology.D. Smith and H. Schouten were supported in this work by NSF grant OCE-0649566. J. Escartın was supported by CNRS

    Crustal structure of the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°10â€ČN) : implications for the nature of hydrothermal circulation and detachment faulting at slow spreading ridges

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 8 (2007): Q08004, doi:10.1029/2007GC001629.New seismic refraction data reveal that hydrothermal circulation at the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°10â€ČN is not driven by energy extracted from shallow or mid-crustal magmatic intrusions. Our results show that the TAG hydrothermal field is underlain by rocks with high seismic velocities typical of lower crustal gabbros and partially serpentinized peridotites at depth as shallow as 1 km, and we find no evidence for low seismic velocities associated with mid-crustal magma chambers. Our tomographic images support the hypothesis of Tivey et al. (2003) that the TAG field is located on the hanging wall of a detachment fault, and constrain the complex, dome-shaped subsurface geometry of the fault system. Modeling of our seismic velocity profiles indicates that the porosity of the detachment footwall increases after rotation during exhumation, which may enhance footwall cooling. However, heat extracted from the footwall is insufficient for sustaining long-term, high-temperature, hydrothermal circulation at TAG. These constraints indicate that the primary heat source for the TAG hydrothermal system must be a deep magma reservoir at or below the base of the crust.This research was supported by NSF grant OCE-0137329

    Spreading Rate-Dependent Variations in Crystallization Along the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System

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    We investigate crustal accretion at mid-ocean ridges by combining crystallization pressures calculated from major element contents in mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) glasses and vapor-saturation pressures from melt inclusions and MORB glasses. Specifically, we use established major element barometers and pressures estimated from 192 fractional crystallization trends to calculate crystallization pressures from \u3e9000 MORB glasses across the global range of mid-ocean ridge spreading rates. Additionally, we estimate vapor-saturation pressures from \u3e400 MORB glasses from PETDB and \u3e400 olivine-hosted melt inclusions compiled from five ridges with variable spreading rates. Both major element and vapor-saturation pressures increase and become more variable with decreasing spreading rate. Vapor saturation pressures indicate that crystallization occurs in the lower crust and upper mantle at all ridges, even when a melt lens is present. We suggest that the broad peaks in major element crystallization pressures at all spreading rates reflects significant crystallization of on and off-axis magmas along the base of a sloping lithosphere. Combining our observations with ridge thermal models we show that crystallization occurs over a range of pressures at all ridges, but it is enhanced at thermal/rheologic boundaries, such as the melt lens and the base of the lithosphere. Finally, we suggest that the remarkable similarity in the maximum vapor-saturation pressures (∌3 kbars) recorded in melt inclusions from a wide range of spreading rates reflects a relatively uniform CO2 content of 50–85 ppm for the depleted upper mantle feeding the global mid-ocean ridge system
