592 research outputs found

    Quantum electrodynamic calculation of the hyperfine structure of 3He

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    The combined fine and hyperfine structure of the 23P2^3P states in 3^3He is calculated within the framework of nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics. The calculation accounts for the effects of order mα6m\alpha^6 and increases the accuracy of theoretical predictions by an order of magnitude. The results obtained are in good agreement with recent spectroscopic measurements in 3^3He.Comment: 13 pages, spelling and grammar correcte

    The scaling properties of exchange and correlation holes of the valence shell of second row atoms

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    We study the exchange and correlation hole of the valence shell of second row atoms using variational Monte Carlo techniques, especially correlated estimates, and norm-conserving pseudopotentials. The well-known scaling of the valence shell provides a tool to probe the behavior of exchange and correlation as a functional of the density and thus test models of density functional theory. The exchange hole shows an interesting competition between two scaling forms -- one caused by self-interaction and another that is approximately invariant under particle number, related to the known invariance of exchange under uniform scaling to high density and constant particle number. The correlation hole shows a scaling trend that is marked by the finite size of the atom relative to the radius of the hole. Both trends are well captured in the main by the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof generalized-gradient approximation model for the exchange-correlation hole and energy.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Observing the intrinsic linewidth of a quantum-cascade laser: beyond the Schawlow-Townes limit

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    A comprehensive investigation of the frequency-noise spectral density of a free-running mid-infrared quantum-cascade laser is presented for the first time. It provides direct evidence of the leveling of this noise down to a white noise plateau, corresponding to an intrinsic linewidth of a few hundred Hz. The experiment is in agreement with the most recent theory on the fundamental mechanism of line broadening in quantum-cascade lasers, which provides a new insight into the Schawlow-Townes formula and predicts a narrowing beyond the limit set by the radiative lifetime of the upper level.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Metallic Species In Ambient Air Particles. PM10

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    In the present work metallic species of particulate matter(PM10) present in an urban area of Gran Canaria Island were quantified. Experimental measurements were carried out from October 2004 to September 2005 with a total of 53 samples (4 or 5 per month). PM10 was collected in fiber filters using high volume samplers. The average concentration was 32,6 ± 19,6 μg/m3. PM10 was determined gravimetrically. Concentrations of metallic elements were analized by atomic emission spectrophotometry using an ICP-OES. Two categories of elements were found: “abundant” and “scarce”. The examined elements were characterized according to their origin from natural or anthropogenic emissions on the basis of enrichment factors. Factor analysis of elemental composition pattern was also used to identify possible pollution source-types

    Metallic species in ambient air particles of Canary Islands. Soluble fraction in total suspended matter

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    En el presente trabajo se cuantifican las fracciones metalicas total y soluble de la materia en suspensión total (MST),en una zona urbana de Gran Canaria. Las medidas se realizaron entre octubre de 2004 y septiembre de 2005 sobre un total de 53 muestras (4 o 5 por mes). La materia en suspensión total se recogió en fíltros de fibra de vídrio usando muestreadores de alto volumen. La concentración media resulto ser 68,5 ・} 35,5 μg/m3 . La MST se determinó gravimétricamente. La materia soluble en agua se extrajo mediante sonicación. Las concentraciones de los elementos metálicos se determinaron por espectrometría de emisión atómica, usando un ICP-OES. Se encontraron dos categorias de elementos de acuerdo con sus niveles de concentración: “abundantes” y “escasos”. En la fracción soluble los “abundantes” fueron principalmente Na,Ca, K y Zn; entre los “escasos” predominan Cu y Ti. Se estableció la disponibilidad de todos los elementos solubles, encontrandose altos coeficientes para todos ellos y especialmente para el Mn(99,9%). A fin de identificar las fuentes para dichos elementos se uso el análisis factorial. Los resultados muestran que Al, Ca, Fe, Mg y K provienen de fuentes naturales, en tanto que Ni, Co, V, Mo, Pt, Zn, Cu, Sb y Cr son antropogénicos

    Frequency metrology of helium around 1083 nm and determination of the nuclear charge radius

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    We measure the absolute frequency of seven out of the nine allowed transitions between the 23^3{\it S} and 23^3{\it P} hyperfine manifolds in a metastable 3^3He beam by using an optical frequency comb synthesizer-assisted spectrometer. The relative uncertainty of our measurements ranges from 1×10111\times 10^{-11} to 5×10125\times 10^{-12}, which is, to our knowledge, the most precise result for any optical 3^3He transition to date. The resulting 232^3{\it P}-23^3{\it S} centroid frequency is 276702827204.8(2.4)276\,702\,827\,204.8\,(2.4)kHz. Comparing this value with the known result for the 4^4He centroid and performing {\em ab initio} QED calculations of the 4^4He-3^3He isotope shift, we extract the difference of the squared nuclear charge radii δr2\delta r^2 of 3^3He and 4^4He. Our result for δr2=1.074(3)\delta r^2=1.074 (3) fm2^2 disagrees by about 4σ4\,\sigma with the recent determination [R. van Rooij {\em et al.}, Science {\bf 333}, 196 (2011)].Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Clasificación climática de los bosques de Abies pinsapo en el sur de España

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    Understanding the current distribution of vegetation and its interaction with climate regularity is important for predicting its future change. 35 weather stations with monthly resolutions have been reconstructed using GENPT software to study the pinsapo fir forest climate types. Ten climate variables have been used to describe the particular climate of A. pinsapo forests following the Climatic System of Allué (1990). A climate examination suggests that pinsapo fir forests might be established in a particular climate, which seems to be unique in the Iberian Peninsula, though the species also grows under other climates. A multivariable analysis has been done, providing five classes of pinsapo fir forests sharing some climate features: Atlantic, Mediterranean, warm, continental and cold. Results are biogeographically consistent and may help to explain plant biogeography in this region. Preservation efforts in pinsapo fir forests should be concentrated on the distribution areas with the highest risk of the climate change impact.Los estudios de distribución actual de la vegetación, en un contexto de cambio global, son un elemento importante para predecir los posibles cambios futuros. En este trabajo, a partir de 35 estaciones meteorológicas, se realizó la reconstrucción de los tipos climáticos para el pinsapo, utilizando 10 variables del Sistema Fitoclimatico de Allué (1990). Los resultados sugieren la existencia de un clima específico para la distribución del pinsapo, que parece ser único en la península ibérica, aunque la especie también esta presente en otros fitoclimas. A partir de un análisis multivariable se han identificado cinco clases fitoclimáticas con presencia de pinsapo: atlántico, mediterráneo, templado, continental y frío. Los resultados son biogeográficamente consistentes y pueden ayudar a explicar la biogeografía de su área de distribución. Los programas de conservación del pinsapo deberían utilizar información fitoclimática para definir las zonas prioritarias de protección frente a los posibles efectos del cambio climático

    Distribución por tamaños de la materia particulada en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    En este trabajo se presenta la distribución por tamaños de la materia particulada (MP)en la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. La experiencia se llevó a cabo entre junio de 2002 y marzo de 2003. A tal efecto se han utilizado captadores de alto volumen equipados con impactadores en cascada, que permiten una separación, en filtros de fibra de vidrio, de la materia recogida en seis fracciones de tamaño. Al final del muestreo se dispuso de 42 muestras válidas para el análisis. La materia particulada se determinó gravimétricamente. Se establecióla distribución de la concentración másica en función de los diámetros de corte. Se utilizan los diagramas de Lundgreen para establecer la distribución por tamaños y la evolución estacional e histórica. Se estudian las fracciones fina y gruesa del aerosol así como su evolución temporal e histórica