646 research outputs found

    National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer framework 2015

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    Overview The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework (the Framework) provides high-level guidance and direction for the many individuals, communities, organisations and governments whose combined efforts are required to address disparities and improve cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This Framework is designed to complement and enhance national, jurisdictional, regional and local efforts to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer outcomes, including cancer plans and related policies, frameworks and action plans. It sets out priority areas for action, and allows the flexibility for jurisdictions, communities and organisations to address those priorities in ways that suit their local context and local needs. This Framework encompasses the full continuum of cancer control, including cancer prevention, screening and early detection, diagnosis and treatment, palliative care and survivorship; and the policy, systems, research and infrastructure that surround these service areas

    What are the perceived unmet needs for patient care, education, and research among genitourinary cancer nurses in Australia? A mixed method study.

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    Specialist genitourinary (GU) nurses provide care to a broad and diverse group of patients diagnosed with kidney, bladder, prostate, testicular, adrenal, and penile cancer. The purpose of this study was to identify GU cancer nurse perspectives of perceived unmet needs in service provision, specific educational and research priorities. A concurrent mixed methods study design incorporated quantitative and qualitative data collection from the GU Cancer nurses workforce in Australia. Quantitative data collected using an electronic survey instrument and were analysed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data collected through semi-structed interviews and coded for thematic analysis. Ethical approval was gained. 50 responses were received from the electronic survey. 39/50 (78%) were female and 35 (70%) were metropolitan based. The highest domains of perceived unmet needs related to psychological/emotional needs - 17/23 (73.91%), intimacy needs – 15/23 (65.22%) and informational needs – 13/23 (56.52%). The themes from the qualitative interviews identified: 1. Patient needs – lack of tumour specific contact for cancer patients, fragmented delivery of cancer care, perception of better access to supportive care for public patients, lack of access to supportive care screening tools for needs assessment. 2. Educational needs – lack of GU specific cancer educational resources/learning opportunities and barriers to accessing educational opportunities. 3. Research priorities - impact on carers/partners, specific needs of different GU cancers, future focus on genetic testing/counselling, interventions for financial toxicity and development of models of care for geriatric GU patients. Specialist GU cancer nurses support a broad group of patients. Given the prominence of addressing unmet cancer care needs among people with GU cancers in this study, cancer nursing as a discipline alongside the multidisciplinary team, requires innovative solutions to overcome fragmented care which is often highly complex, and develop individualised and integrated care across the cancer care continuum. We encourage clinicians, researchers, policy makers, people affected by cancer, and their care networks, to continue to drive innovation by 1) Embedding an integrated approach to cancer nursing, 2) Implementation of shared care, 3) Implementation of patient navigation, 4) Embracing emerging technologies, 5) Future focus on education, and 6) Future focus on nurse-led research

    Breast cancer screening-opportunistic use of registry and linked screening data for local evaluation

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    Rationale: Screening has been found to reduce breast cancer mortality at a population level in Australia, but these studies did not address local settings where numbers of deaths would generally have been too low for evaluation. Clinicians, administrators, and consumer groups are also interested in local service outcomes. We therefore use more common prognostic and treatment measures and survivals to gain evidence of screening effects among patients attending 4 local hospitals for treatment. Aims and objectives: To compare prognostic, treatment, and survival measures by screening history to determine whether expected screening effects are occurring. Methods: Employing routine clinical registry and linked screening data to investigate associations of screening history with these measures, using unadjusted and adjusted analyses. Results: Screened women had a 10‐year survival from breast cancer of 92%, compared with 78% for unscreened women; and 79% of screened surgical cases had breast conserving surgery compared with 64% in unscreened women. Unadjusted analyses indicated that recently screened cases had earlier tumor node metastasis stages, smaller diameters, less nodal involvement, better tumor differentiation, more oestrogen and progesterone receptor positive lesions, more hormone therapy, and less chemotherapy. Radiotherapy tended to be more common in screening participants. More frequent use of adjunctive radiotherapy applied when breast conserving surgery was used. Conclusions: Results confirm the screening effects expected from the scientific literature and demonstrate the value of opportunistic use of available registry and linked screening data for indicating to local health administrations, practitioners, and consumers whether local screening services are having the effects expected.David Roder, Gelareh Farshid, Grantley Gill, Jim Kollias, Bogda Koczwara, Chris Karapetis, Jacqui Adams, Rohit Joshi, Dorothy Keefe, Kate Powell, Kellie Fusco, Marion Eckert, Elizabeth Buckley, Kerri Beckman

    Australian radiation therapy - Part Two: Reflections of the past, the present, the future

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    INTRODUCTION: Documentation on the history of Australian radiotherapy is limited. This study provides radiation therapists' (RTs) perspectives of the people, workplace, and work practices in Australian radiotherapy centres from 1960 onwards. It provides a follow-up to our previous study: Australian radiation therapy: An overview – Part one, which outlines the history and development of radiotherapy from conception until present day. METHODS: Four focus groups were conducted on separate occasions in 2010, one in South Australia and three in Victoria, Australia. Participants who worked in radiotherapy were purposively selected to ensure a range of experience, age, and years of work. RESULTS: From a RT perspective, radiotherapy has evolved from a physically demanding ‘hands-on’ work environment, often with unpleasant sights and smells of disease, to a more technology-driven workplace. CONCLUSION: Understanding these changes and their subsequent effects on the role of Australian RTs will assist future directions in advanced role development

    The impact of migration on deaths and hospital admissions from work-related injuries in Australia.

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    OBJECTIVE: The shift from an industrial to a service-based economy has seen a decline in work-related injuries (WRIs) and mortality. How this relates to migrant workers, who traditionally held high-risk jobs is unknown. This study examined deaths and hospital admissions from WRI, among foreign and Australian-born workers. METHODS: Tabulated population data from the 1991 to 2011 censuses, national deaths 1991-2002 and hospital admission for 2001-10. Direct age standardised mortality and hospital admission rates (DSRs) and rate ratios (RRs) were derived to examine differences in work-related mortality/hospital admissions by gender, country of birth, employment skill level and years of residence in Australia. RESULTS: DSRs and RRs were generally lower or no different between Australian and foreign-born workers. Among men, mortality DSRs were lower for nine of 16 country of birth groups, and hospital admissions DSRs for 14 groups. An exception was New Zealand-born men, with 9% (95%CI 9-13) excess mortality and 24% (95%CI 22-26) excess hospital admissions. CONCLUSIONS: Four decades ago, foreign-born workers were generally at higher risk of WRI than Australian-born. This pattern has reversed. The local-born comprise 75% of the population and a pro-active approach to health and safety regulation could achieve large benefits

    Comfort vs risk: a grounded theory about female adolescent behaviour in the sun.

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To generate a grounded theory about female adolescent behaviour in the sun. BACKGROUND: Nurses have key roles in health promotion and skin cancer prevention. Adolescents' resistance to sun safety messages and their vulnerability to sunburn are of concern internationally. Understanding why young women do as they do in the sun may enhance skin cancer prevention, but their behaviour has not been explained before in the UK. DESIGN: The study incorporated a qualitative grounded theory design using the approach of Glaser. METHODS: Qualitative data were gleaned from group and one-to-one, semi-structured interviews with 20 female participants aged 14-17, research memos and literature. Sampling was purposive and theoretical. Data collection, analysis and theory generation occurred concurrently. Data were analysed using the constant comparative method. Data collection ended when a substantive theory had been generated. RESULTS: Data analysis revealed five categories of findings: fitting in, being myself, being physically comfortable, slipping up and being comfortable (the core category). The theory generated around the core explains how young women direct their sun-related activities towards meeting their physical and psychosocial comfort needs. CONCLUSIONS: A contribution of this research is the grounded theory explaining the behaviour of young women in the sun. Further, the theory challenges assumptions that female adolescents necessarily take risks; it explains their sun-related activities in terms of comfort. The theory extends findings from other researchers' descriptive qualitative studies and also appears to apply to young people in countries other than the UK. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Understanding the sun-related activity of young women in terms of physical and psychosocial comfort may help nurses to develop new approaches to skin cancer prevention. These could complement existing messages and humanise health promotion

    Randomized trial of short-course radiotherapy versus long-course chemoradiation comparing rates of local recurrence in patients with T3 rectal cancer: Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group Trial 01.04

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    Glioblastoma is associated with a poor prognosis in the elderly. Survival has been shown to increase among patients 70 years of age or younger when temozolomide chemotherapy is added to standard radiotherapy (60 Gy over a period of 6 weeks). In elderly patients, more convenient shorter courses of radiotherapy are commonly used, but the benefit of adding temozolomide to a shorter course of radiotherapy is unknown