1,211 research outputs found

    Weak commutation relations of unbounded operators: nonlinear extensions

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    We continue our analysis of the consequences of the commutation relation [S,T]=\Id, where SS and TT are two closable unbounded operators. The {\em weak} sense of this commutator is given in terms of the inner product of the Hilbert space \H where the operators act. {We also consider what we call, adopting a physical terminology}, a {\em nonlinear} extension of the above commutation relations

    Relationship in a Medium-risk Population

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    By means of an accurate immunoenzymatic assay, the prevalence was studied of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) in three different populations: 74 patients affected with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) on preexisting cirrhosis, 82 patients with liver cirrhosis but with no apparent neoplasm, and 70 control subjects, hospitalized for various conditions, of internal medicine or geriatric interest. 70.2% of HCC patients exhibited anti-HBC antibodies, versus 47.5% of cirrhotic subjects with no tumor and 7.1% of controls. Such results suggest the possible role of HCV in the etiopathogenesis of HCC, and its possible synergy with other agents-e.g., hepatitis B virus, alcohol--in causing chronically injured hepatocytes to become neoplastic

    Symbiotic association between Solanderia secunda (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Solanderiidae) and Medioantenna variopinta sp. nov. (Annelida, Polychaeta, Polynoidade) from North Sulawesi (Indonesia)

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    17 páginas, 10 figuras, 2 tablas.A mimic scale-worm was found associated with the athecate hydroid Solanderia secunda, commonly found on reefs of the NW coast of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The species resembled Medioantenna clavata Imajima 1997, which was originally described without any reference to a symbiotic mode of life and later reported to be living on a solanderiid hydroid both in Japanese waters. A detailed morphological analysis led us to consider the Indonesian specimens as a new species, namely Medioantenna variopinta sp. nov., which is congeneric with the Japanese species. The new species differs from the type material of M. clavata as it has elytra with one prominent finger-like papilla and all neurochaetae with unidentate tip, instead of an elytral lump and both unidentate and bidentate neurochaetae on segment two. In turn, the Japanese worms associated with Solanderia are here referred to our new species. Two morphological features in M. variopinta sp. nov. are rather unusual among scale-worms. One of them is its extremely high level of bilateral asymmetry and antero-posterior variability in elytral distribution and the other one is its elongated, upwardly directed nephridial papillae. The morphology and geographical distribution of the host together with the known characteristics of the symbiotic association have also been highlighted.The study has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (08-04-92244-GFEN-a and 09-05- 00736a) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and is a contribution to the Consolidated Research Group of the ‘‘Generalitat de Catalunya’’ (ref. numb. 2009SRG665).Peer reviewe

    SBV regularity for Hamilton-Jacobi equations in Rn\mathbb R^n

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    In this paper we study the regularity of viscosity solutions to the following Hamilton-Jacobi equations tu+H(Dxu)=0inΩR×Rn. \partial_t u + H(D_{x} u)=0 \qquad \textrm{in} \Omega\subset \mathbb R\times \mathbb R^{n} . In particular, under the assumption that the Hamiltonian HC2(Rn)H\in C^2(\mathbb R^n) is uniformly convex, we prove that DxuD_{x}u and tu\partial_t u belong to the class SBVloc(Ω)SBV_{loc}(\Omega).Comment: 15 page

    Some remarks on quasi-Hermitian operators

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    A quasi-Hermitian operator is an operator that is similar to its adjoint in some sense, via a metric operator, i.e., a strictly positive self-adjoint operator. Whereas those metric operators are in general assumed to be bounded, we analyze the structure generated by unbounded metric operators in a Hilbert space. Following our previous work, we introduce several generalizations of the notion of similarity between operators. Then we explore systematically the various types of quasi-Hermitian operators, bounded or not. Finally we discuss their application in the so-called pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics.Comment: 18page

    Analisis Biaya Diferensial Sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Menerima Atau Menolak Pesanan Khusus (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Kecap Cap “Kuda” Tulungagung Tahun 2013)

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    This research aims to describe analysis ofdifferential cost fordecision making acceptor rejectspecial order in KetchupCompanystamp of"Kuda". The research method used in this research is descriptive case study approach. The focus ofthis researchare thesales data, production data, cost production data, dataof non-costs production, and income report of"Kuda" KetchupCompanyin 2013. The collecting data technique usedin this research is documentation. The sourceof data for this research isthe secondarydata source. The result of this research are: the company will receive additional profits of Rp 2.748.258,96 if the company received special order from UD. Jiar; the company will receive additional profits of Rp 2.392.904,17 if the company received special order from UD. Sumber Rejeki.Based on this research, then the companysuggested to receive the special order from UD. Jiar and UD. Sumber Rejeki, because receive the special order make the company get additional profits


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    O cronograma da construção de um imóvel geralmente é pré-disposto a aumentos nos prazos por uma dependência ao trabalho manual dos funcionários. O ato de construir uma habitação é dispendioso e, no seu final, acumula um grande desperdício de material de construção. Desta maneira, o designer entra na área da construção habitacional com o objetivo de auxiliar profissionais de arquitetura e engenharia civil elaborando projetos de produtos industrialmente concebidos, facilitando assim as etapas construtivas. Um dos processos que mais demanda tempo para a execução e é grande produtor de entulhos é o da construção das vedações verticais, inclusive as localizadas internamente no imóvel, seja ele casa ou apartamento. O tempo e a geração de entulho podem ser reduzidos com a utilização das vedações verticais internas industrializadas, como as placas de gesso acartonado e outros tipos de divisórias leves. Elas fazem parte de um processo racionalizado, limpo e prático. Porém, mesmo sendo um produto fruto da industrialização, o gesso acartonado também apresenta algumas características pouco ecologicamente corretas em seu processo de fabricação e descarte. Este artigo aborda, então, as características da vedação vertical interna de gesso acartonado e a compara com o sistema construtivo que utiliza das chapas de madeira mineralizadas, denominado internacionalmente como wwcb - wood wool cement board. As chapas de madeira mineralizada chamam a atenção, quando comparadas as de gesso acartonado, por apresentar-se como um eco-produto. Composta por madeira de reflorestamento ou refugo de empresas de móveis e madeireiras, ela compõe um projeto de produto para vedar eficiente. Isso abre os olhos dos profissionais ligados à área da habitação por mostrar-se um bom aliado pela busca pela sustentabilidade na construção de imóveis para a população em geral