1,265 research outputs found

    Design analysis of ductile failure in dovetail connections

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    The static plastic collapse of ductile dovetail structures is investigated by three analysis methods: slip-line field (SLF) theory based on a sheet drawing model, finite element limit analysis, and linear elastic finite element analysis with adapted pressure vessel design stress linearization and categorization methods. A range of angles and heights are considered in the investigation. Three experimental test cases are also presented. The limit analysis results are found to give the best comparison with the limited experimental results, indicating similar collapse loads and modes of ductile collapse. The SLF solution is found to give conservative but useful failure loads for small dovetail angles but, at angles greater than 30°, the solution is not generally conservative. The pressure vessel design by the analysis stress categorization procedure was adapted for dovetail analysis and was found to give reasonably conservative collapse loads in most cases. However, the procedure requires the designer to consider a number of different stress classification lines to ensure that a conservative collapse load is identified. It is concluded that the finite element limit analysis approach provides the best and most direct route to calculating the allowable load for the joint and is the preferred method when appropriate finite element analysis facilities are available

    Solitons in the Yakushevich model of DNA beyond the contact approximation

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    The Yakushevich model of DNA torsion dynamics supports soliton solutions, which are supposed to be of special interest for DNA transcription. In the discussion of the model, one usually adopts the approximation ℓ0→0\ell_0 \to 0, where ℓ0\ell_0 is a parameter related to the equilibrium distance between bases in a Watson-Crick pair. Here we analyze the Yakushevich model without ℓ0→0\ell_0 \to 0. The model still supports soliton solutions indexed by two winding numbers (n,m)(n,m); we discuss in detail the fundamental solitons, corresponding to winding numbers (1,0) and (0,1) respectively

    Extreme bendability of DNA double helix due to bending asymmetry

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    Experimental data of the DNA cyclization (J-factor) at short length scales, as a way to study the elastic behavior of tightly bent DNA, exceed the theoretical expectation based on the wormlike chain (WLC) model by several orders of magnitude. Here, we propose that asymmetric bending rigidity of the double helix in the groove direction can be responsible for extreme bendability of DNA at short length scales and it also facilitates DNA loop formation at these lengths. To account for the bending asymmetry, we consider the asymmetric elastic rod (AER) model which has been introduced and parametrized in an earlier study (B. Eslami-Mossallam and M. Ejtehadi, Phys. Rev. E 80, 011919 (2009)). Exploiting a coarse grained representation of DNA molecule at base pair (bp) level, and using the Monte Carlo simulation method in combination with the umbrella sampling technique, we calculate the loop formation probability of DNA in the AER model. We show that, for DNA molecule has a larger J-factor compared to the WLC model which is in excellent agreement with recent experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Thermodynamics of Twisted DNA with Solvent Interaction

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    The imaginary time path integral formalism is applied to a nonlinear Hamiltonian for a short fragment of heterogeneous DNA with a stabilizing solvent interaction term. Torsional effects are modeled by a twist angle between neighboring base pairs stacked along the molecule backbone. The base pair displacements are described by an ensemble of temperature dependent paths thus incorporating those fluctuational effects which shape the multisteps thermal denaturation. By summing over ∼107−108\sim 10^7 - 10^8 base pair paths, a large number of double helix configurations is taken into account consistently with the physical requirements of the model potential. The partition function is computed as a function of the twist. It is found that the equilibrium twist angle, peculiar of B-DNA at room temperature, yields the stablest helicoidal geometry against thermal disruption of the base pair hydrogen bonds. This result is corroborated by the computation of thermodynamical properties such as fractions of open base pairs and specific heat.Comment: The Journal of Chemical Physics (2011) in pres

    Structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of a coarse-grained DNA model

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    We explore in detail the structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of a coarse-grained model of DNA similar to that introduced in Thomas E. Ouldridge, Ard A. Louis, Jonathan P.K. Doye, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 178101 (2010). Effective interactions are used to represent chain connectivity, excluded volume, base stacking and hydrogen bonding, naturally reproducing a range of DNA behaviour. We quantify the relation to experiment of the thermodynamics of single-stranded stacking, duplex hybridization and hairpin formation, as well as structural properties such as the persistence length of single strands and duplexes, and the torsional and stretching stiffness of double helices. We also explore the model's representation of more complex motifs involving dangling ends, bulged bases and internal loops, and the effect of stacking and fraying on the thermodynamics of the duplex formation transition.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figure

    Multistability of free spontaneously-curved anisotropic strips

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    Multistable structures are objects with more than one stable conformation, exemplified by the simple switch. Continuum versions are often elastic composite plates or shells, such as the common measuring tape or the slap bracelet, both of which exhibit two stable configurations: rolled and unrolled. Here we consider the energy landscape of a general class of multistable anisotropic strips with spontaneous Gaussian curvature. We show that while strips with non-zero Gaussian curvature can be bistable, strips with positive spontaneous curvature are always bistable, independent of the elastic moduli, strips of spontaneous negative curvature are bistable only in the presence of spontaneous twist and when certain conditions on the relative stiffness of the strip in tension and shear are satisfied. Furthermore, anisotropic strips can become tristable when their bending rigidity is small. Our study complements and extends the theory of multistability in anisotropic shells and suggests new design criteria for these structures.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Multifocal versus monofocal intraocular lenses after cataract extraction.

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    BACKGROUND: Good unaided distance visual acuity is now a realistic expectation following cataract surgery and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Near vision, however, still requires additional refractive power, usually in the form of reading glasses. Multiple optic (multifocal) IOLs are available which claim to allow good vision at a range of distances. It is unclear whether this benefit outweighs the optical compromises inherent in multifocal IOLs. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this review was to assess the effects of multifocal IOLs, including effects on visual acuity, subjective visual satisfaction, spectacle dependence, glare and contrast sensitivity, compared to standard monofocal lenses in people undergoing cataract surgery. METHODS: SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register), The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 2, MEDLINE (January 1946 to March 2012), EMBASE (January 1980 to March 2012), the metaRegister of Controlled Trials (mRCT) (www.controlled-trials.com), ClinicalTrials.gov (www.clinicaltrials.gov) and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (www.who.int/ictrp/search/en). We did not use any date or language restrictions in the electronic searches for trials. The electronic databases were last searched on 6 March 2012. We searched the reference lists of relevant articles and contacted investigators of included studies and manufacturers of multifocal IOLs for information about additional published and unpublished studies. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised controlled trials comparing a multifocal IOL of any type with a monofocal IOL as control were included. Both unilateral and bilateral implantation trials were included. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors collected data and assessed trial quality. Where possible, we pooled data from the individual studies using a random-effects model, otherwise we tabulated data. MAIN RESULTS: Sixteen completed trials (1608 participants) and two ongoing trials were identified. All included trials compared multifocal and monofocal lenses but there was considerable variety in the make and model of lenses implanted. Overall we considered the trials at risk of performance and detection bias because it was difficult to mask patients and outcome assessors. It was also difficult to assess the role of reporting bias. There was moderate quality evidence that similar distance acuity is achieved with both types of lenses (pooled risk ratio, RR for unaided visual acuity worse than 6/6: 0.98, 95% confidence interval, CI 0.91 to 1.05). There was also evidence that people with multifocal lenses had better near vision but methodological and statistical heterogeneity meant that we did not calculate a pooled estimate for effect on near vision. Total freedom from use of glasses was achieved more frequently with multifocal than monofocal IOLs. Adverse subjective visual phenomena, particularly haloes, or rings around lights, were more prevalent and more troublesome in participants with the multifocal IOL and there was evidence of reduced contrast sensitivity with the multifocal lenses

    Effect of Bending Anisotropy on the 3D Conformation of Short DNA Loops

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    The equilibrium three dimensional shape of relatively short loops of DNA is studied using an elastic model that takes into account anisotropy in bending rigidities. Using a reasonable estimate for the anisotropy, it is found that cyclized DNA with lengths that are not integer multiples of the pitch take on nontrivial shapes that involve bending out of planes and formation of kinks. The effect of sequence inhomogeneity on the shape of DNA is addressed, and shown to enhance the geometrical features. These findings could shed some light on the role of DNA conformation in protein--DNA interactions

    Statics and Dynamics of the Wormlike Bundle Model

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    Bundles of filamentous polymers are primary structural components of a broad range of cytoskeletal structures, and their mechanical properties play key roles in cellular functions ranging from locomotion to mechanotransduction and fertilization. We give a detailed derivation of a wormlike bundle model as a generic description for the statics and dynamics of polymer bundles consisting of semiflexible polymers interconnected by crosslinking agents. The elastic degrees of freedom include bending as well as twist deformations of the filaments and shear deformation of the crosslinks. We show that a competition between the elastic properties of the filaments and those of the crosslinks leads to renormalized effective bend and twist rigidities that become mode-number dependent. The strength and character of this dependence is found to vary with bundle architecture, such as the arrangement of filaments in the cross section and pretwist. We discuss two paradigmatic cases of bundle architecture, a uniform arrangement of filaments as found in F-actin bundles and a shell-like architecture as characteristic for microtubules. Each architecture is found to have its own universal ratio of maximal to minimal bending rigidity, independent of the specific type of crosslink induced filament coupling; our predictions are in reasonable agreement with available experimental data for microtubules. Moreover, we analyze the predictions of the wormlike bundle model for experimental observables such as the tangent-tangent correlation function and dynamic response and correlation functions. Finally, we analyze the effect of pretwist (helicity) on the mechanical properties of bundles. We predict that microtubules with different number of protofilaments should have distinct variations in their effective bending rigidity

    Energy Localization in the Peyrard-Bishop DNA model

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    We study energy localization on the oscillator-chain proposed by Peyrard and Bishop to model the DNA. We search numerically for conditions with initial energy in a small subgroup of consecutive oscillators of a finite chain and such that the oscillation amplitude is small outside this subgroup for a long timescale. We use a localization criterion based on the information entropy and we verify numerically that such localized excitations exist when the nonlinear dynamics of the subgroup oscillates with a frequency inside the reactive band of the linear chain. We predict a mimium value for the Morse parameter (μ>2.25)(\mu >2.25) (the only parameter of our normalized model), in agreement with the numerical calculations (an estimate for the biological value is μ=6.3\mu =6.3). For supercritical masses, we use canonical perturbation theory to expand the frequencies of the subgroup and we calculate an energy threshold in agreement with the numerical calculations
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