122 research outputs found

    The eigencurve is proper at integral weights

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    We prove that the Coleman-Mazur eigencurve is proper (over weight space) at integral weights in the center of weight space.Comment: submitte

    Eisenstein Deformation Rings

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    We prove R = T theorems for certain reducible residual Galois representations. We answer in the positive a question of Gross and Lubin on whether certain Hecke algebras T are discrete valuation rings. In order to prove these results we determine (using the theory of Breuil modules) when two finite flat group schemes G and H of order p over an arbitrarily tamely ramified discrete valuation ring admit an extension not killed by p.Comment: final versio

    Semistable abelian varieties over Z[1/6] and Z[1/10]

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    Continuing on from recent results of Brumer-Kramer and of Schoof, we show that there exist non-zero semistable Abelian varieties over Z[1/N], with N squarefree, if and only if N is not in the set {1,2,3,5,6,7,10,13}. Our results are contingent on the GRH discriminant bounds of Odlyzko

    Semistable abelian Varieties over Q

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    We prove that for N=6 and N=10, there do not exist any non-zero semistable abelian varieties over Q with good reduction outside primes dividing N. Our results are contingent on the GRH discriminant bounds of Odlyzko. Combined with recent results of Brumer--Kramer and of Schoof, this result is best possible: if N is squarefree, there exists a non-zero semistable abelian variety over Q with good reduction outside primes dividing N precisely when N is not in the set {1,2,3,5,6,7,10,13}.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in Manuscripta Mathematic

    Non-minimal modularity lifting in weight one

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    We prove an integral R = T theorem for odd two dimensional p-adic representations of the absolute Galois group which are unramified at p, extending results of [CG] to the non-minimal case. We prove, for any p, the existence of Katz modular forms modulo p of weight one which do not lift to characteristic zero

    Almost Rational Torsion Points on Semistable Elliptic Curves

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    If P is an algebraic point on a commutative group scheme A/K, then P is _almost_rational_ if no two non-trivial Galois conjugates sigma(P), tau(P), have sum equal to 2P. In this paper, we classify almost rational torsion points on semistable elliptic curves over Q.Comment: 16 pages. Appeared in International Mathematical Research Notices, 2001, No. 1

    Irrationality of certain p-adic periods for small p

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    Following Apery's proof of the irrationality of zeta(3), Beukers found an elegant reinterpretation of Apery's arguments using modular forms. We show how Beukers arguments can be adapted to a p-adic setting. In this context, certain functional equations arising from Eichler integrals are replaced by the notion of overconvergent p-adic modular forms, and the periods themselves arise not as coefficients of period polynomials but as constant terms of p-adic Eisenstein series. We prove that the analogue of zeta(3) is irrational for p = 2 and 3, as well as the 2-adic analogue of Catalan's constant.Comment: Preprin

    Mod p representations on elliptic curves

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    Modular Galois representations into GL_2(F_p) with cyclotomic determinant arise from elliptic curves for p = 2,3,5. We show (by constructing explicit examples) that such elliptic curves cannot be chosen to have conductor as small as possible at all primes other than p. Our proof involves finding all elliptic curves of conductor 85779, a custom computation carried out for us by Cremona. This leads to a counterexample to a conjecture of Lario and Rio. For p > 5, we construct irreducible representations with cyclotomic determinant that do not arise from any elliptic curve over Q.Comment: submitte

    Bounds for Multiplicities of Unitary Representations of Cohomological Type in Spaces of Cusp Forms

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    Let \Goo be a semisimple real Lie group with unitary dual \Ghat. The goal of this note is to produce new upper bounds for the multiplicities with which representations \pi \in \Ghat of cohomological type appear in certain spaces of cusp forms on \Goo.Comment: submitte

    The Hecke Algebra T_k has Large Index

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    Let T_k denote the Hecke algebra acting on newforms of weight k and level N. We prove that the power of p dividing the index of T_k inside its normalisation grows at least linearly with k (for fixed N), answering a question of Serre. We also apply our method to give heuristic evidence towards recent conjectures of Buzzard and Mazur.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in Math Research Letter
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