52 research outputs found

    Natural hazards, disasters and local development

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    International audienceThis publication is aimed at individuals and institutions aware of the need to integrate reconstruction programs as part of a strategy to achieve the sustainable improvement of the living conditions of populations. The objective of this document is to show the interest, relevance and potential of local materials in at-risk situations but also and particularly to demonstrate that ignoring or banning the use of local materials and their associated know-how, as part of reconstruction, risk prevention and management or development projects, inevitably leads to even more vulnerable and dependent affected (or likely to be affected) populations. Beyond housing reconstruction, the idea is to implement sustainable conditions for better prevention and risk preparedness, for and by local populations, by taking into account and valorizing their knowledge and know-how: their own building culture. Through the organization of seminars and international meetings, and with the proliferation of operational partnerships in the field, our team was able to begin structuring the knowledge in the field. This document is therefore intended to present the conclusions of a shared reflection process. The theoretical and methodological elements proposed are illustrated by case studies of several recent initiatives, reflecting the different approaches developed and their results. This document does not provide instructions to be followed, but is intended as a basis for reflection. It opens new doors into more effective programs of reconstruction and prevention in high-risk area

    C-src Enriched Serum Microvesicles Are Generated in Malignant Plasma Cell Dyscrasia

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    Plasma cell dyscrasias are immunosecretory disorders that can lead to hematological malignancies such as Multiple Myeloma (MM). MM accounts for 15% of all hematologic cancers, and those diagnosed with MM typically become severely ill and have a low life expectancy. Monoclonal immunoglobulin Free Light Chains (FLC) are present in the serum and urine of many patients with plasma cell diseases. The biological differences between monoclonal FLCs, produced under malignant or benign dyscrasias, has not yet been characterized. In the present study, we show that endothelial and heart muscle cell lines internalize kappa and lambda FLCs. After internalization, FLCs are rerouted in the extracellular space via microvesicles and exosomes that can be re-internalized in contiguous cells. Only FLCs secreted from malignant B Lymphocytes were carried in Hsp70, annexin V, and c-src positive vesicles. In both MM and AL Amyloidosis patients we observed an increase in microvesicles and exosomes production. Isolated serum vesicles from MM, AL Amyloidosis and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) patients contained FLCs. Furthermore MM and AL amyloidosis vesicles were strongly positive for Hsp70, annexin V, and c-src compared to MGUS and control patients. These are the first data implying that FLCs reroute via microvesicles in the blood stream, and also suggest a potential novel mechanism of c-src activation in plasma cell dyscrasia

    Comparison of Hevylite™ IgA and IgG assay with conventional techniques for the diagnosis and follow-up of plasma cell dyscrasia

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    Background: Heavy/light chain assay allows the characterization and quantification of immunoglobulin light chains bound to heavy chains for each Ig’k and Ig’ immunoglobulin class, discriminating between the involved/uninvolved isotypes in plasma cell dyscrasia. The Ig’k/Ig’ ratio (heavy/light chain ratio) enables to monitor the trend of monoclonal component during therapy and disease evolution. Objective: In this study, we evaluate the impact of the heavy/light chain assay in monitoring multiple myeloma patients in comparison with conventional techniques. Methods: Serum samples of 28 patients with IgG or IgA monoclonal component were collected for a mean of 109 days and analyzed. The heavy/light chain assay was compared with classical immunoglobulin quantification (Ig’Tot), serum immunofixation electrophoresis, serum protein electrophoresis, and serum-free light chains quantification. Serum samples from 30 healthy patients were used as control (polyclonal). Results: Heavy/light chain ratio and serum immunofixation electrophoresis were comparable in 86% of the cases, and free light chain ratio and heavy/light chain ratio in 71.8%. Heavy/light chain assay and Ig’Tot measurements showed a concentration-dependent agreement in monoclonal patients. The heavy/light chain assay was able to quantify the monoclonal component migrating in SPE b region: this occurred in 10% of our IgG and 50% of our IgA patients. Conclusions: The concordance scores indicate that heavy/light chain and Ig’Tot assays show differences at high monoclonal component values. The heavy/light chain ratio, serum immunofixation electrophoresis, and free light chain ratio showed partial concordance. Our study confirmed that, in the context of heavy/light chain assay, heavy/light chain Ig’k and Ig’ absolute values and heavy/light chain ratio are both important tools to monitor the presence of monoclonal component that are difficult to be identified in SPE

    Immunoglobulin free light chains and GAGs mediate multiple myeloma extracellular vesicles uptake and secondary NfkB nuclear traslocation

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    Multiplemyeloma(MM) is a hematological malignancy caused by a microenviromentally aided persistence of plasmacells in the bone marrow. Monoclonal plasmacells often secrete high amounts of immunoglobulin free light chains(FLCs)that could induce tissue damage. Recently, we showed that FLCs are internalized in endothelial and myocardial cell lines and secreted in extracellular vesicles(EVs). MM serum derived EVs presented phenotypic differences if compared with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)serum derived EVs suggesting their involvement in MM pathogenesis or progression. To investigate the effect of circulating EVs on endothelial and myocardial cells, we purified MM and MGUS serum derived EVs with differential ultracentrifugation protocols and tested their biological activity. We found that MM and MGUS EVs induced different proliferation and internalization rates in endothelial and myocardial cells, thus we tried to find specific targets in MM EVs docking and processing. Pre-treatment of EVs withanti-FLCs antibodies or heparin blocked the MM EVs uptake, highlighting that FLCs and glycosaminoglycans are involved. Indeed, only MM EVs exposure induced a strong nuclear factor kappa B nuclear translocation that was completely abolished afteranti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatment. The protein tyrosine kinase c-src is present on MM circulating EVs and redistributes to the cell plasma membrane after MM EVs exposure.The anti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatments were able to block the intracellular redistribution of the c-src kinase and the subsequent c-src kinase containing EVs production. Our results open new insights in EVs cellular biology and in MM therapeutic and diagnostic approaches

    Immunoglobulin free light chains and GAGs mediate multiple myeloma extracellular vesicles uptake and secondary NfkB nuclear traslocation

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    Multiplemyeloma(MM) is a hematological malignancy caused by a microenviromentally aided persistence of plasmacells in the bone marrow. Monoclonal plasmacells often secrete high amounts of immunoglobulin free light chains(FLCs)that could induce tissue damage. Recently, we showed that FLCs are internalized in endothelial and myocardial cell lines and secreted in extracellular vesicles(EVs). MM serum derived EVs presented phenotypic differences if compared with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)serum derived EVs suggesting their involvement in MM pathogenesis or progression. To investigate the effect of circulating EVs on endothelial and myocardial cells, we purified MM and MGUS serum derived EVs with differential ultracentrifugation protocols and tested their biological activity. We found that MM and MGUS EVs induced different proliferation and internalization rates in endothelial and myocardial cells, thus we tried to find specific targets in MM EVs docking and processing. Pre-treatment of EVs withanti-FLCs antibodies or heparin blocked the MM EVs uptake, highlighting that FLCs and glycosaminoglycans are involved. Indeed, only MM EVs exposure induced a strong nuclear factor kappa B nuclear translocation that was completely abolished afteranti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatment. The protein tyrosine kinase c-src is present on MM circulating EVs and redistributes to the cell plasma membrane after MM EVs exposure.The anti-FLCs antibodies and heparin pre-treatments were able to block the intracellular redistribution of the c-src kinase and the subsequent c-src kinase containing EVs production. Our results open new insights in EVs cellular biology and in MM therapeutic and diagnostic approaches

    Vernacular building cultures and resilience : knowledge, practice and technique : apprehending vernacular as genius loci and disaster resilient ingenuity

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    Dans les régions exposées à des aléas naturels, une large partie des bâtiments composant l'environnement construit sont réalisés presque exclusivement sur la base de l'expérience et de l'observation des bâtisseurs locaux, sans l'appui d'un architecte ou d'un ingénieur. Les communautés installées dans ces zones ont développé, au fil du temps, une multitude de stratégies pour co-habiter avec ces phénomènes, incluant des comportements sociaux et des approches de construction visant à prévenir et/ou à limiter l'exposition du bâti et de ses habitants. En fait, les constructeurs ont souvent intégré la présence et les caractéristiques locales des aléas naturels dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes, élaborant des détails et des dispositions constructives particulières pour réduire la vulnérabilité des artefacts et du milieu bâti. Le concept de culture constructive embrasse la dimension sociale et technique de l'acte de construire et du processus d'élaboration des savoirs et savoir-faire qui lui sont inhérents, reflétant intrinsèquement la multiplicité des sociétés humaines et leur enracinement indissoluble au territoire qu'elles habitent. Le vernaculaire en tant que caractérisation des modes de bâtir, d'habiter et de se protéger se révèle par ce fait une source précieuse de pratiques, techniques et mesures, testées au cours des siècles et des multiples aléas, pour la construction d'environnements bâtis durables, accessibles et sûrs. Ce travail de recherche explore le potentiel présenté par les cultures constructives vernaculaires dans le renforcement de la résilience locale. Et cela à partir des pratiques - constructives et comportementales - développées par les populations, groupes et individus habitant des contextes géographiquement exposés à des aléas naturels. Se fondant sur une forte interaction entre la théorie et la pratique, cette recherche entame une (re)découverte de l'ingéniosité intrinsèque à ces savoirs par le développement de deux axes thématiques. L'un investigue les dispositions et les dispositifs vernaculaires à caractère parasinistre ayant démontré leur efficacité à réduire la vulnérabilité de l'environnement construit envers différents types d'aléas naturels. L'autre axe questionne les modalités de leur identification et contribution directe au renforcement des capacités de populations et institutions dans la gestion des crises. À une analyse technique s'associe l'élaboration d'un outil méthodologique soutenant la mise en place d'une démarche de projet s'ancrant fortement aux spécificités contextuelles selon une logique de continuité, tant culturelle que de pratique, entre passé et futur, entre préparation et réponse aux catastrophes.In areas prone to natural hazards, many of the buildings that make up the built environment are constructed almost exclusively through the experience and the direct observation of local builders, without the support of any architect or engineer. In these regions, communities have developed over time a variety of strategies to cope with natural phenomena through patterns of social behaviours and building approaches intended to prevent and/or to reduce their exposure to local risks. Similarly, local builders have often integrated natural hazards into their daily practices, developing singular techniques, building details or devices aiming to reduce the vulnerability of the built environment. The concept of building culture embraces the social and technical aspects related to the construction process and to the development of corresponding knowledge and know-how, intrinsically reflecting the multiplicity of human societies and their indissoluble connection with the territories they inhabit. The vernacular as characterization of ways of building, living and protecting oneself proves to be a valuable source of practices, techniques and measures, tested over the years and during multiple hazards, for contemporary construction of sustainable, accessible and safe built-environments. This research explores the potential of vernacular building cultures in enhancing local resilience; and this starting from - constructive and behavioural – practices developed by individual people and groups living in contexts geographically exposed to natural hazards. Based on a strong interaction between theory and action, this research undertakes a (re)discovery of vernacular knowledge through two thematic focuses. One examines disaster resilient vernacular provisions and devices which have demonstrated their effectiveness to reduce vulnerability of the built environment to various types of natural hazards. The other one considers ways for their identification and direct contribution to strengthening capacities of communities and institutions for disaster risk management. This research combines a technical analysis with the development of a methodological tool, contributing to set up a project approach strongly rooted into contextual specificities, linking culture and practice, past experience and future needs, disaster response and preparedness

    Cultures constructives vernaculaires et résilience : entre savoir, pratique et technique : appréhender le vernaculaire en tant que génie du lieu et génie parasinistre

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    In areas prone to natural hazards, many of the buildings that make up the built environment are constructed almost exclusively through the experience and the direct observation of local builders, without the support of any architect or engineer. In these regions, communities have developed over time a variety of strategies to cope with natural phenomena through patterns of social behaviours and building approaches intended to prevent and/or to reduce their exposure to local risks. Similarly, local builders have often integrated natural hazards into their daily practices, developing singular techniques, building details or devices aiming to reduce the vulnerability of the built environment. The concept of building culture embraces the social and technical aspects related to the construction process and to the development of corresponding knowledge and know-how, intrinsically reflecting the multiplicity of human societies and their indissoluble connection with the territories they inhabit. The vernacular as characterization of ways of building, living and protecting oneself proves to be a valuable source of practices, techniques and measures, tested over the years and during multiple hazards, for contemporary construction of sustainable, accessible and safe built-environments. This research explores the potential of vernacular building cultures in enhancing local resilience; and this starting from - constructive and behavioural – practices developed by individual people and groups living in contexts geographically exposed to natural hazards. Based on a strong interaction between theory and action, this research undertakes a (re)discovery of vernacular knowledge through two thematic focuses. One examines disaster resilient vernacular provisions and devices which have demonstrated their effectiveness to reduce vulnerability of the built environment to various types of natural hazards. The other one considers ways for their identification and direct contribution to strengthening capacities of communities and institutions for disaster risk management. This research combines a technical analysis with the development of a methodological tool, contributing to set up a project approach strongly rooted into contextual specificities, linking culture and practice, past experience and future needs, disaster response and preparedness.Dans les régions exposées à des aléas naturels, une large partie des bâtiments composant l'environnement construit sont réalisés presque exclusivement sur la base de l'expérience et de l'observation des bâtisseurs locaux, sans l'appui d'un architecte ou d'un ingénieur. Les communautés installées dans ces zones ont développé, au fil du temps, une multitude de stratégies pour co-habiter avec ces phénomènes, incluant des comportements sociaux et des approches de construction visant à prévenir et/ou à limiter l'exposition du bâti et de ses habitants. En fait, les constructeurs ont souvent intégré la présence et les caractéristiques locales des aléas naturels dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes, élaborant des détails et des dispositions constructives particulières pour réduire la vulnérabilité des artefacts et du milieu bâti. Le concept de culture constructive embrasse la dimension sociale et technique de l'acte de construire et du processus d'élaboration des savoirs et savoir-faire qui lui sont inhérents, reflétant intrinsèquement la multiplicité des sociétés humaines et leur enracinement indissoluble au territoire qu'elles habitent. Le vernaculaire en tant que caractérisation des modes de bâtir, d'habiter et de se protéger se révèle par ce fait une source précieuse de pratiques, techniques et mesures, testées au cours des siècles et des multiples aléas, pour la construction d'environnements bâtis durables, accessibles et sûrs. Ce travail de recherche explore le potentiel présenté par les cultures constructives vernaculaires dans le renforcement de la résilience locale. Et cela à partir des pratiques - constructives et comportementales - développées par les populations, groupes et individus habitant des contextes géographiquement exposés à des aléas naturels. Se fondant sur une forte interaction entre la théorie et la pratique, cette recherche entame une (re)découverte de l'ingéniosité intrinsèque à ces savoirs par le développement de deux axes thématiques. L'un investigue les dispositions et les dispositifs vernaculaires à caractère parasinistre ayant démontré leur efficacité à réduire la vulnérabilité de l'environnement construit envers différents types d'aléas naturels. L'autre axe questionne les modalités de leur identification et contribution directe au renforcement des capacités de populations et institutions dans la gestion des crises. À une analyse technique s'associe l'élaboration d'un outil méthodologique soutenant la mise en place d'une démarche de projet s'ancrant fortement aux spécificités contextuelles selon une logique de continuité, tant culturelle que de pratique, entre passé et futur, entre préparation et réponse aux catastrophes

    DISASTER RISK REDUCTION THROUGH LOCAL KNOWLEDGE AND CAPACITIES ENHANCEMENTLocal resources and multilevel cooperation: towards long-term prevention strategies: Theme 7: Ancient/Historic and Innovative Solutions for Damage Prevention and Performance Improvement in the event of Natural Disasters

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    International audienceIn disaster prone areas, local communities have always faced natural hazards and, over time, have managed to develop different strategies to prevent and/or reduce their impact. Local builders have often integrated natural risks into their daily practices, developing in many cases singular techniques, building details or devices aiming at reducing the vulnerability of the built environment. Such indigenous knowledge can contribute to the development of disaster-resistant engineering through the analysis of vernacular building practices and the potentials offered by locally available resources (materials, knowledge and know-how). The aim of this article is to illustrate a number of practices based on an action-research process, integrating elements of local building cultures, and proposing a methodology for the enhancement of local capacities and know-how through technology transfer and knowledge sharing.

    From Kutcha to Pucca. Proposition de reconstruction d'habitats résistant aux calamités naturelles pour les villages de l'Orissa (Kendrapara District, Orissa State, Inde)

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    Situé sur la côte orientale du subcontinent indien, Orissa est l'Etat le plus pauvre de toute l'Inde. Sa pauvreté se manifeste explicitement dans la précarité des habitations en terre et en paille des zones rurales, périodiquement détruites par des catastrophes naturelles. C'est donc dans un contexte caractérisé par une précarité qui s'étend au-delà du domaine de l'habitat, et par une extrême vulnérabilité aux calamités naturelles, que notre projet se situe. Il représente une tentative de contribuer à une amélioration des conditions de vie de la population rurale, en faisant face à la fragilité des habitations actuelles, et en essayant de valoriser les potentialités présentes in situ. Notre proposition a, donc, comme objet la conception d'habitats adéquats et protégés, à travers la définition d'un système constructif low-cost, qui soit spatialement flexible, pour s'adapter aux exigences des habitants, et qui soit résistant à l'impact des calamités naturelles, pour s'adapter aux conditions environnementales

    Learning from vernacular building practices: a starting point for risk mitigation

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    In most natural disaster prone areas, vernacular builders have implemented affordable strategies that have proven to perform adequately during natural hazards. Learning from these practices represents a great potential to further strengthen the resilience of contemporary societies dealing with these risks. This paper presents an approach for the identification and the valorisation of disaster resilient local building practices on the basis of two methodologies developed for the analysis of vernacular building cultures in risk prone areas. One focuses on issues concerning the exploration of vernacular architecture seismic performance; the other explores the relation between building technical features and factors influencing the resilience of communities living in areas affected by various types of natural hazards. This combined approach aims to explore and put forward ways to further benefit from the inventiveness inherent to vernacular building cultures in order to pragmatically contribute to the vulnerability reduction process of present-day built environment
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