864 research outputs found

    ZnO layers deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition

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    The structure of 40 nm thick epitaxial ZnO layers grown on single crystalline sapphire and GaN substrates by atomic layer deposition has been studied using transmission electron microscopy. The growth is carried out between 150°C and 300°C without any buffer layer using di-ethyl zinc and water precursors. The ZnO layer on sapphire is found to be polycrystalline, which is probably due to the large misfit (~15 %) and the relatively low deposition temperature. However, the small misfit (~1.8 %) between the ZnO layer that is deposited on GaN at 300°C resulted in a high quality single crystalline layer

    A Relational Event Approach to Modeling Behavioral Dynamics

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    This chapter provides an introduction to the analysis of relational event data (i.e., actions, interactions, or other events involving multiple actors that occur over time) within the R/statnet platform. We begin by reviewing the basics of relational event modeling, with an emphasis on models with piecewise constant hazards. We then discuss estimation for dyadic and more general relational event models using the relevent package, with an emphasis on hands-on applications of the methods and interpretation of results. Statnet is a collection of packages for the R statistical computing system that supports the representation, manipulation, visualization, modeling, simulation, and analysis of relational data. Statnet packages are contributed by a team of volunteer developers, and are made freely available under the GNU Public License. These packages are written for the R statistical computing environment, and can be used with any computing platform that supports R (including Windows, Linux, and Mac).

    Spontaneous retropharyngeal haematoma: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Spontaneous retropharyngeal haematoma is an unusual condition. It has multiple aetiological factors and can present to a number of specialists including the otolaryngologist.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe a case of spontaneous retropharyngeal haematoma which demonstrates the dramatic presentation and emphasises the need for a conservative approach.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is important to be aware of this unusual condition with its distinct presentation. Surgical intervention should be resisted unless a treatable aetiological factor is found or airway compromise occurs. Most cases will resolve with conservative management.</p

    Stroke genetics: prospects for personalized medicine.

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    Epidemiologic evidence supports a genetic predisposition to stroke. Recent advances, primarily using the genome-wide association study approach, are transforming what we know about the genetics of multifactorial stroke, and are identifying novel stroke genes. The current findings are consistent with different stroke subtypes having different genetic architecture. These discoveries may identify novel pathways involved in stroke pathogenesis, and suggest new treatment approaches. However, the already identified genetic variants explain only a small proportion of overall stroke risk, and therefore are not currently useful in predicting risk for the individual patient. Such risk prediction may become a reality as identification of a greater number of stroke risk variants that explain the majority of genetic risk proceeds, and perhaps when information on rare variants, identified by whole-genome sequencing, is also incorporated into risk algorithms. Pharmacogenomics may offer the potential for earlier implementation of 'personalized genetic' medicine. Genetic variants affecting clopidogrel and warfarin metabolism may identify non-responders and reduce side-effects, but these approaches have not yet been widely adopted in clinical practice

    Survey radiography and computerized tomography imaging of the thorax in female dogs with mammary tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accurate early diagnosis of lung metastases is important for establishing therapeutic measures. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare survey thoracic radiographs and computerized tomography (CT) scans to specifically identify lung metastases in female dogs with mammary tumors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-one female dogs, weighing 3 to 34 kg and aged from 5 years to 14 years and 10 months, with mammary tumors were studied. In all dogs before the imaging examinations, fine-needle aspiration cytology of the mammary tumors was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Three-view thoracic radiographs were accomplished: right lateral, left lateral and ventrodorsal views. Sequential transverse images of the thorax were acquired on a spiral Scanner, before and after intravenous bolus injection of nonionic iodine contrast. Soft-tissue and lung windows were applied. All the mammary tumors were surgically removed and examined histologically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The correlation between the cytological and histological results regarding presence of malignancy was observed in only 17 cases. In radiographic examinations, no dog displayed signs of lung metastases or thorax chest lesions. CT detected lung metastasis in two cases, while small areas of lung atelectasis located peripherally were found in 28.57% of the dogs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study population, spiral CT showed higher sensitivity than chest radiographies to detect lung metastasis; this indicates that CT should be performed on all female dogs with malignant mammary tumors.</p

    The Use of Haplotypes in the Identification of Interaction between SNPs

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    Although haplotypes can provide great insight into the complex relationships between functional polymorphisms at a locus, their use in modern association studies has been limited. This is due to our inability to directly observe haplotypes in studies of unrelated individuals, but also to the extra complexity involved in their analysis and the difficulty in identifying which is the truly informative haplotype. Using a series of simulations, we tested a number of different models of a haplotype carrying two functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to assess the ability of haplotypic analysis to identify functional interactions between SNPs at the same locus. We found that, when phase is known, analysis of the haplotype is more powerful than analysis of the individual SNPs. The difference between the two approaches becomes less either as an increasing number of non-informative SNPs are included, or when the haplotypic phase is unknown, while in both cases the SNP association becomes progressively better at identifying the association. Our results suggest that when novel genotyping and bioinformatics methods are available to reconstruct haplotypic phase, this will permit the emergence of a new wave of haplotypic analysis able to consider interactions between SNPs with increased statistical power.</p