17,244 research outputs found

    Hábito de crescimento, coloração da inflorescência e caracterização da folha em germoplasma de mangueira em Juazeiro-BA.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização de acessos de mangueira (Mangifera indica L.) em relação ao hábito de crescimento, coloração da inflorescência, formato da folha, formato da base da folha e formato do ápice da folha

    Jacobi-Nijenhuis algebroids and their modular classes

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    Jacobi-Nijenhuis algebroids are defined as a natural generalization of Poisson-Nijenhuis algebroids, in the case where there exists a Nijenhuis operator on a Jacobi algebroid which is compatible with it. We study modular classes of Jacobi and Jacobi-Nijenhuis algebroids

    Precocidade e características da folha em três espécies do gênero Mangifera em Juazeiro-BA.

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    Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização das três espécies com base nos descritores da folha e com relação ao início da produção

    Labels for non-individuals

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    Quasi-set theory is a first order theory without identity, which allows us to cope with non-individuals in a sense. A weaker equivalence relation called ``indistinguishability'' is an extension of identity in the sense that if xx is identical to yy then xx and yy are indistinguishable, although the reciprocal is not always valid. The interesting point is that quasi-set theory provides us a useful mathematical background for dealing with collections of indistinguishable elementary quantum particles. In the present paper, however, we show that even in quasi-set theory it is possible to label objects that are considered as non-individuals. We intend to prove that individuality has nothing to do with any labelling process at all, as suggested by some authors. We discuss the physical interpretation of our results.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Resistance of sugarcane cultivars to Diataea saccharalis.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the ovipositions preference of Diatraea saccharalis and the effect of ten sugarcane cultivars on larval development. Oviposition preference was assessed under greenhouse condition by three releases of couples of moths, with subsequent counting of egg masses and eggs per plant. In order to evaluate the effet of the cultivars on larval development, each plant was infected with about 150 eggs, and, 29 days later, the total number of internodes, number of bored internodes, number of life forms found, larval and pupal weight and length, and the width of larval head capsule were evaluated.Título em português: Resistência de cultivares de cana?de?açúcar a Diatraea saccharalis

    Interpretation of Unresolved Mossbauer Spectra in Compounds of I~~~*

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    Recebido em 2 de Setembro de 1971 The Mossbauer-effect absorption spectra of the rare earth tri-iodides, Lal,, Gdl, and Erl, show evidence of unresolved quadrupole splitting. We propose that the electric field gradient (EFG) responsible for the interaction can be associated with a partially filled p hole (hd in the 5s25p6 eiectronic configuration of I-. The quadrupole coupling parameters and isomer shifts are determined from a least squares fitting of the data using as initial estimates the C[" NQR data for equivalent rare earth tri-chlorides. For Lal, , Gdl, and Erl, these ar