236 research outputs found

    HRM strength, situation strength and improvisation behavior

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the connections between human resource (HR), situation strength and improvisation behavior. A high degree of “fit” among HR practices and between such practices and organizational strategy, is said to have an impact on organizational outcomes. How these fits are achieved is not fully understood in the literature. It has been proposed that horizontal fit is achieved when messages regarding HR matters are communicated to employees in a distinct, consensual, and consistent way. This will create a strong situation, which in turn will affect outcomes such as improvisation behavior. Situation strength is captured by the concepts of climate strength, and culture strength. Design/methodology/approach – The research was conducted at a call center of a company belonging to a Portuguese Telecommunications Group. In total, 91 questionnaires were collected. Scales in the questionnaire are based on existing indicators, but a new measure of HR strength (HRS) was also used. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. Findings – Results show that HRS has a direct effect on improvisation behavior. Furthermore, culture is a mediator between HRS and climate. There was also a strong indication that culture may be a mediator between HRS and improvisation behavior. Research limitations/implications – Limitations concern the sample size and the fact that research was conducted in a call center. Implications for research include the need to introduce leadership into this type of studies, as well as model and scales validation. Originality/value – The current research advances knowledge in the area in three ways. First, it presents a new instrument to measure HRS. Second, it introduces improvisation as an outcome of HR. And third, it tests a full model that links HR to social common structures (climate and culture) and performance outcomes (improvisation behavior in this work).El Propósito – El propósito de este estudio es explorar las conexiones entre recursos humanos, la fuerza de la situación y el comportamiento de la improvisación. Un alto nivel de “ajuste” entre las pra´cticas de recursos humanos, y entre esas prácticas y las estrategias de organización, se dice que tiene un impacto en los resultados de la organización. Cómo se consiguen estos ajustes no es comprendido en la literatura. Se ha propuesto que el ajuste horizontal se logra cuando los mensajes en materia de los recursos humanos se comunican a los empleados de una manera distinta, consensuada y coherente. Esto creará una situación fuerte, que a la vez influirá en los resultados tales como el comportamiento de la improvisación. La fuerza de la situación es capturado por los conceptos de la fuerza del clima, y la fuerza de la cultura. La Metodología – La investigación se llevó a cabo en una atención al cliente de una empresa que pertenece a un grupo de telecomunicaciones portugués. En total, 91 cuestionarios fueron recogidos. Escalas en el cuestionario se basan en los indicadores existentes, también, se utilizó una nueva medida de fuerza de recursos humanos. Los datos fueron analizados con el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los Resultados – Los resultados muestran que la fuerza de recursos humanos tiene un efecto directo sobre el comportamiento de improvisación. Por otra parte, la cultura es un mediador entre la fuerza de recursos humanos y el clima. También hubo un fuerte indicio de que la cultura puede ser un mediador entre la fuerza de recursos humanos y el comportamiento de improvisación. Las Limitaciones/Implicaciones de la investigación – Las limitaciones se prenden con el tamaño de la muestra y el hecho de que la investigación se llevó a cabo en una atención al cliente. Implicaciones para la investigación incluyen la necesidad de introducir el liderazgo en este tipo de estudios, así como la validación del modelo y de las escalas. La Originalidad/El valor – La investigación actual desarrolla el conocimiento en el área de três maneras. En primer lugar, presenta un nuevo instrumento para medir la fuerza de recursos humanos. En segundo lugar, introduce la improvisación como un resultado de los recursos humanos. Y en tercer lugar, pone a prueba un modelo completo que relaciona los recursos humanos con las estruturas sociales comunes (clima y la cultura) y los resultados de rendimiento (el comportamiento de la improvisación en este trabajo).Propósito/Objectivo – O objetivo deste artigo é´ explorar as ligações entre RH, a força da situação e comportamento de improvisação. Considera-se que um elevado grau de “ajustamento” entre as práticas de RH e entre essas práticas e a estratégia organizacional, tem um impacto nos resultados organizacionais. A forma como esses ajustamentos são alcançados não é, porém, totalmente compreendida na literatura. Foi proposto que o ajustamento horizontal é alcançado quando as mensagens sobre as questões de RH são comunicadas aos empregados de uma forma distintiva, consensual e consistente. Isso criará uma situação forte, que por sua vez, afeta os resultados, tais como o comportamento de improvisação. A força da situação é capturada pelos conceitos de força do clima, e força da cultura. Metodologia – O estudo foi conduzido num call center de uma empresa pertencente a um Grupo Português de Telecomunicações. No total, 91 questionários foram recolhidos. As escalas do questionário são baseadas em indicadores já´ existentes, mas uma nova medida de força de RH foi também utilizada. Os dados foram analisados com modelos de equações estruturais. Resultados – Os resultados mostram que a força da gestão de RH tem um efeito directo sobre o comportamento de improvisação. Além disso, a cultura é um mediador entre Força de RH e clima. Houve também um forte indício de que a cultura pode ser um mediador entre Força de RH e comportamento de improvisação. Limitações/Implicações da investigação – As limitações dizem respeito à dimensão da amostra e ao facto de que a pesquisa ter sido realizada num call center. Implicações para a investigação incluem a necessidade de introduzir a liderança neste tipo de estudos, bem como a validação de escalas e do modelo. Originalidade/Valor – Este estudo desenvolve o conhecimento na área de três maneiras. Em primeiro lugar, apresenta um novo instrumento para medir a força de RH. Em segundo lugar, introduz a improvisação como um resultado de RH. E em terceiro lugar, testa um modelo completo que liga RH a estruturas sociais comuns (clima e cultura) e a resultados de desempenho (comportamento de improvisação).This paper had partial support from FCT’s funded project PTDC/GES/64879/2006.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strength of the HRM system: the development of a measure

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to operationalize the construct Strength of the HRM System theoretically defined by Bowen and Ostroff (2004) as a set of process metafeatures to convey signals to employees about desired and appropriate work behaviors, as well as to develop and validate a questionnaire to measure it, the HRMSQ. Design/methodology/approach: Three studies contribute to this purpose. In the first study we develop a questionnaire and test it with employees from several organizations. In the second study we applied the refined questionnaire in a sample of employees from a large company, and assessed different types of validity. The final study replicated results from the second study. Findings: Psychometric properties reveal good internal consistency reliability, item reliability and construct reliability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. Pratical implications: Results indicate that the HRMSQ can be used in the study of HR strategy and for HR manager. Originaly/value: The HRMSQ is a friendly instrument that can help HR practitioners to assess whether the HRM system is unambiguously perceived by employees, and identify possible problem areas in terms of the implementation process. It also contributes to research in the strategic HRM field by operationalizing a construct that is likely to improve the understanding of the link between the HRM System and organizational performance.Peer Reviewe

    Overexpression of adenosine A2A receptors in rats: effects on depression, locomotion, and anxiety

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    Adenosine A2A receptors (A2AR) are a sub-type of receptors enriched in basal ganglia, activated by the neuromodulator adenosine, which interact with dopamine D2 receptors. Although this reciprocal antagonistic interaction is well-established in motor function, the outcome in dopamine-related behaviors remains uncertain, in particular in depression and anxiety. We have demonstrated an upsurge of A2AR associated to aging and chronic stress. Furthermore, Alzheimer's disease patients present A2AR accumulation in cortical areas together with depressive signs. We now tested the impact of overexpressing A2AR in forebrain neurons on dopamine-related behavior, namely depression. Adult male rats overexpressing human A2AR under the control of CaMKII promoter [Tg(CaMKII-hA2AR)] and aged-matched wild-types (WT) of the same strain (Sprague-Dawley) were studied. The forced swimming test (FST), sucrose preference test (SPT), and the open-field test (OFT) were performed to evaluate behavioral despair, anhedonia, locomotion, and anxiety. Tg(CaMKII-hA2AR) animals spent more time floating and less time swimming in the FST and presented a decreased sucrose preference at 48 h in the SPT. They also covered higher distances in the OFT and spent more time in the central zone than the WT. The results indicate that Tg(CaMKII-hA2AR) rats exhibit depressive-like behavior, hyperlocomotion, and altered exploratory behavior. This A2AR overexpression may explain the depressive signs found in aging, chronic stress, and Alzheimer's disease

    Effects induced by Apis mellifera venom and its components in experimental models of nociceptive and inflammatory pain

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    AbstractThe effects induced by Apis mellifera venom (AMV), melittin-free AMV, fraction with molecular mass < 10 kDa (F<10) or melittin in nociceptive and inflammatory pain models in mice were investigated. Subcutaneous administration of AMV (2, 4 or 6 mg/kg) or melittin-free AMV (1, 2 or 4 mg/kg) into the dorsum of mice inhibited both phases of formaldehyde-induced nociception. However, F<10 (2, 4 or 6 mg/kg) or melittin (2 or 3 mg/kg) inhibited only the second phase. AMV (4 or 6 mg/kg), but not F<10, melittin-free AMV or melittin, induced antinociception in the hot-plate model. Paw injection of AMV (0.05 or 0.10 mg), F<10 (0.05 or 0.1 mg) or melittin (0.025 or 0.050 mg) induced a nociceptive response. In spite of inducing nociception after paw injection, scorpion (Tityus serrulatus) or snake (Bothrops jararaca) venom injected into the dorsum of mice did not inhibit formaldehyde-induced nociception. In addition, AMV (6 mg/kg), but not F<10 (6 mg/kg) or melittin (3 mg/kg), inhibited formaldehyde paw oedema. Concluding, AMV, F<10 and melittin induce two contrasting effects: nociception and antinociception. AMV antinociception involves the action of different components and does not result from non-specific activation of endogenous antinociceptive mechanisms activated by exposure to noxious stimuli

    Plasma equilibrium reconstruction of jet discharges using the imas modelling infrastructure

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    International audienceThe reconstruction of Tokamak plasma equilibrium is a fundamental step in the understanding of fusion plasma physics since it sets the starting point for all subsequent plasma modelling applications and experimental data interpretation. The verification and validation of the numerical codes used to reconstruct plasma equilibrium, using as many available input experimental data e.g. magnetic field or flux measurements, density and temperature diagnostics and polarimetry diagnostics, is essential both for physics model interpretation and when qualifying and extrapolating for ITER. In the framework of the EUROfusion Work Package on Code Development for Integrated Modelling, a scientific Kepler workflow for the reconstruction of Tokamak plasma equilibrium was prototyped, using the ITER Integrated Modelling and Analysis Suite (IMAS). The workflow can seamlessly use any sort of data from Tokamak experiments and call equilibrium reconstruction codes such as EQUAL, EQUINOX, NICE, EFIT++ and SDSS, all using the same physics and engineering data ontology and methods for accessing the data. In the paper, plasma equilibrium reconstructions on dedicated JET plasma dischargesare shownusing at first magnetic data only and subsequently considering also other constrains suchas Motional Stark Effect(MSE). Results with magneticsonly give a good qualitative and quantitative agreement between the codes while including MSE, as anticipated, a substantial improvementofthe core plasma profilesis achieved

    Economic analysis of an agrosilvipastoral system for a mountainous area in Zona da Mata Mineira, Brazil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the economic viability of an agrosilvipastoral system developed for Zona da Mata mountainous areas in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, as well as to compare different options for wood (Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium) commercialization of the second thinning. The data were obtained from a 10 year-old agrosilvipastoral system established in four hectares at Embrapa Gado de Leite station in Coronel Pacheco, MG, Brazil. As evaluation criteria for the economic viability analysis, the adopted methods were the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR), both calculated at 6% interest rate. Despite the small difference, adding value to forest products increased the attractiveness of the proposed system. Considered separately, the agricultural activity was impracticable, whereas the forestry and livestock activities were independently viable. The studied system seems to be equally tolerant to price variations for forest and livestock products, as well as strongly tolerant to variations in production costs