962 research outputs found

    The impact of consent on observational research: a comparison of outcomes from consenters and non consenters to an observational study

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    Background Public health benefits from research often rely on the use of data from personal medical records. When neither patient consent nor anonymisation is possible, the case for accessing such records for research purposes depends on an assessment of the probabilities of public benefit and individual harm. Methods In the late 1990s, we carried out an observational study which compared the care given to affluent and deprived women with breast cancer. Patient consent was not required at that time for review of medical records, but was obtained later in the process prior to participation in the questionnaire study. We have re-analysed our original results to compare the whole sample with those who later provided consent. Results Two important findings emerged from the re-analysis of our data which if presented initially would have resulted in insufficient and inaccurate reporting. Firstly, the reduced dataset contains no information about women presenting with locally advanced or metastatic cancer and we would have been unable to demonstrate one of our initial key findings: namely a larger number of such women in the deprived group. Secondly, our re-analysis of the consented women shows that significantly more women from deprived areas (51 v 31%, p = 0.018) received radiotherapy compared to women from more affluent areas. Previously published data from the entire sample demonstrated no difference in radiotherapy treatment between the affluent and deprived groups. Conclusion The risk benefit assessment made regarding the use of medical records without consent should include the benefits of obtaining research evidence based on 100% of the population and the possibility of inappropriate or insufficient findings if research is confined to consented populations

    Egg shape changes at the theropod–bird transition, and a morphometric study of amniote eggs

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    The eggs of amniotes exhibit a remarkable variety of shapes, from spherical to elongate and from symmetrical to asymmetrical. We examine eggshell geometry in a diverse sample of fossil and living amniotes using geometric morphometrics and linear measurements. Our goal is to quantify patterns of morphospace occupation and shape variation in the eggs of recent through to Mesozoic birds (neornithe plus non-neornithe avialans), as well as in eggs attributed to non-avialan theropods. In most amniotes, eggs show signiïŹcant deviation from sphericity, but departure from symmetry around the equatorial axis is mostly conïŹned to theropods and birds. Mesozoic bird eggs differ signiïŹcantly from extant bird eggs, but extinct Cenozoic bird eggs do not. This suggests that the range of egg shapes in extant birds had already been attained in the Cenozoic. We conclude with a discussion of possible biological factors imparting variation to egg shapes during their formation in the oviduct

    A major genetic locus in <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i> is a determinant of host pathology

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    The progression and variation of pathology during infections can be due to components from both host or pathogen, and/or the interaction between them. The influence of host genetic variation on disease pathology during infections with trypanosomes has been well studied in recent years, but the role of parasite genetic variation has not been extensively studied. We have shown that there is parasite strain-specific variation in the level of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly in infected mice and used a forward genetic approach to identify the parasite loci that determine this variation. This approach allowed us to dissect and identify the parasite loci that determine the complex phenotypes induced by infection. Using the available trypanosome genetic map, a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) was identified on T. brucei chromosome 3 (LOD = 7.2) that accounted for approximately two thirds of the variance observed in each of two correlated phenotypes, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly, in the infected mice (named &lt;i&gt;TbOrg1&lt;/i&gt;). In addition, a second locus was identified that contributed to splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and reticulocytosis (&lt;i&gt;TbOrg2&lt;/i&gt;). This is the first use of quantitative trait locus mapping in a diploid protozoan and shows that there are trypanosome genes that directly contribute to the progression of pathology during infections and, therefore, that parasite genetic variation can be a critical factor in disease outcome. The identification of parasite loci is a first step towards identifying the genes that are responsible for these important traits and shows the power of genetic analysis as a tool for dissecting complex quantitative phenotypic traits

    Capturing egocentric biases in reference reuse during collaborative dialogue

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    Words that are produced aloud—and especially self-produced ones—are remembered better than words that are not, a phenomenon labeled the production effect in the field of memory research. Two experiments were conducted to determine whether this effect can be generalized to dialogue, and how it might affect dialogue management. Triads (Exp. 1) or dyads (Exp. 2) of participants interacted to perform a collaborative task. Analyzing reference reuse during the interaction revealed that the participants were more likely to reuse the references that they had presented themselves, on the one hand, and those that had been accepted through verbatim repetition, on the other. Analyzing reference recall suggested that the greater accessibility of self-presented references was only transient. Moreover, among partner-presented references, those discussed while the participant had actively taken part in the conversation were more likely to be recalled than those discussed while the participant had been inactive. These results contribute to a better understanding of how individual memory processes might contribute to collaborative dialogue

    Habitat Selection of Three Neotropical Grassland Birds Is Dependent on Vegetation Structure and Resources

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    Grassland birds are globally imperiled. Those of endemic Neotropical savannas may be particularly threatened as knowledge of the ecology of many species is lacking, restricting our ability to take decisive conservation action. During the dry (non-breeding) season of 2010, we studied the population size, distribution, and habitat associations of the Cock-tailed Tyrant (Alectrurus tricolor), Black-masked Finch (Coryphaspiza melanotis), and Wedge-tailed Grass-finch (Emberiziodes herbicola) across a disturbance-mediated savanna–grassland gradient in Beni, Bolivia. We used distance sampling and surveyed structural and resource-specific habitat features at plots where birds were present versus random locations. Occupancy models identified fine-scale habitat associations. Cock-tailed Tyrant (7.1 ind./km2) specialized on open habitats in areas expected to be heavily inundated in the wet season, avoided trees, and selected tall grassy swards. Black-masked Finch (25.1 ind./km2) occurred across the gradient, associating with tall, forb-rich swards, sparse shrubs, and low levels of fruiting and seeding vegetation. Wedge-tailed Grass-finch (27.9 ind./km2) also occurred across the gradient, particularly associated with tall, forb-rich swards, abundant seeding grasses, and sparse shrubs. Our results offer the first quantitative abundance estimates for these species in Beni, provide vital baselines for future monitoring, and improve knowledge of the ecology and conservation management needs of these species. Importantly, our results suggest that populations of these three grassland birds may be best maintained in heterogenous, mosaic landscapes that can be produced by carefully managed burning and grazing. Further research in the breeding season would facilitate making stronger, more specific management recommendations

    Extracellular vesicles from human cardiac fibroblasts modulate calcium cycling in human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes

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    Cardiac fibroblasts regulate the development of the adult cardiomyocyte phenotype and cardiac remodeling in disease. We investigate the role that cardiac fibroblasts-secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) have in the modulation of cardiomyocyte Ca2+ cycling–a fundamental mechanism in cardiomyocyte function universally altered during disease. EVs collected from cultured human cardiac ventricular fibroblasts were purified by centrifugation, ultrafiltration and size-exclusion chromatography. The presence of EVs and EV markers were identified by dot blot analysis and electron microscopy. Fibroblast-conditioned media contains liposomal particles with a characteristic EV phenotype. EV markers CD9, CD63 and CD81 were highly expressed in chromatography fractions that elute earlier (Fractions 1–15), with most soluble contaminating proteins in the later fractions collected (Fractions 16–30). Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) were treated with fibroblast-secreted EVs and intracellular Ca2+ transients were analyzed. Fibroblast-secreted EVs abbreviate the Ca2+ transient time to peak and time to 50% decay versus serum-free controls. Thus, EVs from human cardiac fibroblasts represent a novel mediator of human fibroblast-cardiomyocyte interaction, increasing the efficiency of hiPSC-CM Ca2+ handling
