1,283 research outputs found

    Temporal evolution of generalization during learning in linear networks

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    We study generalization in a simple framework of feedforward linear networks with n inputs and n outputs, trained from examples by gradient descent on the usual quadratic error function. We derive analytical results on the behavior of the validation function corresponding to the LMS error function calculated on a set of validation patterns. We show that the behavior of the validation function depends critically on the initial conditions and on the characteristics of the noise. Under certain simple assumptions, if the initial weights are sufficiently small, the validation function has a unique minimum corresponding to an optimal stopping time for training for which simple bounds can be calculated. There exists also situations where the validation function can have more complicated and somewhat unexpected behavior such as multiple local minima (at most n) of variable depth and long but finite plateau effects. Additional results and possible extensions are briefly discussed

    Neural Networks for Fingerprint Recognition

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    After collecting a data base of fingerprint images, we design a neural network algorithm for fingerprint recognition. When presented with a pair of fingerprint images, the algorithm outputs an estimate of the probability that the two images originate from the same finger. In one experiment, the neural network is trained using a few hundred pairs of images and its performance is subsequently tested using several thousand pairs of images originated from a subset of the database corresponding to 20 individuals. The error rate currently achieved is less than 0.5%. Additional results, extensions, and possible applications are also briefly discussed

    Hybrid modeling, HMM/NN architectures, and protein applications

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    We describe a hybrid modeling approach where the parameters of a model are calculated and modulated by another model, typically a neural network (NN), to avoid both overfitting and underfitting. We develop the approach for the case of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), by deriving a class of hybrid HMM/NN architectures. These architectures can be trained with unified algorithms that blend HMM dynamic programming with NN backpropagation. In the case of complex data, mixtures of HMMs or modulated HMMs must be used. NNs can then be applied both to the parameters of each single HMM, and to the switching or modulation of the models, as a function of input or context. Hybrid HMM/NN architectures provide a flexible NN parameterization for the control of model structure and complexity. At the same time, they can capture distributions that, in practice, are inaccessible to single HMMs. The HMM/NN hybrid approach is tested, in its simplest form, by constructing a model of the immunoglobulin protein family. A hybrid model is trained, and a multiple alignment derived, with less than a fourth of the number of parameters used with previous single HMMs

    Analyser la cognition d'Ă©quipe Ă  la lumiĂšre des boucles de communication: Application Ă  l'analyse des processus d'Ă©quipe en passerelle de navire

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    International audienceAnalyser la cognition d'Ă©quipe Ă  la lumiĂšre des boucles de communication-­‐ Application Ă  l'analyse des processus d'Ă©quipe en passerelle de navire Clostermann Jean-­‐Pierre Ecole Nationale SupĂ©rieure Maritime 10 Quai Frissard, 76600 Le Havre jean-­‐[email protected] RÉSUMÉ Il est Ă©tabli que la performance d'une Ă©quipe dĂ©pend de la qualitĂ© de ses processus coopĂ©ratifs. Par consĂ©quent, il apparaĂźt nĂ©cessaire de mesurer la cognition au niveau de l ' Ă©quipe pour pouvoir comprendre sa performance dans un environnement complexe. ConsidĂ©rant que les communications verbales constituent une " fenĂȘtre ouverte " sur la cognition d ' Ă©quipe , l ' Ă©tude prĂ©sentĂ©e ici propose d ' analyser les Ă©changes verbaux qui s ' Ă©tablissent entre les membres d ' Ă©quipes opĂ©rant sur un simulateur reproduisant une passerelle de navire pour estimer la qualitĂ© des processus d ' Ă©quipe. DiffĂ©rents aspects des interactions verbales ont Ă©tĂ© codĂ©s (Ă©metteur et rĂ©cepteur , type de l ' interaction , nature de l ' activitĂ© coopĂ©rative , fonction de l ' interaction au sein de la " boucle de communication ") et diffĂ©rentes mĂ©triques ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©es. L ' Ă©tude a portĂ© sur 19 Ă©quipes de 3 personnes. Les performances de ces Ă©quipes ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es. Il apparaĂźt que les Ă©quipes les moins performantes sont Ă©galement celles pour lesquelles les patterns de communication prĂ©sentent le plus de dĂ©faillances. MOTS-­‐CLÉS MĂ©thode d ' analyse du travail d ' Ă©quipe , cognition d ' Ă©quipe , boucles de communication , conduite de navire


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    International audienceCe dictionnaire propose au lecteur – chercheur, Ă©tudiant, spĂ©cialiste ou non – des outils de connaissance et des pistes d’analyse sociologique pour dĂ©crypter une figure incontournable des mondes de l’économie et du travail : l’entrepreneur


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    International audienceCe dictionnaire propose au lecteur – chercheur, Ă©tudiant, spĂ©cialiste ou non – des outils de connaissance et des pistes d’analyse sociologique pour dĂ©crypter une figure incontournable des mondes de l’économie et du travail : l’entrepreneur

    Entretien avec Pierre Chauvin

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    Cet entretien a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© avec Pierre Chauvin, directeur de recherches Ă  l’Inserm, et directeur de l’équipe de recherche en Ă©pidĂ©miologie sociale (ERES) de l’Institut Pierre Louis d’ÉpidĂ©miologie et de SantĂ© Publique (UMRS 1136, Inserm & Sorbonne UniversitĂ©s UPMC), Ă  Paris. Pierre Chauvin conduit depuis prĂšs de vingt ans des travaux sur les inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales de santĂ© et les dĂ©terminants sociaux et territoriaux de la santĂ© et du recours aux soins. Il co-dirige la cohorte SantĂ©, inĂ©galitĂ©s et ruptures sociales (SIRS) depuis 2005. Selon lui, les comportements de santĂ©, au sens large, sont façonnĂ©s et influencĂ©s par un trĂšs grand nombre de dĂ©terminants, au rang desquelles des normes (collectives et individuelles) et des interactions sociales qui, tous ou la plupart, sont façonnĂ©s Ă  un degrĂ© divers par des rapports de genre. Le genre reste largement sous-Ă©tudiĂ© en Ă©pidĂ©miologie sociale. MĂȘme s’il est tout Ă  fait admis qu’il est un dĂ©terminant social de la santĂ© et qu’on observe effectivement, en France comme ailleurs, des particularitĂ©s liĂ©es au genre, cette question du genre reste peu abordĂ©e en Ă©pidĂ©miologie sociale et en santĂ© publique en France. Une meilleure prise en compte de celui-ci en Ă©pidĂ©miologie nĂ©cessiterait de dĂ©velopper des approches pluridisciplinaires, en se confrontant aux autres disciplines, en rapportant dans le champ de l’épidĂ©miologie des constats des sciences sociales et en tentant, ce qui n’est pas simple, de les traduire en concepts mobilisables dans une analyse quantitative et en rĂ©sultats utiles pour les pratiques de soins ou les politiques de santĂ© publique.This interview was conducted with Pierre Chauvin, MD, PhD, Director of research at the French Institute for Health and Medical Researches (Inserm), and Director of the Social Epidemiology Research Center (ERES) of Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (UMRS 1136, Inserm & UPMC Sorbonne University) in Paris. Pierre Chauvin conducted research for nearly twenty years on health inequalities and social and territorial determinants of health and access to health care. Since 2005, he is the co-founder and main investigator of the SIRS cohort (which means Health, Inequalities and Social Disruptions) conducted in Paris region among 3,000 inhabitants within 50 neighborhoods. According to Chauvin, health behaviors, in the broad sense, are shaped and influenced by a large number of determinants, among which standards (collective and individual) and social interactions, that are all, or almost all, shaped to varying degrees by gender relations. Nevertheless, the gender issue remains largely understudied in social epidemiology and public health in France, although it is well recognized that it is a social determinant of health and that distinctive features related to gender are documented in France as elsewhere. To better take gender into account in epidemiology, it would require the development of multidisciplinary approaches, and to review findings from social sciences in the field of epidemiology and to try to translate these findings into concepts that could be use in quantitative analyses and in useful results for public health policy. The SIRS cohort was created especially to study the role of the living environment in individuals’ health and behaviors related to health (prevention, health care, etc.). From SIRS data, differences in daily mobility were observed by gender and socioeconomic status, probably emphasizing gendered territorial practices. Differences can be explained by the relationships with the neighborhood, especially with the gendered social roles and behaviors and the division of everyday tasks which remain largely assigned to women, or daily mobility, particularly related to commuting, which is known is unevenly distributed by socio-economic status, level of qualification and sectors and, thus, are largely dependent on gender. Therefore, women may be more sensitive than men to the effects of contextual characteristics of their environment on health, especially for the least mobile of them, which has been shown with SIRS data that it was usually the poorest ones

    Quartiers et effets de quartier. Analyse de la variabilité de la taille des quartiers perçus dans l'agglomération parisienne

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    International audienceThe present paper aims to discuss standardized and rigid approaches to neighborhood existing in the literature on neighborhood effects. Investigating the perceived neighborhoods of 650 inhabitants of the Paris metropolitan area (« SantĂ©, InĂ©galitĂ©s et Ruptures Sociales » survey), we first analyze the variability in size of perceived neighborhoods according to the urban and social characteristics of residential areas, but also according to the sociodemographic profiles of inhabitants and their neighborhood experiences. As perceived neighborhoods are found to be five times larger in Paris than in small suburban municipalities and four times larger in rich than in poor areas, we aim to underline errors in estimation and interpretation of neighborhood effects which may emerge in studies when they consider « constant size neighborhoods » (e.g. administrative units or circular areas) and neglect the different capacities that populations have in experiencing their neighbourhood of residence.Cet article propose de discuter des approches rigides et standardisĂ©es du quartier qui prĂ©valent dans les Ă©tudes sur les « effets de quartier ». En Ă©tudiant les zones que plus de 650 habitants de l'agglomĂ©ration parisienne (enquĂȘte SIRS « SantĂ©, InĂ©galitĂ©s et Ruptures Sociales ») dĂ©finissent comme Ă©tant leur quartier de rĂ©sidence, il s’agit d’abord d’analyser comment la taille des quartiers perçus varie selon la morphologie urbaine et sociale des espaces rĂ©sidentiels mais aussi selon le profil sociodĂ©mographique des habitants et leurs rapports au quartier. AprĂšs avoir constatĂ© que les habitants de Paris intra-muros et des espaces socialement favorisĂ©s perçoivent leur quartier comme une zone sensiblement plus Ă©tendue que les autres habitants, l’idĂ©e est de souligner les erreurs de quantification et d'interprĂ©tation des effets de quartier auxquels s’exposent les Ă©tudes lorsqu’elles considĂšrent les quartiers comme des unitĂ©s spatiales de taille constante (mailles administratives ou zones circulaires) et nĂ©gligent ainsi les capacitĂ©s diffĂ©renciĂ©es des populations Ă  s'approprier leur quartier de rĂ©sidence

    CamÔes, retratista

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    Despite the frequency of portraits in Camoes’s works, studies concerning this category in his verses are rare. In this article we intend to recover the analogies between painting and poetry, conceived during the Antiquity, in a way to analyze and to interpret the poetic persona figuration in two sonnets written by CamĂ”es. We also consider remissions from this poet to Virgil, Dante and Petrarch, among others.Apesar da frequĂȘncia com que o retrato aparece na obra camoniana, raros sĂŁo os estudos em torno dessa categoria em seus versos. Neste artigo, retomam-se as analogias entre o ofĂ­cio do pintor e o do poeta, propostos na Antiguidade, tendo em vista analisar e interpretar a figuração do perfil do eu-lĂ­rico em dois sonetos de CamĂ”es. TambĂ©m sĂŁo consideradas as remissĂ”es do poeta portuguĂȘs a VirgĂ­lio e Petrarca, entre outros

    "PictĂłrico", categoria do Seiscentos?

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    Neste artigo propĂ”e-se analisar a acepção de “PictĂłrico”, nos moldes como o termo foi entendido por manuais brasileiros de literatura publicados no sĂ©culo XX. O dado imagĂ©tico nĂŁo se restringe ao perĂ­odo chamado “Barroco”, tampouco define o movimento a que determinados autores foram atrelados. Na anĂĄlise, recorre-se a manuais da Antiguidade greco-latina e da Era Moderna que defendiam a pintura e a literatura como artes anĂĄlogas
