76 research outputs found

    A new simple topo-climatic model to predict surface displacement in paraglacial and periglacial mountains of the European Alps: The importance of ground heating index and floristic components as ecological indicators

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    Landscape evolution is occurring at rapid rates in alpine areas in response to recent climate warming, also due to the susceptibility and the heterogeneity of these environments. Here we present a prediction model of surface displacements that takes into account both topographic and climatic variables. Observed points of surficial displacements have been associated to non-climatic (altitude, slope, solar radiation, till deposit type, deposit age, vegetation coverage) and climatic (days of snow permanence, ground surface temperature index, ground heating index, ground cooling index) variables through a general regression model in the European central Alps. The model output shows the importance of slope and ground heating index (GHI) \u2013 an estimation of the amount of energy transferred to the ground, to predict surface displacements independently from the type of considered processes. In particular, the general regression model shows that steep zones with high GHI are more susceptible to undergo periglacial and paraglacial processes producing surface displacements. As expected, slope is fundamental to trigger processes such as gravitation, nivation, solifluction and their interactions. The results of our model emphasize the key role of GHI, highlighting the importance of climate in controlling the surface displacement. Indeed, in areas in which GHI is higher, the ground can remain snow free for a longer time and snow melting can be faster, the former favoring more runoff and slopewash, and the latter promoting the saturation of the deposits consequent to a higher intensity of solifluction and/or mass movements processes. Within the study area, the sites with the largest displacements (>35 cm) were detected where permafrost degradation occurred since 1990. This permafrost degradation process could remain one of the main triggering factors of future surface displacements. Our results confirm that when movement involves material with coarse texture (pebbles and boulders) exceeding the rooting depth, only tolerant plant species can withstand the high movement rates. The areas where this can happen (like rock glaciers or screes) act as a physical barrier to grasslands species not adapted to surface displacements and trying to shift towards higher altitude in response to climate warming. However, plant species not considered as indicators of movement (such as graminoids), can develop also with large surface displacements in specific geomorphic conditions. Therefore, the combination of surface displacement type (deep vs surficial), material texture (fine vs coarse) and vegetation cover (high vs low) and floristic composition can be used as a valuable ecological indicator of movement. Our results suggest that both landscape degradation and vegetation displacement can be rapid especially where the air warming was strong as in the selected study area

    Glacial fluctuations since the 'Medieval Warm Period' at Rothera Point (western Antarctic Peninsula)

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    At a global scale, there is no evidence for synchronous multi-decadal warm (‘Medieval Warm Period’, MWP) or cold (‘Little Ice Age’, LIA) periods in the late Holocene. On the other hand, there is good correspondence globally in the timing of MWP or LIA and phases of glacier retreat and advance, respectively, with local exceptions mainly explained by the precipitation regime. Antarctica exhibits contrasting patterns, both regarding the existence of these two historical climatic periods and the glacial responses to climatic forcing. Here, we present evidence for glacial retreat corresponding to the MWP and a subsequent LIA advance at Rothera Point (67°34′S; 68°07′W) in Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula. Deglaciation started at ca. 961–800 cal. yr BP or before, reaching a position similar to or even more withdrawn than the current state, with the subsequent period of glacial advance commencing between 671 and 558 cal. yr BP and continuing at least until 490–317 cal. yr BP. Based on new radiocarbon dates, during the MWP, the rate of glacier retreat was 1.6 m yr−1, which is comparable with recently observed rates (~0.6 m yr−1 between 1993 and 2011 and 1.4 m yr−1 between 2005 and 2011). Moreover, despite the recent air warming rate being higher, the glacial retreat rate during the MWP was similar to the present, suggesting that increased snow accumulation in recent decades may have counterbalanced the higher warming rate

    Contrasting patterns in lichen diversity in the continental and maritime Antarctic

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    Systematic surveys of the lichen floras of Schirmacher Oasis (Queen Maud Land, continental Antarctic), Victoria Land (Ross Sector, continental Antarctic) and Admiralty Bay (South Shetland Islands, maritime Antarctic) were compared to help infer the major factors influencing patterns of diversity and biogeography in the three areas. Biogeographic patterns were determined using a variety of multivariate statistical tools. A total of 54 lichen species were documented from Schirmacher Oasis (SO), 48 from Victoria Land (VL) and 244 from Admiralty Bay (AB). Of these, 21 species were common to all areas. Most lichens from the SO and VL areas were microlichens, the dominant genus being Buellia. In AB, in contrast, many macrolichens were also present and the dominant genus was Caloplaca. In SO and VL large areas lacked any visible lichen cover, even where the ground was snow-free in summer. Small-scale diversity patterns were present in AB, where the number of species and genera was greater close to the coast. Most species recorded were rare in the study areas in which they were present and endemic to Antarctic

    Changes in lichen diversity and community structure with fur seal population increase on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands

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    Signy Island has experienced a dramatic increase in fur seal numbers over recent decades, which has led to the devastation of lowland terrestrial vegetation, with the eradication of moss turfs and carpets being the most prominent feature. Here we demonstrate that fur seals also affect the other major component of this region’s typical cryptogamic vegetation, the lichens, although with a lower decrease in variability and abundance than for bryophytes. Classification (UPGMA) and ordination (Principal Coordinate Analysis) of vegetation data highlight differences in composition and abundance of lichen communities between areas invaded by fur seals and contiguous areas protected from these animals. Multivariate analysis relating lichen communities to environmental parameters, including animal abundance and soil chemistry (Canonical Correspondence Analysis), suggests that fur seal trampling results in the destruction of muscicolous-terricolous lichens, including several cosmopolitan and bipolar fruticose species. In addition, animal excretion favours an increase in nitrophilous crustose species, a group which typically characterizes areas influenced by seabirds and includes several Antarctic endemics. The potential effect of such animal-driven changes in vegetation on the fragile terrestrial ecosystem (e.g. through modification of the ground surface temperature) confirms the importance of indirect environmental processes in Antarctica

    Ecology of moss banks on Signy Island (maritime Antarctic)

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    Mosses are dominant components of high-latitude environments, and Signy Island (maritime Antarctic) provides a representative example of polar cryptogam-dominated terrestrial ecosystems. In 2011, we mapped all moss banks, their characteristics (thickness, area, floristic composition) and investigated their relationship with selected environmental factors including topography (elevation, slope, aspect), biotic disturbance (fur seals), deglaciation age of the surfaces, location on the eastern vs. western side of the island and snow cover as a proxy of water supply during the summer (December). We here identify the most important environmental factors influencing moss bank characteristics and distribution and provide a baseline for future monitoring. Moss bank abundance and distribution are the result of the interaction of multiple abiotic and biotic factors acting at different spatial scales. The most important factors are the location of moss banks on the eastern vs. western side of the island at the macroscale (with thicker and larger moss banks and a prevalence of Chorisodontium aciphyllum on the western side) and their favourable aspect (mainly N, NW) at the microscale, providing better microclimatic conditions suitable for their development. The elevation threshold detected at 120 m could indicate the occurrence of a ‘moss bank line’, analogous to the tree line, and corresponds with a threshold of mean annual temperature of −4.8 °C. The other factors examined play a subsidiary role in affecting bank distribution and characteristics. These findings allow a better understanding of this key feature of maritime Antarctic vegetation and provide quantitative information about their ecology

    The Bayelva high Arctic permafrost long-term observation site: an opportunity for joint international research on permafrost, atmosphere, ecology and snow

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    Most permafrost is located in the Arctic, and in total it contains around 600Gt of frozen organic carbon. This represents several times the remaining budget for anthropogenic emissions if we are to limit global warming below 2ºC, and this carbon could have a significant impact on global climate if it is released to the atmosphere following permafrost thaw. At present, the Arctic climate is changing much more rapidly than the rest of the globe, and yet observational data density in the region is low. The positive feedback between climate warming and permafrost carbon emissions depends on changing land-atmosphere energy and mass exchanges. There is thus a great need to understand links between the energy balance, which can vary rapidly over hourly to annual time scales, and permafrost, which changes slowly over long time periods. This understanding mandates long-term observational data sets. There is also a need to realistically incorporate permafrost into global modelling frameworks such as Earth System Models. Evaluating and parameterising these process-based models especially requires simultaneous measurements of interacting variables. Here we present an example of such a long-term data set, from the Bayelva Site at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, where meteorology, energy balance components and subsurface observations have been made for the last 20 years. Additional data include a high resolution digital elevation model and a panchromatic image. This paper presents the data set produced so far, explains instrumentation, calibration, processing and data quality control, as well as the sources for various resulting data sets. The resulting data set is unique in the Arctic and serves a baseline for future studies. Since the data provide observations of temporally variable parameters that mitigate energy fluxes between permafrost and atmosphere, such as snow depth and soil moisture content, they are suitable for use in integrating, calibrating and testing permafrost as a component in Earth System Models. The data set also includes a high resolution digital elevation model that can be used together with the snow physical information for snow pack modeling. The data show that mean annual, summer and winter soil temperature data from shallow to deeper depths have been warming over the period of record, indicating the degradation of permafrost at this site. This site is one of only a handful of permafrost sites where long-term automatic monitoring has taken place and data are accessible. There is a great need for continuous monitoring at more sites, to span the full range of permafrost conditions. Monitoring is often limited by scientific project funding, typically lasting only 3 or 4 years. This will continue to present a challenge unless there is investment by governments to operationalise these networks

    The tundra phenology database: more than two decades of tundra phenology responses to climate change

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    Observations of changes in phenology have provided some of the strongest signals of the effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. The International Tundra Experiment (ITEX), initiated in the early 1990s, established a common protocol to measure plant phenology in tundra study areas across the globe. Today, this valuable collection of phenology measurements depicts the responses of plants at the colder extremes of our planet to experimental and ambient changes in temperature over the past decades. The database contains 150 434 phenology observations of 278 plant species taken at 28 study areas for periods of 1\u201326 years. Here we describe the full data set to increase the visibility and use of these data in global analyses and to invite phenology data contributions from underrepresented tundra locations. Portions of this tundra phenology database have been used in three recent syntheses, some data sets are expanded, others are from entirely new study areas, and the entirety of these data are now available at the Polar Data Catalogue (https://doi.org/10.21963/13215)

    Global maps of soil temperature

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    Research in global change ecology relies heavily on global climatic grids derived from estimates of air temperature in open areas at around 2 m above the ground. These climatic grids do not reflect conditions below vegetation canopies and near the ground surface, where critical ecosystem functions occur and most terrestrial species reside. Here, we provide global maps of soil temperature and bioclimatic variables at a 1-km2 resolution for 0–5 and 5–15 cm soil depth. These maps were created by calculating the difference (i.e. offset) between in situ soil temperature measurements, based on time series from over 1200 1-km2 pixels (summarized from 8519 unique temperature sensors) across all the world's major terrestrial biomes, and coarse-grained air temperature estimates from ERA5-Land (an atmospheric reanalysis by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). We show that mean annual soil temperature differs markedly from the corresponding gridded air temperature, by up to 10°C (mean = 3.0 ± 2.1°C), with substantial variation across biomes and seasons. Over the year, soils in cold and/or dry biomes are substantially warmer (+3.6 ± 2.3°C) than gridded air temperature, whereas soils in warm and humid environments are on average slightly cooler (−0.7 ± 2.3°C). The observed substantial and biome-specific offsets emphasize that the projected impacts of climate and climate change on near-surface biodiversity and ecosystem functioning are inaccurately assessed when air rather than soil temperature is used, especially in cold environments. The global soil-related bioclimatic variables provided here are an important step forward for any application in ecology and related disciplines. Nevertheless, we highlight the need to fill remaining geographic gaps by collecting more in situ measurements of microclimate conditions to further enhance the spatiotemporal resolution of global soil temperature products for ecological applications