192 research outputs found

    Gebelerde düşme ile yorgunluk, düşme korkusu, duygu durumu ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki

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    Objective: There are many studies on the impact of physical changes on pregnancy falls. We conducted this study to investigate the effects of mental changes as well as physical changes on pregnancy fall. Therefore, we evaluated how people who fell during pregnancy were related to fatigue, fear of falling, mood and health-related quality of life. Method: Pregnant women were divided into 2 groups as those who falled (group 1) and those who did not (group 2). Pregnant women in both groups were tested to stand on one leg, and the following forms were filled: fatigue severity scale (FSS), Beck depression inventory (BDI), falls efficacy scale international (FES), and Nottingham health profile (NHP). The groups were compared based on the data obtained. Results: FSS (group 1: 4.9±1.6, group 2: 4.0±1.8, p=0.002), BDI (gsroup 1: 23.9±12.5, group 2: 10.8±7.3, p<0.001), FES (group 1: 39.5±10.5, group 2: 26.6±6.6, p<0.001), and NHP (group 1: 321.9±123.1, group 2: 189.4±96.1 p<0.001) were found to be significantly higher in group 1. FES was positively correlated with FSS, BDI and NHP, and significantly negatively correlated with the test of standing on one leg. The test of standing on one leg was negatively correlated with FES, FSS, BDI and NHP. Conclusion: This study shows that mental changes as well as physical changes can have an impact on falls and balance in pregnant women.Amaç: Fiziksel değişikliklerin hamilelik düşmeleri üzerindeki etkisi üzerine pek çok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma fiziksel değişikliklerin yanı sıra zihinsel değişikliklerin de gebelikte düşme üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak için yapıldı. Bu amaçla hamilelik sırasında düşen kişilerin yorgunluk, düşme korkusu, ruh hali ve sağlıkla ilişkili yaşam kalitesi ile nasıl ilişkili olduğunu değerlendirdik. Yöntem: Gebe kadınlar düşenler (grup 1) ve düşmeyenler (grup 2) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Her iki gruptaki gebelere tek ayak üzerinde durma testi yapılarak ve yorgunluk şiddet ölçeği (FSS), Beck depresyon envanteri (BDE), uluslararası düşme etkinlik ölçeği (FES), Nottingham sağlık profile (NSP) formları dolduruldu. Elde edilen veriler gruplar arasında karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: FSS (grup 1: 4,9±1,6, grup 2: 4,0±1,8, p=0,002), BDE (grup 1: 23,9±12,5, grup 2: 10,8±7,3, p<0,001), FES (grup 1: 39,5±10,5, grup 2: 26,6±6,6, p<0,001), NSP (grup 1: 321,9±123,1, grup 2: 189,4±96,1, p<0,001) skorları grup 1'de anlamlı yüksek bulundu. Korelasyon analizinde FES ile, FSS, BDE ve NSP arasında pozitif yönde ve tek ayakta durma testi arasında negatif yönde anlamlı ilişki vardı. Tek ayak üstünde durma testi ile FES, FSS, BDE ve NSP arasındaki negatif yönde ilişki anlamlı idi. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, fiziksel değişikliklerin yanı sıra zihinsel değişikliklerin hamile kadınlarda düşme ve denge üzerinde etkili olabileceğini göstermektedir

    Rifa’a Râfi’ et-Tahtâvî ve Gérard de Nerval’in Doğu-Batı İzlenimleri

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    Bu çalışma, 19. yüzyılda yaşamış birbirinin çağdaşı olan iki yazarın Doğu-Batı izlenimlerini içermektedir. Söz konusu yazarlar, Fransız Gérard de Nerval 1808-1855 ile Mısırlı Rifâ’a Râfi’ et-Tahtâvî 1801-1873 olup her ikisi de seyahat izlenimlerini notlandırmıştır. Burslu olarak Fransa’ya öğrenim için gönderilen Tahtâvî, izlenimlerini Tahlisu’l-İbrîz fî Telhîs-i Bâriz 1834 Paris Gözlemleri olarak kaleme alırken; Fransa’dan yola çıkıp Mısır ve diğer Doğu ülkelerini ziyaret eden Gérard de Nerval ise eserini Voyage en Orient 1851 Doğu’ya Yolculuk adıyla yayımlamıştır. Çalışmada aynı yüzyılda yaşamış olan bir Mısırlı aydının gözüyle Paris ve bir Fransız yazarın gözüyle Kahire aktarılmaya çalışılacaktır. Böylelikle bir Doğulu yazarın gözünden Batı, Batılı yazarın gözünden Doğu’yu resmetme ve farklı bakış açıları yakalama fırsatı elde edilmiş olacaktır. Çalışmanın amacı, bizzat gezginlerin gözlemlerinden yola çıkarak Doğu-Batı karşılaştırmalı bir analiz yapmak; bunu yaparken de ilk elden kaynaklara başvurmaktır. Ancak her ne kadar çağdaş olsalar da her iki yazarın da seyyah olarak değil, daha çok edebî yönleriyle öne çıkmış olmaları göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu da onların salt seyahat etme gayesinden ziyade başka bir toplumu gözlemleyip analiz etme amaçlarının daha ağır bastığının göstergesidir; gerçi Gérard de Nerval’in seyahate çıkma nedeni Doğu’yu görme merakı iken Tahtâvî, Paris’e seyahat için değil eğitim amacıyla gitmiştir. Zaten iki eser incelendiğinde Tahtâvî’nin gözlemlerinin daha çok modern Batı toplumunun eğitimi ve kültürel yapısına yönelik olduğu; buna karşılık Gérard de Nerval’in Doğu’nun gizemini anlamaya çalıştığı göze çarpmaktadır. Nerval, diğer Batılı yazarlar gibi taraflı olmak yerine Doğu medeniyetini, kendi öz değerleri içinde değerlendirebilmeyi başarmıştır. Tahtâvî’nin ise Mısır’ın modernleşmesinde öncü rol oynadığı, bunu da Paris’te edindiği izlenimlere borçlu olduğu söylenebilir. Ancak Tahtâvî, İslâm’a aykırı olan hususlarda temkinli yaklaşmış, dinen sakıncası olmayan gelişmeleri esas almayı yeğlemiştir. Nerval, gezdiği yerlerin tarihî ve toplumsal düzeni üzerine bazı tespitlerde bulunmuş kendi iç dünyasıyla çeliştiği noktalarda da şair kimliğini ön plana çıkarmıştır. Tahtâvî’nin de Paris izlenimlerini aktarırken aralara şiirler serpiştirmiş olması iki yazarın bu konuda benzerlik gösterdiğinin bir kanıtıdır. Yapılan bu çalışmayla Arap ve Fransız iki çağdaş yazarın edindikleri izlenimler sayesinde aynı çağın farklı toplumlardaki yansımalarına ışık tutulması mümkün olabilmiştir

    How Does Falling Relate to Fatigue, Fear of Falling, Mood and Quality of Life in Pregnancy?

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    Objective:There are many studies on the impact of physical changes on pregnancy falls. We conducted this study to investigate the effects of mental changes as well as physical changes on pregnancy fall. Therefore, we evaluated how people who fell during pregnancy were related to fatigue, fear of falling, mood and health-related quality of life.Method:Pregnant women were divided into 2 groups as those who falled (group 1) and those who did not (group 2). Pregnant women in both groups were tested to stand on one leg, and the following forms were filled: fatigue severity scale (FSS), Beck depression inventory (BDI), falls efficacy scale international (FES), and Nottingham health profile (NHP). The groups were compared based on the data obtained.Results:FSS (group 1: 4.9±1.6, group 2: 4.0±1.8, p=0.002), BDI (gsroup 1: 23.9±12.5, group 2: 10.8±7.3, p<0.001), FES (group 1: 39.5±10.5, group 2: 26.6±6.6, p<0.001), and NHP (group 1: 321.9±123.1, group 2: 189.4±96.1 p<0.001) were found to be significantly higher in group 1. FES was positively correlated with FSS, BDI and NHP, and significantly negatively correlated with the test of standing on one leg. The test of standing on one leg was negatively correlated with FES, FSS, BDI and NHP.Conclusion:This study shows that mental changes as well as physical changes can have an impact on falls and balance in pregnant women

    The Relationship Between Digit Ratio (2D: 4D) and Cardiovascular Capacity in Young Adults

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    DergiPark: 379062tmsjAims: The ratio of the second-to-fourth finger length was first proposed as a prenatal testosterone biomarker. Studying this matter with a different point of view, the aim of this study is to find whether there is a positive relationship between digit ratio and cardiovascular capacity.Methods: The data of 82 students who were between the ages of 18 and 25 old from Trakya University Faculty of Medicine were analyzed by evaluating the results of the six-minute walking test and the results of their digit measurements. Independent Samples T-Test was used to determine the correlation between the prevalence of longer 4th digit and six-minute walking test results.Results: The data obtained from the test results of the students, that were grouped regarding digit ratio, were statistically evaluated. With the results of the six-minute walking test, students that have lower digit ratio walked 593.87 ± 73.2 meters while students with higher digit ratio walked 584.17 ± 71 meters showing us that there is not a significant relationship between cardiovascular capacity and digit ratio.Conclusion: With the gathered information and results, it is seen that there is not a positive relationship between digit ratio and cardiovascular capacity. In conclusion it can be said that digit ratio does not have a beneficial effect on a persons cardiovascular capacity. Usage of digit ratio as a prenatal hormone exposure has been increasing, and extensive studies in physiological and psychological conditions in humans have been correlated with digit ratio, including athletic ability, fertility, social behaviors, sex-biased diseases, and sexual orientatio

    Clinical outcomes and optical performance of four differentmultifocal intraocular lenses

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    Background/aim: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate clinical outcomes and optical performance of 4 different multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). Materials and methods: Ninety eyes of 51 patients who received Reviol MFM 611, Reviol MFM 625, Acri.LISA, and ReSTOR SN6AD3 multifocal IOLs after cataract surgery were retrospectively evaluated. The patients were similar in terms of age, sex, cataract hardness and axial length. The mean outcome measures were uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity (UDVA, CDVA), distance-corrected intermediate and near visual acuity (DCIVA, DCNVA), intra or postoperative complications, and contrast sensitivity (CS) results under mesopic conditions. The mean follow up period was 10.5 months (range: 6 12 months). Results: All cases were within &plusmn; 0.75 D of emmetropia. Postoperative increase in UDVA and DCNVA was statistically significant in all groups. The Acri.LISA group showed slightly lower DCIVA compared with the other IOLs. CS was clinically similar between the groups. None of the patients developed any early or late postoperative complication or neuroadaptation problem, which necessitated explantation of the lens. Conclusion: All four multifocal lens designs provided satisfactory visual functions and CS results in patients who fulfilled the criteria for multifocal lens implantation

    Antiprotozoal Activity of Turkish Origanum onites Essential Oil and Its Components

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    Essential oil of Origanum species is well known for antimicrobial activity, but only a few have been evaluated in narrow spectrum antiprotozoal assays. Herein, we assessed the antiprotozoal potential of Turkish Origanum onites L. oil and its major constituents against a panel of parasitic protozoa. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation from the dried herbal parts of O. onites and analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) and Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The in vitro activity of the oil and its major components were evaluated against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, T. cruzi, Leishmania donovani, and Plasmodium falciparum. The main component of the oil was identified as carvacrol (70.6%), followed by linalool (9.7%), p-cymene (7%), γ-terpinene (2.1%), and thymol (1.8%). The oil showed significant in vitro activity against T. b. rhodesiense (IC50 180 ng/mL), and moderate antileishmanial and antiplasmodial effects, without toxicity to mammalian cells. Carvacrol, thymol, and 10 additional abundant oil constituents were tested against the same panel; carvacrol and thymol retained the oil's in vitro antiparasitic potency. In the T. b. brucei mouse model, thymol, but not carvacrol, extended the mean survival of animals. This study indicates the potential of the essential oil of O. onites and its constituents in the treatment of protozoal infections

    Essential Oil of Betula pendula Roth. Buds

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    The essential oil of Betula pendula Roth. buds was obtained using both hydrodistillation and microdistillation techniques and their chemical compositions were analyzed using both gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Overall, more than 50 compounds were identified representing 80% and 92% for hydrodistillation and microdistillation, respectively. The main components (by hydrodistillation and microdistillation, respectively) found were α-copaene (12% and 10%), germacrene D (11% and 18%) and δ-cadinene (11% and 15%) in the analyzed essential oils. The microdistillation technique proved to be a useful tool and compliant alternative when compared to hydrodistillation

    Tinnitus and Cochlear Functions in Hearing Impaired and Normal Hearing Individuals

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    Background: In order to determine the pathophysiology of tinnitus and deciding on treatment, the function of peripheral hearing organs is very important. Objective: To evaluate the cochlear functions in tinnitus patients with or without hearing-loss(HL). Methods: Participants with tinnitus were divided into two groups; 16 participants with accompanying HL were included in the first study group (SG-I), and 15 participants without HL were included in the second group (SG-II). 21 normal-hearing subjects without tinnitus included as control group(CG). Tinnitus discomfort levels was determined with Tinnitus Handicap Inventory(THI). Besides pure-tone audiometry, Otoacoustic Emissions, to evaluate cochlear functions and to decide dead regions (DR), Threshold Equalizing Noise-(TEN) was used. Results: The threshold-shift was observed with TEN in subjects in SG-I and these levels were statistically different from SG-II and CG. There were both threshold-shift and DR in SG-II according to TEN. TEOAEs did not differ between SG-II and CG. The DPOAE results for SG-II showed significant decreases in emission amplitudes at 6 & 8 kHz. Conclusion: While Tinnitus patients with HL can be evaluated with conventional tests, evaluating patients with normal hearing tinnitus with additional tests such as OAE and TEN allows us to get more precise results on the functions of peripheral hearing organs

    Cytomorphological Effects of Lightweight and Heavyweight Polypropylene Mesh on the Ilioinguinal Nerve: An Experimental Study

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    This study aimed to investigate the cytomorphological effects of heavyweight and lightweight mesh on the ilioinguinal nerve in an experimental animal model.Methods Sixteen New Zealand male rabbits were included in the study. The left inguinal regions of the first six animals were assigned as controls and the right inguinal regions were assigned as the sham group. The left inguinal regions of the remaining 10 animals were assigned as the lightweight mesh group and the right inguinal regions were assigned as the heavyweight mesh group. No intervention was performed in the control group. In the sham group, only ilioinguinal nerve exploration was performed. In mesh groups, ilioinguinal nerve exploration was performed and the mesh was implanted on the ilioinguinal nerve. After three months, ilioinguinal nerve specimens were excised from both sides for cytomorphological examination.Results Myelin sheath thickening, separation of the myelin layers, and myelin vacuolization were more pronounced in the heavyweight mesh group compared to the lightweight mesh group. The G-ratio was moderately increased in the heavyweight mesh group when compared to other groups. The ratio of fibers with = 9 mu m diameter was higher in the heavyweight mesh group than in the other groups (p<0.05).Conclusion Both of the meshes induce cytomorphological alterations on the adjacent nerve tissues caused by foreign body reaction and compression. Ilioinguinal nerve degeneration was more pronounced in the heavyweight mesh than in the lightweight mesh. Histological alterations on the ilioinguinal nerves caused by different meshes may be related to chronic pain after hernia surgery. We believe our study will serve as a guide for future studies on the topic

    Psychometric validation of the Turkish version of the questionnaire on the integration of complementary and alternative medicine in oncological treatment

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    – Objective: The aim of this study was to psychometrically validate the Turkish version of the questionnaire on the integration of complementary and alternative medicine (cam) in oncological treatment. Patients and Methods: This methodological study was conducted between December 2020 and September 2021 involving 247 cancer patients. To ensure cultural appropriateness of the scale, the sample size for each item of the scale was set at 5-10 patients. Results: Expectations for integrating CAM therapies into health care were improvement in the patient's over-all ability to cope with the disease, improvement in the patient's daily functioning, emotional and spiritual support for the patient, and support for the patient's family (p[removed