12 research outputs found

    Deep Inelastic Scattering in Holographic AdS/QCD Models

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    We review the description of deep inelastic scattering using some AdS/QCD phenomenological models.Comment: Talk presented by NRFB at Light Cone 2009: Relativistic Hadronic and Particle Physics, 8-13 Jul 2009, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazi

    Polarized DIS in N=4 SYM: Where is spin at strong coupling?

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    Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we calculate the polarized structure functions in strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory deformed in the infrared. We find that the flavor singlet contribution to the g_1 structure function is vanishingly small, while the flavor non-singlet contribution shows the Regge behavior at small-x with an intercept slightly less than 1. We explicitly check that the latter satisfies the moment sum rule. We discuss the `spin crisis' problem and suggest that at strong coupling the spin of a hadron entirely comes from the orbital angular momentum.Comment: 24 page

    Shockwaves and deep inelastic scattering within the gauge/gravity duality

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    Within the gauge/gravity correspondence, we discuss the general formulation of the shockwave metric which is dual to a 'nucleus' described by the strongly-coupled N=4 SYM theory in the limit where the number of colors Nc is arbitrarily large. We emphasize that the 'nucleus' must possess Nc^2 degrees of freedom per unit volume, so like a finite-temperature plasma, in order for a supergravity description to exist. We critically reassess previous proposals for introducing transverse inhomogeneity in the shockwave and formulate a new proposal in that sense, which involves no external source but requires the introduction of an 'infrared' cutoff which mimics confinement. This cutoff however plays no role when the shockwave is probed by a highly virtual projectile, so like in deep inelastic scattering. We consider two such projectiles, the dilaton and the R-current, and compute the respective structure functions including unitarity corrections. We find that there are no leading-twist contributions to the structure functions at high virtuality, meaning that there are no point-like constituents in the strongly coupled 'nucleus'. In the black-disk regime at low virtuality, the structure functions are suggestive of parton saturation with occupation numbers of order one. The saturation momentum Qs grows with the energy like Qs^2 ~ 1/x (with x the Bjorken variable), which is the hallmark of graviton exchanges and is also necessary for the fulfillment of the energy-momentum sum rules.Comment: 43 page

    Holographic model for dilepton production in p-p collisions

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    We propose a holographic model for dilepton production in proton-proton collisions based on the exchange of vector mesons. The holographic hard wall model is used to describe the dynamics and interactions of vector mesons and baryons. We estimate the parameters lambda, mu, nu that characterize the angular distribution of the produced dileptons in a region of q_T^2 << Q^2, where perturbative QCD presents an effective strong coupling due to large logarithm corrections.Comment: Revision: V4 In this version we modified the dimension of the fermionic operator to match the canonical dimension of a baryonic operator. This modification affected slightly our results with respect to v3. 25 pages, 3 Latex figures + 6 eps figures, 5 tables. To appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Deep inelastic scattering of baryons in a modified soft wall model

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    We calculate the structure functions for unpolarized deep inelastic scattering of baryons using an AdS/QCD soft wall model that considers a dressed mass for the bulk fermionic fields. Considering the regime of large Bjorken parameter x, we compare the results for the proton structure function F2F_2 with experimental results.Comment: We improved the comparison with experimental data and included more references, version to appear in EPJ

    Hawking-Page Phase Transition of black Dp-branes and R-charged black holes with an IR Cutoff

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    We show that the confinement-deconfinement phase transition of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with 16 supercharges in various dimensions can be realized through the Hawking-Page phase transition between the near horizon geometries of black Dp-branes and BPS Dp-branes by removing a small radius region in the geometry in order to realize a confinement phase, which generalizes the Herzog's discussion for the holographic hard-wall AdS/QCD model. Removing a small radius region in the gravitational dual corresponds to introducing an IR cutoff in the dual field theory. We also discuss the Hawking-Page phase transition between thermal AdS5AdS_5, AdS4AdS_4, AdS7AdS_7 spaces and R-charged AdS black holes coming from the spherical reduction of the decoupling limit of rotating D3-, M2-, and M5- branes in type IIB supergravity and 11 dimensional supergravity in grand canonical ensembles, where the IR cutoff also plays a crucial role in the existence of the phase transition.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, JHEP3, v2, references added, v3, some explanations adde

    Black-hole quasinormal modes and scalar glueballs in a finite-temperature AdS/QCD model

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    We use the holographic AdS/QCD soft-wall model to investigate the spectrum of scalar glueballs in a finite temperature plasma. In this model, glueballs are described by a massless scalar field in an AdS_5 black hole with a dilaton soft-wall background. Using AdS/CFT prescriptions, we compute the boundary retarded Green's function. The corresponding thermal spectral function shows quasiparticle peaks at low temperatures. We also compute the quasinormal modes of the scalar field in the soft-wall black hole geometry. The temperature and momentum dependences of these modes are analyzed. The positions and widths of the peaks of the spectral function are related to the frequencies of the quasinormal modes. Our numerical results are found employing the power series method and the computation of Breit-Wigner resonances.Comment: Revision: Results unchanged. More discussions on the model and on the results. References added. 28 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Black Holes in Cascading Theories: Confinement/Deconfinement Transition and other Thermal Properties

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    We present numerical evidence for a transition between the Klebanov-Strassler background and a solution describing a black hole in the class of cascading solutions in the chirally restored phase. We also present a number of properties of this solution, including the running of the coupling constant, the viscosity to entropy ratio and the drag force on a quark moving in this background.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures. Version to be published by JHE

    Improved Holographic QCD

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    We provide a review to holographic models based on Einstein-dilaton gravity with a potential in 5 dimensions. Such theories, for a judicious choice of potential are very close to the physics of large-N YM theory both at zero and finite temperature. The zero temperature glueball spectra as well as their finite temperature thermodynamic functions compare well with lattice data. The model can be used to calculate transport coefficients, like bulk viscosity, the drag force and jet quenching parameters, relevant for the physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma.Comment: LatEX, 65 pages, 28 figures, 9 Tables. Based on lectures given at several Schools. To appear in the proceedinds of the 5th Aegean School (Milos, Greece

    A Non-homogeneous ground state of the low-temperature Sakai-Sugimoto model

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    We study the instability of the low-temperature QCD vacuum at large-N c due to an axial chemical potential, using the holographic Sakai-Sugimoto model. We explicitly construct the ground state of the theory, which corresponds to a translationally non-invariant configuration