1,266 research outputs found

    Flutuação populacional do predador Doru luteipes Scudder em plantas de milho

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    The predator Doru luteipes (Scudder) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) has shown a great potential as a biological control agent against two key pests of maize, the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) and the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). This work was conducted with the objective of verifying the presence of the predator on maize field crop, during six years, with monthly planting time, in Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil, at Embrapa-CNPMS. Weekly, 100 whorls of maize plants were shown, and the number of ovipositions nymphs and adults of the predator was recorded. The percentage of plants with at least one individual (nymph or adult) was also computed. The presence of the predator was generalized. The greatest occurrence was observed during the summer time, which is the best period for maize growth in the region. An average of 4.11 egg masses, 10.65 nymphs and 84.19 adults was observed for each 100 sampled plants. Plants with the insect were 42.8% on average, reaching in some planting dates the level of 95%. Along the year, a quadratic response between planting dates and the insect life stages was observed. However, when splitting the planting dates in two periods before and after the minimum point of adjusted curve, the relationship was linear for all stages.O predador Doru luteipes Scudder (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) tem-se mostrado um inseto com grande potencial no controle biológico de duas das principais pragas do milho, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) e Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a flutuação do predador em milho, durante seis anos, em plantios mensais, em Sete Lagoas, MG, Brasil, na Embrapa-CNPMS. Foram amostrados semanalmente 100 cartuchos de milho, anotando-se o número de posturas, ninfas e adultos do predador. Computou-se também a porcentagem de plantas contendo pelo menos um indivíduo (ninfa ou adulto). A presença do predador foi generalizada, com tendência às maiores ocorrências nos plantios efetuados nos meses mais quentes do ano, que representam as épocas de plantios mais recomendadas para a região. Observou-se, em cada 100 plantas amostradas, uma média de 4,11 posturas, 10,65 ninfas e 84,19 adultos. A ocorrência de plantas com pelo menos uma ninfa ou um adulto do predador foi, em média, de 42,8%, chegando, em algumas épocas de plantio, a 95%. Ao longo do ano, foi observada uma resposta quadrática entre época de plantio e a ocorrência de todas as fases do predador. Entretanto, considerando duas fases distintas da curva ajustada, antes e depois do ponto de mínimo, a relação entre a presença do predador e os meses de plantio correspondentes foi linear

    Electricity generation from biogas on swine farm considering the regulation of distributed energy generation in Brazil: a case study for Minas Gerais

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the feasibility of using agricultural waste from a swine farm to produce biogas, which can be used to generate electricity. For this purpose, the waste production potential was evaluated to determine the biogas production capacity of the farm. This measurement allowed scaling the size of the generator used to the electricity production to meet the needs of the farm as well as surplus electricity. The surplus electricity may be used on the farm when the generator is under maintenance or the electricity consumption is larger than the energy generated. This process is regulated by Normative Resolutions 482 and 687 in Brazil. The results of the analysis of the net present value, internal return rate, payback period and benefit cost ratio indicated that the project was feasible

    Physics of Psychophysics: Stevens and Weber-Fechner laws are transfer functions of excitable media

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    Sensory arrays made of coupled excitable elements can improve both their input sensitivity and dynamic range due to collective non-linear wave properties. This mechanism is studied in a neural network of electrically coupled (e.g. via gap junctions) elements subject to a Poisson signal process. The network response interpolates between a Weber-Fechner logarithmic law and a Stevens power law depending on the relative refractory period of the cell. Therefore, these non-linear transformations of the input level could be performed in the sensory periphery simply due to a basic property: the transfer function of excitable media.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Karyological study of Ololygon tripui (Lourenço, Nascimento and Pires, 2009), (Anura, Hylidae) with comments on chromosomal traits among populations

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    To increase the number of cytogenetic characters used in Ololygon tripui systematics, we applied some cytogenetic techniques such as Giemsa, C- and NOR-banding, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S rDNA and repetitive microsatellite DNA probes to the study of four populations from Minas Gerais State (southeastern Brazil). All populations showed 2n = 24 and FN = 48, and chromosomal formula 8m + 10sm + 6st. Nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) were located on chromosome pair 6 in all populations, although in the Tripuí locality additional markings were observed on one homologue of chromosome pair 3. These patterns were partially congruent with results obtained using the 18S rDNA FISH probe. The microsatellites repetitive DNA (GA) 15 and (CAT) 10 probes accumulated predominantly in the terminal region of all chromosomes. Chromosome morphology and Ag-NOR were conserved among populations, a conserved pattern in Ololygon Fitzinger, 1843. Repetitive DNA FISH probes patterns were similar among populations, but they revealed species-specific differences when compared with other species of the genus Ololygon, suggesting that molecular cytogenetics are potentially more informative in karyologically conservative taxa

    Produção de modelos para o lançador hipersônico de massa empregando a técnica de fundição / Model production for the hypersonic mass launcher employing the casting technique

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    Este trabalho apresenta a utilização da técnica de Fundição para a confecção de modelos utilizados no Lançador Hipersônico de Massa do Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEAV), essa técnica permite que os modelos sejam confeccionados em tempo menor com baixo custo de produção. Esta tecnologia poderá ser utilizada na produção de modelos para a Plataforma Hipersônica de Lançamento Orbital (Projeto PHiLO)