11,937 research outputs found

    The politics of the doorstep : female survival strategies and the legacy of the miners’ strike 1984–85.

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    This paper considers the legacy of continuing activism of women in the North East of England who organized in support of the 1984-85 miners' strike. It refers to the traditional responsibility of women in mining localities for the maintenance of neighbourhood and kin relations and using the example of a key activist in one ex-mining village, it argues that the values associated with 'mining community' remain relevant as a reference point for a self-conscious, politicized reshaping of local relationships in post-industrial conditions. The material basis for this self-conscious approach has shifted from the masculine sphere of mining work and its associated community institutions to the feminized sphere of location and neighbourhood

    Can coercive formulations lead to fast and accurate solution of the Helmholtz equation?

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    A new, coercive formulation of the Helmholtz equation was introduced in [Moiola, Spence, SIAM Rev. 2014]. In this paper we investigate hh-version Galerkin discretisations of this formulation, and the iterative solution of the resulting linear systems. We find that the coercive formulation behaves similarly to the standard formulation in terms of the pollution effect (i.e. to maintain accuracy as kk\to\infty, hh must decrease with kk at the same rate as for the standard formulation). We prove kk-explicit bounds on the number of GMRES iterations required to solve the linear system of the new formulation when it is preconditioned with a prescribed symmetric positive-definite matrix. Even though the number of iterations grows with kk, these are the first such rigorous bounds on the number of GMRES iterations for a preconditioned formulation of the Helmholtz equation, where the preconditioner is a symmetric positive-definite matrix.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    DMSP F7 observations of a substorm field‐aligned current

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    In this paper we present observations of a substorm field-aligned current (FAC) system that DMSP F7 traversed just after 0300 UT on April 25, 1985. Ground magnetometer data show that a major substorm was in progress at that time and that DMSP F7 flew through a region of predominantly upward FAC. The DMSP F7 magnetic field data are consistent with this interpretation. The precipitating particle data suggest that there were three distinct large-scale FAC systems. In ascending latitude these were a downward current, an upward current, and a paired upward/downward current system. We identify the first current, which was coincident with the diffuse aurora, as region 2. The next (upward) FAC was coincident with a spatially unstructured region of energetic (∼12 keV) electron precipitation. This was the substorm-associated FAC that made up part of the current wedge. The upward/downward current pair was coincident with a region of highly structured precipitation. We suggest that these currents may have been the duskside region 1 and, poleward of that, the extension of the dawnside region 1. The particle data show that the upward substorm current lay well equatorward of the boundary between open and closed field lines. In fact, using a model field, the equatorward boundary of the substorm FAC maps to the neutral sheet at 6.9 RE. While one should be cautious in stressing results obtained by mapping model field lines, our result is consistent with scenarios for substorms which postulate a disruption and diversion of the near-Earth cross-tail current

    Coriander (cilantro): a most divisive herb

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    Coriander is one of the most interesting of herbs/spices given the polarizing (or bivalent) responses that the fresh leaf evokes in people. While many people appreciate the citrusy, herbal qualities of the fresh leaf when added to food, others find its presence to be offensive, describing it as having an unpleasant soapy taste instead. The olfactory receptor (OR) gene responsible for this genetically-determined perceptual difference has now been uncovered, with the incidence of the soapy response estimated at between 3 and 21%, depending on the ethno-cultural group tested. Intriguingly, the spice, coriander seed (actually the dried ripe fruit), does not appear to elicit the same response, hinting at the divergent chemical make-up of the various parts of this popular culinary plant

    Saffron: the colourful spice

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    Saffron (Crocus Sativus L. stigmas), the stamen of the crocus flower, is often claimed to be the world's most expensive spice. As such, it stands as an especially salient example of people's longstanding desire for visually-appealing food colours, given that the bitter taste of saffron stamens, caused by the presence of picrocrocin. The aroma of high quality saffron is often described as smelling sweet, floral, and spicy. Sometimes, it is also described as having a hay-like aroma and a metallic note. Saffron has long been used as a dye, as a medicine, and also as a cosmetics/perfumery ingredient. However, the spice would appear to have fallen out of favour in the 19th Century (possibly due to its expense), its use being restricted to a relatively small number of dishes. There are, however, signs of a resurgence of interest in this natural colorant with a range potentially beneficial functional properties attributable to the stigma, as well as to other parts of the plant. Minimal exposure to heat during cooking is recommended though to help preserve the aroma/flavour

    Realizing live sequence charts in SystemVerilog.

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    The design of an embedded control system starts with an investigation of properties and behaviors of the process evolving within its environment, and an analysis of the requirement for its safety performance. In early stages, system requirements are often specified as scenarios of behavior using sequence charts for different use cases. This specification must be precise, intuitive and expressive enough to capture different aspects of embedded control systems. As a rather rich and useful extension to the classical message sequence charts, live sequence charts (LSC), which provide a rich collection of constructs for specifying both possible and mandatory behaviors, are very suitable for designing an embedded control system. However, it is not a trivial task to realize a high-level design model in executable program codes effectively and correctly. This paper tackles the challenging task by providing a mapping algorithm to automatically synthesize SystemVerilog programs from given LSC specifications