471 research outputs found

    Larval Descriptions of Eight Species of Megasoma Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) with a Key for Identification and Notes on Biology

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    Ratcliffe, Brett C., Hardy, Martin (2005): Collagenus dasysternus, A New Genus And Species Of Dynastinae From Eastern Venezuela With A Key To The New World Genera Of Pentodontini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 59 (1): 143-150, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065x(2005)059[0143:cdanga]2.0.co;

    Desdolarizando la economía peruana: Un enfoque de portafolio

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    La visión de consenso es que la dolarización financiera complica el diseño de la política económica, al abrir la puerta a un mayor grado de vulnerabilidad financiera. A pesar de esto, en la última década no hubo un esfuerzo explícito por reducir el nivel de dolarización junto con el programa de estabilización. Además de presentar un conjunto de indicadores para cuantificar cada tipo de dolarización, así como sus resultados para la economía peruana, en este estudio se evalúan distintas medidas para combatir el fenómeno de dolarización financiera. Para esto, y atendiendo a los resultados obtenidos, se privilegia el enfoque de portafolio y se analizan los efectos de modificar el grado de cobertura del seguro de depósitos y la varianza relativa de la inflación y la devaluación real. Los resultados permiten adelantar que una reducción en la cobertura de dicho seguro para depósitos en dólares no se traduciría en un menor ratio de dolarización, ya que propiciaría una transferencia de recursos hacia el exterior. La balanza se inclina hacia aquellas medidas orientadas a reducir la volatilidad de la inflación respecto a la de la devaluación real.

    Cyclic thermal fluctuations can be burden or relief for an ectotherm depending on fluctuations’ average and amplitude

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    1. Predicting the implications of ongoing ocean climate warming demands a better understanding of how short-term thermal variability impacts marine ectotherms, particularly at beyond-optimal average conditions during summer heatwaves. 2. Using a globally important model species, the blue mussel Mytilus, in a 5-week-long experiment, we (a) assessed growth performance traits under 12 scenarios, consisting of four thermal averages (18.5, 21, 23.5 and 26℃) imposed as constant or daily fluctuating regimes with amplitudes of 2 or 4℃. Additionally, we conducted a short-term assay using different mussel individuals to (b) test for the species capacity for suppression and recovery of metabolic performance traits (feeding and aerobic respiration) when exposed to a 1-day thermal fluctuation regime (16.8–30.5℃). Using this high-resolution data, we (c) generated short-term thermal metabolic performance curves to predict and explain growth responses observed in the long-term experiment. 3. We found that daily high-amplitude thermal cycles (4℃) improved mussel growth when fluctuations were imposed around an extreme average temperature of 26℃, representing end-of-century heatwaves. In contrast, thermal cycles negatively affected mussel growth at a less extreme average temperature of 23.5℃, resembling current peak summer temperature scenarios. These results suggest that fluctuations ameliorate heat stress impacts only at critically high average temperatures. The short-term assay demonstrated that during the warming phase, animals stopped feeding between 24 and 30℃ while gradually suppressing respiration. In the subsequent cooling phase, feeding and respiration partially and fully recovered to pre-heating rates respectively. Furthermore, nonlinear averaging of short-term feeding responses (upscaling) well-predicted longer term growth responses to fluctuations. 4. Our findings suggest that fluctuations can be beneficial to or detrimental for the long-term performance of ectothermic animals, depending on the fluctuations' average and amplitude. Furthermore, the observed effects can be linked to fluctuation-mediated metabolic suppression and recovery. In a general framework, we propose various hypothetical scenarios of fluctuation impacts on ectotherm performance considering inter- or intra-species variability in heat sensitivity. Our research highlights the need for studying metabolic performance in relation to cyclic abiotic fluctuations to advance the understanding of climate change impacts on aquatic systems

    Heterogeneity in HIV and cellular transcription profiles in cell line models of latent and productive infection: implications for HIV latency.

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    BackgroundHIV-infected cell lines are widely used to study latent HIV infection, which is considered the main barrier to HIV cure. We hypothesized that these cell lines differ from each other and from cells from HIV-infected individuals in the mechanisms underlying latency.ResultsTo quantify the degree to which HIV expression is inhibited by blocks at different stages of HIV transcription, we employed a recently-described panel of RT-ddPCR assays to measure levels of 7 HIV transcripts ("read-through," initiated, 5' elongated, mid-transcribed/unspliced [Pol], distal-transcribed [Nef], polyadenylated, and multiply-sliced [Tat-Rev]) in bulk populations of latently-infected (U1, ACH-2, J-Lat) and productively-infected (8E5, activated J-Lat) cell lines. To assess single-cell variation and investigate cellular genes associated with HIV transcriptional blocks, we developed a novel multiplex qPCR panel and quantified single cell levels of 7 HIV targets and 89 cellular transcripts in latently- and productively-infected cell lines. The bulk cell HIV transcription profile differed dramatically between cell lines and cells from ART-suppressed individuals. Compared to cells from ART-suppressed individuals, latent cell lines showed lower levels of HIV transcriptional initiation and higher levels of polyadenylation and splicing. ACH-2 and J-Lat cells showed different forms of transcriptional interference, while U1 cells showed a block to elongation. Single-cell studies revealed marked variation between/within cell lines in expression of HIV transcripts, T cell phenotypic markers, antiviral factors, and genes implicated in latency. Expression of multiply-spliced HIV Tat-Rev was associated with expression of cellular genes involved in activation, tissue retention, T cell transcription, and apoptosis/survival.ConclusionsHIV-infected cell lines differ from each other and from cells from ART-treated individuals in the mechanisms governing latent HIV infection. These differences in viral and cellular gene expression must be considered when gauging the suitability of a given cell line for future research on HIV. At the same time, some features were shared across cell lines, such as low expression of antiviral defense genes and a relationship between productive infection and genes involved in survival. These features may contribute to HIV latency or persistence in vivo, and deserve further study using novel single cell assays such as those described in this manuscript

    Estudio comparativo de la influencia de las fibras en la retracción de los morteros reciclados

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    Construction and demolition waste can be used as a substitution of natural aggregate in mortar and concrete elaboration. A poorer quality of recycled aggregates generally has negative impact on mortar properties. Shrinkage is one of the properties that experiences worse outcome due to the higher absorption of recycled aggregates. This research evaluates the potential shrinkage of mortars elaborated with recycled concrete aggregates both with and without fibres addition, as well as the relation between moisture loss and shrinkage caused by mortar drying process using a capacitive sensor of the authors’ own design. Two different mortar dosages 1:3 and 1:4 and three fiber types: polypropylene fiber, fiberglass and steel fiber, in different proportions were used. Obtained results show that the use of polypropylene fiber improves the recycled mortars performance against shrinkage in 0.2%. Moreover, a clear relation between dry shrinkage and moisture loss was observed.Los Residuos de Construcción y Demolición pueden ser usados como sustitución de los áridos naturales en la fabricación de morteros y hormigones. La peor calidad de los áridos reciclados empeora de manera general las propiedades de los morteros, siendo la retracción una de las que más se ve afectada. Esta investigación, estudia la retracción de los morteros elaborados con arena reciclada de hormigón con y sin adicción de fibras, así como la relación existente entre la perdida de humedad y la retracción por secado mediante un sensor capacitivo de diseño propio. Se han empleado dos dosificaciones diferentes 1:3 y 1:4 y tres tipos de fibras: polipropileno, vidrio y acero, en distintas proporciones. Los resultados muestran que la adición de fibras de polipropileno en un 0,2% mejora significativamente la retracción en los morteros reciclados. Además, se ha obtenido una relación clara entre la retracción por secado y la perdida de humedad

    Neutrophils which migrate to lymph nodes modulate CD4+ T cell response by a PD-L1 dependent mechanism

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    It is well known that neutrophils are rapidly recruited to a site of injury or infection and perform a critical role in pathogen clearance and inflammation. However, they are also able to interact with and regulate innate and adaptive immune cells and some stimuli induce the migration of neutrophils to lymph nodes (LNs). Previously, we demonstrated that the immune complex (IC) generated by injecting OVA into the footpad of OVA/CFA immunized mice induced the migration of OVA+ neutrophils to draining LNs (dLNs). Here we investigate the effects of these neutrophils which reach dLNs on CD4+ T cell response. Our findings here strongly support a dual role for neutrophils in dLNs regarding CD4+ T cell response modulation. On the one hand, the CD4+ T cell population expands after the influx of OVA+ neutrophils to dLNs. These CD4+ T cells enlarge their proliferative response, activation markers and IL-17 and IFN-γ cytokine production. On the other hand, these neutrophils also restrict CD4+ T cell expansion. The neutrophils in the dLNs upregulate PD-L1 molecules and are capable of suppressing CD4+ T cell proliferation. These results indicate that neutrophils migration to dLNs have an important role in the homeostasis of adaptive immunity. This report describes for the first time that the influx of neutrophils to dLNs dependent on IC presence improves CD4+ T cell response, at the same time controlling CD4+ T cell proliferation through a PD-L1 dependent mechanism.Fil: Castell, Sofía Daiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Harman, María Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; ArgentinaFil: Morón, Sergio Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica; ArgentinaFil: Maletto, Belkys Angélica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Pistoresi Palencia, María C.. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica; Argentin


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    El patrón de sedimentación de la Formación Cerrejón es característicamente repetitivo y monótono. Presenta un espesor estratigráfico de aproximadamente 1000 m y una longitud en rumbo de al menos 30 km a lo largo del Valle del Cesar - Ranchería. Esta monotonía ha sido utilizada para definir ocho asociaciones de litofacies y tres secuencias típicas con las que es posible describir la totalidad de esta unidad. El arreglo vertical de dichas asociaciones de litofacies permite establecer los patrones de apilamiento, pero no el mecanismo generador de la repetición y arreglo vertical de estos ciclos. Este estudio pretende reconocer patrones de ciclicidad y así establecer las posibles relaciones causales de estos ciclos, para lo cual se utilizó modelamiento sintético como primera aproximación. Los resultados de este modelamiento sugieren que con subsidencia tectónica, tasas de sedimentación constantes y una variación rítmica en el nivel de base puede reproducirse el patrón progradacional puntuado de la Formación Cerrejón. Únicamente subsidencia tectónica o termal, compactación diferencial, o fenómenos autocíclicos podrían difícilmente generar el patrón observado en tal extensión regional. Palabras clave: Patrones ciclo, monotonía, modelamiento sintético, subsidencia tectónica        The Cerrejon Formation exhibits a stacking pattern characteristically repetitive and monotonous. It has a stratigraphic thickness of about 1000 m and a strike-length of at least 30 km through Cesar - Ranchería Valley. This monotony has been used to define eight lithofacies assemblages, and three typical sequences that describe the entire unit. The vertical arrangement of these lithofacies assemblages allows the recognition of stacking patterns, but not the mechanisms that generated the repetition and the vertical arrangement of these patterns. This study aims to identify cyclicity in the record and to establish a possible causal relationship for these patterns. To do this, forward modeling was used and preliminarily indicates that the punctuated progradational pattern observed in the Cerrejón Formation can be simulated keeping constant tectonic subsidence, sedimentation rates, and forcing a base level oscillation. Only tectonic or thermal subsidence, differential compaction or autocyclic phenomena could not easily generate the observed pattern on such regional extension. Key words: Cycle patterns, monotony, forward modelling, tectonic subsidence. &nbsp


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    El patrón de sedimentación de la Formación Cerrejón es característicamente repetitivo y monótono. Presenta un espesor estratigráfico de aproximadamente 1000 m y una longitud en rumbo de al menos 30 km a lo largo del Valle del Cesar - Ranchería. Esta monotonía ha sido utilizada para definir ocho asociaciones de litofacies y tres secuencias típicas con las que es posible describir la totalidad de esta unidad. El arreglo vertical de dichas asociaciones de litofacies permite establecer los patrones de apilamiento, pero no el mecanismo generador de la repetición y arreglo vertical de estos ciclos. Este estudio pretende reconocer patrones de ciclicidad y así establecer las posibles relaciones causales de estos ciclos, para lo cual se utilizó modelamiento sintético como primera aproximación. Los resultados de este modelamiento sugieren que con subsidencia tectónica, tasas de sedimentación constantes y una variación rítmica en el nivel de base puede reproducirse el patrón progradacional puntuado de la Formación Cerrejón. Únicamente subsidencia tectónica o termal, compactación diferencial, o fenómenos autocíclicos podrían difícilmente generar el patrón observado en tal extensión regional. Palabras clave: Patrones ciclo, monotonía, modelamiento sintético, subsidencia tectónica        The Cerrejon Formation exhibits a stacking pattern characteristically repetitive and monotonous. It has a stratigraphic thickness of about 1000 m and a strike-length of at least 30 km through Cesar - Ranchería Valley. This monotony has been used to define eight lithofacies assemblages, and three typical sequences that describe the entire unit. The vertical arrangement of these lithofacies assemblages allows the recognition of stacking patterns, but not the mechanisms that generated the repetition and the vertical arrangement of these patterns. This study aims to identify cyclicity in the record and to establish a possible causal relationship for these patterns. To do this, forward modeling was used and preliminarily indicates that the punctuated progradational pattern observed in the Cerrejón Formation can be simulated keeping constant tectonic subsidence, sedimentation rates, and forcing a base level oscillation. Only tectonic or thermal subsidence, differential compaction or autocyclic phenomena could not easily generate the observed pattern on such regional extension. Key words: Cycle patterns, monotony, forward modelling, tectonic subsidence. &nbsp

    Contests in two fronts

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    Within the framework of Game Theory, contests study decision-making in those situations or conflicts when rewards depend on the relative rank between contenders rather than their absolute performance. By relying on the formalism of Tullock success functions, we propose a model where two contenders fight in a conflict on two fronts with different technology levels associated: a front with large resource demand and another with lower resource requirements. The parameter of the success function in each front determines the resource demand level. Furthermore, the redistribution or not of resources after a tie defines two different games. We solve the model analytically through the best-response map dynamics, finding a critical threshold for the ratio of the resources between contenders that determines the Nash Equilibrium basin and, consequently, the peace and fighting regimes. We also perform numerical simulations that corroborate and extend these findings. We hope this study will be of interest to areas as diverse as economic conflicts and geopolitics.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Sensitive quantification of the HIV-1 reservoir in gut-associated lymphoid tissue

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    Biòpsia; VIH-1; Teixit limfoideBiopsia; VIH-1; Tejido linfoideBiopsy; HIV-1; Lymphoid tissueBackground The implementation of successful strategies to achieve an HIV cure has become a priority in HIV research. However, the current location and size of HIV reservoirs is still unknown since there are limited tools to evaluate HIV latency in viral sanctuaries such as gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). As reported in the so called “Boston Patients”, despite undetectable levels of proviral HIV-1 DNA in blood and GALT, viral rebound happens in just few months after ART interruption. This fact might imply that current methods are not sensitive enough to detect residual reservoirs. Showing that, it is imperative to improve the detection and quantification of HIV-1 reservoir in tissue samples. Herein, we propose a novel non-enzymatic protocol for purification of Lamina Propria Leukocytes (LPL) from gut biopsies combined to viral HIV DNA (vDNA) quantification by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of viral reservoir measurements (LPL-vDNA assay). Methods Endoscopic ileum biopsies were sampled from 12 HIV-1-infected cART-suppressed subjects. We performed a DTT/EDTA-based treatment for epithelial layer removal followed by non-enzymatic disruption of the tissue to obtain lamina propria cell suspension (LP). CD45+ cells were subsequently purified by flow sorting and vDNA was determined by ddPCR. Results vDNA quantification levels were significantly higher in purified LPLs (CD45+) than in bulk LPs (p<0.01). The levels of vDNA were higher in ileum samples than in concurrent PBMC from the same individuals (p = 0.002). As a result of the increased sensitivity of this purification method, the Poisson 95% confidence intervals of the vDNA quantification data from LPLs were narrower than that from bulk LPs. Of note, vDNA was unambiguously quantified above the detection limit in 100% of LPL samples, while only in 58% of bulk LPs. Conclusion We propose an innovative combined protocol for a more sensitive detection of the HIV reservoir in gut-associated viral sanctuaries, which might be used to evaluate any proposed eradication strategy.This substudy was supported by ViiV and the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) (ARCHE). IrsiCaixa was supported by the CERCA programme from Generalitat de Catalunya. MS was supported by the post-doctoral training scholarship (Juan de la Cierva) of the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry (FPDI-2013-17134). SM-L received a fellowship from the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2013FI_B 00275). CG was partially supported by the pre-doctoral fellowship of the Spanish Education, Culture and Sport Ministry (FPU15/03698). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication