276 research outputs found

    A spatially explicit approach for estimating space use and density of common genet

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    Un método espacialmente explícito para estimar el uso del espacio y la densidad de la jineta común Muchas especies que se presentan en bajas densidades no se estiman con precisión utilizando métodos de captura y recaptura, puesto que tales técnicas suponen que las poblaciones están bien definidas en el espacio. Para resolver este sesgo, recientemente se han elaborado modelos de captura y recaptura espacialmente explícitos (SECR). Estos modelos incorporan el movimiento y pueden determinar las zonas en la que es más probable que los individuos concentren su actividad. En el presente estudio, utilizamos datos obtenidos con cámaras de trampeo en estudios sobre la jineta común (Genetta genetta) en Serra da Malcata (Portugal) concebidos para comparar las estimaciones de abundancia producidas por los modelos de SECR y los modelos tradicionales de captura para una población cerrada. Utilizando los modelos de SECR, observamos la existencia de heterogeneidad espacial en la distribución de la jineta y las estimaciones de la densidad fueron aproximadamente dos veces inferiores a las obtenidas en los modelos para poblaciones cerradas. Las estimaciones del modelo no espacial se limitaron al tamaño de la cuadrícula de muestreo y probablemente infravaloraron los movimientos, lo que conllevaría que se sobreestimara la densidad. Los estudios futuros deberían sopesar la incorporación de modelos de carga–distancia que puedan incluir hipótesis explícitas sobre la forma en que las variables medioambientales influyen en la métrica de la distancia.Un método espacialmente explícito para estimar el uso del espacio y la densidad de la jineta común Muchas especies que se presentan en bajas densidades no se estiman con precisión utilizando métodos de captura y recaptura, puesto que tales técnicas suponen que las poblaciones están bien definidas en el espacio. Para resolver este sesgo, recientemente se han elaborado modelos de captura y recaptura espacialmente explícitos (SECR). Estos modelos incorporan el movimiento y pueden determinar las zonas en la que es más probable que los individuos concentren su actividad. En el presente estudio, utilizamos datos obtenidos con cámaras de trampeo en estudios sobre la jineta común (Genetta genetta) en Serra da Malcata (Portugal) concebidos para comparar las estimaciones de abundancia producidas por los modelos de SECR y los modelos tradicionales de captura para una población cerrada. Utilizando los modelos de SECR, observamos la existencia de heterogeneidad espacial en la distribución de la jineta y las estimaciones de la densidad fueron aproximadamente dos veces inferiores a las obtenidas en los modelos para poblaciones cerradas. Las estimaciones del modelo no espacial se limitaron al tamaño de la cuadrícula de muestreo y probablemente infravaloraron los movimientos, lo que conllevaría que se sobreestimara la densidad. Los estudios futuros deberían sopesar la incorporación de modelos de carga–distancia que puedan incluir hipótesis explícitas sobre la forma en que las variables medioambientales influyen en la métrica de la distancia.Many species that occur at low densities are not accurately estimated using capture–recapture methods as such techniques assume that populations are well–defined in space. To solve this bias, spatially explicit capture–recapture (SECR) models have recently been developed. These models incorporate movement and can identify areas where it is more likely for individuals to concentrate their activity. In this study, we used data from camera–trap surveys of common genets (Genetta genetta) in Serra da Malcata (Portugal), designed to compare abundance estimates produced by SECR models with traditional closed–capture models. Using the SECR models, we observed spatial heterogeneity in genet distribution and density estimates were approximately two times lower than those obtained from the closed population models. The non–spatial model estimates were constrained to sampling grid size and likely underestimated movements, thereby overestimating density. Future research should consider the incorporation of cost–weighed models that can include explicit hypothesis on how environmental variables influence the distance metric

    Helminth species richness in wild wood mice, Apodemus sylvaticus, is enhanced by the presence of the intestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus

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    We analysed 3 independently collected datasets of fully censused helminth burdens in wood mice, Apodemus sylvaticus, testing the a priori hypothesis of Behnke et al. (2005) that the presence of the intestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus predisposes wood mice to carrying other species of helminths. In Portugal, mice carrying H. polygyrus showed a higher prevalence of other helminths but the magnitude of the effect was seasonal. In Egham, mice with H. polygyrus showed a higher prevalence of other helminth species, not confounded by other factors. In Malham Tarn, mice carrying H. polygyrus were more likely to be infected with other species, but only among older mice. Allowing for other factors, heavy residual H. polygyrus infections carried more species of other helminths in both the Portugal and Egham data; species richness in Malham was too low to conduct a similar analysis, but as H. polygyrus worm burdens increased, so the prevalence of other helminths also increased. Our results support those of Behnke et al. (2005), providing firm evidence that at the level of species richness a highly predictable element of co-infections in wood mice has now been defined: infection with H. polygyrus has detectable consequences for the susceptibility of wood mice to other intestinal helminth species

    Pulmonary Kaposi sarcoma and disseminated Mycobacterium genavense infection in an HIV-infected patient

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    We report a case of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and disseminated infection by Mycobacterium genavense in a 40-year-old HIV-positive man with CD4+ T-cell count 5/µL. He presented with anorexia, diarrhoea, cachexia and multiple firm violaceous nodules distributed over the face, neck and upper and lower extremities. Biopsy of a skin nodule was performed, confirming KS. Immunoperoxidase staining for human herpesvirus 8 was strongly positive. Endoscopic examination revealed erosive duodenopathy. Multiple biopsy samples showed numerous acid-fast bacilli at direct microscopic examination. Real-time PCR (RT-PCR) identified M. genavense. A CT scan showed diffuse pulmonary infiltrates with a 'tree-in-bud' appearance, striking splenomegaly and abdominal lymphadenopathy. A bronchoscopy was performed, revealing typical Kaposi's lesions in the upper respiratory tract. RT-PCR of bronchial aspirate identified M. genavense and Pneumocystis jirovecii. Despite treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy, antimycobacterial therapy and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, the outcome was fatal

    Engaging in coparenting changes in couple therapy: Two contrasting cases

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    Following the task analysis method, this study aimed to confirm the relevance of our model of resolving coparenting dissatisfaction to differentiate between two contrasting couples undergoing couple therapy. The model under study described the steps through which couples resolve coparenting issues in couple therapy for parents. Two contrasting couples were selected from a sample of parents undergoing systemic couple therapy. We analyzed videotaped discussions about the couple's coparenting relationship to select one couple whose interaction quality improved after therapy and one couple who worsened. Records of therapy sessions were rated by two independent coders to verify whether the model of coparenting change was present. Results showed that the couple that improved after therapy presented almost all the steps of the model whereas the couple that worsened after therapy presented only two steps. This study supported the relevance of the model and its various components to discriminate between two contrasting cases.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    (In)Consistencies in responses to sodium bicarbonate supplementation: a randomised, repeated measures, counterbalanced and double-blind study

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    Objectives: Intervention studies do not account for high within-individual variation potentially compromising the magnitude of an effect. Repeat administration of a treatment allows quantification of individual responses and determination of the consistency of responses. We determined the consistency of metabolic and exercise responses following repeated administration of sodium bicarbonate (SB). Design and Methods: 15 physically active males (age 25 ± 4 y; body mass 76.0 ± 7.3 kg; height 1.77 ± 0.05 m) completed six cycling capacity tests at 110% of maximum power output (CCT 110% ) following ingestion of either 0.3 g.kg -1 BM of SB (4 trials) or placebo (PL, 2 trials). Blood pH, bicarbonate, base excess and lactate were determined at baseline, pre-exercise, post-exercise and 5-min post-exercise. Total work done (TWD) was recorded as the exercise outcome. Results: SB supplementation increased blood pH, bicarbonate and base excess prior to every trial (all p ≤0.001); absolute changes in pH, bicarbonate and base excess from baseline to pre-exercise were similar in all SB trials (all p > 0.05). Blood lactate was elevated following exercise in all trials (p ≤ 0.001), and was higher in some, but not all, SB trials compared to PL. TWD was not significantly improved with SB vs. PL in any trial (SB1: +3.6%; SB2 +0.3%; SB3: +2.1%; SB4: +6.7%; all p > 0.05), although magnitude-based inferences suggested a 93% likely improvement in SB4. Individual analysis showed ten participants improved in at least one SB trial above the normal variation of the test although five improved in none. Conclusions: The mechanism for improved exercise with SB was consistently in place prior to exercise, although this only resulted in a likely improvement in one trial. SB does not consistently improve high intensity cycling capacity, with results suggesting that caution should be taken when interpreting the results from single trials as to the efficacy of SB supplementation. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0247462

    Comportamento fisiológico, secagem e armazenamento de sementes florestais nativas.

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    O valor das condições de trabalho para a melhoria organizacional

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    Este artigo apresenta um trabalho realizado numa empresa de vestuário portuguesa sobre o valor das condições de trabalho dos colaboradores do espaço fabril para uma melhoria organizacional num contexto de implementação de Lean Production. Estas foram avaliadas usando diferentes metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas: 1) questionário para avaliar os postos de trabalho dos colaboradores; 2) questionário para avaliar o nível de satisfação dos colaboradores com a empresa e condições de trabalho e, 3) checklist para avaliar as condições ergonómicas e ambientais da empresa. Os resultados demonstram que, em geral, os colaboradores se encontravam satisfeitos com a empresa e com as suas condições de trabalho, embora se sintam que existem determinados pontos que podem ser melhorados. Estes resultados são concordantes com os resultados do checklist das condições ergonómicas.This article presents a study carried out in a Portuguese clothing company on the value of working conditions of employees of the factory space for organizational improvement in a Lean Production implementation context. These were evaluated using different qualitative and quantitative methodologies: 1) questionnaire to assess employee’s workstation; 2) questionnaire to assess the level of employee satisfaction with the company and working conditions, and 3) checklist to assess ergonomic and environmental conditions of the company. The results show that, in general, employees were satisfied with the company and their working conditions, but feel that there are certain points that can be improved. These results agree with the results of the checklist of ergonomic conditions

    A melhoria organizacional como alavanca para melhores condições de trabalho

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    Good working conditions are essential for a well functioning company. These can be promoted in the context of implementation of Lean Production through organizational improvement searching for continuous improvement and questioning how the work is done. This article presents the results of a case study carried out in a Portuguese clothing company on the working conditions satisfaction for organizational improvement in a Lean Production implementation context. Different instruments were used for data and information collection: 1) questionnaire to assess employee's workstation; 2) questionnaire to assess the level of employee satisfaction with the company and working conditions, and 3) checklist to assess ergonomic and environmental conditions of the company. Through the analysis and interpretation of observation results, in general, employees were satisfied with the company and their working conditions, although they felt that certain aspects could be improved. This identification oriented the researcher in applying Lean Production tools more appropriate.Boas condições de trabalho são essenciais para o bom funcionamento de uma empresa. Estas podem ser promovidas num contexto de implementação de Lean Production (melhoria organizacional) por obrigar à procura constante de melhoria contínua, questionando a forma como o trabalho é realizado. Este artigo apresenta os resultados sobre a satisfação com as condições de trabalho e a empresa através de um estudo realizado numa empresa de vestuário onde se pretendia implementar Lean Production. Para este estudo, recorreu-se a diferentes instrumentos: 1) questionário para avaliar os postos de trabalho dos colaboradores; 2) questionário para avaliar o nível de satisfação dos colaboradores com a empresa e condições de trabalho e 3) checklist para avaliar as condições ergonómicas e ambientais da empresa. Da análise dos resultados verificou-se que, em geral, os colaboradores encontravam-se satisfeitos com a empresa e as condições de trabalho, embora sentissem que determinados pontos poderiam ser melhorados. Esta identificação orientou o investigador na aplicação das ferramentas Lean Production mais adequadas.Os autores deste trabalho gostariam de expressar os seus agradecimentos à empresa da ITV e seus colaboradores. Os autores também agradecem à FCT com o Plano Estratégico PEst2015-2020, referencia UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An initiation of a lean journey in a clothing company

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    This paper presents the introduction of Lean Production in a clothing company. This company had never before heard of Lean Production but it was curious, embraced the challenge and agreed to have a researcher in its facilities to evaluate the work environment and the Lean implementation viability. In conclusion, the research has shown that, in addition to the company interest, the implementation of some of the proposals overcome problems identified in the critical analysis of the company´s production system. The solutions proposed to the problems identified are based on Lean principles and tools. The chosen procedure includes the presentation of the proposals, revealing that the modifications suggested for the finishing sector, will allow the simplification of material flow and control of production, the reduction of Work-in-Process as well as the reduction of waste associated with transportation activities between work stations