174 research outputs found

    Ejemplo de un medicamento probiĂłtico: Saccharomyces boulardii liofilizada.

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    Saccharomyces boulardii is a natural yeast without genetic modification isolated from the bark of the litchi tree in Indochina. In its lyophilized form is an example of the called probiotic medicine. The probiotic denomination is in relation to that itself assets in the gastrointestinal tract in interrelation to that biologic environment. And is labelled as medicine because the lyophilized form has a clinical and pharmaceutical expedient included in the regulation of medicinal products in almost 100 countries

    Diarrhée rebelle du nourrisson: bases expérimentales de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques.

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    Intractable diarrhoea is a severe condition of early infancy producing prolonged food intolerance, massive watery diarrhoea and malnutrition. Although the etiology remains unknown in more than half of the cases, a basic physiopathological mechanism appears to be a variable inhibition of the maturation and differentiation of the crypt cell resulting in immature villus cells. Among the known nutritional and hormonal factors that control maturation of the enterocytes, polyamines (spermine, spermidine) emerge as the most trophic substances potentially useful for humans. Clinical studies are warranted to determine whether semi-elemental diets enriched in polyamines would provide some benefit for patients with intractable diarrhoea or with an adapted bowel after extensive enterectomy

    Les facteurs trophiques du lait.

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    Human milk as well as the milk of several mammalian species contains, beside major nutrients and anti-infectious and immunocompetent substances, a group of biologically active substances called "milk-borne trophic factors" or "growth modulators". Milk-borne trophic can be classified into three groups: hormones and trophic peptides; nucleotides, nucleosides and derived substances; and polyamines, especially spermine and spermidine. Certain hormones and peptides such as growth hormone, insulin, insulin like-growth factor I (IGF-I), epidermal growth factor (EGF), prolactin and growth hormone releasing factor (GHRF) can influence directly newborn's metabolism after intestinal absorption and promote growth and differentiation of several organs and target tissues. They could exert a cytoprotective effect against toxins and toxic substances and reduce the potential risk of necrotizing enterocolitis. Nucleotides are present in human milk at high levels, and are precursors of nucleic acids, which implies that they can enhance growth and differentiation of several organs and tissues, especially the liver. Nucleotides from milk enhance lipid metabolism, lipoprotein synthesis and liver cell function and regeneration. In addition, they have a determinant action on the development of the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Lastly, polyamines, mainly spermine and spermidine, are polycationic substances virtually present in all cells, whose concentration in human milk is about ten times higher than in infant formulae. In addition, spermine and spermidine levels increase markedly during the first 3 days of lactation reaching, after 1 week, plateau levels which are respectively 12 and eight times higher than the levels measured at day 0. Although several experimental studies have shown that polyamines from the milk of lactating mammals determine important mitogenic, metabolic and immunological effects promoting growth and differentiation of the immature gastrointestinal tract of the offspring, their beneficial effects on growth and differentiation of the gastrointestinal tract in humans remain hypothetical. As a consequence, enrichment of milk formulae in one or in several trophic factors is an important but complex goal. Its practical realization is not realistic today because of a too great number of incertitudes. The most important is related to potential beneficial or adverse effects emerging at short or at long term and to the individual interactions of these substances which could be agonist and antagonist because they are naturally present in milk as a "complex cocktail" whose composition changes during the lactation period

    Effect of Insulin On Intestinal Maturation of Villus and Crypt Cell Functions in Suckling Rats

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    [Mucoviscidosis - Digestive Symptomatology in the Child and Monosymptomatic Forms]

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    Cellular and enzymatic adaptation of the rat small intestine during postnatal growth

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    Thèse d'agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur (Faculté de médecine) -- UCL, 198
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