51 research outputs found

    Flight testing Time and Energy Managed Operations (TEMO)

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    The expected growth in air traffic combined with an increased public concern for the environment, have forced legislators to rethink the current air traffic system design. The current air traffic system operates at its capacity limits and is expected to lead to increased delays if traffic levels grow even further. Both in the United States and Europe, research projects have been initiated to develop the future Air Transportation System (ATS) to address capacity, and environmental, safety and economic issues. To address the environmental issues during descent and approach, a novel Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) concept, named Time and Energy Managed Operations (TEMO), has been developed co-sponsored by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking. It uses energy principles to reduce fuel burn, gaseous emissions and noise nuisance whilst maintaining runway capacity. Different from other CDO concepts, TEMO optimizes the descent by using energy management to achieve a continuous engine-idle descent, while satisfying time constraints on both the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) and the runway threshold. As such, TEMO uses timemetering at two control points to facilitate flow management and arrival spacing. TEMO is in line with SESAR step 2 capabilities, since it proposes 4D trajectory management and is aimed at providing significant environmental benefits in the arrival phase without negatively affecting throughput, even in high density and peak-hour operations. In particular, TEMO addresses SESAR operational improvement (OI) TS-103: Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) through use of datalink [1]. TEMO has been validated starting from initial performance batch studies at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3, up to Human-in-the-Loop studies in realistic environments using a moving base flight simulator at TRL 5 ([2]-[6]). In this paper the definition, preparation, performance and analysis of a flight test experiment is described with the objective to demonstrate the ability of the TEMO algorithm to provide accurate and safe aircraft guidance toward the Initial Approach Fix (IAF), and further down to the Stabilization Point (1000 ft AGL), to demonstrate the ability of the TEMO algorithm to meet absolute time requirements at IAF and/or runway threshold and to evaluate the performance of the system under test (e.g. fuel usage).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Time and Energy Managed Operations (TEMO): Cessna Citation II Flight Trials

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    From 9-26 October 2015 the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) in cooperation with Delft University of Technology (DUT) has executed Clean Sky flight trials with the Cessna Citation II research aircraft. The trials consisted of several descents and approaches at the Eelde airport near Groningen, demonstrating the TEMO (Time and Energy Managed Operations) concept developed in the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative research programme as part of the Systems for Green Operations (SGO) Integrated Technology Demonstrator. A TEMO descent aims to achieve an energy-managed idle-thrust continuous descent operation (CDO) while satisfying ATC time constraints, to maintain runway throughput. An optimal descent plan is calculated with an advanced on-board real-time aircraft trajectory optimisation algorithm considering forecasted weather and aircraft performance. The optimised descent plan was executed using the speed-on-elevator mode of an experimental Fly-By-Wire (FBW) system connected to the pitch servo motor of the Cessna Citation II aircraft. Several TEMO conceptual variants have been flown. It has been demonstrated that the TEMO concept enables arrival with timing errors below 10 seconds. The project was realised with the support of CONCORDE partners Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and PildoLabs from Barcelona, and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Performance Assessment of an Airborne Separation Assistance System Using Realistic Complex Traffic Flows

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    This paper presents the results from a study that investigates the performance of a tactical Airborne Separation Assistance System (ASAS) in en route airspace, under varying demand levels, with realistic traffic flows. The ASAS concept studied here allows flight crews of equipped aircraft to perform separation from other air traffic autonomously. This study addresses the tactical aspects of an ASAS using aircraft state data (i.e. position and velocity) to detect and resolve projected conflicts. In addition, use of a conflict prevention system helps ASAS-equipped aircraft avoid maneuvers that may cause new conflicts. ASAS-capable aircraft are equipped with satellite-based navigation and Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) for transmission and receipt of aircraft state data. In addition to tactical conflict detection and resolution (CD&R), a complete, integrated ASAS is likely to incorporate a strategic CD&R component with a longer look-ahead time, using trajectory intent information. A system-wide traffic flow management (TFM) component, located at the FAA command center helps aircraft to avoid regions of excessive traffic density and complexity. A Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), as used today is the system of last resort. This integrated approach avoids sole reliance on the use of the tactical CD&R studied here, but the tactical component remains a critical element of the complete ASAS. The focus of this paper is to determine to what extent the proposed tactical component of ASAS alone can maintain aircraft separation at demand levels up to three times that of current traffic. The study also investigates the effect of mixing ASAS-equipped aircraft with unequipped aircraft (i.e. current day) that do not have the capability to self-separate. Position and velocity data for unequipped aircraft needs to be available to ASASequipped. Most likely, for this future concept, state data would be available from instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft, equipped with at least ADS-B transmission capability. The objective is to reduce the number of losses of separation to a minimum and investigate the limits of tactical-only CD&R. Thus, the objective is not, expressly, to achieve zero losses of separation with tactical ASAS because this is one component of an integrated ASAS

    Human-in-the-loop performance assessment of optimized descents with time Constraints. Results from full motion flight simulation and a flight testing campaign

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    TEMO (time and energy managed operations) is a new concept that aims to optimise continuous descent operations, while fulfilling with a very high accuracy controlled time of arrival (CTA) constraints at different metering fixes. This paper presents the results and main lessons learnt from two human-in- the-loop experiments that aimed to validate the TEMO trajectory planning and guidance algorithm: a full motion flight simulation experiment and a flight testing campaign. Positive results were obtained from the experiments, regarding the feasibility of the concept and acceptance from the pilots. TEMO descents typically showed lower fuel figures than conventional step-down descents. Moreover, RTA adherence at the initial approach fix (IAF) showed very good performance. Time accuracy at the runway threshold, however, did not fulfil the (very challenging) time target accuracies. Further work is needed to enhance the current algorithm once the aircraft is established on the instrument landing system glideslope.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Performance Assessment of a Tactical Airborne Separation Assistance System using Realistic, Complex Traffic Flows

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    This paper presents the results from a study that investigates the performance of aspects of an Airborne Separation Assistance System (ASAS) under varying demand levels using realistic traffic patterns. This study only addresses the tactical aspects of an ASAS using aircraft state data (latitude, longitude, altitude, heading and speed) to detect and resolve projected conflicts. The main focus of this paper is to determine the extent to which sole reliance on the proposed tactical ASAS can maintain aircraft separation at demand levels up to three times current traffic. The effect of mixing ASAS equipped aircraft with non-equipped aircraft that do not have the capability to self-separate is also investigated

    Fast-Time Evaluations of Airborne Merging and Spacing in Terminal Arrival Operations

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    NASA researchers are developing new airborne technologies and procedures to increase runway throughput at capacity-constrained airports by improving the precision of inter-arrival spacing at the runway threshold. In this new operational concept, pilots of equipped aircraft are cleared to adjust aircraft speed to achieve a designated spacing interval at the runway threshold, relative to a designated lead aircraft. A new airborne toolset, prototypes of which are being developed at the NASA Langley Research Center, assists pilots in achieving this objective. The current prototype allows precision spacing operations to commence even when the aircraft and its lead are not yet in-trail, but are on merging arrival routes to the runway. A series of fast-time evaluations of the new toolset were conducted at the Langley Research Center during the summer of 2004. The study assessed toolset performance in a mixed fleet of aircraft on three merging arrival streams under a range of operating conditions. The results of the study indicate that the prototype possesses a high degree of robustness to moderate variations in operating conditions

    Comparison of various guidance strategies to achieve time constraints in optimal descents

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    Continuous Descent Operations (CDOs) have been subject of extensive research in the last decades. Even if proving successful in reducing the environmental impact [1], such operations suffer from a well-known drawback: the loss of predictability from the Air Traffic Control (ATC) point of view, in terms of overfly-times at certain fixes along the route. Consequently, existing CDO implementations require ATC to introduce additional sequencing buffers to ensure safe separation among aircraft, thus reducing airport capacity. For all these reasons, in busy airports, CDOs are only feasible in off-peak hours, when the traffic demand is low [2]. In other to face this issue, several Air Traffic Management (ATM) concepts have been proposed that aim to enable CDOs also in high traffic demand scenarios. For instance, several works investigated the use of fixed Fight-Path-Angle (FPA) descents with time control to improve both spatial and temporal predictability [3, 4]. The disadvantage of fixed FPA descents is that predictability is achieved at the cost of thrust settings that might be different from idle. Another potential approach to enable CDOs in dense traffic scenarios consists of assigning controlled times of arrival (CTAs) to each aircraft at some strategic fixes for separation, negotiation starts with the on-board computation of the earliest and latest achievable times of arrival at the metering fix, and the subsequent down-link of this information to the ground automation system. Based on this feasible time window and the surrounding traffic a CTA is computed by a ground-based support tool, such as an arrival manager. Then, the incoming CTA is entered on-board as a Required Time of Arrival (RTA) into the FMS, and the on-board trajectory planner computes a new (optimal) trajectory plan starting at the current state, while satisfying the RTA and other operational constraints (e.g., altitude and speed constraints) [5].Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Operational Improvements From Using the In-Trail Procedure in the North Atlantic Organized Track System

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    This paper explains the computerized batch processing experiment examining the operational impacts of the introduction of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) equipment and the In-Trail Procedure (ITP) to the North Atlantic Organized Track System. This experiment was conducted using the Traffic Manager (TMX), a desktop simulation capable of simulating airspace environments and aircraft operations. ADS-B equipment can enable the use of new ground and airborne procedures, such as the ITP. ITP is among the first of these new procedures, which will make use of improved situation awareness in the local surrounding airspace of ADS-B equipped aircraft to enable more efficient oceanic flight level changes. The collected data were analyzed with respect to multiple operationally relevant parameters including fuel burn, request approval rates, and the distribution of fuel savings. This experiment showed that through the use of ADS-B or ADS-B and the ITP that operational improvements and benefits could be achieved

    A Fast-Time Simulation Environment for Airborne Merging and Spacing Research

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    As part of NASA's Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management (DAG-TM) effort, NASA Langley Research Center is developing concepts and algorithms for merging multiple aircraft arrival streams and precisely spacing aircraft over the runway threshold. An airborne tool has been created for this purpose, called Airborne Merging and Spacing for Terminal Arrivals (AMSTAR). To evaluate the performance of AMSTAR and complement human-in-the-loop experiments, a simulation environment has been developed that enables fast-time studies of AMSTAR operations. The environment is based on TMX, a multiple aircraft desktop simulation program created by the Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR). This paper reviews the AMSTAR concept, discusses the integration of the AMSTAR algorithm into TMX and the enhancements added to TMX to support fast-time AMSTAR studies, and presents initial simulation results

    The Influence of Traffic Structure on Airspace Capacity

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    Best paper award for the Network Management trackInternational audienceAirspace structure can be used as a procedural mechanism for a priori separation and organization of en-route air traffic. Although many studies have explored novel structuring methods to increase en-route airspace capacity, the relationship between the level of structuring of traffic and airspace capacity is not well established. To better understand the influence of traffic structure on airspace capacity, in this research, four airspace concepts, representing discrete points along the dimension of structure, were compared using large-scale simulation experiments. By subjecting the concepts to multiple traffic demand scenarios, the structure-capacity relationship was inferred from the effect of traffic demand variations on safety, efficiency and stability metrics. These simulations were performed within the context of a future personal aerial transportation system, and considered both nominal and non-nominal conditions. Simulation results suggest that the structuring of traffic must take into account the expected traffic demand pattern to be beneficial in terms of capacity. Furthermore, for the heterogeneous, or uniformly distributed, traffic demand patterns considered in this work, a decentralized layered airspace concept, in which each altitude band limited horizontal travel to within a predefined heading range, led to the best balance of all the metrics considered
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