1,633 research outputs found

    Outcomes of Primary Endodontic Therapy Provided by Endodontic Specialists Compared to Other Providers

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to compare the outcomes of initial non-surgical root canal therapy (NSRCT) for different tooth types provided by both endodontists and other providers. Methods: Using an insurance company database, 487,476 initial NSRCT procedures were followed from the time of treatment to the presence of an untoward event indicated by Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes for retreatment, apical surgery, or extraction. Population demographics were computed for provider type and tooth location. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were calculated for 1, 5, and 10 years. Hazard ratios for provider type and tooth location were calculated using the Cox proportional hazards model. Analyses were performed using SAS 9.4 (Cary, NC). Results: The survival of all teeth collectively was 98% at 1 year, 92% at 5 years, and 86% at 10 years. Significant differences in survival based on provider type were noted for molars at 5 years, and for all tooth types at 10 years. The greatest difference discovered was a 5% higher survival rate at 10 years for molars treated by endodontists. This was further evidenced by a hazard ratio of 1.394 when comparing other provider’s success to endodontists within this ten-year molar group. Conclusions: These findings show that survival rates of endodontically teeth is high at ten years post treatment regardless of provider type. Molars treated by endodontists after 10 years have significantly higher survival rates than molars treated by non-endodontists

    Working With E-Resource Metadata

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    This session examines the challenging task of increasing the discoverability and access to subscription e-book and other e-resource collections. It will consider tools, workflows, best practices and standards for cataloguing and maintaining library e-resource collections. Specific topics will include library-specific workflows, challenges and possible solutions for working with batch files of e-book records, as well as the collaboration among the British Columbia cataloguing community on the Legislative Library of British Columbia Electronic Resource MARC Records Project

    División sexual del trabajo no remunerado y participación política femenina : Transformaciones necesarias para la igualdad de género

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    En el trabajo me propongo reflexionar sobre las barreras que impiden a las mujeres acceder a su derecho de participación política, en función de las relaciones de inequidad dentro de las familias. Abordaré cómo las características de dicha institución y la división sexual del trabajo que en ella se establece, tal como está estructurada actualmente en la sociedad argentina, influye en la posibilidad de ejercicio de la ciudadanía femenina. En este contexto, es sumamente relevante cuestionar la desigualdad en el trabajo de cuidado no remunerado como una restricción a la ciudadanía ampliada de las mujeres, y en particular como una importante barrera para desempeñar cargos públicos representativos. En función de esto presentaré y analizaré los datos de la Encuesta sobre Trabajo No Remunerado y Uso del Tiempo, realizada en Argentina en el año 2013, junto con los datos sobre representación de la mujer en los órganos políticos del mismo paísFil: Burry, Sofía. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    Working With E-Resource Metadata

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    This session examines the challenging task of increasing the discoverability and access to subscription e-book and other e-resource collections. It will consider tools, workflows, best practices and standards for cataloguing and maintaining library e-resource collections. Specific topics will include library-specific workflows, challenges and possible solutions for working with batch files of e-book records, as well as the collaboration among the British Columbia cataloguing community on the Legislative Library of British Columbia Electronic Resource MARC Records Project

    Outcomes of Primary Endodontic Therapy Provided by Endodontic Specialists Compared with Other Providers

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    Introduction The objective of this study was to compare the outcomes of initial nonsurgical root canal therapy for different tooth types provided by both endodontists and other providers. Methods By using an insurance company database, 487,476 initial nonsurgical root canal therapy procedures were followed from the time of treatment to the presence of an untoward event indicated by Current Dental Terminology codes for retreatment, apical surgery, or extraction. Population demographics were computed for provider type and tooth location. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were calculated for 1, 5, and 10 years. Hazard ratios for provider type and tooth location were calculated by using the Cox proportional hazards model. Results The survival of all teeth collectively was 98% at 1 year, 92% at 5 years, and 86% at 10 years. Significant differences in survival on the basis of provider type were noted for molars at 5 years and for all tooth types at 10 years. The greatest difference discovered was 5% higher survival rate at 10 years for molars treated by endodontists. A hazard ratio of 1.394 was found when comparing other providers\u27 success with that of endodontists within this 10-year molar group. Conclusions These findings show that survival rates of endodontically treated teeth are high at 10 years after treatment regardless of provider type. Molars treated by endodontists after 10 years have significantly higher survival rates than molars treated by non-endodontists

    An Adaptive estimation scheme for reducing communications in a distributed control implementation

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    This paper examines the application of adaptive estimation and control techniques to reduce the amount of communication required between subsystems in a distributed control implementation. Rather than require a large amount of communications to broadcast the outputs or the states of each of the subsystem nodes to all of the other nodes at every sampling instant, local estimators in each subsystem are used to predict the state vectors for all of the other subsystems. These estimates are then used in the calculation of the controller outputs for each of the subsystems. Prior work in the literature has focused on static estimation schemes to achieve such reductions in communications. However, such schemes typically require very accurate models of the plant in order to maintain the desired reduction in communications. Poorly modeled dynamics or systems whose dynamics change slowly over time (due to aging of components, changes in plant parameters such as a robot picking up a heavy object, etc.) can cause a substantial increase in the amount of communications required to maintain the desired system performance. In order to avoid this, this paper presents an adaptive estimation and control scheme for each subsystem in the distributed implementation. The stability of the state estimators and the convergence of the state tracking errors to within a desired threshold is proven. The performance of the system using perfect communication at every sampling instant, using a static estimation scheme, and using the proposed adaptive estimation scheme are then compared in simulation

    Closing the loop of design and analysis: Parametric modelling tools for early decision support

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    There is a growing need for parametric design software that communicates building performance feedback in early architectural exploration to support decision-making. This paper examines how the circuit of design and analysis process can be closed to provide active and concurrent feedback between architecture and services engineering domains. It presents the structure for an openly customisable design system that couples parametric modelling and energy analysis software to allow designers to assess the performance of early design iterations quickly. Finally, it discusses how user interactions with the system foster information exchanges that facilitate the sharing of design intelligence across disciplines

    Interview with David Rasho

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    Measuring The Impact of Urban Amenities on Average Wages in Metropolitan Areas

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    This paper seeks to quantify the impacts of climate, crime, population density, and travel time on median hourly wage in urban areas using the hedonic approach. In accordance with theory of utility equalization across urban areas, worker ski11level, job composition, and intercity cost of living differences are held constant. This study\u27s sample size consists of thirty-one metropolitan statistical areas in the continental U.S. with a population greater than five hundred thousand. Results support a significant impact ofurban amenities on wages