847 research outputs found

    The Einstein Relation on Metric Measure Spaces

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    This note is based on F. Burghart's master thesis at Stuttgart university from July 2018, supervised by Prof. Freiberg. We review the Einstein relation, which connects the Hausdorff, local walk and spectral dimensions on a space, in the abstract setting of a metric measure space equipped with a suitable operator. This requires some twists compared to the usual definitions from fractal geometry. The main result establishes the invariance of the three involved notions of fractal dimension under bi-Lipschitz continuous isomorphisms between mm-spaces and explains, more generally, how the transport of the analytic and stochastic structure behind the Einstein relation works. While any homeomorphism suffices for this transport of structure, non-Lipschitz maps distort the Hausdorff and the local walk dimension in different ways. To illustrate this, we take a look at H\"older regular transformations and how they influence the local walk dimension and prove some partial results concerning the Einstein relation on graphs of fractional Brownian motions. We conclude by giving a short list of further questions that may help building a general theory of the Einstein relation.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    Account Rolls of Medieval Savoy: Example of the Castellany of Evian-Féternes in 1299–1300

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    This edition and translation into English of an account of the castellany of Evian-Féternes provides an example of the many rolls of accounts left by the medieval House of Savoy. It exemplifies the opportunities offered to historians by this immense corpus of sources

    Optimization methods applied to hybrid vehicle design

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    The use of optimization methods as an effective design tool in the design of hybrid vehicle propulsion systems is demonstrated. Optimization techniques were used to select values for three design parameters (battery weight, heat engine power rating and power split between the two on-board energy sources) such that various measures of vehicle performance (acquisition cost, life cycle cost and petroleum consumption) were optimized. The apporach produced designs which were often significant improvements over hybrid designs already reported on in the literature. The principal conclusions are as follows. First, it was found that the strategy used to split the required power between the two on-board energy sources can have a significant effect on life cycle cost and petroleum consumption. Second, the optimization program should be constructed so that performance measures and design variables can be easily changed. Third, the vehicle simulation program has a significant effect on the computer run time of the overall optimization program; run time can be significantly reduced by proper design of the types of trips the vehicle takes in a one year period. Fourth, care must be taken in designing the cost and constraint expressions which are used in the optimization so that they are relatively smooth functions of the design variables. Fifth, proper handling of constraints on battery weight and heat engine rating, variables which must be large enough to meet power demands, is particularly important for the success of an optimization study. Finally, the principal conclusion is that optimization methods provide a practical tool for carrying out the design of a hybrid vehicle propulsion system

    Translating Educational Research into Classroom Practice: Working Together to Close the Gap

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    The research-to-practice gap, the disconnect between what we know about education and what we do in practice (Olswang & Prelock, 2015) or the gap between the production of new knowledge through research and its inclusion in routine practice by educators (Greenwood & Abbott, 2001) has been discussed and examined in the education field for many decades. However, this gap continues to be a challenge researchers and educators face (Kane, 2016). The current literature on the research-to-practice gap does not address the process by which teachers are engaging with educational research when facing challenges in the classroom. If teachers are to participate in closing the gap, we need to better understand their selection processes for various outlets of educational research. The current study is a mixed methods survey research design examining how pre-service teachers (n = 28) select sources of information (academic and non-academic) to solve instructional and behavioral challenges they may encounter in the classroom, why they choose the sources they do, and their opinions on solutions to close the research-to-practice gap. The findings showed that pre-service teachers were more likely to use their personal relationships with colleagues as source of gathering new information because these colleagues provide practical information for challenges they face in their classrooms. Suggestions for interventions proposed by pre-service teachers and future directions are discussed

    Spruchreihen im Lied

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    In der Innsbrucker Handschrift der Lieder Oswalds von Wolkenstein steht als eines der letzten Lieder Kl. 115, eingetragen nach 1438, offenbar eines der spätesten Lieder Oswalds. Schon Wilhelm Grimm hat gesehen und Josef Schatz und Albert Leitzmann4 haben es im Einzelnen nachgewiesen, dass es sich bei diesem Lied um eine Umarbeitung von Freidank-Sprüchen in Liedstrophen handelt, die freilich als Oswalds eigene Lehre dargeboten werden […]. Die enge Anlehnung an die Quelle lässt erkennen, dass Oswald einer Handschrift folgte, die in etwa der von Hermann Paul als ursprünglich postulierten Anordnung von Freidanks Sprüchen entsprach. [...] Versucht man, Inhalt und Aussageweise des Lieds zusammenfassend zu charakterisieren, ist man auf höchst allgemeine Stichwörter angewiesen: Es handelt sich um elementares geistliches und weltliches Orientierungswissen und um konsensfähige Urteile, dargeboten in kurzen Sprüchen, prägnanten gnomischen Feststellungen. Derartige Sprüche hat Oswald auch sonst gern zitiert. Nirgends aber hat er diesen vielfältigen Weisheits- und Erfahrungsschatz so ausschließlich benutzt wie in dieser Bearbeitung von Freidanksprüchen, nirgends hat er so wenig auf Kohärenz der Aussagen geachtet. Haben die Zeitgenossen beim Vortrag dieses Liedes nicht ebenso wie wir die gedankliche Einheit vermisst

    Destructive state interest and panhellenism in Thucydides

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    The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file.Title from title screen of research.pdf file (viewed on August 10, 2009)Thesis (M.A.) University of Missouri-Columbia 2008.Thucydides in his text about the war between Athens and Sparta derides individuals, either members of a community or states in an international system, acting to increase their own power at the expense of others and promotes the same individuals to act in ways that support the community. This critique is not unique to Thucydides as it was a common topos among other classical Greek authors of the late fifth and early fourth centuries BC. Thucydides constructs his history in such a manner as to emphasize that when individuals act in this manner, they merely hurt the community and endanger themselves. Not only does Thucydides demonstrate the danger of individuals (either people or cities) acting in such a fashion through his description of the Corcyraean stasis and other episodes, he also promotes actions taken to support the community. In the Mytilene Debate and Hermocrates' speech at Gela, the writer shows the alternative possibilities to states acting on their own and portrays how profitable such actions can be. In this manner then, Thucydides promotes a form of Panhellenism seen in contemporaries like Aristophanes and Isocrates.Includes bibliographical reference


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    Who Is Eating Most of the Zooplankton in the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico? The Impact of Mesopelagic Fishes

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    Deep-sea pelagic fishes are the most abundant vertebrates on Earth, yet their role in the overall economy of these is poorly known. Low latitude oligotrophic regimes, typified by the eastern Gulf of Mexico, constitute most of the world ocean and consequently support the largest global ecosystems. Thus, we have little information on the trophic role of most of Earth\u27s vertebrates. To address this, the diets of an entire midwater fish assemblage (164 species, constituting \u3e 99% of assemblage numbers) were analyzed to assess feeding guilds and predation impact. Zooplanktivory was the dominant feeding mode (80% of prey biomass taken), followed by piscivory. However, the entire fish assemblage predation impact on zooplankton was only 5-10% of daily production. This points to critical limitations in our understanding of how tropical - subtropical regimes, the largest of global ecosystems, function and which taxonomic groups are the most important zooplanktivores. Regarding the latter, the obvious candidate is other zooplankton, including large gelatinous predators

    An expected utility maximizer walks into a bar

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    We conducted field experiments at a bar to test whether blood alcohol concentration (BAC) correlates with violations of the generalized axiom of revealed preference (GARP) and the independence axiom. We found that individuals with BACs well above the legal limit for driving adhere to GARP and independence at rates similar to those who are sober. This finding led to the fielding of a third experiment to explore how risk preferences might vary as a function of BAC. We found gender-specific effects: Men did not exhibit variations in risk preferences across BACs. In contrast, women were more risk averse than men at low BACs but exhibited increasing tolerance towards risks as BAC increased. Based on our estimates, men and women's risk preferences are predicted to be identical at BACs nearly twice the legal limit for driving. We discuss the implications for policy-maker

    Leben und Werk des 17. Thronhalters der 'Bri-gung bka'-brgyud-Tradition Rin-chen phun-tshogs (1509-1557) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seines Schatzzyklus Dam chos dgongs pa yang zab

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    Die im Jahre 1179 gegründete Tradition der ’Bri-gung bka’-brgyud-pa hatte große Bedeutung für die religiöse und politische Geschichte Tibets. Einer ihrer wichtigsten Vertreter war der 17. Thronhalter Rin-chen phun-tshogs (1509–1557), dessen Leben und Werk großen Einfluss auf die ’Bri-gung-Schule ausübte. Die Dissertation beinhaltet eine Untersuchung des Schatzzyklus Dam chos dgongs pa yang zab sowie eine biografische Studie des Rin-chen phun-tshogs, ausgehend von dessen Autobiografie
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