43 research outputs found

    Self-Assembled Short Peptide Nanostructures: ‘’Dipeptides’’

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    Dipeptides are short peptide molecules formed by the peptide bond between two amino acids, and they play significant roles in various biological processes (such as protein synthesis, nutrient absorption, cellular signaling, immune response). Short peptides have a prominent place in the design of self-assembling materials. In particular, dipeptides have gained considerable attention in the field of biotechnology as a type of self-organizing nanostructure due to their low cost, simplicity of synthesis, biocompatibility, and tunability of functionality. However, there is limited knowledge about peptide and protein-based nanostructures in the literature. Therefore, more information is needed on dipeptide nanostructures, especially in terms of their potential applications for biomedical purposes. This review focuses on dipeptide nanostructures, particularly their potential uses in biomedical applications, and provides a broader perspective on the advantages, challenges, synthesis, interactions, and applications of these nanostructures

    Investıgatıon of rısk factors and treatment seekıng behavıour ın premenstrual syndrome

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    Amaç: Premenstrüel sendromun (PMS) risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesi ve tedavi arama davranışının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Kesitsel tipteki araştırmamıza Mart-Nisan 2011'de İzmir Hatay'da bir aile sağlığı merkezine başvuran, 15-49 yaş arasında olup, düzenli adet gören 268 kadın katılmıştır. Katılımcılara demografik bilgilerini, PMS için risk faktörlerini ve premenstrüel semptomlar için tedavi arama tutum ve davranışlarını içeren sorular, University of California at San Diego (UCSD) kriterlerini içeren bir anketle birlikte premenstrüel sendrom ölçeği (PMSÖ) yüzyüze görüşme tekniği ile uygulanmıştır. SPSS 15.0 kullanılarak veriler değerlendirilmiştir. İstatistiksel analiz olarak ki kare, fischer's exact test ve t testi kullanılmıştır. p<0.05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: En sık görülen semptomlar UCSD kriterlerine göre irritabilite (%85,4) ve bitkinlik (%79,9) olarak bulunmuştur. PMSÖ'nin alt ölçek puanlarına göre, en çok izlenen alt grupların iştah değişimleri (%69,4) ve şişkinlik (%63,1) olduğu saptanmıştır. PMS'si olanların çoğu evli (%69,5), çocuk sahibi (%73,2), anne (%72,9) / kız kardeşlerinde (%86,8) premenstrüel semptom veya PMS olan, kronik hastalığı olup düzenli ilaç kullanan (%21,3) ve çoğu siklusunda dismenore yaşayan (%39,5) kadınlardır (p<0,05). Katılımcıların %37,7'si semptomların tedavisinin olabileceği düşüncesindeyken, sadece % 4,1'i tedavi almaktadır. Tedavi arayışına girilmemesinde en büyük neden, semptomların normal olarak algılanmasıdır. Sonuç: PMS'si olan katılımcıların büyük bir kısmı tedavi arayışına girmemektedir. Bu yüzden, birinci basamak hekiminin izlemindeki doğurganlık dönemdeki kadınları premenstrüel semptomlar açısından belirli aralıklarla sorgulaması uygun olacaktır. Purpose: The aim of this study was to establish the risk factors of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and treatment seeking behaviour. Method: Participants of our cross-sectional research were 268 women aged between 15-49 with regular menstruations and applied to a primary health care center in İzmir Hatay between March and April 2011. Demographic characteristics, PMS risk factors, treatment seeking attitudes and behaviors were inquired with a questionnaire, as well as PMS criteria of University of California at San Diego (UCSD) and premenstrual syndrome scale (PMSS). Data were analysed by using SPSS 15.0. Chi square, fisher's exact test and t test were used in analysis. p<0,05 was accepted as significant. Findings: The most frequent symptoms were irritability (85,4%) and fatigue (79,9%) according to UCSD criteria. Appetite variations (69,4%) and swelling (63,1%) were leading complaints in subscales of PMSS. Most of the women with PMS were married (69,5%), had children (73,2%), experienced dysmenorrhea in most of their cycles (39,5%) and used drugs regularly for chronic diseases (21,3%) (p<0,05). Premenstrual symptoms or PMS were mostly present in their mothers (72,9%) or sisters (86,8%) (p<0,05). While 37,7% of participants thought that their symptoms can be treatable, only 4,1% of them have received treatment. The most frequent reason for not seeking treatment was the perception of symptoms as normal. Conclusion: The majority of women with PMS have not seeking treatment. Therefore, it will be feasible to monitor women in their reproductive period by their primary care physicians with respect to their premenstrual symptoms regularly

    IMAC applications for DNA purification of bacterial originated extracellular biopolymeric composite cryogels

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    Bu çalışmada, DNA'nın etkili bir yolla ayrılması için kullanılan afinite kromatografisi metotları arasında olan ve son zamanlarda yoğun bir uygulama sahası bulan, immobilize metal afinite kromatografisinden (İMAK) yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada, Fe+3 bağlı EPS-poli(2-hidroksietil metakrilat) kompozit kriyojeller sentezlenmiştir. Bu amaçla, 2-hidroksietil metakrilat (HEMA) monomer olarak, N,Nˈ-metilen-bis-akrilamid (MBAAm) çapraz bağlayıcı olarak, amonyum persülfat (APS)/ N,N,N´,N´-tetrametiletilen diamin (TEMED) başlatıcı/aktivatör olarak kullanılmıştır. Poimerizasyon ortamına ekstraselüler polimerik maddeler (EPS)'in eklenmesinin ardından, karışım 2,5 mL'lik plastik şırıngalara dökülmüş ve -12°C'de polimerizasyona bırakılmıştır. Sentezlenen kompozit kriyojellere, Fe+3 iyonu bağlandıktan sonra, taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve şişme testleri ile karakterize edilmiştir. pH, başlangıç DNA konsantrasyonu, iyonik şiddet, akış hızı ve sıcaklığın adsorpsiyon üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. En yüksek adsorpsiyon değeri pH 6 asetat tamponunda, 2 mg/mL başlangıç DNA derişiminde, 0,5 mL/dk akış hızında ve 25°C ortam sıcaklığında 39,66 mg/g polimer olarak gözlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, Fe+3 bağlı EPS-PHEMA kompozit kriyojellere DNA'nın defalarca adsorplanıp desorplanabildiği gözlenmiştir.In this study, Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatograph (IMAC) finding a wide field of application among affinity chromatography techniques in the last years was operated efficiently for separation of DNA from aqueous solutions. In the study, Fe+3 binded EPS- poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) composite cryogels was synthesized. For this aim, as monomer 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), as cross-linker N,N´-methylene-bis-acrylamide (MBAAm), as initiator/activator pairs ammonium persulfate (APS) and N,N,N´,N´- tetramethyl ethylene diamine (TEMED) were used. After adding of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) to polymerizaton media, obtained mixture was poured into a plastic syringe of 2,5 mL and left for polymerization in -12°C. After binding of Fe+3 ions, Fe+3 binded EPS PHEMA composite cryogels were analyzed by, SEM, swelling tests measurements. The effect of pH, initial DNA concentration, ionic strength, flow rate and temperature on adsorption were conducted. The highest amount of DNA adsorption from aqueous solution was 39,7 mg/g particles in acetate buffer at pH 6 with initial DNA concentration of 2 mg/mL with the 0,5 mL/min flow rate, at 25 ºC temperature. It was also made observation that DNA could be over and over adsorbed and desorbed on the Fe+3 binded EPS-PHEMA composite cryogels

    Content of guardianship and intervention judge

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    Hukuk düzeni toplumun en küçük birimi olan ailedeki ana, baba ve çocuk ilişkisini genel ve soyut kurallara bağlayarak bu ilişkideki zayıf konumda olan çocuğun korunmasını amaçlamıştır. Gerçekten de çocuk fizikî, zihnî ve ekonomik anlamda henüz tam bir yeterliliğe erişmemiş olması sebebiyle korunmaya muhtaçtır. Bu nedenle velâyet tarafların birbirlerine karşı olan hak ve ödevleri ile bu hak ve ödevlere aykırı hareket edilmesi halinde oluşacak sonuçların belirlenmesi şeklindeki hukukî bir kurum olarak karşımıza çıkar. Velâyetin konusunu hukuken ayrı bir kişiliğe sahip olan çocuk oluşturur. Velâyet hakkı diğer kişilik haklarından farklı olarak ana ve babaya kendi menfaatleri açısından değil de çocuğun menfaati için tanınmıştır. Başka bir deyişle söz konusu haktan faydalanacak olan çocuktur. Ana ve babaya velâyet dolayısıyla tanınan haklar çocuğun korunmasına yönelik olup daha çok ödev niteliğindedir. Velâyetin çocuğun şahsı üzerinde ana ve babaya yüklediği ödevler esas itibariyle çocuğun bakımı ve eğitimine ilişkindir. Buna göre ana ve baba çocuğu, besleyip büyütmek; sağlığına, fizikî gelişimine özen göstermek zorundadırlar. Bunun gibi ana ve baba kendi maddi güçleri elverdiği oranda çocuğun yeteneklerini de göz önünde tutarak ona iyi bir eğitim imkanı sağlamak, meslek kazandırmak ve çocuğa dinî eğitimini de vermekle yükümlüdürler. Ana ve babanın velâyetten doğan ödevlerini hiç ya da gereği gibi yerine getirmemeleri yahut kendilerine tanınan hakları kötüye kullanmaları halinde çocuğun korunması sorunu ortaya çıkar. Çocuğun korunması hukukumuzda çok sayıda kanun, tüzük ve yönetmelikle düzenlenmiş geniş kapsamlı bir konudur. Söz konusu konu aynı zamanda çok sayıda uluslararası antlaşmaya da konu olmuştur. Ana ve babanın kusurlu veya kusursuz şekilde ödevlerini ihlal etmeleri sonucu çocuğun yaranının tehlikeye düşerek korunmaya muhtaç hale gelmesinde hâkimin velâyete müdahale ederek çocuğun korunması için gerekli tedbirleri alır. 17/01/1998 tarihlinde yürürlüğe giren 4320 sayılı Ailenin Korunmasına Dair Kanun ile aile bireylerinin aile içi şiddetten korunmak amacıyla getirilen tedbirlerden, çocuğun korunması için de faydalanılabilir.Çocuğun korunmasına yönelik hükümler içeren Kanunlardan biri de 5395 sayılı Çocuk Koruma Kanunudur. Bu kanun kapsamına göre çocuk statüsünde olan şüphelilerin yargılaması özel hükümlere tabidir. Belirtilen kanunlar dışında 2828 sayılı Sosyal Hizmetler ve Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu Kanunu da çocukların korunmasına yönelik hükümler içeren başka bir kanundur. Ülkemize bakıldığında aile kurumunun hala güçlü olduğu görülür. Ancak sosyal ve ekonomik güçlüklerin, bu kurumu belirli ölçülerde zayıflattığı da bir gerçektir. Birçok aile çocuklarının çalışmasına ekonomik açıdan zorunlu görmektedir. Bu sebeple çocukların sokaklarla tanışmaları erken yaşta olmaktadır. Çalışma yaşamındaki ilişkiler, hayli çarpık gelişen kentleşme sonucu ortaya çıkan yoksul kent mahalleleri, yoksulluk ve işsizlik sokakta yaşayan ve çalışan çocukların sayısının giderek artmasına yol açan etmenlerdir.Guardianship is a legal constitution which means the whole.rights of the parents given to them to fulfiil their responsibilities on not only children and in some cases adolencences but also the goods of the both, to care and protect them. Law system, by regulating parents-child relation to general and abstract rules in a family which is smallest unity of society,aims to protection of the child who is in a bad situation of this relation. Child is really in need of protection as he is in sufficient, in physical, psychological.mental and economical means. So we meet with guardianship as legal constitution in a way that determing of results with rights and duties of sides to each other and on conditional that sides misbehave to these rights and duties contrarily. The subject of guardianship is child who has legally diffirent personality.The Guardianship right, as a diffirent from other personal rights, was given to parents not because of their interests but child's interests.ın other word child benefits from this right.Rigths, given to parents an account of guardianship, aim to protection child.That is, they are duties. Duties, that guardianship gives to parents for child,are mainly about caring and education of child.According to this parents must grow up child and pay attention to health physical progressing of child. Like this,parents, as they can afford by taking inta consideration of child's skills have to make him a career, supply a good education and give religional education. In return to these duties of parents, child must respect to his parents and be solidarity with them Parents , while performing the responsibilities based on the chıld's law guardionshıp, have espacially taming authority to provide the chıld's education.however that authority is proportional to the chıld's benefit.Parents havig this authority constitute the usage of the chıld's physical and psychological growth affecting in a negative way. In case of the parents' not performing the responsibilities based on the child's law guardion ship or using them in a negative way, the problem of the protection of the child occurs.Protection of the child in our law is the means of many law, regulation and instruction.That event in other words is the subject of way international agreements.But when we search the problem within the civilized law, we come across the items 346-351 of Turkısh civilized law.Related items,when evaluated as whole, it is importmant of the parents' not performing the responsibilities or using them in a negative way.Because the purpose of our civilized law's arrangement is not to punish the parents who don't do their duties without reason, is to protect the child.In other words, we can say that if the child's benefit is in danger and in need because of the parents' violating the duties with faulty or not, the sage should take measure by influencing on the chıld's law guardıonshıp.These measures giving advice to the parents or child from the parents and to accommodate him/her to the institution or much worse such as taking the rights of the parents on the child.The sage while taking these measures, have criteria of the parents' faukt and the chıld's violated benefit.with 4320 numbered law related to the protection of family coming into force in the date of 17/01/1998, it can be useful to protect the child from the violence of the members of the familiy. As it is mentioned before, the child is weaker than his/her parents in terms of physical,mental and economical side so he/she needs protection.one of the laws containing the rules about childs protection is the 5395 numbered Child Protection Law.According to the conception of this law, the judgement of the suspects is depended on special rules.Apart from the rules expressed before .Another law containing the rules of protecting the children isthe 2828 numbered Social (public) Services and society fort he protection of Chidren. It can be easily seen in our country that family institution is still strong. But there is a reality that the social and economical problems weaken this institution.According to various families, it is compulsory to have their children work.So the children become acquainted with the streets in their earlier ages.The relationship in working lives. The poor wards where are the results of crooked urbanization, poverty and unemployment are the factors of increasing the chidren's living and working in the streets.

    Design and application of a newly generated bio/synthetic cryogel column for DNA capturing

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    The need for high amounts of plasmid (p) and genomic (g) DNA separation is increasing day by day for gene therapy, DNA vaccination, etc. Here, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) used as a binding agent for Fe3+ ions, which have high affinity to DNA molecules, were mixed with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) to obtain EPS–PHEMA-blended cryogel column for separation of gDNA and pDNA. The obtained Fe3+–EPS–PHEMA column was analysed by scanning electron microscopy and swelling test measurements. Effect of pH, initial DNA concentration, ionic strength, flow rate and temperature on separation of DNA was studied. Adsorbed gDNA from aqueous solution was 39.7 mg/g in acetate buffer at pH 6 with the initial DNA concentration of 2 mg/mL and the flow rate of 0.5 mL/min at 25 °C. A260/A280 ratio and adsorption capacity of Fe3+–EPS–PHEMA composite cryogels for pDNA extracted from bacterial lysates were found to be 1.85 and 38.6, respectively. Fe3+–EPS–PHEMA composite cryogels have a monolayer adsorption according to the Langmuir model. The Temkin model was utilized to characterize adsorption energetically. The prepared sorbent was tested for some kinetic parameters too. It was seen that the second-order mechanism arguing chemisorption is dominant for DNA adsorption. The reuse of matrix was tested over 30 times without any deformation in shape and adsorption capacity losing

    N-acyl homoserine lactone molecules assisted quorum sensing: effects consequences and monitoring of bacteria talking in real life

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    Bacteria utilize small signal molecules to monitor population densities. Bacteria arrange gene regulation in a method called Quorum Sensing (QS). The most widespread signalling molecules are N-Acyl Homoserine Lactones (AHLs/HSLs) for Gram-negative bacteria communities. QS plays significant role in the organizing of the bacterial gene that adapts to harsh environmental conditions for bacteria. It is involved in the arrangement of duties, such as biofilm formation occurrence, virulence activity of bacteria, production of antibiotics, plasmid conjugal transfer incident, pigmentation phenomenon and production of exopolysaccharide (EPS). QS obviously impacts on human health, agriculture and environment. AHL-related QS researches have been extensively studied and understood in depth for cell to cell intercommunication channel in Gram-negative bacteria. It is understood that AHL-based QS research has been extensively studied for cell-to-cell communication in Gram-negative bacteria; hence, a comprehensive study of AHLs, which are bacterial signal molecules, is required. The purpose of this review is to examine the effects of QS-mediated AHLs in many areas by looking at them from a different perspectives, such as clinic samples, food industry, aquatic life and wastewater treatment system

    “Lab-on-pol” colormatic sensor platforms: Melamine detection with color change on melamine imprinted membranes

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    There is an urgent need to improve a specific, equipment-free and user friendly technique for detecting melamine in food samples. Here, melamine imprinted polymeric membranes were synthesized, and tested for selectivity in aqueous solutions against cyromazine used as competitor agent, and real milk samples spiked with melamine. Scanning electron microscope, atomic force microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray and optical profilometer devices were used for characterization. Fe+3 ions were used as marker to obtain color change based on melamine concentration. The color intensity on MIP membranes was monitored by means of a color analysis application (Image J software) via a smartphone. Some obtained results as fallows: Melamine binding to 3D cavities of membrane came true in about 20 min. The linear regression plot showed a correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.995 in the range of 10 μM-50 μM according to Beer Lambert's law. A low concentration of melamine, (e.g., 10 µM) was determined in raw milk. Melamine imprinted polymeric membranes showed 7.575 times more sensitivity for melamine than cyromazine. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were computed as 9.9 µM and 30.2 µM, respectively. Here, a new kind of smart polymer was designed, and successfully applied for the easy, portable and on-site colorimetric analysis via imprinted polymers, and named as “lab-on-pol”system. HPLC analysis method was also used to validate this new analysis method