62 research outputs found

    Older postmenopausal women with lower lean mass have hypermethylated sites in the PI3K-Akt pathway

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    Introduction: The decrease in lean mass is directly related to the loss of independence, muscle strength, and worse quality of life over the years. Although the genetic determinants of muscle mass were well recognized, recent literature has been uncovering new epigenetic factors affecting the state of muscular tissue. This study aimed to verify differences in the DNA methylation profile among Brazilian postmenopausal women aged 50–70 years according to the lean mass evaluation.Methods: A cross-sectional study comprised 40 women aged 50–70 years. After K-means cluster analysis the 40 participants were divided into two groups, the Lower Lean Mass group with 20 participants (61.1 ± 4.6 years) and the Higher Lean Mass group with 20 participants (60.7 ± 3.2 years). Lean mass was measured by dual-energy X-ray emission densitometry (DEXA). The participants' DNA was extracted using the Salting Out technique and subsequently, the Illumina 850k EPIC Infinium Methylation BeadChip was performed to obtain methylation data.Results: We obtained 1,913 differentially methylated sites (p ≤ 0.005 of β > 5% and β < −5%) in a total of 979 genes between groups (p ≤ 0.005; −5% > β > 5%). In addition, the PI3K-Akt pathway had the greatest power of significance with an FDR of 4.6 × 10–3.Conclusion: Our results demonstrate a differentiation between specific sites of different genes, which have essential functions in body composition and energy metabolism, supporting future studies that aim to relate lean mass with epigenetics

    Myostatin: genetic variants, therapy and gene doping

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    Since its discovery, myostatin (MSTN) has been at the forefront of muscle therapy research because intrinsic mutations or inhibition of this protein, by either pharmacological or genetic means, result in muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia. In addition to muscle growth, MSTN inhibition potentially disturbs connective tissue, leads to strength modulation, facilitates myoblast transplantation, promotes tissue regeneration, induces adipose tissue thermogenesis and increases muscle oxidative phenotype. It is also known that current advances in gene therapy have an impact on sports because of the illicit use of such methods. However, the adverse effects of these methods, their impact on athletic performance in humans and the means of detecting gene doping are as yet unknown. The aim of the present review is to discuss biosynthesis, genetic variants, pharmacological/genetic manipulation, doping and athletic performance in relation to the MSTN pathway. As will be concluded from the manuscript, MSTN emerges as a promising molecule for combating muscle wasting diseases and for triggering wide-ranging discussion in view of its possible use in gene doping

    Physical training improves physical activity levels but is associated with amplification of sedentary behavior in older women

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    Physical activity level (PAL) and sedentary behavior (SB) are independent predictors of mortality. It is unclear how these predictors interact with each other and health variables. Investigate the bidirectional relationship between PAL and SB, and their impact and health variables of women aged 60 to 70 years. One hundred forty-two older adults women (66.3 ± 2.9 years) considered insufficiently active were submitted to 14 weeks of multicomponent training (MT), multicomponent training with flexibility (TMF), or the control group (CG). PAL variables were analyzed by accelerometry and QBMI questionnaire, physical activity (PA) light, moderate, vigorous and CS by accelerometry, 6 min walk (CAM), SBP, BMI, LDL, HDL, uric acid, triglycerides, glucose and cholesterol total. In linear regressions, CS was associated with glucose (B:12.80; CI:9.31/20.50; p < 0.001; R2:0.45), light PA (B:3.10; CI:2, 41/4.76; p < 0.001; R2:0.57), NAF by accelerometer (B:8.21; CI:6.74/10.02; p < 0.001; R2:0.62), vigorous PA (B:794.03; CI:682.11/908.2; p < 0.001; R2:0.70), LDL (B:13.28; CI:7.45/16.75; p < 0.002; R2:0.71) and 6 min walk (B:3.39; CI:2.96/8.75; p < 0.004; R2:0.73). NAF was associated with mild PA (B:0.246; CI:0.130/0.275; p < 0.001; R2:0.624), moderate PA (B:0.763; CI:0.567/0.924; p < 0.001; R2:0.745), glucose (B:−0.437; CI:−0.789/−0.124; p < 0.001; R2:0.782), CAM (B:2.223; CI:1.872/4.985; p < 0.002; R2:0.989) and CS (B:0.253; CI: 0.189/0.512; p < 0.001; R2:1.94). The NAF can enhance CS. Build a new look at how these variables are independent but dependent simultaneously, being able to influence the quality of health when this dependence is denied

    Association of chronic pain with strength, levels of stress, sleep and quality of life in women over 50 years

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    La literatura presenta la necesidad de investigar los dolores osteoarticulares crónicos en ancianos, ya que estos dolores influencian negativamente parámetros biopsicosociales. Entender la relación entre las dimensiones del dolor y los parámetros de salud de los individuos afectados es necesario para un mejor enfoque preventivo y terapéutico. Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de identificar relaciones entre niveles de dolores crónicos y fuerza, calidad de vida, estrés y sueño en mujeres (las más acometidas por los dolores osteoarticulares crónicos). Se reclutaron participantes de un programa de educación física para ancianos, con edad entre 50 y 70 años. El dolor fue evaluado por medio de un instrumento multidimensional. Se evaluaron también el estado cognitivo global, el nivel de actividad física, la calidad de vida, el estrés y el sueño de las participantes. La fuerza muscular fue analizada por medio de la prueba de sentarse y levantarse y de la prueba de flexo-extensión de codos. Participaron de la investigación 56 mujeres, con media de edad de 63,7±7,7 anos, y 28,7±4,7kg/m2 de índice de masa corporal (IMC). La mayoría de las participantes relató sentir dolor (89,2%); el 21,4% relató dolor en los miembros inferiores y el 67,8% relató dolor en los miembros superiores. La dimensión sensorial del dolor se asoció al estrés, pero no a las demás variables, que no se relacionaron a ninguno de los aspectos del dolor. Además, puede haber influencia de la edad en la interpretación del dolor evaluativo.The literature presents the need for investigations related to the chronic osteoarticular pains of older adults, which are more prevalent in women, since they negatively influence biopsychosocial parameters. To understand the relationship between pain dimensions and health parameters of these individuals is necessary for a better preventive and therapeutic approach. This study aims to identify associations between levels of chronic pain and levels of strength, quality of life, stress and sleep in women. Participants were recruited from a physical education program for older adults, aged between 50 and 70 years. Pain was assessed using a multidimensional instrument on pain parameters. Global cognitive status, physical activity level, quality of life, stress and sleep were also assessed. The muscular strength of the participants was analyzed using the sit up test and the elbow flexion and extension test. The participants were 56 women, mean age 63.7±7.7 years, and 28.7±4.7 kg/m2 body mass index (BMI). Most participants reported feeling pain (89.2%), 21.4% reported lower limb pain, and 67.8% reported experiencing upper limb pain. The sensory dimension of pain was associated with stress, but not with the other variables, which were not related to any aspects of pain. In addition, there may be an influence of age in the interpretation of evaluative pain.A literatura apresenta a necessidade de investigar as dores osteoarticulares crônicas em idosos, uma vez que essas influenciam negativamente parâmetros biopsicossociais. Entender a relação entre as dimensões da dor e parâmetros de saúde dos indivíduos acometidos é necessário para melhor abordagem preventiva e terapêutica. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar relações entre níveis de dores crônicas e força, qualidade de vida, estresse e sono em mulheres (as mais acometidas pelas dores osteoarticulares crônicas). Foram recrutadas participantes de um programa de educação física para idosos, com idade entre 50 e 70 anos. A dor foi avaliada por meio de um instrumento multidimensional. Foram avaliados também estado cognitivo global, nível de atividade física, qualidade de vida, estresse e sono. A força muscular das participantes foi analisada por meio do teste de sentar e levantar e do teste de flexão e extensão de cotovelo. Participaram 56 mulheres, com média de idade de 63,7±7,7 anos, e 28,7±4,7kg/m2 de índice de massa corporal (IMC). A maior parte das participantes relatou sentir dor (89,2%); 21,4% relataram dor nos membros inferiores e 67,8% relataram dor nos membros superiores. A dimensão sensorial de dor foi associada ao estresse, mas não às demais variáveis, que não se relacionaram a nenhum dos aspectos da dor. Além disso, pode haver influência da idade na interpretação da dor avaliativa

    A ingestão de bebidas energéticas antes do exercício afeta a dinâmica não linear da recuperação da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca? Um ensaio randomizado, crossover, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo

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    Introduction and Objectives: Energy drinks (ED) are recognized to influence the behavior of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system. We intended to study the influence of ED on non-linear heart rate variability (HRV) following exercise. Material and Methods: This randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (Protocol number NCT02917889) was completed in a sample of 28 healthy males aged 24.11 ± 3.05 years (min-max 18-29). The first step involved the assessment of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max). In the second protocol, the subjects received a placebo (250ml of water) or ED (250ml of energy drink) 15 minutes before the 30-minute exercise on a treadmill. In the third protocol, participants received the alternative protocol to the previous step. The nonlinear HRV were calculated at different times during the protocols. Results: Fractal analysis via Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) revealed that in the placebo protocol there was an increase in its values compared to recovery (Rec1) vs. Rest (Cohen's d= 1.42) and continued increasing in the last recording intervals: vs. Rec6 (Cohen's d= 0.70) and vs. Rec7 (Cohen's d= 0.85). In the ED protocol, the increase in DFA was only demonstrated when comparing Rec1 vs. Rest (Cohen’s d=1.78). Conclusion: ED intake prior to modest aerobic exercise triggered a slight acceleration of recovery.Introducción y Objetivo: Se sabe que las bebidas energéticas (DE) influyen en el comportamiento de los componentes simpático y parasimpático del sistema nervioso autónomo. Pretendemos estudiar la influencia de la DE en la variabilidad no lineal de la frecuencia cardíaca (VFC) después del ejercicio. Material y métodos: este ensayo clínico aleatorizado, cruzado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo (número de protocolo NCT02917889) se completó en una muestra de 28 hombres sanos de 24,11 ± 3,05 años (mín-máx 18-29). El primer paso involucró la evaluación del consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2 max). En el segundo protocolo, los sujetos recibieron placebo (250 ml de agua) o ED (250 ml de bebida energética) 15 minutos antes de los 30 minutos de ejercicio en cinta rodante. En el tercer protocolo, los participantes recibieron el protocolo alternativo al paso anterior. La HRV no lineal se calculó en diferentes momentos durante los protocolos. Resultados: El análisis fractal vía Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) reveló que en el protocolo placebo hubo un incremento en sus valores en relación a la recuperación (Rec1) vs. En reposo (d de Cohen= 1,42) y siguió aumentando en los últimos intervalos de registro: vs. Rec6 (d de Cohen = 0,70) y vs. Rec7 (d de Cohen = 0,85). En el protocolo ED, el aumento de DFA solo se demostró al comparar Rec1 vs. Reposo (d de Cohen=1,78). Conclusión: la ingesta de DE antes del ejercicio aeróbico moderado desencadenó una ligera aceleración de la recuperación.Introduzione e obiettivo: è noto che le bevande energetiche (DE) influenzano il comportamento delle componenti simpatiche e parasimpatiche del sistema nervoso autonomo. Intendiamo studiare l'influenza dell'ED sulla variabilità non lineare della frequenza cardiaca (HRV) dopo l'esercizio. Materiale e metodi: questo studio clinico randomizzato, incrociato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo (numero di protocollo NCT02917889) è stato completato su un campione di 28 uomini sani di età compresa tra 24,11 ± 3,05 anni (min-max 18-29). Il primo passo ha comportato la valutazione del consumo massimo di ossigeno (VO2 max). Nel secondo protocollo, i soggetti hanno ricevuto placebo (250 ml di acqua) o ED (250 ml di bevanda energetica) 15 minuti prima dell'esercizio di 30 minuti sul tapis roulant. Nel terzo protocollo, i partecipanti hanno ricevuto il protocollo alternativo al passaggio precedente. L'HRV non lineare è stato calcolato in momenti diversi durante i protocolli. Risultati: L'analisi frattale tramite Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) ha rivelato che nel protocollo placebo c'era un aumento dei suoi valori in relazione al recupero (Rec1) vs. A riposo (d di Cohen= 1.42) e ha continuato ad aumentare negli ultimi intervalli di registrazione: vs. Rec6 (d di Cohen = 0.70) e vs. Rec7 (d di Cohen = 0,85). Nel protocollo ED, l'aumento di DFA è stato dimostrato solo confrontando Rec1 vs. Riposo (Cohen d=1.78). Conclusione: l'ingestione di DE prima di un moderato esercizio aerobico ha innescato una leggera accelerazione del recupero.Introdução e Objetivo: As bebidas energéticas (DE) são reconhecidas por influenciar o comportamento dos componentes simpáticos e parassimpáticos do sistema nervoso autônomo. Pretendemos estudar a influência da DE na variabilidade não linear da frequência cardíaca (VFC) após o exercício. Material e Métodos: Este ensaio clínico randomizado, cruzado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo (número do protocolo NCT02917889) foi concluído em uma amostra de 28 homens saudáveis com idade de 24,11 ± 3,05 anos (min-max 18-29). A primeira etapa envolveu a avaliação do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 máx). No segundo protocolo, os sujeitos receberam placebo (250ml de água) ou ED (250ml de energético) 15 minutos antes do exercício de 30 minutos em esteira. No terceiro protocolo, os participantes receberam o protocolo alternativo à etapa anterior. A VFC não linear foi calculada em momentos diferentes durante os protocolos. Resultados: A análise fractal via Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) revelou que no protocolo placebo houve um aumento em seus valores em relação à recuperação (Rec1) vs. Repouso (Cohen's d= 1,42) e continuou aumentando nos últimos intervalos de registro: vs. Rec6 (d de Cohen = 0,70) e vs. Rec7 (d de Cohen = 0,85). No protocolo ED, o aumento do DFA só foi demonstrado ao comparar Rec1 vs. Rest (Cohen’s d=1,78). Conclusão: A ingestão de DE antes do exercício aeróbico moderado desencadeou uma ligeira aceleração da recuperação.Introdução e Objetivo: As bebidas energéticas (DE) são reconhecidas por influenciar o comportamento dos componentes simpáticos e parassimpáticos do sistema nervoso autônomo. Pretendemos estudar a influência da DE na variabilidade não linear da frequência cardíaca (VFC) após o exercício. Material e Métodos: Este ensaio clínico randomizado, cruzado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo (número do protocolo NCT02917889) foi concluído em uma amostra de 28 homens saudáveis com idade de 24,11 ± 3,05 anos (min-max 18-29). A primeira etapa envolveu a avaliação do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 máx). No segundo protocolo, os sujeitos receberam placebo (250ml de água) ou ED (250ml de energético) 15 minutos antes do exercício de 30 minutos em esteira. No terceiro protocolo, os participantes receberam o protocolo alternativo à etapa anterior. A VFC não linear foi calculada em momentos diferentes durante os protocolos. Resultados: A análise fractal via Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) revelou que no protocolo placebo houve um aumento em seus valores em relação à recuperação (Rec1) vs. Repouso (Cohen's d= 1,42) e continuou aumentando nos últimos intervalos de registro: vs. Rec6 (d de Cohen = 0,70) e vs. Rec7 (d de Cohen = 0,85). No protocolo ED, o aumento do DFA só foi demonstrado ao comparar Rec1 vs. Rest (Cohen’s d=1,78). Conclusão: A ingestão de DE antes do exercício aeróbico moderado desencadeou uma ligeira aceleração da recuperação

    Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium L.) intake before submaximal aerobic exercise is safe for cardiovascular and autonomic systems in healthy males: A randomized trial

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    Background: There are still no studies of the cardiovascular safety of the isolated use of Citrus aurantium in aerobic submaximal exercise. Objective: To evaluate the effect of C. aurantium supplementation on the recovery of cardiorespiratory and autonomic parameters following a session of submaximal aerobic exercise. Methods: Twelve healthy male adults achieved a crossover, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial. C. aurantium (600 mg, p-synephrine at 30% amount [180 mg]) or placebo (600 mg of starch) were ingested 90 min before evaluation in randomized days. We evaluated systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse pressure (PP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and, HR variability indexes at Rest and during 60 min of recovery from exercise. Results: Citrus aurantium ingestion accelerated the reduction in SBP after exercise, anticipated the return of vagal modulation of the heart after exercise via the HF (ms2), pNN50 (%), and 2 UV% indices. Moreover, rushed the output of sympathetic modulation after exercise via the 0V% index. No unfavorable cardiovascular effects were achieved for HR, DBP, PP, and MAP parameters. Conclusions: Citrus aurantium was shown to be safe for the cardiovascular and autonomic systems alongside submaximal aerobic exercise in healthy males

    Solarization in microcosm: effect of plant materials on soil phytopathogen survival and volatile compound production

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    In addition to Brassicaceae species associated with soil solarization, new materials from plants such as cassava and castor bean have shown potential to control soil phytopathogens. Thus, the present study aimed to verify the effects of incorporation and decomposition of shoot of broccoli, castor bean, and bitter and sweet cassava, associated with solarization in microcosm sets under controlled environment conditions, on the survival of resistance structures from Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Race 2, Macrophomina phaseolina, Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HGI and Sclerotium rolfsii; and to identify volatile compound(s) released by the decomposition of materials, which could be related to phytopathogen inactivation. As to pathogen survival, four identical assays were installed in the microcosms, with four independent exposure periods (7, 14, 21 and 28 days). To identify volatile compounds, assays were performed under the same survival conditions, but using amber glass bottles and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and flame ionization detectors (GC-FID), and adopting the Solid-Phase Microextraction Technique - SPME. The treatments soil+plant materials, over the tested periods, reduced the survival of resistance structures for all fungi. In general, expressive results were found for broccoli and bitter cassava, as well as sweet cassava against S. rolfsii. The identified volatile compounds were from broccoli, castor bean and sweet cassava decomposition. The number of volatile compounds identified for broccoli, castor bean and sweet cassava were 26, 37 and 29, respectively. Positive and negative correlations were detected among some volatile compounds and their mean values and the survival of resistance structures from phytopathogens.Além das brassicaceas associadas à solarização do solo, novos materiais vegetais como a mandioca e a mamona têm apresentado potencial no controle de fitopatógenos de solo. Assim, objetivou-se verificar os efeitos da incorporação e decomposição de parte aérea de brócolis, mamona e mandioca brava e mansa, associadas à solarização, em conjuntos de microcosmos, sob condições de ambiente controlado, na sobrevivência das estruturas de resistência de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Raça 2, Macrophomina phaseolina, Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HGI e Sclerotium rolfsii; e identificar e apontar o(s) volátil(eis) emanado(s) pela decomposição dos materiais, que poderia(m) estar correlacionado(s) com a inativação dos fitopatógenos. Quanto à sobrevivência dos patógenos, quatro ensaios idênticos foram instalados nos microcosmos, com quatro períodos de exposição independentes (7, 14, 21 e 28 dias). A identificação dos voláteis contou com ensaios realizados sob as mesmas condições da sobrevivência, mas em frascos âmbar e com cromatografia gasosa com detectores por espectrometria de massas (GC-MS) e por ionização em chama (GC-FID), utilizando a técnica de Microextração em Fase Sólida - SPME. Os tratamentos solo+materiais vegetais, ao longo dos períodos testados, reduziram a sobrevivência das estruturas de resistência de todos os fungos. No geral, destacaram-se o brócolis e a mandioca brava, além da mandioca mansa para S. rolfsii. Os voláteis identificados foram oriundos da decomposição de brócolis, mamona e mandioca mansa. Foram identificados 26, 37 e 29 compostos voláteis para brócolis, mamona e mandioca mansa, respectivamente. Correlações positivas e negativas foram observadas entre alguns voláteis e a média dos compostos com a sobrevivência das estruturas de resistência dos fitopatogênicos.123130Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Does energy drink intake before exercise affect nonlinear dynamics of heart rate variability recovery? : a randomized, crossover, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial

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    Introduction and Objectives: Energy drinks (ED) are recognized to influence the behavior of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system. We intended to study the influence of ED on non-linear heart rate variability (HRV) following exercise. Material and Methods: This randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (Protocol number NCT02917889) was completed in a sample of 28 healthy males aged 24.11 ± 3.05 years (min-max 18-29). The first step involved the assessment of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max). In the second protocol, the subjects received a placebo (250ml of water) or ED (250ml of energy drink) 15 minutes before the 30-minute exercise on a treadmill. In the third protocol, participants received the alternative protocol to the previous step. The nonlinear HRV were calculated at different times during the protocols. Results: Fractal analysis via Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) revealed that in the placebo protocol there was an increase in its values compared to recovery (Rec1) vs. Rest (Cohen's d= 1.42) and continued increasing in the last recording intervals: vs. Rec6 (Cohen's d= 0.70) and vs. Rec7 (Cohen's d= 0.85). In the ED protocol, the increase in DFA was only demonstrated when comparing Rec1 vs. Rest (Cohen’s d=1.78). Conclusion: ED intake prior to modest aerobic exercise triggered a slight acceleration of recovery

    Does energy drink intake before exercise affect nonlinear dynamics of heart rate variability recovery? a randomized, crossover, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial

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    Introduction and Objectives: Energy drinks (ED) are recognized to influence the behavior of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system. We intended to study the influence of ED on non-linear heart rate variability (HRV) following exercise. Material and Methods: This randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (Protocol number NCT02917889) was completed in a sample of 28 healthy males aged 24.11 ± 3.05 years (min-max 18-29). The first step involved the assessment of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max). In the second protocol, the subjects received a placebo (250ml of water) or ED (250ml of energy drink) 15 minutes before the 30-minute exercise on a treadmill. In the third protocol, participants received the alternative protocol to the previous step. The nonlinear HRV were calculated at different times during the protocols. Results: Fractal analysis via Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) revealed that in the placebo protocol there was an increase in its values compared to recovery (Rec1) vs. Rest (Cohen's d= 1.42) and continued increasing in the last recording intervals: vs. Rec6 (Cohen's d= 0.70) and vs. Rec7 (Cohen's d= 0.85). In the ED protocol, the increase in DFA was only demonstrated when comparing Rec1 vs. Rest (Cohen’s d=1.78). Conclusion: ED intake prior to modest aerobic exercise triggered a slight acceleration of recovery

    14-weeks combined exercise epigenetically modulated 118 genes of menopausal women with prediabetes

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    Background: Pre-diabetes precedes Diabetes Mellitus (DM) disease and is a critical period for hyperglycemia treatment, especially for menopausal women, considering all metabolic alterations due to hormonal changes. Recently, the literature has demonstrated the role of physical exercise in epigenetic reprogramming to modulate the gene expression patterns of metabolic conditions, such as hyperglycemia, and prevent DM development. In the present study, we hypothesized that physical exercise training could modify the epigenetic patterns of women with poor glycemic control. Methods: 48 post-menopause women aged 60.3 ± 4.5 years were divided according to their fasting blood glucose levels into two groups: Prediabetes Group, PG (n=24), and Normal Glucose Group, NGG (n=24). All participants performed 14 weeks of physical exercise three times a week. The Infinium Methylation EPIC BeadChip measured the participants’ Different Methylated Regions (DMRs). Results: Before the intervention, the PG group had 12 DMRs compared to NGG. After the intervention, five DMRs remained different. Interestingly, when comparing the PG group before and after training, 118 DMRs were found. The enrichment analysis revealed that the genes were related to different biological functions such as energy metabolism, cell differentiation, and tumor suppression. Conclusion: Physical exercise is a relevant alternative in treating hyperglycemia and preventing DM in post-menopause women with poor glycemic control
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