561 research outputs found

    Simulation study of random sequential adsorption of mixtures on a triangular lattice

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    Random sequential adsorption of binary mixtures of extended objects on a two-dimensional triangular lattice is studied numerically by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The depositing objects are formed by self-avoiding random walks on the lattice. We concentrate here on the influence of the symmetry properties of the shapes on the kinetics of the deposition processes in two-component mixtures. Approach to the jamming limit in the case of mixtures is found to be exponential, of the form: θ(t)θjamΔθexp(t/σ),\theta(t) \sim \theta_{jam}-\Delta\theta \exp (-t/\sigma), and the values of the parameter σ\sigma are determined by the order of symmetry of the less symmetric object in the mixture. Depending on the local geometry of the objects making the mixture, jamming coverage of a mixture can be either greater than both single-component jamming coverages or it can be in between these values. Results of the simulations for various fractional concentrations of the objects in the mixture are also presented.Comment: 11 figures, 2 table

    316— Transgender healthcare policy in the United States

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    My research question is how does American social welfare policy address transgender individuals in healthcare? This is an important issue because social welfare policies that focus on healthcare in America tend not to include transgender individuals at all or specific transgender medical procedures, like hormone-replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgery (SRS). I will look at access to healthcare for transgender patients, specifically regarding access to hormone therapy, mental health services, and SRS. For example, Medicare eliminated restrictions for SRS for transgender individuals; however, approval of this treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis. For my research, I will look at primarily national policies, like Medicare and Medicaid, but I will also focus on specific policies in New York. I will also look at how current policies can be changed to address the issue of transgender access to healthcare. For example, I will address the Affordable Care Act and President Biden’s campaign promise to provide healthcare to all Americans regardless of sexual orientation and gender expression. I will look at how the Affordable Care Act can be more accessible to transgender individuals and their specific medical needs

    Quantum algorithm for the Navier-Stokes equations

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    A new algorithm for solving the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) on a quantum device is presented. The non-linearity of fluid flow equations is managed by using the stream function-vorticity formulation, while the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is utilized for solving the corresponding system of equations numerically. Following the nature of the lattice Boltzmann method, the proposed quantum algorithm consists of five major sections: initialization, collision, propagation, boundary condition implementation, and macros calculation. The collision and boundary condition step is quantumly implemented by applying the standard-form encoding approach, while the quantum walk procedure is applied for the propagation step. The algorithm is implemented by using IBM's quantum computing software development framework Qiskit, while for the verification purposes two-dimensional (2D) cavity flow is simulated and compared with classical code

    Implementation of Contemporary Teaching Methodology Knowledge in Order to Achieve Outcomes in Croatian Language Teaching in Primary Education

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    The implementation of modern methodological knowledge implies respect for the algorithm of the initial science1 in the choice of teaching content and a scientifically determined choice of teaching procedures that most effectively enable the achievement of outcomes provided by the curriculum. Methodological articulation should be such that students are active participants in the teaching process, i.e. that they are involved in the language activities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The microstructured model of teaching the Croatian language comprises a motivational introduction, language teaching template, lesson-content announcement, introduction to language occurrences in context, practice, repetition, evaluation of student’ achievement and a sequence for global word memorization. The choice of the methodological system in which the teaching model will be microstructured depends on the teacher’s assessment of what is the optimal correlation between teachers, pupils, content and the methodological template in order to achieve the goal/learning outcomes. This paper describes the correlation between these factors with examples of usual methodological systems in the teaching of the Croatian language. Fourth-year students of the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb (N = 39) observed the teaching process during 70 classes of Croatian language teaching. The aim was to investigate whether teachers implement modern methodological knowledge in the teaching process. The results indicate that 20% of the observed articulations of teaching classes deviate from the methodologically based structure; linguistic-methodological templates (texts intended for teaching language items) are appropriate, but 30% of teachers do not use the provided linguistic-methodological templates for teaching a language item. It was further noticed that the most common methodological system is communication (94.9%), however, further analysis shows that 89% of students are involved in language production, mostly in the language activity of speaking. The results of the work contribute to the scientific foundation of the methodological organization and articulation of the teaching process in the subject Croatian language in primary education

    Prediktivni čimbenici za uspješnu protetsku rehabilitaciju nakon vaskularne transtibijalne amputacije

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    Lower extremity amputation is a very common amputation and successful prosthetic rehabilitation is a desirable outcome. The aim of this study was to determine which factors affect the success of prosthetic rehabilitation after transtibial vascular amputation. The study included 61 patients who had undergone transtibial amputation (mean age, 64.2±10.4 years; 50 (82%) males). Patients who were able to walk at least 45 meters without aids or with only one walking stick after rehabilitation program were classified into the group of successful prosthetic users. Age, gender, comorbidities, patency of the popliteal artery, wound healing complications, and presence of the phantom limb pain were used as predictive variables. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictive factors of successful prosthetic rehabilitation. The model included all variables explaining up to 59.8% of variance, however, only age, absence of functional patency of the popliteal artery and compromised wound healing made significant contribution to the model. In conclusion, good general condition of the patient and sustained patency of the popliteal artery reliably led to clinical improvement and realization of full capacity of rehabilitation after below-knee amputation.Amputacija donjih ekstremiteta vrlo je česta amputacija, a uspješna protetska rehabilitacija je poželjan ishod. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi koji čimbenici utječu na uspjeh protetske rehabilitacije nakon transtibijalne vaskularne amputacije. U studiju je uključen 61 bolesnik podvrgnut transtibijalnoj amputaciji (srednja dob 64,2±10,4 godine; 50 (82%) muškaraca). Bolesnici koji su nakon programa rehabilitacije mogli prijeći najmanje 45 metara bez pomagala ili sa samo jednim štapom za hodanje svrstani su u skupinu s uspješnom protetskom rehabilitacijom. Kao prediktivne varijable primijenili smo dob, spol, subolesti, prohodnost poplitealne arterije, komplikacije zacjeljivanja rana i prisutnost fantomske boli udova. Multivarijatna logistička regresijska analiza korištena je za utvrđivanje prediktivnih čimbenika uspješne protetske rehabilitacije. Model je obuhvaćao sve varijable koje su objašnjavale do 59,8% varijance, međutim, samo su dob, nepostojanje funkcionalne prohodnosti poplitealne arterije i ugroženo zacjeljivanje rana dali značajan doprinos modelu. U zaključku, dobro opće stanje bolesnika i trajna prohodnost poplitealne arterije pouzdano dovode do kliničkog poboljšanja i ostvarenja punog kapaciteta rehabilitacije nakon potkoljenske amputacije

    Martina Kolar Billege Sadržaj, ishodi i vrednovanje u Hrvatskome jeziku – metodički pristup

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