3,048 research outputs found

    Major management factors associated with the variation in reproductive performance of Irish dairy herds

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    End of project reportThe results highlight the importance of BCS in achieving good reproductive performance. The likelihood of reproductive success was best predicted by BCS around the time of breeding and, for cows calving in good BCS (3.0 or greater) the level of BCS loss between calving and first service. A low BCS pre-calving (3.5) results in excessive BCS loss (>0.5) post-calving. On the basis of these findings a pre-calving BCS of no greater than 3.25 is a sensible target for pasture-based spring calving systems in Ireland. It is necessary to maintain BCS at 2.75 or greater during the breeding season, and loss of body condition between calving and first service should be restricted to 0.5 BCS units.National Development Plan (NDP

    Distribution of discontinuous mudstone beds within wave-dominated shallow-marine deposits : Star Point Sandstone and Blackhawk Formation, Eastern Utah

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    Acknowledgements Funding for this study was provided from the Research Council of Norway through the Petromaks project 193059 and the FORCE Safari Project. The lidar data was collected by Julien Vallet and Samuel Pitiot of Helimap Systems SA. Riegl LMS GmbH is acknowledged for software support. The first author would like to thank Oliver Severin Tynes for assistance in the field. Tore Grane Klausen and Gijs Allard Henstra are thanked for invaluable discussions. The authors would also like to thank Janok Bhattacharya, Cornel Olariu and one anonymous revier for their insightful comments which improved this paper, and Frances Witehurst for his editorial comments.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Environmental Resource Management in Borderlands: Evolution from Competing Interests to Common Aversions

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    Great enthusiasm is attached to the emergence of cross-border regions (CBRs) as a new institutional arrangement for dealing with local cross-border environmental resource management and other issues that remain too distant from national capitals and/or too expensive to be addressed in the traditional topocraticmanner requiring instead local adhocratic methods. This study briefly discusses the perceived value of CBRs and necessary and sufficient conditions for the successful and sustainable development of such places. Then, assuming that necessary conditions can be met, the study investigates an intriguing hypothesis concerning the catalyzing of sustainable consensus for cross-border resource management based on a game theoretical approach that employs the use of dilemma of common aversion rather than the more traditional dilemma of competing common interests. Using this lens to investigate a series of events on the Pacific northwestern Canadian-American border in a part of the Fraser Lowland, we look for evidence of the emergence of an active and sustainable CBR to address local trans-border resource management issues. Although our micro-level scale fails to conclusively demonstrate such evidence, it does demonstrate the value of using this approach and suggests a number of avenues for further research

    Rapid induction bonding of composites, plastics, and metals

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    The Toroid Bonding Gun is and induction heating device. It is a self contained, portable, low powered induction welding system developed for bonding or joining plastic, ceramic, or metallic parts. Structures can be bonded in a factory or in a the field. This type of equipment allows for applying heat directly to the bond lines and/or to the adhesives without heating the entire structure, supports, and fixtures of a bonding assembly. The induction heating gun originally developed for use in the fabrication of space Gangs of bonders are now used to rapidly join composite sheet and structural components. Other NASA-developed applications of this bonding technique include the joining of thermoplastic composites, thermosetting composites, metals, and combinations of these materials

    Ceramic susceptor for induction bonding of metals, ceramics, and plastics

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    A thin (.005) flexible ceramic susceptor (carbon) was discovered. It was developed to join ceramics, plastics, metals, and combinations of these materials using a unique induction heating process. Bonding times for laboratory specimens comparing state of the art technology to induction bonding were cut by a factor of 10 to 100 times. This novel type of carbon susceptor allows for applying heat directly and only to the bondline without heating the entire structure, supports, and fixtures of a bonding assembly. The ceramic (carbon film) susceptor produces molten adhesive or matrix material at the bond interface. This molten material flows through the perforated susceptor producing a fusion between the two parts to be joined, which in many instances has proven to be stronger than the parent material. Bonding can be accomplished in 2 minutes on areas submitted to the inductive heating. Because a carbon susceptor is used in bonding carbon fiber reinforced plastics and ceramics, there is no radar signature or return making it an ideal process for joining advanced aerospace composite structures

    Method of Attaching Strain Gauges to Various Materials

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    A method is provided to bond strain gauges to various materials. First, a tape with an adhesive backing is placed across the inside of the fixture frame. The strain gauge is flatly placed against the adhesive backing and coated with a thin, uniform layer of adhesive. The tape is then removed from the fixture frame and placed, strain gauge side down, on the material to be tested. If the material is a high reluctance material, the induction heating source is placed on the tape. If the material is a low reluctance material, a plate with a ferric side and a rubber side is placed, ferric side down, onto the tape. The induction heating source is then placed upon the rubber side. If the material is an insulator material, a ferric plate is placed on the tape. The induction heating source is then placed on the ferric plate. The inductive heating source then generates frequenty from 60 to 70 kilocycles to inductively heat either low reluctance material, ferric side, of ferric plate and provides incidental pressure of approximately five pounds per square inch to the tape for two minutes, thoroughly curing the adhesive. The induction heating source, and, if necessary, the plate or ferric plate, are then removed from the tape after one minute. The tape is then removed from the bonded strain gauge

    Sedimentology and reservoir properties of tabular and erosive offshore transition deposits in wave-dominated, shallow-marine strata : Book cliffs, USA

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    Acknowledgements and Funding Funding for this study was provided from the Research Council of Norway (Petromaks project 193059) and the FORCE Safari project. The helicopter-LiDAR data was collected by J. Valet and S. Pitiot of Helimap System SA. Riegl LMS GmbH is acknowledged for software support for the outcrop models, and ROXAR is acknowledged for use of their RMS reservoir modelling package. A. Rittersbacher is acknowledged for processing the heli-LiDAR model. The first author would like to thank O. S. Mulelid-Tynes and G. Henstra for assistance in the field and for valuable discussions. G. Hampson is thanked for insightful comments that significantly improved this manuscriptPeer reviewedPostprin

    A Comprehensive Case Report on University of Montana Forensic Case 66

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    UMFC 66 is an anatomical specimen from the Physical Anthropology Lab at The University of Montana-Missoula. It is a nearly complete skeleton that exhibits no trauma. I examined the literature on suitable approaches to estimating age from the skeleton, because age is difficult to estimate for this case and presents an interesting challenge. I also estimated sex, ancestry, stature, and weight. I concluded that UMFC 66 is an American Indian, perhaps 20 to 28 years of age with a relatively short stature of about 1.56m (5’01”), weighing approximately 115 to 129 pounds. There is severe osteomyelitis throughout the left lower extremity. Time since death is within modem times, between World War II and the past few years

    Revealing the textual mask

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