12 research outputs found

    Outcome versus process value in service delivery

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    Purpose: This study is embedded in social exchange and transaction cost theories. The objective is twofold: First, to compare the relative importance of process value and outcome value in building affective and cognitive relationship strength; and second, to compare the relative effects of each type of relationship strength on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Design/methodology/approach: This empirical study features a quantitative approach. The sample comprises 167 business-to-business (B2B) customers of a large transportation and logistics company in Vietnam. Findings: Process value and outcome value have different effects on affective relationship strength: The effect of process value is greater than that of outcome value. In addition, cognitive strength has a stronger impact on both attitudinal and behavioral loyalty than affective strength. Research limitations/implications: These insights extend extant literature regarding the process and outcome components of the service assessment. Further studies also should employ a cross-industry, cross-country sample to examine the potential moderating effects of country- or industry-specific factors. These findings show B2B managers how to make appropriate resource allocation and investment decisions to enhance relationship strength and resulting customer loyalty. Originality/value: To clarify the links among customer value, relationship strength and customer loyalty, this study examines the relative importance of rational and non-rational factors (i.e., process value vs. outcome value; affective strength vs. cognitive strength) for relationship performance. Unlike most prior research, this study is set in the B2B context of a developing country

    Osjetljivost na vlagu te optička, mehanička i strukturna svojstva jestivih filmova na bazi proteina sirutke s dodatkom repičinog ulja

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    The objective of this work is to study the effect of the rapeseed oil content on the physical properties of whey protein emulsion films. For this purpose, whey protein films with the addition of 0, 1, 2 and 3 % of rapeseed oil, and glycerol as a plasticizer were obtained by the casting method. Film-forming emulsions were evaluated and compared using light scattering granulometry. The Sauter mean diameters (d32) of lipid droplets in film-forming solutions showed an increasing trend when increasing the oil volume fractions. The inclusion of rapeseed oil enhanced the hydrophobic character of whey protein films, reducing moisture content and film solubility in water. All emulsified films showed high lightness (L*ā‰ˆ90). Parameter a* decreased and parameter b* and total colour difference (Ī”E) increased with the increase of the volume fractions of oil. These results were consistent with visual observations; control films were transparent and those containing oil opaque. Water vapour sorption experimental data at the full range of water activity values from 0.11 to 0.93 were well described with Pelegā€™s equation (R2ā‰„0.99). The tensile strength, Youngā€™s modulus and elongation at break increased with the increase of rapeseed oil volume fraction, which could be explained by interactions between lipids and the protein matrix. These results revealed that rapeseed oil has enormous potential to be incorporated into whey protein to make edible film or coating for some food products. The mechanical resistance decreased with the addition of the lipids, and the opacity and soluble matter content increased.Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka repičinog ulja u različitim volumnim udjelima na fizikalna svojstva filmova izrađenih od proteina sirutke. Filmovi su pripremljeni u kalupima lijevanjem emulzija dobivenih od proteina sirutke s dodatkom 0, 1, 2 ili 3 % repičinog ulja te glicerola kao plastifikatora. Raspodjela veličine čestica emulzije određena je metodom laserske difrakcije, te je utvrđeno da se s povećanjem volumnog udjela ulja povećao srednji Sauterov promjer (d32) lipidnih kapljica. Dodatkom repičinog ulja povećala se hidrofobnost, a smanjio udjel vlage u filmovima te njihova topljivost u vodi. Sve su emulzije bile vrlo svijetle (L*ā‰ˆ90), a pri većim volumnim udjelima ulja smanjila se vrijednost parametra a*, a povećali vrijednost parametra b* i ukupna razlika u boji (Ī”E). Rezultati su bili u skladu s onima dobivenim vizualnim pregledom: kontrolni uzorci filmova bili su prozirni, dok su oni s dodatkom ulja bili mutni. Ispitana je sposobnost upijanja vode filmova, a dobiveni su podaci u rasponu aktiviteta vode od 0,11 do 0,93 dobro opisani pomoću Pelegove jednadžbe (R2ā‰„0,99). Povećanjem volumnog udjela repičinog ulja povećali su se vlačna čvrstoća, Youngov modul elastičnosti i istezljivost filmova, vjerojatno uslijed povezivanja lipida s proteinima. Rezultati pokazuju da se dodavanjem repičinog ulja emulzijama dobivenim od proteina sirutke može proizvesti jestivi film ili omotač za koje postoji velika mogućnost primjene u prehrambenoj industriji. Dodatkom lipida smanjili su se mehanički otpor i prozirnost filmova, a povećao udjel topljivih tvari

    The effect of collaborative learning on perceived engagement and academic outcomes

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    Educators are constantly searching for ways to engage students. Literature indicates engagement and knowledge co-creation are fundamental for deeper learning. However, the means to achieve this are less understood. In this paper, in-class participation rewards were used to stimulate out-of-class discussion and collaborative learning, the aim being to increase student engagement and positively influence academic outcomes (final grade). Using data from a longitudinal experiment, the findings show the use of in-class rewards motivates students to join an out-of-class (Facebook) group, but doesnā€™t influence their level of group activity. Interestingly, membership in the group didnā€™t result in increased perceived engagement, even though it has a positive effect on academic outcomes. The findings also show that group membership has a more positive effect on final grade for international students, despite them not being as active as domestic students during group discussions. Implications for marketing education and suggestions for future research are discussed

    Increasing student engagement using asynchronous learning

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    Student engagement is an ongoing concern for educators because of its positive association with deep learning and educational outcomes. This article tests the use of a social networking site (Facebook) as a tool to facilitate asynchronous learning opportunities that complement face-to-face interactions and thereby enable a stronger learning ecosystem. This student-centered learning approach offers a way to increase student engagement and can have a positive impact on academic outcomes. Using data from a longitudinal quasi-experiment, the authors show that students who participated in both face-to-face on-campus classes and asynchronous online learning opportunities were more engaged than students who only attended face-to-face classes. In addition, the findings show that participation in the asynchronous setting relates significantly and positively to studentsā€™ academic outcomes (final grades). The findings have notable implications for marketing education

    Marketing (2nd edition)

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    Marketing 2 is designed for today's changing student population with an emphasis on experiential learning and the value that marketers create. The key themes of digital consumers, services, ethics, and value that are at the forefront of contemporary teaching and practice are integrated throughout and illustrated with real world examples that will spark the imagination. Marketing 2 thoroughly addresses the explosion of digital technology and new influencers, such as social media, and the impact on marketing. Supported by results-driven technology in McGraw-Hill's Connect and a focused table of contents covering all of the foundational topics in thirteen chapters, Marketing 2 is the ideal choice for any Principles of Marketing course. With Connect package, students examine how firms analyse, create, deliver, communicate, and capture value by exploring both the fundamentals in marketing and new influencers, such as social media, all in a format that allows for instructor assessment of learning outcomes, and provides students with a tight integration of topics

    Marketing.[ 3rd ed.]

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    The third edition is designed to show students how organisations can create, deliver and capture value for customers, and how value can be used as a tool to build lasting customer relationships.Exploring both fundamental concepts and new marketing strategies and tactics, Grewalā€™s Marketing continues to evolve as the marketing function does. Covering topics like social media, marketing analytics and ethics, both individually and integrated throughout, the new edition illustrates how these areas now cross all aspects of marketing.Every chapter is packed with up-to-date vignettes, case studies and example boxes that both illustrate and complement the theory with real, recognisable businesses and people