252 research outputs found

    Scaffold-Mediated Static Transduction of T Cells for CAR-T Cell Therapy

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    Chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy has produced impressive clinical responses in patients with B-cell malignancies. Critical to the success of CAR-T cell therapies is the achievement of robust gene transfer into T cells mediated by viral vectors such as gamma-retroviral vectors. However, current methodologies of retroviral gene transfer rely on spinoculation and the use of retronectin, which may limit the implementation of cost-effective CAR-T cell therapies. Herein, a low-cost, tunable, macroporous, alginate scaffold that transduces T cells with retroviral vectors under static condition is described. CAR-T cells produced by macroporous scaffold-mediated viral transduction exhibit > 60% CAR expression, retain effector phenotype, expand to clinically relevant cell numbers, and eradicate CD19+ lymphoma in vivo. Efficient transduction is dependent on scaffold macroporosity. Taken together, the data show that macroporous alginate scaffolds serve as an attractive alternative to current transduction protocols and have high potential for clinical translation to genetically modify T cells for adoptive cellular therapy

    Complexity for extended dynamical systems

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    We consider dynamical systems for which the spatial extension plays an important role. For these systems, the notions of attractor, epsilon-entropy and topological entropy per unit time and volume have been introduced previously. In this paper we use the notion of Kolmogorov complexity to introduce, for extended dynamical systems, a notion of complexity per unit time and volume which plays the same role as the metric entropy for classical dynamical systems. We introduce this notion as an almost sure limit on orbits of the system. Moreover we prove a kind of variational principle for this complexity.Comment: 29 page

    Recurrent Modification of a Conserved Cis-Regulatory Element Underlies Fruit Fly Pigmentation Diversity

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    The development of morphological traits occurs through the collective action of networks of genes connected at the level of gene expression. As any node in a network may be a target of evolutionary change, the recurrent targeting of the same node would indicate that the path of evolution is biased for the relevant trait and network. Although examples of parallel evolution have implicated recurrent modification of the same gene and cis-regulatory element (CRE), little is known about the mutational and molecular paths of parallel CRE evolution. In Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies, the Bric-à-brac (Bab) transcription factors control the development of a suite of sexually dimorphic traits on the posterior abdomen. Female-specific Bab expression is regulated by the dimorphic element, a CRE that possesses direct inputs from body plan (ABD-B) and sex-determination (DSX) transcription factors. Here, we find that the recurrent evolutionary modification of this CRE underlies both intraspecific and interspecific variation in female pigmentation in the melanogaster species group. By reconstructing the sequence and regulatory activity of the ancestral Drosophila melanogaster dimorphic element, we demonstrate that a handful of mutations were sufficient to create independent CRE alleles with differing activities. Moreover, intraspecific and interspecific dimorphic element evolution proceeded with little to no alterations to the known body plan and sex-determination regulatory linkages. Collectively, our findings represent an example where the paths of evolution appear biased to a specific CRE, and drastic changes in function were accompanied by deep conservation of key regulatory linkages. © 2013 Rogers et al

    iReckon: Simultaneous isoform discovery and abundance estimation from RNA-seq data

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    High-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) promises to revolutionize our understanding of genes and their role in human disease by characterizing the RNA content of tissues and cells. The realization of this promise, however, is conditional on the development of effective computational methods for the identification and quantification of transcripts from incomplete and noisy data. In this article, we introduce iReckon, a method for simultaneous determination of the isoforms and estimation of their abundances. Our probabilistic approach incorporates multiple biological and technical phenomena, including novel isoforms, intron retention, unspliced pre-mRNA, PCR amplification biases, and multimapped reads. iReckon utilizes regularized expectation-maximization to accurately estimate the abundances of known and novel isoforms. Our results on simulated and real data demonstrate a superior ability to discover novel isoforms with a significantly reduced number of false-positive predictions, and our abundance accuracy prediction outmatches that of other state-of-the-art tools. Furthermore, we have applied iReckon to two cancer transcriptome data sets, a triple-negative breast cancer patient sample and the MCF7 breast cancer cell line, and show that iReckon is able to reconstruct the complex splicing changes that were not previously identified. QT-PCR validations of the isoforms detected in the MCF7 cell line confirmed all of iReckon's predictions and also showed strong agreement (r2 = 0.94) with the predicted abundances

    High-throughput sequence alignment using Graphics Processing Units

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The recent availability of new, less expensive high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies has yielded a dramatic increase in the volume of sequence data that must be analyzed. These data are being generated for several purposes, including genotyping, genome resequencing, metagenomics, and <it>de novo </it>genome assembly projects. Sequence alignment programs such as MUMmer have proven essential for analysis of these data, but researchers will need ever faster, high-throughput alignment tools running on inexpensive hardware to keep up with new sequence technologies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This paper describes MUMmerGPU, an open-source high-throughput parallel pairwise local sequence alignment program that runs on commodity Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in common workstations. MUMmerGPU uses the new Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) from nVidia to align multiple query sequences against a single reference sequence stored as a suffix tree. By processing the queries in parallel on the highly parallel graphics card, MUMmerGPU achieves more than a 10-fold speedup over a serial CPU version of the sequence alignment kernel, and outperforms the exact alignment component of MUMmer on a high end CPU by 3.5-fold in total application time when aligning reads from recent sequencing projects using Solexa/Illumina, 454, and Sanger sequencing technologies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MUMmerGPU is a low cost, ultra-fast sequence alignment program designed to handle the increasing volume of data produced by new, high-throughput sequencing technologies. MUMmerGPU demonstrates that even memory-intensive applications can run significantly faster on the relatively low-cost GPU than on the CPU.</p

    progressiveMauve: Multiple Genome Alignment with Gene Gain, Loss and Rearrangement

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    Multiple genome alignment remains a challenging problem. Effects of recombination including rearrangement, segmental duplication, gain, and loss can create a mosaic pattern of homology even among closely related organisms.We describe a new method to align two or more genomes that have undergone rearrangements due to recombination and substantial amounts of segmental gain and loss (flux). We demonstrate that the new method can accurately align regions conserved in some, but not all, of the genomes, an important case not handled by our previous work. The method uses a novel alignment objective score called a sum-of-pairs breakpoint score, which facilitates accurate detection of rearrangement breakpoints when genomes have unequal gene content. We also apply a probabilistic alignment filtering method to remove erroneous alignments of unrelated sequences, which are commonly observed in other genome alignment methods. We describe new metrics for quantifying genome alignment accuracy which measure the quality of rearrangement breakpoint predictions and indel predictions. The new genome alignment algorithm demonstrates high accuracy in situations where genomes have undergone biologically feasible amounts of genome rearrangement, segmental gain and loss. We apply the new algorithm to a set of 23 genomes from the genera Escherichia, Shigella, and Salmonella. Analysis of whole-genome multiple alignments allows us to extend the previously defined concepts of core- and pan-genomes to include not only annotated genes, but also non-coding regions with potential regulatory roles. The 23 enterobacteria have an estimated core-genome of 2.46Mbp conserved among all taxa and a pan-genome of 15.2Mbp. We document substantial population-level variability among these organisms driven by segmental gain and loss. Interestingly, much variability lies in intergenic regions, suggesting that the Enterobacteriacae may exhibit regulatory divergence.The multiple genome alignments generated by our software provide a platform for comparative genomic and population genomic studies. Free, open-source software implementing the described genome alignment approach is available from http://gel.ahabs.wisc.edu/mauve

    Computational Analysis of Constraints on Noncoding Regions, Coding Regions and Gene Expression in Relation to Plasmodium Phenotypic Diversity

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    Malaria-causing Plasmodium species exhibit marked differences including host choice and preference for invading particular cell types. The genetic bases of phenotypic differences between parasites can be understood, in part, by investigating constraints on gene expression and genic sequences, both coding and regulatory.We investigated the evolutionary constraints on sequence and expression of parasitic genes by applying comparative genomics approaches to 6 Plasmodium genomes and 2 genome-wide expression studies. We found that the coding regions of Plasmodium transcription factor and sexual development genes are relatively less constrained, as are those of genes encoding CCCH zinc fingers and invasion proteins, which all play important roles in these parasites. Transcription factors and genes with stage-restricted expression have conserved upstream regions and so do several gene classes critical to the parasite's lifestyle, namely, ion transport, invasion, chromatin assembly and CCCH zinc fingers. Additionally, a cross-species comparison of expression patterns revealed that Plasmodium-specific genes exhibit significant expression divergence.Overall, constraints on Plasmodium's protein coding regions confirm observations from other eukaryotes in that transcription factors are under relatively lower constraint. Proteins relevant to the parasite's unique lifestyle also have lower constraint on their coding regions. Greater conservation between Plasmodium species in terms of promoter motifs suggests tight regulatory control of lifestyle genes. However, an interspecies divergence in expression patterns of these genes suggests that either expression is controlled via genomic or epigenomic features not encoded in the proximal promoter sequence, or alternatively, the combinatorial interactions between motifs confer species-specific expression patterns

    Murasaki: A Fast, Parallelizable Algorithm to Find Anchors from Multiple Genomes

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    BACKGROUND: With the number of available genome sequences increasing rapidly, the magnitude of sequence data required for multiple-genome analyses is a challenging problem. When large-scale rearrangements break the collinearity of gene orders among genomes, genome comparison algorithms must first identify sets of short well-conserved sequences present in each genome, termed anchors. Previously, anchor identification among multiple genomes has been achieved using pairwise alignment tools like BLASTZ through progressive alignment tools like TBA, but the computational requirements for sequence comparisons of multiple genomes quickly becomes a limiting factor as the number and scale of genomes grows. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Our algorithm, named Murasaki, makes it possible to identify anchors within multiple large sequences on the scale of several hundred megabases in few minutes using a single CPU. Two advanced features of Murasaki are (1) adaptive hash function generation, which enables efficient use of arbitrary mismatch patterns (spaced seeds) and therefore the comparison of multiple mammalian genomes in a practical amount of computation time, and (2) parallelizable execution that decreases the required wall-clock and CPU times. Murasaki can perform a sensitive anchoring of eight mammalian genomes (human, chimp, rhesus, orangutan, mouse, rat, dog, and cow) in 21 hours CPU time (42 minutes wall time). This is the first single-pass in-core anchoring of multiple mammalian genomes. We evaluated Murasaki by comparing it with the genome alignment programs BLASTZ and TBA. We show that Murasaki can anchor multiple genomes in near linear time, compared to the quadratic time requirements of BLASTZ and TBA, while improving overall accuracy. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Murasaki provides an open source platform to take advantage of long patterns, cluster computing, and novel hash algorithms to produce accurate anchors across multiple genomes with computational efficiency significantly greater than existing methods. Murasaki is available under GPL at http://murasaki.sourceforge.net