24,841 research outputs found

    The Allocation of Advertising and Research Dollars in the Florida Orange Juice Industry

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    This study considers the allocation of Florida citrus‐grower money between advertising and research programs to maximize grower revenue net of program costs. The allocation depends on the impact of advertising on demand and the impacts of research on the cost of production and supply. A number of studies have estimated the impact of advertising on OJ demand, but little is known about the impact of research. Research on citrus greening, a disease that has no known cure, is examined in the present study. There are no past studies to reliably gauge the impact of this research. The approach taken here is to ask if a given amount of research dollars is needed to reduce average production costs by certain amount, then what should be spent on advertising based on past estimates of the elasticity of demand with respect to advertising. The optimal ratio of advertising to research dollars increases with the advertising elasticity and declines with the amount of research money needed to reduce average costs. The results of this study provide a range for this ratio based on different advertising elasticities and amounts of research dollars needed to reduce production costs. The approach provides an indication of the importance of advertising given expectations on the research needed to successfully fight this diseaseorange juice, returns to research, advertising, Agribusiness, Food Security and Poverty,


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    After substantial reduction in the Australian orange juice tariff, citrus growers in that country shifted their efforts away from Valencia orange production towards Navel oranges intended for the fresh market. Australia has been successful in penetrating the world market for fresh oranges. Given the large size of the orange industry in Florida, however, it is unlikely that Florida growers could follow the same model if the U.S. orange juice were substantially reduced or eliminated.oranges, tariffs, Australia, International Relations/Trade,

    Preponderance of Late-spiking Neurons in Rat Lateral Amygdala

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    Whole-cell recordings from rat lateral amygdala (LA) revealed two populations of principal neurons, that have similar pyramid-like morphologies but differing in firing pattern: late-spiking (LS, 66%) and regular-spiking (RS, 34%). The presence of large numbers of LS neurons arguably supports recent suggestions that the LA should be considered to be a functional extension of perirhinal cortex

    Budd, Our Mark Twain: The Making of a Personality

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    A demand model is developed to examine the impacts on orange juice prices resulting from elimination or reduction of the tariffs on orange juice imposed by the United States, European Union, and Japan. An empirical analysis suggests that elimination of the U.S. tariff by itself would decrease the U.S. orange juice price by about 0.22pergallon,whilesimultaneouseliminationoftheU.S.,European,andJapanesetariffswoulddecreasetheU.S.pricebyabout0.22 per gallon, while simultaneous elimination of the U.S., European, and Japanese tariffs would decrease the U.S. price by about 0.13 per gallon. Alternatively, reducing these tariffs according to the Swiss 25 formula would decrease the U.S. price by an estimated 0.09pergallon.TheU.S.producesabout1.4billiongallonsoforangejuiceannuallyandeachpennyreductioninthepriceimpactincreasesU.S.orangejuiceFOBrevenueby0.09 per gallon. The U.S. produces about 1.4 billion gallons of orange juice annually and each penny reduction in the price impact increases U.S. orange juice FOB revenue by 14 million.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Production and Price Effects of New Diseases and Other Challenges Confronting the Processed Orange Industry

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    Sao Paulo and Florida are the primary producers of orange juice. Both regions face production challenges. In this paper, a model of the world orange juice market is used to analyze the effect of citrus greening and high sugarcane prices on the production and price of orange juice.Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Production Economics,