9 research outputs found

    Interleukin 10 in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis: immunohistochemical localisation and in vitro effects on cytokine secretion

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    Background/Aims—Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is a counterinflammatory peptide implicated in the downregulation of human intestinal immune responses. Enhanced secretion of IL-10 has been documented in gastric biopsy organ culture in Helicobacter pylori infection. This study aimed to define the cellular origins of IL-10 in H pylori associated gastritis, and to determine the effects of endogenous IL-10 on proinflammatory cytokine secretion in vitro. Methods—Endoscopic biopsies were obtained from the gastric antrum at endoscopy from patients with dyspepsia. Two pairs of antral biopsies were cultured in vitro for 24 hours, one pair in the presence of neutralising anti-IL-10 monoclonal antibody, the other pair as controls. The cytokine content of culture supernatants (tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), IL-6, and IL-8) was determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and corrected for biopsy weight. Helicobacter pylori status was established by histology and biopsy urease test, and histopathology graded by the Sydney system. In a subgroup of patients, western blotting was used to establish CagA serological status. Immunohistochemistry for IL-10 was performed on formalin fixed tissues using a combination of microwave antigen retrieval and the indirect avidin–biotin technique. Immunoreactivity was scored semiquantitatively. Results—In vitro culture was performed in 41 patients: 31 with H pylori positive chronic gastritis and 10 H pylori negative. In vitro secretion of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8 for "control" biopsies was significantly higher in H pylori positive versus negative samples, with values of TNF-α and IL-6 correlating with the degree of active and chronic inflammation and being higher in CagA seropositive cases. No evidence for enhanced cytokine secretion was seen in biopsies cocultured in the presence of anti-IL-10 monoclonal antibody. Immunohistochemistry was performed in 29 patients, of whom 13 were H pylori positive. IL-10 immunoreactivity was observed in the surface epithelium in all H pylori positive cases and in 13 of 16 negative cases, especially in areas of surface epithelial degeneration. Lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMNCs) were positively stained in all H pylori positive cases and in 12 of 16 negative cases, with a significantly greater proportion of positive LPMNCs in the positive group. Conclusions—This study localised IL-10 protein to the gastric epithelium and LPMNCs. In vitro proinflammatory cytokine secretion was increased in H pylori infection (especially CagA positive infection), but blocking endogenous IL-10 secretion did not significantly increase cytokine secretion. IL-10 is implicated in H pylori infection and might "damp down" local inflammation. The role of gastric IL-10 secretion in determining the clinicopathological outcome of infection merits further study. Key Words: Helicobacter pylori infection • interleukin 10 • gastritis • immunohistochemistr

    Flow cytometric visualisation of cytokine production by CD3-CD56+NK cells and CD3+CD56+NK-T cells in whole blood

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    BACKGROUND: Natural killer (NK) cells produce multiple cytokines with potential immune regulatory roles. We standardised a whole-blood flow cytometry method to visualise intracellular cytokine production by NK cells for the study of NK cell biology and for clinical monitoring. METHODS: With a three-colour fluorescent labelling technique, specific cytokine production by NK or T cells was visualised directly in whole blood in the same sample after stimulation by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin and by electronically gating on the CD3-ve/CD56+ve NK population or on the CD3+/CD56+ NK-T-cell population. RESULTS: Detectable levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) but not of interleukin-2 (IL-2) or IL-4 were easily observed in NK cells. The visualisation of the cytokine production by NK cells was dependent on the addition of a Golgi transport inhibitor, Brefeldin A. Other known stimuli for NK cells (IL-2 and CD16 monoclonal antibody and incubation with K562, the NK-sensitive cell line) promoted IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production in NK cells to a lesser extent than did PMA and ionomycin stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: This whole-blood flow cytometric assay appears to be an useful and easy method to examine cytokine production by NK cells and/or by CD3+CD56+ NK-T lymphocytes in patients with relevant diseases

    T-Cell Reactivity against Streptococcal Antigens in the Periphery Mirrors Reactivity of Heart-Infiltrating T Lymphocytes in Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients

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    T-cell molecular mimicry between streptococcal and heart proteins has been proposed as the triggering factor leading to autoimmunity in rheumatic heart disease (RHD). We searched for immunodominant T-cell M5 epitopes among RHD patients with defined clinical outcomes and compared the T-cell reactivities of peripheral blood and intralesional T cells from patients with severe RHD. The role of HLA class II molecules in the presentation of M5 peptides was also evaluated. We studied the T-cell reactivity against M5 peptides and heart proteins on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 74 RHD patients grouped according to the severity of disease, along with intralesional and peripheral T-cell clones from RHD patients. Peptides encompassing residues 1 to 25, 81 to 103, 125 to 139, and 163 to 177 were more frequently recognized by PBMC from RHD patients than by those from controls. The M5 peptide encompassing residues 81 to 96 [M5(81–96) peptide] was most frequently recognized by PBMC from HLA-DR7(+) DR53(+) patients with severe RHD, and 46.9% (15 of 32) and 43% (3 of 7) of heart-infiltrating and PBMC-derived peptide-reactive T-cell clones, respectively, recognized the M5(81–103) region. Heart proteins were recognized more frequently by PBMC from patients with severe RHD than by those from patients with mild RHD. The similar pattern of T-cell reactivity found with both peripheral blood and heart-infiltrating T cells is consistent with the migration of M-protein-sensitized T cells to the heart tissue. Conversely, the presence of heart-reactive T cells in the PBMC of patients with severe RHD also suggests a spillover of sensitized T cells from the heart lesion

    Effect of Estrogens on the Interferon-Îł Producing Cell Population of Mouse Splenocytes

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