1,403 research outputs found

    Monoclonal antibodies to the cells of a regenerating limb

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    Monoclonal antibodies were raised against differentiated cells, and blastemal cells from regenerating limbs of adult newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) and screened for specific staining by immunocytochemistry. In addition to antibodies that identify muscle, Schwann cells and cartilage, two reagents were specific for subpopulations of blastemal cells. One of these latter antibodies, termed 22/18, has provided new evidence about the origin of blastemal cells from Schwann cells and rnyofibres, and also identifies blastemal cells whose division is persistently dependent on the nerve supply

    Studies on cultured Schwann cells: the induction of myelin synthesis, and the control of their proliferation by a new growth factor

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    We have recently described the use of immunological methods to identify and purify rat Schwann cells. In dissociated cultures of neonatal sciatic nerve, all of the cells can be identified by antigenic criteria as either Schwann cells or fibroblasts. The fibroblasts may be removed by treatment with antiserum to the Thy-1 antigen and complement. The purified Schwann cells have been used to study the regulation of the expression of myelin components, and the stimulation of Schwann cell division by a soluble growth factor. Among the components of myelin, we have concentrated on the peripheral myelin glycoprotein P_0, which constitutes 50–60% of the protein in peripheral myelin. We have studied the distribution of P_0 in vitro and in vivo by immunofluorescence, immuno-autoradiography on SDS gels, and solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Our results support the hypothesis that P_0 is induced specifically as a consequence of the interaction between the Schwann cell and the myelinated type of axon. The level of P_0 in the myelin membrane is at least 1000-fold higher than in the Schwann cell membrane. Purified Schwann cells divide very slowly in a conventional tissue culture medium. This has allowed us to purify a new growth factor from extracts of brain and pituitary, tentatively named Glial Growth Factor (GGF). The activity resides in a basic protein with a native molecular weight of 6 × 10^4 daltons and a subunit molecular weight of 3 × 10^4 daltons, which is active at levels comparable to those of epidermal growth factor. GGF is mitogenic for Schwann cells, astrocytes and muscle fibroblasts

    Structure and behavior of rat primary and secondary Schwann cells in vitro

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    The structure and motility of isolated rat primary (I) Schwann cells (SC) have been compared to that of subcultured (II) SC during and after mitotic stimulation. I SC contain myelin components which persist for 2 weeks in serum-free medium while they rapidly disappear in medium containing serum and high glucose concentration. These components were never detected in II SC. Both I SC and II SC after their mitotic phase are spindle-shaped, contain many intermediate and actin filaments, have no basement membrane but show intense migratory and undulatory activities. Rare fibroblasts in I cultures are recognized by their extremely variable shape, the presence of Thy 1.1 antigen in their membrane and their intense edge ruffling alternating with abrupt translocation. In contrast, I SC movements consist of intracellular translocation of nuclei along SC processes, which retract and extend constantly, and in slow rhythmic undulation episodes (2.3 ± 0.2/min) alternating with migration at 135 ± 50 μ/h. The total number of these episodes per day in serum-free medium is rigorously identical for different cells (166.3 ± 0.2) and this uniformity of frequency suggests a genotypic basis. Cycles, consisting of an undulation episode followed by a resting interval, have mean durations of 8.6 ± 4.1 min and a sharp peak of occurrence at 6 min, with exponential distribution of the longer periods. Motility of II SC is considerably inhibited during mitotic stimulation by cholera toxin and a pituitary extract while SC phenotype has changed to a flat multipolar cell with prominent Golgi and ribosomes. Migration is reduced to 24 ± 2 μ/h and only 2% of the SC show pulsations of the same periodicity as the I SC undulations. A dramatic increase in pulsation frequency occurs 6–12 h after removal of mitogenic factors when 80% of II SC start pulsating twice as fast for 2–3 days. When mitoses cease, SC quickly recover their SC phenotype with rhythmic undulations while migration speed increased to 92 ± 20 μ/h. Thus, in spite of dramatic modification of shape, structure and behavior during mitotic stimulation, SC subsequently recover their unique motility pattern which might be essential for their myelinating functionPeer reviewe

    Conserved and novel functions of programmed cellular senescence during vertebrate development

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    Cellular senescence, a form of stable cell cycle arrest that is traditionally associated with tumour suppression, has been recently found to occur during mammalian development. Here, we show that cell senescence is an intrinsic part of the developmental programme in amphibians. Programmed senescence occurs in specific structures during defined time windows during amphibian development. It contributes to the physiological degeneration of the amphibian pronephros and to the development of the cement gland and oral cavity. In both contexts, senescence depends on TGFβ but is independent of ERK/MAPK activation. Furthermore, elimination of senescent cells through temporary TGFβ inhibition leads to developmental defects. Our findings uncover conserved and new roles of senescence in vertebrate organogenesis and support the view that cellular senescence may have arisen in evolution as a developmental mechanism

    Identification of the orphan gene Prod 1 in basal and other salamander families.

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    The urodele amphibians (salamanders) are the only adult tetrapods able to regenerate the limb. It is unclear if this is an ancestral property that is retained in salamanders but lost in other tetrapods or if it evolved in salamanders. The three-finger protein Prod 1 is implicated in the mechanism of newt limb regeneration, and no orthologs have been found in other vertebrates, thus providing evidence for the second viewpoint. It has also been suggested that this protein could play a role in salamander-specific aspects of limb development. There are ten families of extant salamanders, and Prod 1 has only been identified in two of them to date. It is important to determine if it is present in other families and, particularly, the basal group of two families which diverged approximately 200 MYA

    Nerve dependence in tissue, organ, and appendage regeneration.

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    Many regeneration contexts require the presence of regenerating nerves as a transient component of the progenitor cell niche. Here we review nerve involvement in regeneration of various structures in vertebrates and invertebrates. Nerves are also implicated as persistent determinants in the niche of certain stem cells in mammals, as well as in Drosophila. We consider our present understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying nerve dependence, including evidence of critical interactions with glia and non-neural cell types. The example of the salamander aneurogenic limb illustrates that developmental interactions between the limb bud and its innervation can be determinative for adult regeneration. These phenomena provide a different perspective on nerve cells to that based on chemical and electrical excitability

    Kiri G. Ph. Telemann`ile, Ritzebüttel

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    Sustained ERK activation underlies reprogramming in regeneration-competent salamander cells and distinguishes them from their mammalian counterparts

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    In regeneration-competent vertebrates, such as salamanders, regeneration depends on the ability of various differentiated adult cell types to undergo natural reprogramming. This ability is rarely observed in regeneration-incompetent species such as mammals, providing an explanation for their poor regenerative potential. To date, little is known about the molecular mechanisms mediating natural reprogramming during regeneration. Here, we have identified the extent of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation as a key component of such mechanisms. We show that sustained ERK activation following serum induction is required for re-entry into the cell cycle of postmitotic salamander muscle cells, partially by promoting the downregulation of p53 activity. Moreover, ERK activation induces epigenetic modifications and downregulation of muscle-specific genes such as Sox6. Remarkably, while long-term ERK activation is found in salamander myotubes, only transient activation is seen in their mammalian counterparts, suggesting that the extent of ERK activation could underlie differences in regenerative competence between species