4,323 research outputs found

    Sensitivity analysis in computational aerodynamics

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    Information on sensitivity analysis in computational aerodynamics is given in outline, graphical, and chart form. The prediction accuracy if the MCAERO program, a perturbation analysis method, is discussed. A procedure for calculating perturbation matrix, baseline wing paneling for perturbation analysis test cases and applications of an inviscid sensitivity matrix are among the topics covered

    The management of plantar warts - a podiatric perspective

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    The number of treatments offered for a particular condition is often indicative of the unsatisfactory success rate in curing the problem. This can be demonstrated by the documented plethora of treatments suggested for plantar warts (or verrucae), which range from the traditional to the bizarre — including banana skins, hypnosis and nail varnish. This paper aims to review the problem of plantar warts and take an evidence-based approach, balancing research findings coupled with the authors’ combined 40 years of experience in managing this common problem

    Development of fiber shields for engine containment

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    Tests were conducted in translational launchers and spin pits to generate empirical data used in the design of a Kevlar shield for containing engine burst debris. Methods are given for modeling the relationship of fragment characteristics to shielding requirements. The change in relative importance of shield mounting provisions as fragment energy is increased is discussed

    Development of MCAERO wing design panel method with interactive graphics module

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    A reliable and efficient iterative method has been developed for designing wing section contours corresponding to a prescribed subcritical pressure distribution. The design process is initialized by using MCAERO (MCAIR 3-D Subsonic Potential Flow Analysis Code) to analyze a baseline configuration. A second program DMCAERO is then used to calculate a matrix containing the partial derivative of potential at each control point with respect to each unknown geometry parameter by applying a first-order expansion to the baseline equations in MCAERO. This matrix is calculated only once but is used in each iteration cycle to calculate the geometry perturbation and to analyze the perturbed geometry. The potential on the new geometry is calculated by linear extrapolation from the baseline solution. This extrapolated potential is converted to velocity by numerical differentiation, and velocity is converted to pressure by using Bernoulli's equation. There is an interactive graphics option which allows the user to graphically display the results of the design process and to interactively change either the geometry or the prescribed pressure distribution

    Numerical approach for the aerodynamic analysis if airfoils with laminar separation

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    A numerical method for simultaneously and efficiently coupling an external subsonic potential flow and an interior viscous flow such that the two flows match at an interfacing boundary is discussed. Both a panel method and a simple point compressible vortex model are used for the outer potential field. The interior flow solvers which were used are the Navier-Stokes and Euler codes of T. J. Coakley and the Euler code of A. Verhoff. In order to test compatibility, the panel method is coupled to the less expensive Euler codes since the coupling procedure is identical with the Navier-Stokes code. The results show significant efficiency improvements can be obtained over the uncoupled approach. Results also indicate the outer potential flow is best represented by the simple point compressible vortex model. The panel method couples smoothly to Coakley's implicit code but is numerically incompatible as coupled with the explicit Euler code. An improved Navier-Stokes code is under initial development which extends the Euler code to include the necessary viscous terms. Results are shown for all infinite length channel with one wavy periodic wall with and without laminar separation

    Subsonic panel method for the efficient analysis of multiple geometry perturbations

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    An accurate and efficient method was developed for the aerodynamic analysis of a series of arbitrary small geometry perturbations to a given baseline configuration. The method is appropriate for wing-fuselage configurations in incompressible potential flow. Mathematical formulations are presented for three computer programs that are employed. The first program is a conventional surface panel method for calculating the baseline singularity distribution. The second program calculates a partial derivative matrix. Each element of the matrix is the rate of change of singularity strength at one point with respect to a surface coordinate of a different point. For each baseline configuration, the calculated quantities from the first two programs establish an input file for the third. The third program calculates the surface pressure distribution and forces and moments for a series of geometry perturbations

    Modification of the Douglas Neumann program to improve the efficiency of predicting component interference and high lift characteristics

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    The Douglas Neumann method for low-speed potential flow on arbitrary three-dimensional lifting bodies was modified by substituting the combined source and doublet surface paneling based on Green's identity for the original source panels. Numerical studies show improved accuracy and stability for thin lifting surfaces, permitting reduced panel number for high-lift devices and supercritical airfoil sections. The accuracy of flow in concave corners is improved. A method of airfoil section design for a given pressure distribution, based on Green's identity, was demonstrated. The program uses panels on the body surface with constant source strength and parabolic distribution of doublet strength, and a doublet sheet on the wake. The program is written for the CDC CYBER 175 computer. Results of calculations are presented for isolated bodies, wings, wing-body combinations, and internal flow

    Aircraft aerodynamic prediction method for V/STOL transition including flow separation

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    A numerical procedure was developed for the aerodynamic force and moment analysis of V/STOL aircraft operating in the transition regime between hover and conventional forward flight. The trajectories, cross sectional area variations, and mass entrainment rates of the jets are calculated by the Adler-Baron Jet-in-Crossflow Program. The inviscid effects of the interaction between the jets and airframe on the aerodynamic properties are determined by use of the MCAIR 3-D Subsonic properties are determined by use of the MCAIR 3-D Subsonic Potential Flow Program, a surface panel method. In addition, the MCAIR 3-D Geometry influence Coefficient Program is used to calculate a matrix of partial derivatives that represent the rate of change of the inviscid aerodynamic properties with respect to arbitrary changes in the effective wing shape
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