3 research outputs found

    Science, transmedia and (post)poetry : interactions in the construction of Agustín Fernández Mallos poetic theory

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    El presente trabajo, parte de una investigación sobre las interacciones y tensiones de los discursos científicos y literarios en la literatura española del siglo XIX al XXI, propone un recorrido por la obra poética Agustín Fernández Mallo. Conocido por su trilogía narrativa Proyecto Nocilla, las poesías de este multifacético autor tensionan, expanden, desdibujan los límites del texto poético a partir de la incorporación del discurso científico y la tecnología multimedia no meramente en términos de referencialidad sino como principios constructivos y, a la vez, teóricos desde los cuales abordar la producción artística.This paper, which is part of a research on the interactions and tensions between science and literature in Spain from the 19th to the 21st centuries, is focused on Agustín Fernández Mallo’s poetry. Besides his famous narrative trilogy Proyecto Nocilla, his poetry expand and blur the limits of the poetic textuality by the incorporation of science and multimedia technology not just in a referencial fashion but as both constructive and theoretical principles from which is possible a critical consideration of the poetic process.Fil: Brina, Maximiliano. Universidad de Buenos Aire

    De la zarzuela a la ciencia ficción: El anacronópete, de Enrique Gaspar. Expansión de los límites de lo fantástico en la coyuntura del nacionalismo

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    This article addresses Enrique Gaspar’s novel El anacronópete (1887) by means of the articulation of the fantastic genre and nationalism. The nineteenth century witnessed a powerful scientific and technological development, which introduced economic, political and social changes. This can be traced in literature, especially in the second half of the century: for example, in the antagonistic positions between Emilio Ferrari and Gaspar Núñez de Arce in the field of poetry, or novels by Benito Pérez Galdós as Doña Perfecta (1876), in which the tension between the countryside and the city is compared to that existing between tradition and modernity. In this context, the value of Gaspar's novel surpasses the anecdote of presenting the first time machine in literature, eight years before Wells’s. Its value lies in the way in which, starting from the articulation of scientific and literary discourse, it expands the limits of the fantastic while using the procedure to address the question of national identity. The action takes place during the International Exhibition in Paris in 1878. The novel shows the popularity of the “famous Jules Verne” in Spain, whose “marvelous hypotheses” will be considered “children's toys in the face of the magnitude of the real invention of the modest Zaragoza neighbour of Spain”. More than a science fiction novel, the text calls for the incorporation of concepts related to the process of creation of national identities from such disciplines as history and sociology.This article addresses Enrique Gaspar’s novel El anacronópete (1887) by means of the articulation of the fantastic genre and nationalism. The nineteenth century witnessed a powerful scientific and technological development, which introduced economic, political and social changes. This can be traced in literature, especially in the second half of the century: for example, in the antagonistic positions between Emilio Ferrari and Gaspar Núñez de Arce in the field of poetry, or novels by Benito Pérez Galdós as Doña Perfecta (1876), in which the tension between the countryside and the city is compared to that existing between tradition and modernity. In this context, the value of Gaspar's novel surpasses the anecdote of presenting the first time machine in literature, eight years before Wells’s. Its value lies in the way in which, starting from the articulation of scientific and literary discourse, it expands the limits of the fantastic while using the procedure to address the question of national identity. The action takes place during the International Exhibition in Paris in 1878. The novel shows the popularity of the “famous Jules Verne” in Spain, whose “marvelous hypotheses” will be considered “children's toys in the face of the magnitude of the real invention of the modest Zaragoza neighbour of Spain”. More than a science fiction novel, the text calls for the incorporation of concepts related to the process of creation of national identities from such disciplines as history and sociology

    La voz inconformista de Patrick Kavanagh

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    Patrick Kavanagh, rural and self-taught poet, stands out among the Irish poets of the early twentieth century for his critical consideration of literary and political nationalist programs. Facing the quasi mythical representation of the peasantry built by the Irish Literary Revival, which was later used by the Republicans as a synthesis of Irishness, Kavanagh offers a unique opinion, ranging between despair and satire. The purpose of this article is to examine, from “The Great Hunger” (1942) and previous poems, the way Kavanagh disassembles this urban vision of the Irish peasantry