7 research outputs found

    Reduktion des Eisebahnlärms durch die Anwendung von CHFC Material

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    Traffic is the most widespread source of environmental noise. Railway noise has become increasingly common in urban areas in the past few decades. Therefore environmental requirements for railway operations regarding noise are becoming very strict and will become even tighter in future. In the present paper we present actual track- based field test performed on Slovenian Railways. The significant noise reduction (up to 30dBA) was achieved by the application of CHFC material on the rail using CL-E1 top anti noise system. Der Verkehr ist die am weitesten verbreitete Quelle von Umgebungslärm. Eisenbahnlärm nahm in den letzten Jahrzehnten in städtischen Gebieten immer mehr zu. Aus diesem Grund wurden die Umweltanforderungen für den Bahnverkehr bezüglich des Lärms immer strenger und werden in der Zukunft noch höher. In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellen wir den tatsächlichen Track-basierten Feldversuch auf der Slowenischen Bahn dar. Die deutliche Lärmreduzierung (bis 30 dBA)wurde durch die Anwendung von CHFC-Material auf der Schiene mithilfe des Cl-E1 Antirauschsystems erreicht. Document type: Articl

    Biodegradation of typical laundry wastewater surfactants – a review

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    Zagađenje otpadnih voda u praonicama ovisi o vrsti materijala, količini zaprljanja i procesima pranja. Ono je uzrokovano otapanjem organskih i anorganskih tvari, kao i sedimentiranima (istaloženim) i toksičnim tvarima. Deterdženti, odnosno sredstva za pranje sadrže različite kemikalije, upotrebljavaju se u velikim količinama koje utječu na okoliš, te je vrlo važno nakon upotrebe njihovo provođenje u sustav za obradu otpadnih voda. Budući da njihova prisutnost utječe na ukupnu toksičnost efluenata. U radu su predstavljena spoznaje iz različitih literaturaturnih izvora i prikazana svojstva biorazgradnje najčešće upotrebljavanih tenzida. Da bi se odredila njihova rizičnost za okoliš, potrebno je poznavati distribuciju, svojstva i razgradnju tenzida u različitim dijelovima postrojenja za obradu otpadnih voda.The pollution of laundry wastewater is dependent on the origin of the linen, soil degree of the linen and the laundering process. It is caused by dissolved organic and inorganic substances, as well as sedimented and toxic substances. Washing detergents contain various chemicals used in great quantities whose influence on the environment is very important as they are transferred into wastewater treatment plants after use and are, therefore, also present in effluent, where they add their contribution to the total toxicity of the effluent. This review paper summarizes the findings of various literature and presents the biodegradation of most often used surfactants. In order to assess their environmental risks, we need to understand the distribution, behaviour and degradation of surfactants in the different parts of a wastewater treatment plant

    The efficiency of nitrogen removal in synthetic laundry wastewater using a submerged membrane bioreactor at different total nitrogen volume loadings and MLSS concentrations

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    Svrha rada bila je odrediti učinak različitih volumenskih opterećenja ukupnim dušikom i različitih koncentracija aktivnog mulja (MLSS - mixed liquor suspended solids) u uronjenom membranskom bioreaktoru na nitrifikaciju i učinkovitost uklanjanja dušika iz meke sintetičke otpadne vode. U prvom dijelu istraživanja volumensko opterećenje ukupnim dušikom povećano je s 0,063 na 0,315 g L-1 d-1. Aktivni mulj nije uklonjen iz reaktora i zato se koncentracija povećala s početnih 4 g L-1 na maksimalnu vrijednost od 25,6 g L-1. Rezultati uklanjanja ukupnog dušika pokazali su da je učinak obrade bio najveći pri volumenskom opterećenja ukupnim dušikom od 19 g L-1 d-1 s učinkom uklanjanja od 84 %. U drugom dijelu istraživanja volumensko opterećenje ukupnim dušikom bilo je konstantno od 0,19 g L-1 d-1, a koncentracije aktivnog mulja mijenjale su se između 10 i 15 g L-1. Rezultati u tom dijelu istraživanja pokazuju da se nitrifikacija nije dogodila kada je koncentracija aktivnog mulja bila 10 g L-1 i da je nitrifikacija počela kada se povećala koncentracija aktiviranog mulja. Istraživanje pokazuje povezanost između koncentracije biomase i stupnja nitrifikacije u membranskom bioreaktoru (MBR).The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various total nitrogen volume loadings and various mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations in the submerged membrane bioreactor on the nitrification and the efficiency of nitrogen removal from soft synthetic wastewater. In the first part of the research the total nitrogen volume loading was increased from 0.063 to 0.315 g L-1 d-1. The activated sludge was not removed from the reactor and therefore the concentration increased from the initial 4 g L-1 to a maximum value of 25.6 g L-1. The results for removal of total nitrogen showed that the treatment effect was highest at the total nitrogen volume loading of 0.19 g L-1 d-1, with 84 % removal efficiency. In the second part of the research the total nitrogen volume loading was held constant at 0.19 g L-1 d-1 and the MLSS concentrations were varied between 10 and 15 g L-1. The results in this part of the research showed that nitrification did not occur when the activated sludge concentration was 10 g L-1 and that nitrification started when the activated sludge concentration increased. The research shows the connection between biomass concentration and nitrification degree in the MBR


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    Industrijske pralnice so veliki porabniki sveže vode in pralnih sredstev, zaradi česar se čiščenju odpadnih vod namenja veliko pozornosti z ekološkega in ekonomskega vidika. Veljavna zakonodaja in visoki stroški okoljskih dajatev za onesnaženje voda, prisilijo industrijske pralnice k zmanjševanju količine odpadnih voda. V dosedanjih raziskavah je bilo ugotovljeno, da so odpadne vode iz pralnic zelo onesnažene, zaradi česar so potrebne različne metode čiščenja odpadnih vod, ki pa so precej drage. Zato je nujno potrebno zmanjšati onesnaženje odpadne vode z uporabo okolju prijaznejših pralnih in razkuževalnih sredstev, optimizirati postopke pranja in nato uvesti primerno metodo čiščenja s katero zmanjšamo količino odpadne vode. V okviru doktorske disertacije smo uvedli nov, okolju prijazen kemijsko-termični postopek pranja bolnišničnih tekstilij, ki poteka pri nižji temperaturi pranja. Pri pranju smo uporabili novo, ekološko primernejšo pralno sredstvo ter kombinirano belilno, razkuževalno in nevtralizacijsko sredstvo na osnovi perocetne kisline, vodikovega peroksida in ocetne kisline. Z uporabo takšnega razkuževalnega sredstva smo lahko znižali temperaturo pranja iz 90 °C na 40 °C in tako znižali porabo električne energije. Istočasno smo preskušali tudi dezinfekcijski učinek postopka pranja, ki ga pralnice bolnišničnega perila morajo zagotavljati, kakor tudi negativne učinke postopkov pranja na življenjsko dobo perila. V nadaljevanju raziskve smo optimirali sistem za čiščenje in recikliranje odpadnih voda z uporabo membranskega bioreaktorja (MBR), ki se bo lahko prilagodil različnim vrstam odpadnih vod v pralnicah. Pri različnih obratovalnih pogojih reaktorja smo preučevali biorezgradljivost posameznih komponent v sintetični pralni odpadni vodi. Na podlagi rezultatov smo določili optimalne pogoje delovanja MBR, ki so bili osnova za čiščenje različno obremenjene pralne odpadne vode. Podali smo možnost ponovne uporabe prečiščene vode v postopku pranja (recikliranje), na podlagi katere bi pralnice zmanjšale količino odpadnih voda in porabo sveže vode. Rezultat izvedene študije prikazuje možnost uporabe nizko temperaturnega pranja, pri čemer je higiena samega postopka pranja še vedno zagotavlja, njegova uvedba pa ima tudi pomemben vpliv na okolje, saj se močno zmanjša poraba električne energije. V študiji predlagana uvedba čiščenja in recikliranja prečiščene vode, zniža poraba sveže vode, zaradi česar so materialni stroški pralnice znižani.Industrial laundries are large consumers of fresh water and detergent and that requires great attention, from ecological and economic point of view, to the wastewater treatment. The current legislation and the high environmental charges for water pollution, force the industrial laundries into reducing the quantity of wastewater. In previous studies it was found that the wastewaters from laundries are polluted heavily and that requires different methods of wastewater treatment, which are, however, quite expensive. It is therefore necessary to reduce wastewater pollution by using environmentally friendly detergents and disinfectant agents, to optimize the processes of washing, and then apply the appropriate cleaning method to reduce the amount of wastewater. In the dissertation we have introduced a new, environmentally friendly chemo-thermic process for the laundering of hospital linen, which operates at a lower wash temperature. In the washing process we used a new, ecologically suitable detergent and combined bleaching, disinfecting and neutralizing agent based on peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid. By using such a disinfecting product we were able to reduce the washing temperature from 90 ° C to 40 ° C, and because of that the consumption of electrical energy was lower. At the same time, we tested disinfection of the washing processes, which must be achieved by laundries which are washing hospital linen, as well as the negative effects of the washing procedures on the life span of the linen. In addition, we optimized the system for cleaning and recycling of the wastewaters by using a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR), which can be adapted to different types of laundering wastewater. At different operating conditions of the reactor, we studied the biodegradation of individual components in synthetic laundering wastewater. Based on the results we determined the optimal working conditions of the MBR, which were the basis for the treatment of various loaded wastewater from laundries. We represent the possibility for reuse of filtrate (recycling)in laundering process, based on which the laundries can reduce the quantity of wastewaters and fresh water consumption. The results of the study shows the possibility of using low-temperature washing, where the hygiene of the washing process itself is still guaranteed, but its introduction has a significant impact on the environment as it reduces energy consumption greatly. In this study the suggested technology for cleaning and recycling of purified water will reduce the consumption of fresh water and, therefore, decrease the material costs of laundry

    Reduktion des Eisebahnlärms durch die Anwendung von CHFC Material

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    Traffic is the most widespread source of environmental noise. Railway noise has become increasingly common in urban areas in the past few decades. Therefore environmental requirements for railway operations regarding noise are becoming very strict and will become even tighter in future. In the present paper we present actual track- based field test performed on Slovenian Railways. The significant noise reduction (up to 30dBA) was achieved by the application of CHFC material on the rail using CL-E1 top anti noise system.Der Verkehr ist die am weitesten verbreitete Quelle von Umgebungslärm. Eisenbahnlärm nahm in den letzten Jahrzehnten in städtischen Gebieten immer mehr zu. Aus diesem Grund wurden die Umweltanforderungen für den Bahnverkehr bezüglich des Lärms immer strenger und werden in der Zukunft noch höher. In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellen wir den tatsächlichen Track-basierten Feldversuch auf der Slowenischen Bahn dar. Die deutliche Lärmreduzierung (bis 30 dBA)wurde durch die Anwendung von CHFC-Material auf der Schiene mithilfe des Cl-E1 Antirauschsystems erreicht