1,359 research outputs found

    Navigating through unchartered waters : impact of 'Brexit' on the European Unio's foreign and security policy : who loses and who wins?

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    Este artigo avalia as possĂ­veis consequĂȘncias do ‘Brexit’ no domĂ­nio da polĂ­tica externa, segurança e defesa da UniĂŁo Europeia (UE). Este exercĂ­cio prospetivo centra-se em quatro temas principais: as polĂ­ticas externas do Reino Unido (RU) e da UE; as relaçÔes do RU com os Estados Unidos; os futuros desenvolvimentos na PolĂ­tica Comum de Segurança e Defesa; e o novo equilĂ­brio de poder no seio da UE. Pelo menos por agora, o resultado do divĂłrcio serĂĄ de soma negativa. Apesar das consequĂȘncias da partida do RU serem no domĂ­nio dos assuntos exteriores e da segurança relativamente marginais, quando comparadas com outros domĂ­nios das relaçÔes UE-RU, nomeadamente as de natureza econĂłmica e financeira, Ă© fundamental tentar antecipar os possĂ­veis efeitos, em particular os de longo prazo resultantes da nova correlação de forças no seio da UniĂŁo criada pelo ‘Brexit’, os quais sĂŁo neste momento difĂ­ceis de avaliar na sua plenitude.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Privatization and Economic Strategy in Mozambique

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    Sub-Saharan Africa, Mozambique, Conflict, Economic reform

    A nova estratégia americana para o Afeganistão e a manobra contra-subversiva $econtinuidade ou mudança?

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    Este artigo pretende analisar o impacto do designado Plano Obama, anunciado em 27 de Março de 2009, na manobra contra-subversiva adoptada pelas forças internacionais no AfeganistĂŁo. Procura-se reflectir sobre o que mudou na forma de fazer a guerra em resultado da implementação daquele Plano. SerĂĄ que a nova estratĂ©gia introduziu alteraçÔes no paradigma do combate contra-subversivo resultando numa abordagem mais sofi sticada de fazer a guerra? No domĂ­nio conceptual, dedica-se especial atenção ao esclarecimento das diferenças entre a manobra socioeconĂłmica e o conceito de reconstrução e desenvolvimento, identificando aquilo que os separa e as consequĂȘncias prĂĄticas de interpretaçÔes erradas daqueles conceitos. TambĂ©m se analisam os resultados que a presente arquitectura organizacional teve na forma de relacionamento entre as diferentes organizaçÔes internacionais presentes no paĂ­s. No que respeita Ă  manobra polĂ­tica, abordaremos os aspectos relacionados com os modos de actuação, as soluçÔes polĂ­ticas e os modos de as atingir. Finalmente, analisaremos a Manobra Militar e os aspectos da Manobra PsicolĂłgica associados Ă s questĂ”es das ComunicaçÔes EstratĂ©gicas

    Afghanistan and the battle for the control of public perceptions: understanding the insurgents "strategic communications" campaign

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    O autor pretende contra‑argumentar relativamente a alguma da opiniĂŁo pĂșblica formada que defende que os insurrectos afegĂŁos nĂŁo possuem uma abordagem sistĂ©mica Ă s actividades de informação, ao advogar que a estrutura e estratĂ©gia da insurreição revelam um adversĂĄrio plenamente empenhado no planeamento estratĂ©gico e na coordenação de actividades em todos os domĂ­nios, em particular no plano da comunicação estratĂ©gica a qual tem um papel central em todas as fases das suas operaçÔes. Os insurrectos planeiam de forma activa e deliberada as suas acçÔes de combate em apoio da sua campanha mais abrangente de forma a afectar o domĂ­nio cognitivo da audiĂȘncia‑alvo. Ao fazĂȘ‑lo, criaram um sofisticado aparelho destinado a ganhar a batalha da influĂȘncia e controlo das percepçÔes da opiniĂŁo pĂșblica afegĂŁ, muçulmana e mundial sobre o desenvolvimento da guerra, atravĂ©s da articulação da sua narrativa com base em temas e mensagens cuidadosamente seleccionados

    O conceito estratégico e o modelo policial

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    Foram recentemente apresentadas as Grandes OpçÔes do Conceito EstratĂ©gico de Defesa Nacional (GOCEDN) e aprovado o Conceito EstratĂ©gico de Defesa Nacional (CEDN). Daqueles documentos, destacam-se dois aspetos: o de uma “visĂŁo global e integrada da segurança e defesa” e o da opção, por um “modelo de dupla componente policial”. Quanto ao primeiro e por muito boas intençÔes que existam, persiste um entrave incontornĂĄvel Ă  adoção de um conceito abrangente e integrador de Segurança Nacional – o texto constitucional. JĂĄ o segundo, relativo Ă  opção pelo modelo dual, dado o estado da arte do atual sistema policial portuguĂȘs, qualquer alteração teria que passar por dois planos, o da diferenciação entre a GNR e a PSP, e o da distribuição das atuais atribuiçÔes e competĂȘncias dos serviços de segurança por aquelas duas forças

    The economic performance of clustered and non clustered firms along the different phases of the cluster life cycle : the portuguese cork industry case

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    This paper is about the relative economic performance of clustered and non-clustered companies in the different phases of the cluster life cycle. It starts with the explanation of a puzzling localization behaviour, namely that most of the Portuguese cork manufacturing firms are concentrated in Santa Maria da Feira, a small county in the north of the country, whereas the bulk of the cork is produced in the south (Alentejo and Ribatejo). The historical roots and past and path dependence of the trajectory of this cluster are examined, as well as the identification of its life cycle phases. A comparative analysis of the economic performance of firms localized in Santa Maria da Feira and in other regions of the country is then made, using labour productivity data for a long time span of several decades. This exercise is a quantitative illustration of the crucial importance of history for the understanding of cluster dynamics, as well as many other (evolutionary) economic phenomena

    O mar no espaço da CPLP

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    Nesta introdução estabelecemos os contornos do debate em torno do papel desempenhado pelos Estados‑membros da CPLP nos espaços geo‑estra‑ tĂ©gicos em que se inserem. Numa primeira parte, procedemos Ă  definição de problemĂĄtica para numa segunda parte, apresentarmos uma recensĂŁo crĂ­tica dos artigos temĂĄticos seleccionados que constituem este nĂșmero da Nação e Defes

    Application of eurocodes 0 and 1 - comparison with sia 260 and 261 swiss standards

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    The structural safety is one of the most important issues in construction. In order to ensure this safety there is a need to provide the appropriate carrying capacity to the structure. One of the initial stages of the design process is the quantification and combination of the different actions. Eurocodes 0 and 1 (EN 1990, EN 1991) are concerned by defining the basis of structural design and the actions that should normally be considered in the design of buildings and civil engineering works such as imposed load, wind and snow loads, and have brought a consistency of methodologies for structural design across European Union. Switzerland is one of the few countries in Europe which is not included in European Union, and that continues to follow internal standards, the SIA - Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects. Current investigation involved the comparative study of the requirements for safety and serviceability limit states, load combination format, and partial safety factors as well as the main actions to be considered for the structural design and verification. Both codes of practice are analyzed and compared for the different actions. An automatic calculation computer program was also developed during this study in order to estimate the values of the different actions. Finally, a real building was modelled so as to validate the above mentioned program and to analyze the main differences between European and Swiss codes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Water vapor pressure deficit in Portugal and implications for the development of the invasive African citrus psyllid trioza erytreae

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    African citrus psyllid (Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio)) is a vector insect of the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter africanus, the putative causal agent of Huanglongbing, the most devastating citrus disease in the world. The insect was found on the island of Madeira in 1994 and in mainland Portugal in 2015. Present in the north and center of the country, it is a threat to Algarve, the main citrus-producing region. Trioza erytreae eggs and first instar nymphs are sensitive to the combination of high temperatures and low relative humidity. Daily maximum air temperature and minimum relative humidity data from 18 weather stations were used to calculate the water vapor pressure deficit (vpd) from 2004 to 2018 at various locations. Based on the mean vpd and the number of unfavorable days (vpd < 34.5 and vpd < 56 mbar) of two time periods (February to May and June to September), less favorable zones for T. erytreae were identified. The zones with thermal and water conditions like those observed in the Castelo Branco and Portalegre (Center), Beja (Alentejo), Alte, and Norinha (Algarve) stations showed climatic restrictions to the development of eggs and first instar nymphs of African citrus psyllid. Effective control measures, such as the introduction and mass release of Tamarixia dryi (Waterson), a specific parasitoid, and chemical control are necessary in favorable periods for T. erytreae development, such as in spring and in areas with limited or no climate restrictions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of the invasive argentine ant in citrus agroecosystems: effects on the diversity and frequency of native ant species foraging on tree canopy

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    The invasion of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) can alter the entire ecosystem with serious impacts on the native community structure (e.g., ant diversity) and processes (e.g., trophic interactions) leading to biodiversity loss and pest outbreaks. Most studies addressing these impacts have been conducted in natural or semi-natural areas, few are those conducted in agricultural ecosystems, such as citrus orchards. These are dominant agricultural ecosystems in Mediterranean landscapes. Furthermore, most studies have been conducted in a short span, not evidencing seasonal fluctuations. In this work, we assessed the ecological impact of the Argentine ant on the native ant communities in citrus orchards, in the region of Algarve, southern Portugal. By using principal response curve, we compared seasonal variation on ant assemblages in invaded and uninvaded citrus orchards foraging on tree canopy from a two-year sampling. The Argentine ant had a marked negative impact on the native ant community foraging on citrus canopy. In the uninvaded orchards, the native ant community had a rich assemblage composed of 16 ant species, in its majority (72%) controlled by the dominant species Lasius grandis Forel, Tapinoma nigerrimum (Nylander) and/or Pheidole pallidula (Nylander). In the invaded orchards, the native ant community was poorer and highly modified, mostly dominated by the Argentine ant (80%). Apparently, the only native ant species not a ected by the presence of the Argentine ant was Plagiolepis pygmaea (Latreille). A significant negative e ect was found between the proportion of infested trees by L. humile and the number of native ant species per orchard. Di erences in the native ant community in the invaded and uninvaded orchards persisted over seasons and years. However, negative impacts were higher in the spring and summer, and less pronounced in the autumn. We discuss implications for citrus pest managementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
