282 research outputs found

    Seasonal response of benthic foraminifera to anthropogenic pressure in two stations of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea, Italy): the marine protected area of Miramare versus the Servola water sewage outfall

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    A seasonal survey of living benthic foraminifera was performed in 2013 in the Gulf of Trieste (N Adriatic Sea) to compare two marine coastal sites with different degrees of anthropogenic influence. An assessment of ecological quality statuses showed that the station located near the end of an urban pipeline (Ser station), has worse ecological conditions than the site located in a protected marine area (Res station) all year around. Stressed conditions at Ser station were mainly related to high contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and Zn in the bioavailable fraction, which were a limiting factor for the studied foraminiferal communities. Ammonia tepida, Bolivina spp., and Bulimina spp., which characterised this station, were the most tolerant taxa of the studied assemblage. Conversely, Elphidium spp., H. depressula, N. iridea, Quiqueloculina spp., R. nana and Textularia spp., could be considered less tolerant species as they benefitted from the less stressful conditions recorded at Res station, despite slightly higher concentrations of some potentially toxic elements (PTEs), especially Pb, being recorded in this station in comparison to Ser station. Furthermore, foraminiferal assemblages were found to be quite resilient over an annual cycle, being able to recover from a seasonal unbalanced state to a mature one. The beginning of spring and latest summer would be the best period to assess the ecological quality status to avoid any under- or overestimation of the health of the environment

    Interacting dark matter contribution to the Galactic 511 keV gamma ray emission: constraining the morphology with INTEGRAL/SPI observations

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    We compare the full-sky morphology of the 511 keV gamma ray excess measured by the INTEGRAL/SPI experiment to predictions of models based on dark matter (DM) scatterings that produce low-energy positrons: either MeV-scale DM that annihilates directly into e+e- pairs, or heavy DM that inelastically scatters into an excited state (XDM) followed by decay into e+e- and the ground state.By direct comparison to the data, we find that such explanations are consistent with dark matter halo profiles predicted by numerical many-body simulations for a Milky Way-like galaxy. Our results favor an Einasto profile over the cuspier NFW distribution and exclude decaying dark matter scenarios whose predicted spatial distribution is too broad. We obtain a good fit to the shape of the signal using six fewer degrees of freedom than previous empirical fits to the 511 keV data. We find that the ratio of flux at Earth from the galactic bulge to that of the disk is between 1.9 and 2.4, taking into account that 73% of the disk contribution may be attributed to the beta decay of radioactive 26Al.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Includes minor corrections, and a discussion of threshold energies in XDM models. Published in JCA

    Binocular field configuration in owls:the role of foraging ecology

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    The binocular field of vision differs widely in birds depending on ecological traits such as foraging. Owls (Strigiformes) have been considered to have a unique binocular field, but whether it is related to foraging has remained unknown. While taking into account allometry and phylogeny, we hypothesized that both daily activity cycle and diet determine the size and shape of the binocular field in owls. Here, we compared the binocular field configuration of 23 species of owls. While we found no effect of allometry and phylogeny, ecological traits strongly influence the binocular field shape and size. Binocular field shape of owls significantly differed from that of diurnal raptors. Among owls, binocular field shape was relatively conserved, but binocular field size differed among species depending on ecological traits, with larger binocular fields in species living in dense habitat and foraging on invertebrates. Our results suggest that (i) binocular field shape is associated with the time of foraging in the daily cycle (owls versus diurnal raptors) and (ii) that binocular field size differs between closely related owl species even though the general shape is conserved, possibly because the field of view is partially restricted by feathers, in a trade-off with auditory localization

    Scaling property and peculiar velocity of global monopoles

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    We investigate the scaling property of global monopoles in the expanding universe. By directly solving the equations of motion for scalar fields, we follow the time development of the number density of global monopoles in the radiation dominated (RD) universe and the matter dominated (MD) universe. It is confirmed that the global monopole network relaxes into the scaling regime and the number per hubble volume is a constant irrespective of the cosmic time. The number density n(t)n(t) of global monopoles is given by n(t)(0.43±0.07)/t3n(t) \simeq (0.43\pm0.07) / t^{3} during the RD era and n(t)(0.25±0.05)/t3n(t) \simeq (0.25\pm0.05) / t^{3} during the MD era. We also examine the peculiar velocity vv of global monopoles. For this purpose, we establish a method to measure the peculiar velocity by use of only the local quantities of the scalar fields. It is found that v(1.0±0.3)v \sim (1.0 \pm 0.3) during the RD era and v(0.8±0.3)v \sim (0.8 \pm 0.3) during the MD era. By use of it, a more accurate analytic estimate for the number density of global monopoles is obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Production of topological defects at the end of inflation

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    Hybrid inflation within supersymmetric grand unified theories, as well as inflation through brane collisions within braneworld cosmological models, lead to the formation of one-dimensional defects. Observational data, mainly from the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies but also from the gravitational wave background, impose constraints on the free parameters of the models. I review these inflationary models and discuss the constraints from the currently available data.Comment: 9 pages, Invited talk in the Conference "Challenges in Particle Astrophysics" -- 6th Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi (Vietnam) 6-12 Aug. 200

    Activation of TRPV2 and BKCa channels by the LL-37 enantiomers stimulates calcium entry and migration of cancer cells.

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    International audienceExpression of the antimicrobial peptide hCAP18/LL-37 is associated to malignancy in various cancer forms, stimulating cell migration and metastasis. We report that LL-37 induces migration of three cancer cell lines by activating the TRPV2 calcium-permeable channel and recruiting it to pseudopodia through activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway. Ca2+ entry through TRPV2 cooperated with a K+ efflux through the BKCa channel. In a panel of human breast tumors, the expression of TRPV2 and LL-37 was found to be positively correlated. The D-enantiomer of LL-37 showed identical effects as the L-peptide, suggesting that no binding to a specific receptor was involved. LL-37 attached to caveolae and pseudopodia membranes and decreased membrane fluidity, suggesting that a modification of the physical properties of the lipid membrane bilayer was the underlying mechanism of its effects

    History of the introduction of a species resembling the benthic foraminifera Nonionella stella in the Oslofjord (Norway): morphological, molecular and paleo-ecological evidences

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    Specimens resembling the benthic foraminifera Nonionella stella (Cushman and Moyer, 1930), a morphospecies originally described from the San Pedro Basin, California, USA, were observed for the first time in the Oslofjord (Norway) in 2012. This study investigates the Oslofjord Nonionella population in order to confirm its non-indigenous species (NIS) status and assess its introduction time. Morphological characterisation based on SEM imaging complemented by molecular identification using small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequencing and assessment of the recent past record (sediment core), were performed on material collected in the Oslofjord in 2016. Examination of the dead fauna showed that specimens resembling N. stella only appeared recently in the Oslofjord, confirming the NIS status of this population. Moreover, DNA results indicate that the Oslofjord specimens differ genetically from N. stella sampled in the Santa Barbara Basin (California USA). Hence, we propose to use the name Nonionella sp. T1 for the specimens sampled in the Oslofjord for the time being. In the southern part of the Skagerrak, specimens morphologically similar to Nonionella sp. T1 were reported as NIS in the Gullmar fjord (Sweden) in 2011 and in the Skagerrak in 2015. Molecular data indicate that the two populations from Gullmar- and Oslofjords are identical, based on their SSU rDNA sequences. In addition, analyses of foraminiferal dead assemblages suggest that the population from the Gullmar fjord settled prior to the Oslofjord population, i.e. ~ 1985 and about 2010, respectively. This implies that Nonionella sp. T1 may have been transported from Sweden to Norway by northward coastal currents.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Searching for Long Strings in CMB Maps

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    Using analytical methods and Monte Carlo simulations, we analyze new statistics designed to detect isolated step-like discontinuities which are coherent over large areas of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) pixel maps. Such coherent temperature discontinuities are predicted by the Kaiser-Stebbins effect to form due to long cosmic strings present in our present horizon. The background of the coherent step-like seed is assumed to be a scale invariant Gaussian random field which could have been produced by a superposition of seeds on smaller scales and/or by inflationary quantum fluctuations. We find that the proposed statistics can detect the presense of a coherent discontinuity at a sensitivity level almost an order of magnitude better compared to more conventional statistics like the skewness or the kurtosis.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures, Use RevTe

    How generic is cosmic string formation in SUSY GUTs

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    We study cosmic string formation within supersymmetric grand unified theories. We consider gauge groups having a rank between 4 and 8. We examine all possible spontaneous symmetry breaking patterns from the GUT down to the standard model gauge group. Assuming standard hybrid inflation, we select all the models which can solve the GUT monopole problem, lead to baryogenesis after inflation and are consistent with proton lifetime measurements. We conclude that in all acceptable spontaneous symmetry breaking schemes, cosmic string formation is unavoidable. The strings which form at the end of inflation have a mass which is proportional to the inflationary scale. Sometimes, a second network of strings form at a lower scale. Models based on gauge groups which have rank greater than 6 can lead to more than one inflationary era; they all end by cosmic string formation.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, submitted to PR