17 research outputs found

    The Energy of Regular Black Hole in General Relativity Coupled to Nonlinear Electrodynamics

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    According to the Einstein, Weinberg, and M{\o}ller energy-momentum complexes, we evaluate the energy distribution of the singularity-free solution of the Einstein field equations coupled to a suitable nonlinear electrodynamics suggested by Ay\'{o}n-Beato and Garc\'{i}a. The results show that the energy associated with the definitions of Einstein and Weinberg are the same, but M{\o}ller not. Using the power series expansion, we find out that the first two terms in the expression are the same as the energy distributions of the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m solution, and the third term could be used to survey the factualness between numerous solutions of the Einstein field eqautions coupled to a nonlinear electrodynamics.Comment: 11 page

    Value of hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs [ASPs]:a systematic review

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    Abstract Background Hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) aim to promote judicious use of antimicrobials to combat antimicrobial resistance. For ASPs to be developed, adopted, and implemented, an economic value assessment is essential. Few studies demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of ASPs. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the economic and clinical impact of ASPs. Methods An update to the Dik et al. systematic review (2000–2014) was conducted on EMBASE and Medline using PRISMA guidelines. The updated search was limited to primary research studies in English (30 September 2014–31 December 2017) that evaluated patient and/or economic outcomes after implementation of hospital ASPs including length of stay (LOS), antimicrobial use, and total (including operational and implementation) costs. Results One hundred forty-six studies meeting inclusion criteria were included. The majority of these studies were conducted within the last 5 years in North America (49%), Europe (25%), and Asia (14%), with few studies conducted in Africa (3%), South America (3%), and Australia (3%). Most studies were conducted in hospitals with 500–1000 beds and evaluated LOS and change in antibiotic expenditure, the majority of which showed a decrease in LOS (85%) and antibiotic expenditure (92%). The mean cost-savings varied by hospital size and region after implementation of ASPs. Average cost savings in US studies were 732perpatient(range:732 per patient (range: 2.50 to $2640), with similar trends exhibited in European studies. The key driver of cost savings was from reduction in LOS. Savings were higher among hospitals with comprehensive ASPs which included therapy review and antibiotic restrictions. Conclusions Our data indicates that hospital ASPs have significant value with beneficial clinical and economic impacts. More robust published data is required in terms of implementation, LOS, and overall costs so that decision-makers can make a stronger case for investing in ASPs, considering competing priorities. Such data on ASPs in lower- and middle-income countries is limited and requires urgent attention

    Migration, Geburtendefizit und Alterung in Deutschland - Entwicklung und Problematik aus demographischer Sicht

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    Birg H. Migration, Geburtendefizit und Alterung in Deutschland - Entwicklung und Problematik aus demographischer Sicht. In: David M, Borde T, Kentenich H, eds. Migration, Frauen, Gesundheit: Perspektiven im europäischen Kontext. Frankfurt /M.: Mabuse-Verlag; 2000: 187-196

    Theoretical approaches to laser spectroscopy in the presence of gravitational fields

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    We present a general framework in which non-linear optical phenomena for an ensemble of accelerated atoms can be studied. We show the equivalence of various approaches through frame transformations. This equivalence is understood within the context of a covariant formalism which is briefly sketched. The choice of the frame, in which the atoms are not accelerated but where the light spectrum and the atomic source term are correspondingly modified, leads to the simplest calculation. It enables one to use the usual density matrix diagrams and associated rules. Explicit examples are given in the case of a sinusoidal gravitational wave. Finally a brief discussion of the signal-to-noise ratio of the sidebands induced by gravitational waves on saturation resonances is outlined.Nous présentons un cadre théorique général pour l'étude des processus d'optique non-linéaire relatifs à un ensemble d'atomes accélérés. Nous montrons l'équivalence de différentes approches grâce à des changements de système de référence. Cette équivalence est manifeste dans le cadre d'un formalisme covariant qui est brièvement exposé. Le choix du système de référence dans lequel les atomes ne sont pas accélérés, mais où le contenu spectral de la lumière et le terme de pompage atomique sont modifiés en conséquence, conduit aux calculs les plus simples. Ce choix permet l'utilisation des diagrammes de matrice densité habituels ainsi que des règles diagrammatiques associées. Des exemples sont explicitement calculés dans le cas d'une onde de gravitation sinusoidale. Finalement, on présente une brève discussion du rapport signal sur bruit des raies latérales induites par les ondes de gravitation sur les résonances de saturation

    Localization of energy for a regular black hole solution in an asymptotically de Sitter spacetime geometry

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    The energy and momentum distributions of a regular black hole in a four-dimensional, asymptotically de Sitter spacetime geometry are computed, whereby the Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Weinberg and Moller energy-momentum complexes are utilized. It is found, for all prescriptions applied, that the momentum distribution vanishes, while the energy distribution depends on the mass parameter M, the electric charge Q, and the cosmological constant Lambda. In addition, various limiting cases are discussed