4 research outputs found

    Characterization of mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes based on physio-chemical quality attributes

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    Evaluation of fruit crops has been successfully utilized for studying the performance of varieties under different agro climatic regions time to time. In the present study cultivars were characterized on the basis of their physico-biochemical attributes. “Mallika” and “Neelgoa” were found superior in terms of fruit weight (321.87 g), size (12.55 cm, 8.13 cm), pulp weight (257.91 g) and pulp stone ratio (7.71) respectively. “Mallika” excelled in terms of sugar (20.82), while “Amrapali” in carotenoids (8.38 mg/100 g). Among them, Mallika (22.41?B) possessed the high-est amount of total soluble solids while lowest amount in Langra (16.90 ?B) whereas maximum titrable. The study shows the potential of Amrapali in terms of its quality, being late can meet the demand for later period when no other cultivar is available

    Influence of pre-harvest application of gibberellin and brassinosteroid on fruit growth and quality characteristics of pear (Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.) Nakai) cv. Gola

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    Quality of fruit crop is an important parameter to decide the acceptability of the product. The present study consists of seventeen year old pear (Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.) Nakai) trees subjected to seven treatments viz., GA3 (50 ppm,100 ppm), BR (0.5 ppm, 1.0 ppm), and GA3 + BR (50 ppm + 0.5 ppm and 100 ppm + 1 ppm) and water as control, sprayed thrice at 15 days intervals starting from petal fall stage. Each treatment was replicated thrice with one tree served as a treatment unit. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design. The fruits treated with GA3 @ 50 ppm (T1) showed the highest fruit length (6.98 cm), breadth (6.81 cm), weight (175.9 g) and volume (171.16 cc). An improvement in terms of fruit quality was observed either alone or in combined application of GA3 and BR. The application of BR @ 1 ppm (T4) recorded the highest TSS (12.91°Brix) and lowest titrable acidity (0.42%) while the highest ascorbic acid content (6.95 mg / 100 g) and non reducing sugar (0.44%) was estimated under GA3 @ 100 ppm + BR @ 1 ppm (T6). Total sugar (7.88%) and reducing sugar (7.45%) was observed highest in GA3 @ 50 ppm + BR @ 0.5 ppm (T5). Based on this research combined application of GA3 + BR had a positive effect and therefore can be recommended for spray on pear in order to obtain higher yield and better quality

    Morphological and microsatellite marker based polymorphic assessment of genetic diversity and relationship of mango (<em>Mangifera indica</em> L.)

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    91-100Genetic diversity of 19 genotypes of mango was characterized both by morphological and 20 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Characterization of mango genotypes based on morphological and molecular basis is a better approach for designing breeding projects. On the basis of the present findings it was observed that “Sabri” and “Amrapali” showed dwarf stature, while “Swarna Jahangir” was found to be vigorous in its growth. The unweighted pair group method of arithematic- average (UPGMA) dendrogram based on genetic distance segregated the 19 mango genotypes into two main clusters. The polymorphic information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.38 to 0.81. Jaccard’s similarity coefficient values ranged from 0.15 to 0.79 with polymorphism of 77.5 per cent. Three unique fingerprints were identified in three genotypes which can help in varietal identification. A total of 49 loci (42 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic) were detected with amplified size range of 110 to 359 bp. The maximum numbers of loci (i.e. 5) were detected by the primer MiSHRS-48. Out of 20 SSR primers, 18 were polymorphic. Pusa Surya was found to be the most diverse genotype both morphologically and genetically. The similarity for Pusa Surya was 15 per cent with remaining Indian genotypes. The significant variation exists among the genotypes based on morphological and biochemical characters but with the use of SSR markers, assessment of the genetic diversity can help us to plan a future breeding programme using the diverse parent