510 research outputs found

    Carbon Dioxide Flooding Induced Geochemical Changes in a Saline Carbonate Aquifer

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been injected into depleted oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery for several decades. Injection of CO2 into geologic formations in the Williston Basin is currently under consideration for long-term CO2 storage to reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The Madison Group in the North Dakota Williston Basin provides the greatest potential for geologic sequestration in either deep saline aquifers or depleted oil reservoirs. Little is known about the geochemical reactions that take place when supercritical carbon dioxide is injected into deep saline aquifers at geologic conditions similar to those found in potential sequestration units of the Madison Group. Previous studies have shown the injection of carbon dioxide into a saline aquifer makes the formation water slightly acidic, which reacts with the host rock to dissolve carbonate minerals. Dissolution of carbonate minerals may compromise the integrity of the formation, leading to the eventual escape of CO2 to the surface. In order for CO2 sequestration to be effective, CO2 must remain below the surface indefinitely. Studies of the properties of carbon dioxide indicate that CO2 is less soluble with increasing salinity, resulting in less carbonate dissolution. Formation waters in Madison Group aquifers range in salinity from 1,000 ppm to greater than 300,000 ppm total dissolved solids. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is the primary salt of the formation waters of the Madison Group. Water-alternating-gas (WAG) flooding experiments were conducted on limestone rock cores using a core flooding system that simulates the CO2 injection process at subsurface conditions. Deionized (DI) water and three different concentrations of NaCl solutions, 1,000 ppm, 10,000 ppm and 100,000 ppm were used to represent salinities found in the formation waters in the Madison Group in the Williston Basin. Effluent water was collected for analysis of pH, specific conductance, sodium, calcium, iron, chloride, alkalinity and total dissolved solids. The presence of calcium, and to a lesser extent, alkalinity and decreased pH and in the effluent samples, indicate limestone dissolution took place throughout the flooding experiments at all water flood concentrations. Calcium and alkalinity concentrations were highest during the 100,000 ppm flooding and lowest during the deionized water flooding, indicating CO2 is more soluble with increasing salinities at geologic conditions found in the aquifers of the Madison Group in the North Dakota Williston Basin than was previously reported

    How can universities increase Green Open Access? Article deposit rates soar after direct solicitation from library.

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    Universities have struggled to increase article deposit rates for their institutional repositories. Regardless of citation benefits and top-down mandates, getting faculty to adjust publishing workflows does not happen overnight. At their institution, Michael Boock and Hui Zhang found that direct solicitation of author manuscripts has been the most effective method of reaching a higher deposit rate

    Negócio Embrapa Gado de Corte: conhecimento, tecnologia, serviços.

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    Estádio da Pecuária de Corte. O agronegócio da bovinocultura de corte. A cadeia produtiva da bovinocultura de corte. A embrapa e o agronegócio da bovinocultura de corte. Demandas da cadeia da bovinocultura de corte. A Embrapa Gado de Corte. Quadro de oportunidades. Tecnologias e serviços disponíveis e potenciais.bitstream/item/136451/1/DOC-101.pd

    Getting Digitization Projects Done in a Medium-Sized Academic Library: a Collaborative Effort Between Technical Services, Systems, Special Collections, and Collection Development

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    Cleveland State University Library, a medium-sized academic library serving approximately 15,000 students, is engaged in large-scale efforts to digitize and make accessible online collections of unique Cleveland-related materials. The Cleveland State University Library Special Collections digitization and cataloging efforts use staff from several different library organizational units. The collaboration of staff with specific expertise in long-standing library functions -- special collections, cataloging, systems, archives, selection -- to create two Web databases is described. The collaborative effort has proven effective in getting resources processed, archived, digitized, described, promoted, and made accessible in a highly efficient and effective manner. The responsibilities of the different library units involved in the digitization project are described

    Zwischen Emanzipation und Romantik : Balladen im Repertoire von Frauen aus der deutschen Folk-Szene

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    Between Emancipation and Romanticism. Ballads in the Repertory of Women Active in the German Folk-Revival. - My paper deals with some aspects of the Folk-Revival in Germany in the nineteenseventies. Jürgen Dittmar and David Engle said something concerning ballad singing in the German folk-scene of that time during the meeting in Edinburgh. I wanted to take a closer look at the role of women in some of the groups active in the folk-revival (Elster Silberflug, Fiedel Michel, Folkländer, Holzrädchen, Tonschusser, Wacholder,). I tried to show who made the decision concerning the repertories and which topics were preferred by women

    Zwischen Emanzipation und Romantik : Balladen im Repertoire von Frauen aus der deutschen Folk-Szene

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    Between Emancipation and Romanticism. Ballads in the Repertory of Women Active in the German Folk-Revival. - My paper deals with some aspects of the Folk-Revival in Germany in the nineteenseventies. Jürgen Dittmar and David Engle said something concerning ballad singing in the German folk-scene of that time during the meeting in Edinburgh. I wanted to take a closer look at the role of women in some of the groups active in the folk-revival (Elster Silberflug, Fiedel Michel, Folkländer, Holzrädchen, Tonschusser, Wacholder,). I tried to show who made the decision concerning the repertories and which topics were preferred by women

    A Collaborative Workflow for the Digitization of Unique Materials

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    This paper examines the experience of one institution, the University of Maryland Libraries, as it made organizational efforts to harness existing workflows and to capture digitization done in the course of responding to patron requests. By examining the way this organization adjusted its existing workflows to put in place more systematic methods for digital capture of unique collections, the authors hope to provide insight into the benefits and pitfalls of one model for scaling up digitization