161 research outputs found

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    Evaluation of Gender-Related Digital Violence Training in Catalonia

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    This study examines the results of evaluating a Catalan training program for practitioners working with survivors of gender-related violence. Considering the lack of scientific evidence previously shown by studies on this topic, this article aimed to triangulate the participants’ self-perception with their assessment of knowledge and competencies in tackling digital gender-related violence before and after the training. To do so, a pre-test and post-test case-based design was employed to identify and measure the participants’ improvement in self-perceived knowledge and their effective gain in knowledge and skills to address this kind of violence. Considering the contributions of a feminist evaluation approach, we also included in our evaluation the analysis of classroom interactions and the participants’ responses. The results overall demonstrate that the incorporation of assessment criteria from the feminist evaluation methodology increased the reliability of evaluation criteria. In addition, it also enabled us to identify the need to continue developing training programs that empower participants and prevent women and LGBTQI+ people from disengaging from digital spaces

    Analysis through smart meters of the effects of energy poverty in the consumption of households

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    Spain is Pioneer in implementing Smart meters in Europe, having spread them in almost all territory. Presumably, this allows to increase the knowledge in the energy consumption of households, providing information to contract the most suitable power and tariff and to adjust consumption habits. Consequently, Smart meters are said to be useful to mitigate energy poverty. As a result of this presumption, Barcelona’s pilot site in the H2020 EmpowerMed Project developed a tool for diagnosis and energy audits that, from data collected through Smart meters, provides recommendations and knowledge for future decisions. The study presents the common difficulties found to get access to remote data from commercial smart meters, focusing on the particularities that affect vulnerable collectives. Moreover, the study characterizes and compares the energy consumption of energy poverty affected and nonaffected households to contrast the stereotypes this collective is subjected to and to put in evidence that their consumption is lesser and that they generally contract a power and tariff more suitable to their reality than those of non-affected households.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::5 - Igualtat de GènereObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No ContaminantPostprint (published version

    Notas para una tipología de la cerámica talayótica mallorquina

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    SCHLAFEN 5 expression correlates with intestinal metaplasia that progresses to gastric cancer

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    Intestinal metaplasia (IM) is a gastric cancer precursor lesion (GCPL) and an extremely high risk factor for progression to gastric cancer (GC). Clinical guidelines recommend that patients with extensive IM undergo a gastroscopy every 3 years. However, protein biomarkers that indicate a transition from IM to GC are lacking. Our group recently identified an interferon-alpha (IFN alpha)-responsive gene, Schlafen 4 (Slfn4), in immune cells that correlates with metaplastic changes in Helicobacter-infected mice. We therefore tested the hypothesis that a human homolog of Slfn4, namely, Schlafen 5 (SLFN5), correlates with progression of GCPL to GC. Jurkat T-lymphoid and HL-60 myeloid cell lines were treated with IFN alpha, and SLFN5 mRNA was quantified by quantitative PCR. SLFN5 protein expression in the inflamed gastric mucosa was co-localized to specific immune cell types by immunohistochemistry using CD20, CD2, and MAC2 antibodies. SLFN5 expression was also determined by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples from individuals with non-atrophic gastritis, atrophic gastritis, complete IM, incomplete IM, and GC, respectively. The IFN alpha treatment of Jurkat and HL-60 cells induced SLFN5 mRNA. SLFN5 protein was expressed mainly by T lymphocytes in inflamed gastric mucosa. The highest level of SLFN5 expression was observed in patients with IM that progressed to GC. Receiver operating characteristic curves demonstrated that correlating SLFN5 expression with the histologic diagnosis of IM significantly increased the probability of identifying patients who may progress to GC. In this study population, elevated SLFN5 protein expression in patients with IM correlated with progression to GC

    Variáveis psicológicas associadas à cirurgia bariátrica

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar as variáveis psicológicas descritas na literatura como associadas ao paciente que se submete à cirurgia bariátrica. O método utilizado foi uma revisão integrativa, utilizando como materiais artigos publicados entre 2010 e 2015, em pesquisa realizada através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde – Psicologia Brasil (BVS – Psi-Brasil) e com as bases de dados: PePSIC, SciELO e LiLACS. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, a amostra foi constituída de 6 artigos que indicam que, após a realização da cirurgia bariátrica, houve diminuição da sintomatologia psiquiátrica (ansiedade, depressão e baixa autoestima), redução do uso de substâncias psicoativas e melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes obesos. Ressalta-se a importância de uma avaliação psicológica no pré-operatório, visto que desajustes emocionais comprometem a adesão ao tratamento e tal procedimento pode melhorar os processos para indicações à cirurgia, assim como reduzir as complicações no pós-operatório

    Resumen histórico de la docencia de posgrado en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos

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    La educación de posgrado constituye el nivel más elevado del Sistema de Educación y tiene como objetivo central o esencial la formación académica y la formación continua de los egresados universitarios durante su vida profesional. Este trabajo tiene como propósito recoger la historia de la enseñanza de posgrado en la provincia de Cienfuegos, desde sus inicios hasta la fecha, incluyendo las principales modalidades de enseñanza en la superación continuada de los profesionales de la salud en el territorio

    Resposta dels Serveis Socials de la Mancomunitat del Pla de Mallorca a les persones grans de la Mancomunitat del Pla

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    El present article efectua un recorregut al llarg de la Mancomunitat del Pla de Mallorca per tal de poder exposar les prestacions i els serveis que té a la seva disposició la nostra gent gran. Cal tenir en compte que la Mancomunitat del Pla de Mallorca és la zona més envellida de la nostra illa: aquesta realitat fa que a l’hora de planificar des dels Serveis Socials Comunitaris, es prioritzi el sector de la gent gran. El 2008 els Serveis Socials Comunitaris de la Mancomunitat del Pla de Mallorca varen implementar el sistema de dependència, la qual cosa ens ha permès realitzar unes reflexions per afrontar el futur amb uns serveis de qualitat i adaptats a la realitat d’una societat en permanent canvi. Aquest fet ha suposat un gran esforç per part de l’equip tècnic del Departament de Serveis Socials Comunitaris, ja que s’ha hagut de reestructurar de bell nou per adaptar-se a aquesta realitat, amb el convenciment de treballar per millorar i apropar els serveis a la ciutadania dels municipis del Pla de Mallorca.El presente artículo efectúa un recorrido a lo largo de la Mancomunitat Pla de Mallorca con el fin de poder exponer las prestaciones y servicios que están a disposición de nuestros mayores. Se tiene que tener en cuenta que la Mancomunitat Pla de Mallorca es la zona más envejecida de nuestra Isla, esta realidad hace que a la hora de planificar desde los servicios sociales comunitarios se priorice el sector de las personas mayores. En el 2008 los servicios sociales comunitarios de la Mancomunitat Pla de Mallorca implementaron el sistema de dependencia, lo cual nos ha permitido realizar unas reflexiones para encarar un futuro con unos servicios de calidad y adaptados a la realidad de una sociedad en permanente cambio. Este hecho ha supuesto un gran esfuerzo por parte del equipo técnico del departamento de servicios sociales comunitarios, ya que se ha tenido que reestructurar de nuevo para adaptarse a esta realidad, con el convencimient